
The Sentinel
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Wildclaw
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Personal Style


Spring's Breath
White Aviator Scarf
Gloomy Highnoon Brimmer
Midnight Sandwastes Sash
Swashbuckler's Seaspray Overcoat
Ferocious Leather Boots
Deadeye's Leggings
Teardrop Pearl Ring
Ferocious Leather Arm Guards
Simple Iron Wing Bangles



Scene: Frostbite Falls


6.82 m
9.1 m
690.56 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 28, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Wildclaw
Max Level



The Sentinel • Clumsy Big Bro
"Just like a herd of turtles."


Theme 1: The Awe-Inspiring Brave Figure
Theme 2: Spear of Justice (orchestrated)

Kind-hearted, open-handed, and blindingly obvious about his thoughts, Kantor came across the Rozenshatter Dreamers in search of a clan to call home. He came from a sizable family with his father being an ice clan representative to another clan and his mother a healer. He doesn't know much about his brothers, much to his regret.

His physical prowess and inability to keep still landed him his favorite duty yet: guarding the premises! The wildclaw was quick to learn the land and its inhabitants with his morning patrols, afternoon patrols, evening patrols, midnight patrols, and fun patrols; generally keeping people very safe. There have been times where he would be asked to be present for the settling of some nasty disputes too. It isn't all fun and games, despite what he seems to think.

Comically inept at keeping himself from knocking things over, he had accidentally destroyed the resident engineer's painstakingly hand-made model of Rozenshatter's future library of astrocartography.
"So sorry Ma'am, I didn't mean to be a such a bother. Oh dear, it's all caddywompus..." he said as he quickly spun around to face her. His tail moved across her desk so smoothly, so elegantly, that it looked like it was a purposeful flourish. His sputtering apology was drowned out by the din of her glass nick-nacks meeting their doom on the floor below.
The resulting yelps and whimpers from the sentinel made even the clan matriarch wince more than once. As a result of the loss of the library model, his latest job consists of accompanying the engineer out into the forest and over trade missions whenever the need arises. That is at least, until the library is built.

Likes: hatchlings, rabbits, apple pie, supper, history books, Idunn, their hatchies, Embla's cooking
Dislikes: busy work, staying still, Embla's wrath, onions
Hobbies: exploring, sparring, learning, rolling in the mud, playing with the hatchlings, reading, messing with Fen, teasing Idunn

Dawn. The restless minnows swarmed the waters in haphazard waves. In the very outskirts of the Crystalspine Reaches, on the border of the Starwood Strand, resided an abundance of cherries, moths, squirrels, and fish. Perhaps the magic that not-so-subtly emanates from the ground was partly to credit. Nevertheless, Kantor always had his sights on bigger, more dangerous prey.

Pacing silently, body hung low to the ground, his nostrils flared. During one of his routine patrols, he had not only seen unfamiliar footsteps in the territory of his land, but sensed a stench so strong, that only a noseless cretin would not take notice.

Another wildclaw.

His heart felt as if it were about to burst through his chest.

In our land!

Saliva dripped onto the dirt floor of the forest. Kantor knew the adrenaline that came hand-in-hand with the hunt all too well. His ears were flooded with the rush of his pulse, every color that his eyes could absorb grew more vibrant by the second, each minute detail of his surroundings assaulted him with an urgency that could only compare to being at Death's door. He lengthened his stride, following the faded scent trails and the unmistakable footsteps of a wildclaw. No, not a wildclaw, three intruding wildclaws. As instinct pumped through his veins, the dragon could feel his body heat steadily rise. The scent grew painfully strong.

Deeper into the Starwood Strand, he skidded to a stop, claws digging into the ground moist with morning dew. Directly ahead of him stood the enemy: one deep blue and taller than the rest; the other tiny two sported more muted colors.

"Here looks good, here the scent is faint..." The wildclaw settled down, chest heaving. "Come here," she whispered, stretching out her tattered wings to cover her young. "Shhh..."

The tip of Kantor's tail was practically vibrating in anticipation. These were not intruders, not by way of wanting. He took a deep breath and tried his level best to shake off his violent spirit. The caretaker of the two youngsters curled her wings around them as best she could with a slight wince. With tired eyes, she kept watch. Over the next several minutes, she had developed a pattern of scanning each gap between the trees that poured into the clearing.

He closed his eyes for a moment, brow furrowed. With a final sigh of resignation, he put a damper on his predatory instincts. Intruders or not, Kantor wasn't one to turn away a few feeble dragons here to recover. He would consider sharing his supper with them later...


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Oh No by imginate
It was rare that something of this scale happened.

Sure, Gaius liked to fight with Kantor. It was well known in the clan that they were friend-rivals — although how much of friends or rivals they were would depend on who you asked — and more often than not, their competitions could cause a few… mistakes.

But it was rare that a single competition could cause something like this.

“This” referred to a recently started — and now destroyed — project that Rozette had started a few days prior. Neither Kantor or Gaius knew what it was supposed to do, but Rozette had placed some importance on it, and if she found out that they had destroyed it when it seemed to be almost complete…

Gaius sighed, gazing at the destroyed and mangled bits of wood. Luckily, it wasn’t too bad… discounting the fact that they would have to rebuild the parts that they had destroyed before Rozette found out, of course.

“Well…” Kantor dragged out the word. “Whoops?”

“We will never talk about this,” Gaius said gravely. Kantor nodded frantically.

“Absolutely never. My lips are shut,” he made a ‘zipping’ motion across his mouth.

“Good,” Gaius turned back to the… damage, and even he couldn’t hold back a wince. “…will Idunn and Vyntolo come back soon?”

“Hopefully not,” Kantor shuddered. “Idunn told me that they might be gone for a while with Rozette, so if we hurry up, maybe they won’t…”

He didn’t need to finish that sentence. They both knew — intimately — what the price of their destruction was.

“Right,” Gaius muttered. He had to put aside their rivalry to fix this up, for the greater good of their continued lifespan and to avoid the anger of their mates. “You’re quicker at building, so you rebuild with what you have, and I’ll go gather back the wood needed to rebuild, since some of them are unusable.”

“Fair enough,” Kantor walked to the damaged area, picking up a piece of wood and looking it over. “Luckily the tools are still here… the wood’s from Starstained trees, by the way. I’d need at least 20 logs to fix everything up.”

Gaius hummed, already planning out the best route to do everything quickly,

“Let’s make a deal,” Kantor grinned at him. “If I can finish building this with all the parts I have before you come back with the new wood, I get to skip out on building the rest. If not, I have to continue building the rest.”

Gaius shot him an annoyed look. “Does it look like either of us has the time for that?”

“What, don’t tell me you’re not faster than me?” Kantor laughed, taunting him easily.

Gaius wasn’t originally going to make this a competition; the situation was far too grave and dangerous to even consider it. And yet, like always, as soon as Kantor turned it into a competition, it was natural that he would have to go along with it too.

“Fine,” Gaius smiled with teeth. “We’ll start… now.”

Then, without any further preamble, he turned and flew off to the southern parts of their clan, where the Starstained trees were located. He could hear the fading sound of Kantor’s shouts, and had to stifle his laughter at that.

Gaius was quick at doing his jobs on the good days, but when there was a competition at stake, you could almost see a mini tornado that was Gaius quickly chopping up enough logs before carrying all of them between his claws as he flew up and rushed back.

“Hah!” he exclaimed as soon as he landed, his excitement getting the better of him upon noticing how Kantor had just one bit left to fill. How unfortunate that Gaius had come back first, that was. “It seems like I’ve won!”

Kantor groaned. “Ah, I thought you were going to take longer!”

Gaius shrugged. “Well, your loss. Have fun rebuilding everything, I’ll be-”

“Wait, wait! Come on,” Kantor wheedled. “You know I’m not going to be able to finish this so quickly. Why don’t you just help me a bit?”

“You’re the one who made the bet in the first place,” Gaius scoffed, feeling a little smug inside. Though that smugness quickly dissipated when Kantor opened his mouth again.

“Y’know, we’re the best of friends, aren’t we?” Kantor smiled at him. “Which means we face all hardships together. That includes punishment… doesn’t it?”

Gaius took a deep breath in, knowing full well what Kantor was suggesting. “…next time we do a hunting competition, I’m automatically winning.” he’d take this chance to even out their score. It wasn’t like it was trickery anyway — Kantor had once gotten double the points due to another competition they had done, and this would technically make their scoring fair.


In the end, they both finished rebuilding it together. At the end of the day, Gaius begrudgingly waved goodbye to Kantor before the sentinel left, humming a cheerful tune as he did so.

He trudged back home. Dealing with Kantor all day had been exhausting, and all he wanted was to sleep and never see the other’s face again.

Still, the moment he opened the door and was greeted with his mate’s smiling face, he felt a sense of foreboding.

“Honey,” Vyntolo crooned, beckoning to him with a claw, making Gaius’ hackles raise. “I heard a delightful rumour from Cai today, do you know anything about it?”

Oh no.

Report from Cyto wrote:
Name: Kantor
Number: 33329688

Note: Currently, there are only three siblings to Kantor, therefore information was gathered from these three.

Primary Gene: Cherub, from Iridescent [Paternal = Iridescent(P) + Crystal(M)] + Cherub [Maternal = Iridescent(P) + Savannah(M)], with Cherub (from Unnamed), Cherub (from Unnamed), Cherub (from Unnamed).
Secondary Gene: Butterfly from Facet [Paternal = Shimmer(P) + Facet(M)] + Butterfly [Maternal = Shimmer(P) + Butterfly(M)], with Butterfly (from Unnamed), Facet (from Unnamed), Facet (from Unnamed).
Tertiary Gene: Underbelly, from Underbelly [Paternal = Underbelly(P) + Underbelly(M)] + Smoke [Maternal = Circuit(P) + Smoke(M)], with Underbelly (from Unnamed), Smoke (from Unnamed), Underbelly (from Unnamed).

Cherub, parented by iridescent and cherub, which was descended from iridescent and crystal paternally and iridescent and savannah maternally (meaning the mother has a mutation of cherub), represents change and love. The cherub gene is a result of a mutation that had come from iridescent (patience and wisdom) and savannah (caution and plainness), however, meaning that there is more background presence of patience and caution than there is a need to change or keep things moving. The crystal adds a sense of wealth, and thus well-being and large appetites. The repetition of the mutation of cherub amongst the siblings is cause for concern in terms of the dragons health and ability to get along with future hatchlings that do not show the cherub gene.

Butterfly, parented by facet and butterfly, which was descended from shimmer and facet paternally and shimmer and butterfly maternally, represents social and solo peace of mind. The dragon is well suited to social interaction and is able to handle itself in periods of social downtime. The ancestry of shimmer places a sense of royalty however, making the dragon appear regal and elegant to its peers with how it handles itself. The mix of butterfly and facet among siblings results confrontation however, as the dragon's siblings that posses facet tries to assert themselves above the others.

Underbelly, parented by underbelly and smoke, which was descended from underbelly paternally and smoke and underbelly maternally, represents in a societal fear of inferiority. The strong family ties of underbelly, however, presents a social upbringing of unity and fairness. The small piece of smoke brings forth secrecy, making the dragons family less likely to trust others. Due to slightly heavier presence of underbelly than smoke among siblings, they will support each other in their fear of being lesser because of their simplistic marking.

Primary Color: Black, from Dust [Paternal = Silver(P) + Charcoal(M)] + Jade [Maternal = Banana(P) + Pistachio(M)], with Cerulean (from Unnamed), Stonewash (from Unnamed), Splash(from Unnamed).
Secondary Color: Ice, from Ice [Paternal = Platinum(P) + White(M)] + White [Maternal = Banana(P) + Ice(M)], with Ice (from Unnamed), White (from Unnamed), Ice (from Unnamed).
Tertiary Color: White, from White [Paternal = White(P) + White(M)] + Moon [Maternal = Ice + White], with White (from Unnamed), White (from Unnamed), White (from Unnamed).

Black, parented by dust and jade, which was descended from silver and charcoal paternally and banana and pistachio maternally, represents death and uniform. The direct link to jade presents displays good health however, making the uniform presence more dominant than the black. The ancestral banana also forms a happy demeanor. The bright blue and grey siblings presents a sense of stability and security, making the dragon a defending type that wishes to protect those close to it.

Ice, parented by ice and white, which was descended from platinum and white paternally and white and banana maternally, is on the spectrum of purity and fear. The heavier whites than blacks in this color means there is a clearer focus of purity and innocence, with a fear of losing control of oneself or anger, as presented by the yellow-banana coloration. The similar colors in the siblings presents the idea of a uniform clan, one that shares its fears openly among each other.

White, parented by white and moon, which was descended from white paternally and ice and white maternally, presents a strong focus on the white aspects of the secondary color over the primary. The white siblings also presents a heavier focus on purity and fear, making the dragon more likely to succumb to its fears and seek others of similar appearance to help settle its nerves.

A dragon with a healthy genedracology tree that has a strong body and mind from its coloration. Care should be taken with any wounds however, as the presence of the mutation gene may be cause for concern. Fears are more likely to spook the dragon, however its drive to protect its family and those it holds dear may help overpower this fear. The dragon may suffer from periods of inability to sit still, but will be able to focus on tasks with ease and can be a good teacher to younger dragons due to its patience. The dragon will appear regal to others, however it may suffer from a lack of confidence in its appearance due to the apparent underbelly gene that is often considered a simpler gene. Overall the dragon has a good balance of positive and negative attributes and is able to handle itself as long as care is taken in terms of it's confidence and possible health defects.

Bio template by Mibella, find it here.
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Exalting Kantor to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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