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Personal Style


Frog's Wing Fans
Frog's Breastplate
Frog's Shoulder Pads
Frog's Leg Armor
Frog's Helmet




5.23 m
6.77 m
645.23 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 28, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Bogsneak
EXP: 0 / 245




Despoina Mate

Name Meaning: Little Wolf

Origins: Irish

Plague Sub: Prodromos

Bogsneaks may have been created in a cauldron accident, but a few of those specimen decided Baldwin’s lab was nothing for them and they moved to Plague to create a new subspecies. The toxic mud around the Wyrmwound were the perfect place for them to take shelter and evolve, since Bogsneaks do like their bogs, and you seldom see this subspecies without toxic mud covering every inch of their bodies. They need this mud cover partly to hide their bright colors and partly to be able to sneak up on their prey effectively. The toxic mud around the Wyrmwound gave them several abilities that made it easier for them to survive: the bright green markings (which act as a warning system and a defence system: paralyzing prey and scaring hunters away), skin and scales that can repel most illnesses, a greatly improved sense of smell and hearing, and the ability to spit toxic mud (created in a special glands in their throat, their cheeks, and under their chin) if needed. This toxic mud is both a very effective weapon they aim at their enemies eyes and softer tissue, paralyzing them, and as a way to spread the Wyrmwound’s toxic mud waste to other places (such as the the Wandering Contagion and the Abiding Boneyard or the other lands). They spit on the ground for days and after a while a toxic mud pool is created. This is why the Prodromos subspecies are also called the Spitting Terror.

Any / Toxin / Runes
Black, Reds, or Blues / Greens, Reds, or Blues / Radioactive
(see below for details on breed, colouring & genes)

Primary = Any (Can be any gene because the toxic mud they bathe in all the time gives their skin different looks depending on the dragon bathing in the mud.)
Secondary = Toxin (This gene is a must because it gives the appearance of the wings and fins changing colors and glimmering with every movement they make. They use these fins during mating season and changing and glimmering fins are a must to impress a partner.)
Tertiary = Runes (This gene is a must because it gives the appearance of placements where their paralytic, and effective nerve poison, are secreted and spitted from glands under their skin and in their mouths.)
* Saturn & Runes are absolutes

Primary = In the black, red, or blue color schemes (but the color must be darker or lighter than Secondary)
Secondary = In the green, red, or blue color schemes (but the color must be darker or lighter than Primary)
Tertiary = Radioactive
* Radioactive is a must because of the venomous glands

* Only Plague eyes accepted

It is commonly known that Bogsneaks are lonesome dragons, who live and hunt alone, but this plague subspecies differs greatly from their original form. The Prodromos subspecies actually thrive in an environment where numbers will protect them, and they often huddle together in the mud to cuddle. They developed this need for companionship when the Plague land turned out to be very hard to survive in if you were alone, where other dragons species had no trouble to hunt and kill lonely Bogsneaks and where their ability to hide only helped them for a shorter time. Therefore it’s a common sight in the Plague land to see a pack of Prodromos living and hunting together, but while they do like their own kind well enough they are less enthusiastic about other species. There are instances where this subspecies will join a clan of other species for protection and company, but it only happens if the Prodromos wouldn’t be able to survive any other way. The Prodromos do not trust easily, the instinct to survive too strong, but once you’ve gained their trust they will be loyal to you forever.

The Prodromos mostly hunt from their mud pools and therefore the easiest prey for them is small animals and bugs that happens to wander too close. There is nothing a Prodromos won’t eat though, since they are omnivores, and if the need arises they can even eat already dead animals and dragons. If the need to hunt for bigger game ever arises they will use their markings to stun their prey, and they toxic spit to paralyze them, and then they will pull the prey into the mud pool and push them under the mud until they choke to death. The Prodromos are very strong by nature, and only a few species can fight against them when the Prodromos have pulled them into their mud pool.

They will only show their radiant colors when they try to impress a mate, or when they need to put on a show of dominance, but otherwise you won’t see their colorful hides because of the toxic mud they bathe in all the time. Both male and female dragons partake in the rituals during mating, and both male and female dragons do the mating dance for one another. It is not uncommon with same sex pairs as well, because the Prodromos subspecies fall for the colors, glimmers and the dancing rather than the gender of the dragon that dance before them. Their wings and fins will glow and shift colors (softly within the color scale the fins are in) when they try to impress their mate, and the more shiny and bright the colors are the more likely they are to attract a partner. They do use this mating dance with other species as well, because beggars can’t be choosers, but the dance will only ever be perfect when a Prodromos dance before their Prodromos mate. It is a sight to behold and other species are often blinded by the sheer beauty of the Prodromos mating dance.

This subspecies does best in their Plague homeland, where they evolved from their original form, and where they adapted to the very specific conditions around the Wyrmwound (and the Plague land). They could venture into other areas to settle down, since their very adaptable genes would managed to change them to survive anywhere, but they would most likely be hunted down and killed before their genes could adapt. The prodromos subspecies are a very lazy subspecies by nature, and once they have found a perfect mud area to settle down in they seldom leave it for any reason other than mating and food. They are not a violent subspecies, because comfort is more important to them, but they can go wild if their clan or young ones are threatened. They are not one of the species in Plague that is infectious, because they do not carry any decease, but their venom is not to be taken lightly. The are actually very effective in staying healthy and symptoms free partly because of the mud they live in and partly because their venom kills any bacteria or virus that tries to infect their bodies. They might not be a sick dragon species, but they do feel a loyalty to their new home and the Plaguebringer. Mostly they are too lazy to do much fighting and destruction, but if the Plaguebringer would ever need them they would answer her call.
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