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Personal Style


Gold Steampunk Vest
Silver Steampunk Spats
Leather Fedora
Shady Armband
Onyx Roundhorn




0.67 m
1.5 m
1.37 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 13, 2013
(11 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 8 Fae
EXP: 43 / 16009



Name: Celeste
Mate: Alice
Ability: Psychic (Can 'see' things, be them omens and images of what's to come, or simply seeing a dragon's aura, blessed with luck or soiled with curses)
Job: Forager/Ambassador Chaperon when stable (ie. When he's not busy predicting the future and freaking out over bad omens)
Personality: A bit awkward. He keeps the fact that he can 'see' a secret, so only a select few dragons know of his ability. He's a bit socially withdrawn, after not having much contact with others while he was young. He's picky with friends, but that's because Celeste views friends as dragons you can trust your life with, and does not like to spend time with others for the heck of it.
History: When Celeste was born, an agreement between Alpin's Clan and The Following (Out clan!) was made, a healthy young male for another. Both clans were very young and very small, so this plan was devised to get a little fresh blood in each of them. Celeste had overheard his parents agreeing to send him away, and so he hid himself away. The plans ended up being delayed and Celeste was almost full grown when he was finally set off, but during his time at home he was careful to make no friends and no ties for he was scared of being forced to severe them. As such, Celeste was not what he was expected to be. Shy and uncomfortable with other dragons, he secluded himself in his room, only doing what was needed of him before locking himself away for the rest of the day.
It was during one of his foraging trips, he ran into the clan's ambassador as she headed out. She was clan born and raised, and young and pretty to boot! But Celeste had no interest in her, other than using the little fae as a way out of this clan.
The fae's name was Alice, and while reluctant, agreed to sneak Celeste out of the clan during her next trip. The time came, and the dragons left, but when they had finally reached the boarder of the Windsinger's realm, the boarder of Celete's real home, Alice changed her mind and demanded Celeste go back and explain himself to the clan leader. Upset and frightened at the thought of confrontation, he lashed out, and attacked Alice.

When Celeste was young, he overheard his parents talking about a trade with Fala's clan. The clan was small, so his parents were going to send Celeste over to help them out. To make matters worse, that was when Celeste came to know his special ability. He saw Fala's clan and knew that's where he would be soon, so he made sure to stay away from others, afraid of having to say goodbye. But things got very complicated, and it got to the point where Celeste's parents were sure the deal couldn't be made, but after a couple of months, Celeste finally made it to his new home. By this time, Fala's clan had grown considerably, and Celeste was afraid he wouldn't be able to fit in. That was before he met Alice. Alice was clan-born and raised, but felt like she somehow connected to Celeste on a spiritual level, and, with her parents' grace, Celeste and Alice became mates and had many offspring.

Alice was clan born, and fit right in with the clan. But then one day an unexpected dragon came along from an allied clan, and he did not fit in. Many dragons crowded him, but he only shrunk away from them. That is, until Alice came along and brought him some of her traders treasures. He was frightened and tried to run away from the clan, but Alice stopped him and threatened to tell Theodore, the leader. The dragon stayed, and it was time Alice's parents started pushing her to find a mate. Being the clan's trader and ambassador, Alice didn't get much time at home, and though she knew everyone in the clan, she felt no one really knew her. Then one day Celeste came to her with a request. He asked her to sneak him out. He was trying to escape again. Alice, already having been under so much pressure, agreed. That night they set out, Celeste was to return to his old clan and try and convince them to let him stay. During the journey, Alice realized what she was doing and scolded herself. She then decided she would tell the clan leader, but Celeste would have non of that. They had just gotten to the boarder of the Windsinger's realm, and Celeste would not go back now. Back to the clan that he feared with all his heart. The fear and stress got to him, and coupled with the dashed hope,

he came out and attacked Alice. He meant to kill her, but only got a few scratches on her when the scent of blood attracted shade-possessed monsters. Alice protected Celeste, or at least that's what Celeste thinks. Really, she was beginning to feel weak, and wanted to be finished off, so she attacked the monsters hoping they would kill her, so the blood would not be on Celeste's claws. But Celeste had realized what he'd done and protected her. It was almost too late by the time they got to his home clan. Alice's eye had been gouged out, and the other was deeply scarred, along with a deep gash on her arm, among other injuries. Celeste had been injured himself, but he hid those as he did his true feelings. When Alice was better and Celeste had healed himself, he finally got the guts to tell Alice why he'd done what he did, and fully expected to pay his life, but Alice replied in a much different way. She accepted him, told him what she had been going through, and apologized herself. That was when they finally connected. They found common ground through common thoughts, emotions they both shared. There, Celeste agreed to stay in Theodore's clan, but only if Alice was his mate. Alice told her parents she would mate, but only if that mate was Celeste. They now wear dark armbands, both hiding their scars from almost having their arms ripped off (Each took one side during the fight and got the same wound on opposite arms) and to remind each other what they went through for each other
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