
Level 5 Pearlcatcher
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Brown-Spotted Mith
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


White Protective Eyewear
White Aviator Scarf
Contrast Aviator Satchel
Contrast Aviator Gloves




7.02 m
4.48 m
451.23 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 19, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 208 / 5545


Uh-oh, looks like this Ambitious Competitor wandered a little too far from her home lair, The SpiralScale Clan (437965, Kikolaya ), and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but,she would be very grateful!

Owners I've Had:

263976, Kiradog234, Wind Flight
259164, CleverDual, Shadow Flight
67711, Koyako, Arcane Flight
295695, Sparkbreeze, Lightning Flight
261879, Volrin, Light Flight
282121, ApostasiaAin, Ice Flight
140620, Brightredjem, Ice Flight
327532, TomSwifty, Lightning Flight
330152, staggard, Wind Flight
212075, GrinningWolf24, Plague Flight
104297, Ghostmateria, Wind Flight
44542, ZenithNadir, Lightning Flight
437965. Kikolaya New Home Lair
(put your lair/username here)


My Apparel:
White Protective Eyewear White Aviator Scarf Contrast Aviator Gloves Contrast Aviator Satchel

The Travels of Kylar

The beginning
From a young age, Kylar showed her love for flying. She had never spent much time in her birth clan of Shadow but was adopted out to a Wind Clan on her second day of life. It didn't take her too long to find her bearings in the bustling clan, and soon she had decided on her life's occupation; Air Tour Guide and Competition Master. Kylar learned all that she could from the clans' inhabitants and received special lessons on racing with the leader, Starstealer. From him, she learned how to judge competitions and the tricks to winning every race she was challenged to. This training gave Kylar aerial legibility that few could compete with, and set her up for her role in the clan.

As much as Kylar enjoyed her life, she wanted to learn about the racing strategies of other clans. Did they fly on air currents too? Was it as easy for them as it was too her to weave through the greenery, low to the ground and not hit anything? Over the course of a few weeks, the Pearlcatcher curiosity overcame her. She left in high spirits, ready to travel to all of Sornieth.


Log 1

Kylar arrives early in the morning at the top of the observational tower. She could see most of the land around her from where she stood. Suddenly an object sped fast past her, blowing her whiskers. She looked around at whatever it was and found that it was another pearlcatcher. She quickly took off and sped after her and ultimately followed her to an outcrop near the observatory. Kylar stopped at the entrance not knowing what to do. Then a head poked out of the opening and it was the pearlcatcher from before. They looked at each other for a bit and the other pearl smiled.

"Hi! We look kinda alike, don't we? Wanna come in, we won't bite."

Prompted, Kylar reluctantly followed the other pearl inside.

"Oh right! My name is Lilac! and welcome to TempleMoon clan. You can stay however long you want and leave whenever you want. Also don't worry, if anyone bullies you, you can come to me!"

Kylar said goodbye to her newfound friend and decided to stay a little bit before leaving for her next trip.


Over the next few days, Kylar made many new friends and stayed until her wings became itchy again and she knew that she needed to travel again. She brought along her memories and experiences from TempleMoon clan and set off once again.


Log 2

In the unusually cloudy skies of the Sunbeam Ruins, Kylar was soaring absentmindedly. She wasn't sure where she was really going; she was just enjoying the hard breeze whistling under her wings and through her mane. Daydreaming about what kind of clan she might visit next, her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sight of a dark gray, tiger-striped Skydancer hovering just above her. Hey, this dragon seemed to be a pretty proficient flier as well... that gave Kylar an idea.

"Hey, wanna race? Just as a warning, I'm pretty fast." She asked, giving the other dragon a little smirk. The Skydancer returned a determined nod, and without missing a beat they both rocketed into the distance, neck and neck with each other the whole time. Kylar became so absorbed in the competition, she didn't even notice the shadowy stormclouds forming around her! By the time she finally tuned in to hear her rival dragon yelling at her to watch out, it was too late; a white-hot bolt of lightning weaved through the muggy, electrified air and tore into her, raking through her body and leaving her in horrible, burning anguish. The bolt finally subsided after what seemed like an eternity of electrocution, and right as her limp body started to fall out of the sky, the Skydancer swooped behind her and grabbed her under the arms.

Before Kylar fell unconscious, she faintly noticed the lack of her precious sphere curled up in her tail. Struggling to move her mouth, she barely mustered the strength to ask;

"Where... where is my pearl...?"


Log 3

Kylar was unconscious throughout her entire stay in the Aetherwood Garrison and by the time she finally regained consciousness she was setting off again.

She awoke to see the Skydancer she was racing watching her with a worried expression, but then it changed as soon as the Skydancer had seen shed awoken.

"Ugh... what happened...? Wait! My pearl! Its back! Did you find it?" She asked, the Skydancer nodded

"My name is Ardea, and we still have a race to finish." the skydancer told her.

"Ah! Right and my names Kylar." she responded to Ardea.

The took off once again to continue on their race.


Log 4

Ardea told her that she was planning on leaving and asked if she wanted to come but this lair looked really inviting and homey.

"No, I think I will stay. Have fun on your travels." Kylar bid farewell to her friend hoping they would see each other again someday. As she was about to leave

"Wait! I think that I will come with you," she said to her friend. "I thought about staying but then I realized that I would miss you too much. So, I will continue my travels with you."


Log 5

Kylar decided that it was high time for her to return home. She had been thinking over the idea for a while now and was more than ready to see her clanmates once again. With that, the Pearlcatchers mind was made up. She set off for the Spiral Scale clan promptly after her companion had left the day previous.

It took a few days, but Kylar eventually arrived in the clan. It had change s quite a bit since her last visit and she noted with joy that there were many new faces walking about the place. She took her time going past the many stalls of the bustling clan, stopping by those of her old friends and gathering new souvenirs for her journey. She didn't intend for her stay to be too long and felt the familiar pull of travel after only a few days in the clan.

It was amazing to get reacquainted with the dragons she new, even more so to speak to the newer dragons. Kylar quickly realized that there had been many changes in the leadership circle with only the Matriarch left. The Pearlcatcher couldn't resist a quick trip to the Scroll Room if only to read her own signature, written so long ago as she first began her travels, and remember the feeling once more.


Log 6

Though it was good to be home, Kylar found herself itching to travel once more. After all, there was still so much she could learn! So she set out once again, this time in the direction of the Shifting Expanse. It took a few weeks traveling through the sparsely populated Highland Scrub before finding any kind of civilization.

There was already a traveler visiting the clan, a Spiral who wanted to continue his travels by tagging along with her! Kylar accepted the offer, deciding that some company would be alright when she moved on.

To her disappointment, the clan was small, with no racing tradition or special flying techniques. Kylar spent a day or two with the clan's messenger, learning how to fly safely through the frequent storms that characterized the region. It's no more than a few days of lessons, and most of it things Kylar already knew. But it's not really wasted time, as there's always a next place to travel and a new thing to learn. She soon found herself flying on, this time with a Spiral by her side.


Log 7

Kylar and her traveling companion, Zephyrus, decided that a visit to the Windswept Plateau would be a wonderful diversion into familiar lands. There was much of the plateau that was still unexplored by the pair, and many dragons they'd yet to meet. They were drawn to the noises of fighting down below and she sped toward it, thinking to break up the scuffle.

When they were in sight, she thought it looked more like sparring than actual battle, but before she could say this to her companion, she saw a small, bright noodle of a dragon beeline it toward him. "LOOK OUT," she shouted, but to no avail. This spiral was quick! Much quicker than Zephyrus; Not quicker than me though, I bet! the fiercely competitive part of her thought. When the pair of spirals thudded to the ground, Kylar landed nearby, angry when the spiral accused them of being spies. "We are NOT spies," she told her. Luckily, the rest of the clan had stopped their sparring, approaching with amusement at the situation, but no malice.

Kylar could see the embarrassment on Zephyrus' face but pleased that he played it off, choosing good humor over hurt pride. The clan was friendly, and they stayed with them for a few weeks, learning fighting skills and making friends. The small Spiral, Zilean, was practically fawning over poor Zeph, she noticed, and she saw the jealously starting to well up in Zilean's mate, the clan's guard captain. She wasn't surprised when Zeph came to her and told her about the captain's 'not-quite-a-warning', and his intention to take off. When he'd asked if she planned to leave or stay, she decided that she'd rather liked the clan members who were so keen on having her teach them her skills in flight, and thought that would be an adequate trade for the lessons in battle that were given to them. She said farewell to Zephyrus, wishing him luck on his journey, and turned to the task of teaching these dragons how to be more nimble.

She was surprised to learn that they had a lot to teach her, as well. They took her natural ability and skill in speed and dexterity and helped her incorporate those in fighting. They sparred almost daily, and she was even more shocked to see the progress that some of the clan's dragons made in speed. A few, like the spiral Zilean, were already fast, but she became even faster, almost a competitor for her!

But alas, no one could really give her the racing challenge she craved. Sure, some of them made her work hard, even wind her a bit, but there was no real strain. One morning she was sitting on a ledge, letting the breeze play in her mane, when the clan's older dragons, a large female Imperial whose hide had dulled with age sat beside her, dwarfing her. Kylar looked up at the Imperial, who spoke kindly, "I've seen how you are with the clan, especially the young. I've also seen how you keep looking up to the sky and beyond." She smiled. "I know what it's like to be called away. I was a traveler like you, you know. As much as everyone here enjoys your stay, no one would begrudge you continuing your journey."

Kylar thanked her and smiled back. "The wind really does call, you know! And now I'm going to answer it again and be on my way. Thank everyone for me!" She launched herself off the ledge and caught a nice breeze.


Log 8
There was a chance that Kylar had overdone it this time, her wings trembling as she fought to stay aloft. At first, she'd let the breeze take her where it would, content to glide towards an unknown horizon. But when the beginnings of a storm caught her attention, brewing in the now not-so-far distance, the pearlcatcher fought the pull of the current in search of a place to shelter. Seeing nothing but desolation and uninviting wilderness below, she put her efforts into an upwards flight. It seemed like hours had passed now, and even Kylar's competitive spirit was starting to waver. If she didn't find a place to rest soon... well, it didn't really bear thinking about.

Suddenly, above her, came the surprising sound of music. With an almighty heave, she drew on the last dregs of energy to fly up through swirling clouds and almost collided with a wooden wall. "Oh, it's the hull of a ship!" Scrambling for purchase on rotting rope and timber slick with condensation she pulled herself up the side of the enormous vessel until she reached a deck.

"Welcome to the Bastion little one." A deep voice boomed at her almost as soon as she stood on the horizontal surface. "You've made it just in time, the storm will be upon us soon and although Kelpie's magic keeps the city sheltered, any caught beyond would surely perish."

Kylar weaved from side to side, too weary to do much more than blink slowly at the bright colored imperial who had been addressing her. He made for an imposing sight, golden armor polished to a near-blinding gleam.

"Come then, I'll escort you to the inn. Haumea will put you up for the night, although I warrant you'll not find much sleep. We're over full on travelers at the moment and they make for a raucous bunch."

Once again the sound of music drew Kylar's attention, this time mingled with laughter and shouts. She smiled at the welcoming thought of company and rest, following the warrior across the rocking deck of the airship. "I'm Kylar," she ventured small talk, despite the distinct impression that the imperial had little interest in what she had to say. "What is this place?"

At first it seemed he would ignore her, winding his way past warehouse-like structures and stacks of cargo. Finally, as they reached the entrance to a huge building from which the sound of revelry was coming, he bowed his head as if in apology. "Anasterian, captain of the Militia. I see that peace is kept aboard the Bastion, that is, the trade city my clan calls home."

Without further word he stalked off into the growing darkness, leaving a somewhat bewildered Kylar to let herself into the inn and find the barkeep Haumea.

For weeks the pearlcatcher lingered at the Bastion, at first resting and then later finding delight in exploring the enormous vessel both from the air and within the city itself. She only saw Anasterian the once, from afar, but did not approach as the other clan members had informed her he preferred solitude.

In her time with the Vigilight clan she met many unique personalities, but one quiet dragon caught her attention. Leo would join the apparently endless celebrations each night at the inn, sitting alone in the back of the large space and listening to the stories. It seemed to Kylar that he was sad and lonely, so one night she approached and sat beside him with a kind smile. "What would it take?" she asked him cryptically. Leo looked startled for a moment that the traveler was speaking directly to him, before regaining his composure and frowning in confusion. "I'm sorry miss, I don't understand your meaning."

"What would it take to make you smile?" She elaborated, nodding for Haumea to refill their drinks.

"Oh. I apologize if my manner offends. I admit I am not prone to light humor as others are."

"You don't need to tell me your story, but perhaps set it aside for a night and let yourself enjoy the now?"

Leo seemed to consider her words for a moment before nodding and finishing his drink, letting the beginnings of a smile soften his features.

"Much better!"

It followed that the two grew closer and even agreed to nest, resulting in two soft coloured hatchlings. But Leo's burdens were too heavy for the light-hearted Kylar and she began to chafe at being in one place too long. Aware of her restlessness, he encouraged her to move on and seek adventure, on the premise that she would never forget her time with him and the others at the Bastion.

And so, with a somewhat teary farewell to Leo, she took flight once more. Just before she lost sight of the airship city Kylar glanced back and saw Anasterian salute her from his post at the edge of the deck.


Log 9

Word came to Kylar that her home clan was gone. She couldn't believe it. And so she changed course and flew as fast as she ever had to the land of her birth.

It was true. The clan she had called home for her entire year of life was gone and she was all alone in the world.

Heart breaking, Kylar checked in to a rest stop for traveling dragons to try and figure out just what she should do from here.

Getting to know the other dragons at the rest stop and learning that she wasn't alone helped immensely. Many of the dragons there had met the same fate and were now homeless travelers. Kylar struck up a friendship with a runaway nocturne princess and together they decided to search for a new clan to call their own.

In time, they found themselves in a Nature Clan where travellers were welcome and lair space was available. They got on well with the other dragons and when asked if they'd like to become permanent members, it didn't take much discussion between them to agree. Clan Konobo was now home.
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