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Personal Style


Silver Glasses
Ghost Flame Candles
Winter Wind
Glacierguard Platemail
Ethereal Flame Candles


Skin: Glacial Warden



4.23 m
8.16 m
549.52 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 12, 2013
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Wildclaw
Max Level
Frigid Bolt
Field Manual


tumblr_inline_nll45gucJM1qg2i5p_400.png Sasha may have been shelled a Pearlcatcher, but he was raised by his Wild Claw father in the clan led by his mirror grandmother. As a youngster, his life was one of fiercely overcoming the hardships of the Cloudscrape Crags. He grew strong and agile, and when it came time for him to take a mate he set out fearlessly on his own in order to find his match. In his journey, however, his mother's influence perhaps took hold - he journeyed to the Sunbeam Ruins where she was shelled and where his species marked their origin according to the Lightweaver's design.

He had learned of battle in his birth-clan, but as he spent season after season in the lands of Light he developed an appreciation for philosophical studies. While his first two relationships were short-lived, Sasha settled down with his third mate and raised three clutches between the pillars of the Mirrorlight Promenade. He grew more curious and contemplative, and for a long time he was content with his peaceful life surrounded by study, harmony, and ancient architecture.

Eventually, however, nurturing an inquisitive mind proved to only add to the roving nature of his youth. As his adopted clan fell to unchanging contentment amid the ruins of past ages, Sasha felt the call to search onward. He departed on a ship from a harbor beneath the Beacon of the Radient Eye and journeyed into the Tidelord's domain.

What followed was perhaps one of the darker periods of Sasha's life. Beset by pirates, dragged down to the silty savageness of the Leviathan Trench, the Pearlcatcher was nearly lost in the madness of waterborne prophecy. He had a companion at the time, Saruman, but he recalls little of her or of their clutch that was lost to the waves.

Finally surfacing on the western shores, Sasha arrived at the Starfall Isles where his paternal grandfather had come from. He had little luck tracking down his ancestral home, but he did settle a time amid the Starwood Strand to raise more children and contemplate the beauties of the moonlight blossoms. Again, he was lured towards complacency with his adoptive clan - but as they fell into awed abandon to the embrace of the infinite universe, Sasha remained stirred to ever-searching curiosity.

Onward he traveled, tracing the well-worn paths of the world. If he had not been spurred to genius by the Starwood Strand, at least he was now wiser than that first season when he left his lair carved from the icy Crags in the south. Perhaps it was that greater enlightenment than made him susceptible to the growing magic that was coalescing at The Crossroads within the Wispwillow Grove.

By that time, there were some murmurings on the road of the clan which was beginning to send its warriors to take part in the great battles of Sornieth. Stumbling into The Crossroads still seemed a thing of accident - at the time it was an odd intersection in the phosphorescent gloom, growing more and more encroached by brambles, that could be elusive if one were intentionally looking for it.

Sasha was not at first certain if he would stay. Areskynn the Imperial had already earned a position of high regard within the clan, and Imperials and Pearlcatchers do not make the best of clan mates. Still, by then the sprawl of lairs was large enough that it was possible to carve out a comfortable space as the lair dug its way from the open Wispwillow Glen into the deeper shadows of the surrounding brambles. Surely it helped that Sasha was not the first newcomer in the season of the Icewarden - he was proceeded by the Wild Claw Rosaline and the Skydancer Yasada.

He would remain close to the both of them as the seasons wore on, trading gossip and idle flirtation with Rosaline and long-past memories of the Southern Icefields with Yasada. Of the earlier-arrived residents, Sasha made friends amongst the scholars - the Wind elder Tate and the mathematician Inverness in particular. The battle skills he learned from his father and grandmother were something of an accidental secret - certainly nothing expected of a Pearlcatcher. And yet he did share his advice with the Skydancer Sho, becoming friends with the arcane dragon and supporting the other's training as Sho nurtured a late-life interest in battle. He even established something of a friendship of the secretive, water-born Wild Claw Quiscula after confessing to her his confusing memories of his time in the Tidelord's domain.

While fellow-extrovert Rosaline was perhaps the first one he flirted with, it was the more quietly graceful Yasada that Sasha ended up taking as a mate during those early seasons at The Crossroads. They had a number of children, all trained by the scholars and warriors of the clan. Their first clutch journeyed to the home of their grandparents to dedicate themselves to the Icewarden, while the others would eventually go through the ritual dedication to the deity overseeing their hatchings: the Shadowbinder.

If there is ever a time for new beginnings, it is the Brightshine Jubilee. For Sasha, the fourth celebration of the festival marked a change in his relationships. As Light kissed its influence over Sornieth, he and Yasada began to drift apart. In her absence he was spending more time with his friends, including Rosaline… but it wasn't the gregarious Wild Claw who he ended up tangled with one evening. Instead, it was her bosom friend Vestri.

It was merely the start of a great many changes. Daena of the Gatekeeper's line had come to The Crossroads, and as she grew it seemed so did the strange magics surrounding the clan. As the seasons carried on, it seemed more and more Imperials and other scholars were drawn to the growing-crowded place within the brambles. One of the newcomers was Jasper, another Pearlcatcher who would soon change his skin in a bid to woo Rosaline. Sasha found it all invigorating, not least because there was plenty of fodder for gossip as dragons adjusted to each other and, later, went through the excitement and then industry of discovering and moving into the Wispwend Waypoint ruins.

Through it all, things were not particularly serious between Vestri and Sasha. They enjoyed each other's company, sure, but perhaps both of them had spent too many seasons on their own paths, leaving behind mates instead of cleaving to them. When Vestri had her head turned by a handsome water-born Wild Claw who migrated to the clan, Sasha didn't hold it against her. They remained friends, still meeting in the evenings to play cards and pass gossip.

Maybe it takes the darkest of nights to make the brightest of lights more clear. Perhaps it was the great battle which gripped the clan in the season of the Nocturne, or maybe it was the strange events which occurred in those shadow-deep nights that followed. What became clear to Sasha as he looked towards the coming season of the Icewarden, was that there was no one in his long life that could hold a candle to Vestri.

Rosaline would tease him, later, that he'd stolen the idea from her Jasper. As the new season dawned, Sasha emerged in new form with new skin to present himself to Vestri, asking her to take him back as her mate. Vestri laughed at him, but she ran her paws over his gleaming hide in delight. "I'll think about it," she said, but there was a sparkle in her eye. She didn't leave him long in suspense.

Fifth Generation

Hannibal x Estatico

Mordtimur x munchkin // Zekrom x Zekrom

morningstar x Nessie / - - - - // Rosebud x Regalia / Skylark x Andromeda

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // - - - - - - - - - - / Sigfried x Artemis / Ricourr x Morlais

Paternal line:

There is lost arcane magic in Sasha's line. His grandfather Mordtimur was the firstborn son of progenitors of a clan since lost to time. That line has scattered across Sornieth, only a few distant descendants keeping to the way of the Arcanist.

After fathering a clutch with his first mate in the Starfall Isles, Mordtimur swarmed across the lands. He met a fellow mirror, munchkin, in the Plaguelands where they raised their clutch. Mordtimur would afterward move on, but their son Hannibal remained with his maternal clan and swarmed with them to the domain of the Icewarden. It was there where he carved out his life on the harsh tundra and there where his son, Sasha, would be shelled.

Maternal line:

Sasha's grandmother was the firstborn child of the firstborn children of progenitor clan-leaders, her mother from the Tidelord's domain while her father was born in the Shifting Expanse. Her mate was also from the Shifting Expanse, though from the second nest of his progenitor parents. The two of them met amid the Sunbeam Ruins and it was there that Sasha's mother, Estatico, was shelled.

Despite the land of her birth, Estatico took after her Lightening-born parents. In her youth, her studies took her journeying to the Southern Ice Fields where she met Hannibal and had the clutch that shelled Sasha, but she did not stay in those frozen lands. Instead, her path took her to the Tangled Wood where she met her longtime-mate Ruidoblanco and made a home for many seasons. More recently, the pair has journeyed onward to take up residence beside the Pillar of the World and from there, back to the ice to start a new life with new names.

Sasha's Mates:

Akilina - Plague Guardian, Hatchlings in Light
Gin - Water Spiral, Hatchling in Light
Aleksis - Light Spiral, Hatchlings in Light (?)
Saruman - Nature PC, Hatchlings in Water (?)
Angoerae - Arcane WC, Hatchlings in Arcane
Ember - Arcane PC, Hatchlings in Arcane
Yasada - Ice SD, Hatchlings in Shadow
Vestri - Arcane Coatl, Hatchlings in Shadow

01 Jan 2017
Wild Claw | Metallic | Alloy
04 July 2017

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