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Inyutay stole when she was young. Never much, only enough to get her family by, but she knew bad things happen to bad people - karma, it was called. She was a thief, and one day karma would come calling, but until then she'd do what she must. Hopefully the consequences wouldn't leave too many scars.

Her father did what he could: worked long, hard days at the mine that left him too exhausted to do anything except bid his family goodnight and collapse into bed. No matter how early Inyutay got up, he was always gone in the morning.

Her mother was present in body, but absent in mind. She walked around, a wistful tune on her lips as her eyes saw dragons and events long since passed; when she did come out of it, she always looked so sad and confused. Inyutay didn't know which version of her she hated most.

Her brother was too good to steal, something she envied as much as belittled. He was strong, with a bright future ahead. Inyutay made a deal with him: if he'd maintain their home, she'd stop trying to get him to help her. She could focus solely on not being caught, then.

Somehow, things seemed to get better yet worse as they grew up. Their mother passed away as their father worked himself to death. The two siblings worked hard and became successful, but grew distant in the process. She doesn't know where he lives anymore, hasn't for years.

And then everything was bliss for a few, precious years. She'd taught herself finances and taught herself well. So much so she'd landed a job in a big, bustling clan where she'd found more than one way to be of use.

She loved it there, in the Clan of Unified Waters. So many dragons to talk to, work she could be proud of, and a conscious clean of misdeeds.

And then she took a day off, and karma finally came knocking.

She'd just wanted to explore the land surrounding her clan, see if it'd inspire any new ideas she could suggest at the next council meeting.

In the midst of a clearing, a tree surrounded by dead grass stood. The tree was vivacious and bright, orange leaves near blinding and peaches seeming to glow as if they were warm embers.

Intrigued, she'd walked closer, studying the plump fruit and wondering why this tree was thriving where the grass had not. Something glinted at the edge of her sight and, impulsively, she reached out and grabbed it.

It was a locket necklace, dull and dirty; looking more like it'd absorb light rather than reflect it.

Inyutay didn't know why she'd felt the urge to do it, but she'd pulled the golden chain over her head without a second thought. The locket had thumped soundlessly against her chest - sealing her fate so subtly it took a month for her to realize it.

Everything had slowly crumbled to ashes after that. It'd started with the nagging urge to leave, to travel. Then this one dragon joined the clan, and she knew something was wrong with him, but no one would believe her. She wondered if they were a part of it, if they were all plotting against her, and couldn't trust any of them anymore - just in case.

She was always looking behind her now, jumping at the slightest noises, would drift from place to place and come out of it hours later unsure where she was and who everyone was. She could hear them whispering, stealing glances at her as they wondered too loudly if her mother's disease was hereditary. She hated (feared) that word.

If she was a little snappish with them, a little vengeful, no one could blame her.

Inyutay was kicked out of the clan four weeks after she put the locket on - it was only two days later she learned the locket was possessed (and so was she).

Now that it had its fingers wrapped deep in her mind and soul, crushing her under its will, the phantom revealed itself.

Two arms made of roots and wood, a body of vibrant orange leaves and branches, the beginnings of a neck (no more than a stump), and no head. It was more like the tree it died beneath than the Tundra girl it used to be.

Feir, the thing called itself, speaking in a posh, smug voice that grated on Inyutay’s nerves.

It told her bluntly she wasn't crazy, with a tinkling laugh.

It told her offhandedly that she was dying, like it didn't even realize what it was saying.

It told her that it needed her to find its killer, that it needed her life force to keep it here in the realm of the living, that it'd leave when it found them.

Until then, Inyutay had no choice but to obey the will of the vengeful spirit, had no choice but to let it drain her life from her body while they look for a dragon Feir never even saw.

Feir is obsessive and paranoid, zealous about the one task it must complete before it can rest: finding its killer. It's bitter and petty, little now holds any value to the spirit if it does not further its goal. Its abusive and emotional, though somewhere in the back of its mind its thankful for the vessel that carries it.

It can remember very little besides its death - but it does remember how much it misses its friends and family - and how much they must have missed her. It doesn't understand why it was killed - but there must have been a reason. As terrible as it would be, dying for nothing would be even worse.

Inyutay often takes on the personality and traits of her possessor: she rarely has control of herself. The thing she fears most is not starvation or death (both present and real worries), but that certain actions she's taken have been completely hers: she can never be sure whose will she's following, waking often from a daze to realize she's spent the last several hours doing exactly what Feir willed.

Her time with the phantom has taken its toll: she's lonely, and miserable, and she can see every single one of her ribs the few times she has a chance to strip off her apparel and wash. Feir can't feel her hunger, her pain, her despair. She's wasting away and is desperately hoping that, at the least, something will come of it.

She's not sure if she's allowed to hope for more than that.

Inyutay used to be talkative, and perky, and always needed to be busy, busy, busy. She's always had trouble connecting with others, never liked being alone, and believed fully in the power of karma. She understood sometimes you did what you must to survive, that sometimes you must sacrifice for the greater good. She hated how few hours there were in a day, and loved her caffeine and sugar.

In that person’s place now stands a ghost (or two).

  • First thing on the list.
  • Second thing on the list.
  • Third thing on the list.
  • Fourth thing on the list.
  • Fifth thing on the list.
  • Sixth thing on the list.
  • Seventh thing on the list.
  • Eighth thing on the list.
  • Ninth thing on the list.
  • Tenth thing on the list.
  • Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
  • Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
  • Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Made by Helbram

Made by ShiraCheshire

Made by Text


Primary: Plum
Secondary: Amethyst
Tertiary: Charcoal

Scatter One:
Primary: Cottoncandy
Secondary: Pink
Tertiary: Sable

Scatter Two:
Primary: Bronze
Secondary: Thistle
Tertiary: Auburn

Scatter Three:
Primary: Yellow
Secondary: Periwinkle
Tertiary: Caribbean

Scatter Four:
Primary: Buttercup
Secondary: Orca
Tertiary: Maize

Scatter Five:
Primary: Flint
Secondary: Ultramarine
Tertiary: Tarnish

Scatter Six:
Primary: Goldenrod
Secondary: Cerulean
Tertiary: Fern

Scatter Seven:
Primary: Sand
Secondary: Honey
Tertiary: Lavender

Scatter Eight:
Primary: Black
Secondary: Tangerine
Tertiary: Jade

Scatter Nine:
Primary: Berry
Secondary: Shamrock
Tertiary: Umber

Scatter Ten:
Primary: Magenta
Secondary: Hickory
Tertiary: Rust

Scatter Eleven:
Primary: Soil
Secondary: Coral
Tertiary: Sanguine

Scatter Twelve:
Primary: Clay
Secondary: Amber
Tertiary: Mint

Scatter Thirteen:
Primary: Shadow
Secondary: Ivory
Tertiary: Leaf

Scatter Fourteen:
Primary: Yellow
Secondary: Phthalo
Tertiary: Denim

Scatter Fifteen:
Primary: Nightshade
Secondary: Bronze
Tertiary: Jungle

Scatter Sixteen:
Primary: Azure
Secondary: Radioactive
Tertiary: Terracotta
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Exalting Inyutay to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
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