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Personal Style


Simple Darksteel Necklace
Dire Kelpie Mane
Bleak Birdskull Necklace
Brutal Banner
Brutal Kilt
Veteran's Leg Scars
Brutal Leather Arm Guards
Veteran's Shoulder Scars
Brutal Claws


Skin: Forgotten Child



26.01 m
22.1 m
8986.08 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 03, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


November 12, 2020: Given Python/Morph, need to rework his lore but this is the most I have on any dragon in this lair lol.

When the thaw came, the ground softened just enough to pry some items out of the frozen mud. It was time to leave.

Mother has stopped grooming him, become less concerned with his hunting skills and does not share sleeping space any longer. Father has been avoiding the lair and his siblings are becoming distant, some have already left.
The warming weather has unearthed some trinkets, some he gathered from his time here since hatching, some Mother and Father or his siblings had left around or given while they grew. He's hunted and fought everything here, finding nothing new enough to sharpen his talons or skills on, the sky above whispering through the trees of new areas to explore and good hunting to be had.
He leaves the skull of his first kill behind, with his scent on it to show appreciation to mother and father, raises his wings, and vaults into the air.
The sun is low, nearing the time to sleep, but he remained restless, pumping large wings against the gales that rose from the warmed earth below as he flies for as long and as far as he pleases, heading away from the suns path East and North, Direction being one of the few things Mother and Father were certain to teach. He doesn't realize, until attempting to land, that he's entered the Shadowed one's domain, brambles and thorns scratching at exposed scales and old scars from conquests long ago. Small rodents, furry and not the least bit capable of satisfying his hunger after a long flight, scurry away under dark foliage and around glowing soft-plants which almost seem appetizing, odd.
Scents here are very different, musty, soft and dulled, as though everything is coming through a fog, which did seem to be the case as moisture hung on some plants even this late in the day even before sunset.
He flattens himself down, hearing a low deep growling and stomping of cloven feet followed by the scraping of earth, likely larger game digging for roots. Waiting, he pinpoints the sound, which seemed far crisper than most scents around him. He begins slowly crawling along toward the source, entire body tense and quivering with excitement. Though not fully grown, he is still large enough to tackle and kill most large prey, the four-legged deer and their standing longneck cousins a challenge, but manageable. He stole some of their sharp stones, one exceptionally shiny and almost water-clear that he kept with him for cutting to save food for later or to make bone-trinkets, though he did receive many broken scales and a deep gash which scarred from the fight with the one who he took his trophy from. He mused silently, he was still able to feel his old wound when turning sharply...
A snort, causing him to freeze, the prey standing up on two legs, like the longneck he previously fought, but this one seemed much larger, bulkier with antlers adorning its head of a size rivaling Father's, each branch ending in a sharp tip. One large black eye roved around as a large, clawed five-fingered forepaw braced it against the tree next to him. It towered, snorting rancid breath and baring teeth not of a forager, but a hunter, some bits of plant and flesh caught between the mismatched and miscoloured teeth. He quickly went for his stolen blade and Roared as he leapt up at the beast's head, aiming for the good eye, seeing the other to have been blinded some time before in another battle. He knew he would feed well, once he managed to defeat the beast, and many would fear him when he wore its pelt, black as night and mottled with old wounds. It let out a trumpeting roar of its own, lurching up and back, attempting to grasp him with its forepaws as he attempted to wrap around its throat, blade imbedded deep in its flesh and teeth and claws tearing to find purchase, clumps of fur and flesh being torn away and hot blood spilling about and even spraying each of them.
The fight lasted a long time, yet the beast, a Wendigo twisted by Shade remnants, eventually fell, its blood spilt and tainting the ground around it as the young dragon uncoiled himself from the corpse, having clawed and bit the beast, yet sustained plenty of deep rakes through his sides and both right limbs. He licked at the wounds, spitting out the blood as it tasted strange, possibly from being tainted by the beast he had just felled, not knowing anything of infection, poison or even the Shade. He shook his head several times, as though to clear it as his vision began to swim when he opened his eyes after a few minutes of grooming. He hissed angrily, worriedly grooming his forepaws and attempting to clean his face and eyes, figuring that his eyes had been bloodied or area near them injured.
He howled in rage as he heard others nearby, wings flapping and several thumps punctuating the landing of many paws on the earth around him, they would not steal his hard-won kill. He could not see them, his eyes still unable to focus and entire body betraying him as he attempted to lash out, clambering atop his kill and hissing as viciously as he could.
The newcomers watched him from a safe distance, giving the enraged wild Imperial plenty of space.
“He’s wild, clanless, looks like he came from the Southwest, Light territory.” Said the first, a large ridgeback who bowed his head to a trio of Imperials, each with a varied set of hide colours with a shimmering appearance that caused their hides to change colours from different angles, two males and a female, the three nodding in response. They observed the wildling, hissing and snarling weakly as his wounds continued to bleed further, aggravated by his thrashing and lashing out, conversing quietly amongst themselves.
“He seems young, not fully grown. Not magically inclined, likely doesn’t understand Common either.” Said the female, Samateus, glowing golden-green eyes regarding the youngling with concern. Her mate, Megatronus, grumbled a bit, shifting from side to side, armour on his scales clinking lightly as he eyed the stranger warily, the third Imperial, LeonLocke, much paler in colour than both his companions yet still shadowed by the magics inherent to him, tapping the forefinger of one paw in thought.
“He might be saved, but we’ll have to get Xerxes to draw the Shade out of him…” Leon muttered, moving forward cautiously, body held low to the ground, head lowered and wings held close. The wildling hissed again and growled, smelling him and hearing his movements approach.
“Careful Leon, if anything happens to you Integral will flay me.” Samateus grinned leaning into Megatronus, who chuckled deeply and lay a wing over her.
“No more than she would me. Sam, go on ahead, warn Xerxes and Ileina of this. Thank you Mokai for letting us know of this.” Leon waved them off, eyes locked on the wildling. Samateus, nuzzled her mate and both took off into the air, followed by the Ridgeback, Mokairuminus, the wildling calming slightly as Leon approached. A step, followed by another hiss, but no lunge forward, the wildling Imperial’s eyes watering profusely as though tear-gas had afflicted him, nostrils runny with black ichor, more yet spilling from his maw. Leon purred, settling himself nearby, unthreatening and simply watching the other Imperial calmly, waiting for the youngling to relax or pass out. To his surprise, the Imperial stopped, ears perking up and head tipping to one side curiously with a high-pitched trill.
“You are feral. Poor boy, I’m not a threat. You are definitely hurt though, and I can help, if you let me.” Leon whispered, voice calm and soft, the youngling tipping his head side-to-side, intrigued by the sound of his voice and the words he spoke, yet unable to comprehend him. Leon simply smiled, waiting for a while until the wildling slowly and cautiously clambered off his kill and edged his way close to Leon, within striking distance, sniffing carefully, then sneezing and giving a low distraught whine. Leon watched him sadly, then cautiously opened a wing, laying it over the youngling carefully. He startled slightly, then gently nosed along the edge of Leon’s wing, able to discern him as another Imperial and possible ally. He lay on his side next to Leon, slowly relaxing before Leon cautiously turned and breathed on the youngster, casting a sleep spell to provide him the ability to carry the youngster back to the lair. The spell took, the wildling Imperial falling into a deep sleep, relaxed and unflinching as Leon carefully slid himself under the prone form to carry him on his back, absently and cautiously casting a barrier spell on the corpse to keep its Shade from seeping out further and gathered it in his jaws before powering himself up into the air with the Wildling on his back.
He could smell smoke when he woke, mixed with sharp, pungent smells and softer herbal odours. He tensed, able to smell another nearby, hearing them lightly humming as they moved items into a stone bowl and ground them with a long skinny stone with a thicker rounded end, which he saw clearly as he opened his eyes.
*Good, you’re awake.* Sounded a voice in his mind causing him to rear up and back, flattening himself against the nearest wall and hissing. The source, a much smaller dragon of a sort he’d never seen before sitting on its haunches and mixing herbs in the bowl, turned its whiskered head toward him, large violet eyes glowing as they regarded him calmly. Its fur tipped tail, much the same as His, flicked lightly as he worked, wings lowered so the thumbs helped him sit upright more comfortably, a large round orb exuding strange magic floating in the air around the other dragon lazily. He understood the strange words that had entered his mind, yet the invasion into his thoughts and the suddenness confused him.
“Xerxes, he’s not used to our abilities, though he does understand more… Animalistic expression.” Spoke another who carefully entered the cave, so elaborately decorated and lined with fabrics and hides that were dyed vibrantly and caused the cave to feel completely foreign, the same that had purred calmly at him and encouraged him to rest with him. He whined uncertainly at the stranger who looked like his Mother in shape only, yet smelt differently and wore cloth and hides completely unlike anything he’d before seen, lowering himself to his belly and looking imploringly at him.
Leon stretched his neck cautiously, gently nuzzling the top of the young Imperial’s head, slowly moving to lie near the mound of wrapped reeds covered in blankets serving as a bed in the healer’s den. Xerxes, the Pearlcatcher and one of the three leaders of their clan alongside Leon and Samateus, scoffed at Leon and went back to his poultices. The young Imperial they had rescued after his run-in with Shadehoof, as the clan had come to call the Shade-Tainted Wendigo that had taken residence in the ruins Southwest of their Lair and the Obsidian Lotus, had been so badly tainted that Xerxes had wanted to simply let the youngling pass, to burn the Shade infesting him and be done with it. Instead, Dalziel had come by and gladly pulled the offending Shade from the Imperial, but not without doing irreparable damage to the youngling’s hide. Thankfully, the scars would not hinder him, yet would forever be a reminder of the battle that nearly claimed him. Now, they needed to teach him to speak Common Draconic, or even sign language, as the animalistic conveyance of information would not work in the long term.
“Leon, make certain that he learns Common, I do not wish to have a Feral running amok here.” Xerxes growled, making the young Imperial in front of Leon shrink and growl back a bit uncertainly at Xerxes. Leon purred at him, shaking his head as he turned to regard Xerxes with one eye coolly.
“He will learn, but it will take time.” Leon smiled, eyeing Xerxes who sighed and nodded, Leon moving to carefully stand so as to not startle the youngling. He moved to leave, the young Imperial letting out a quiet murmur of sadness, Leon turning his head and looking to him. He chuffed at the youngster and made a motion with his head for him to follow before moving a few steps toward the entrance of Xerxes’ workroom and looking back.
The young Imperial eyed Xerxes warily as he moved to follow Leon, back arched and wings raised slightly in an uncertain and cautious display. Xerxes flicked an ear disinterestedly and instead turned to look at Leon while he continued mashing the herbs in his Mortar, speaking calmly yet with an undertone of concern.
"He may be overwhelmed by the number of Dragons within this clan and Lair, if he is from the area I believe him to be. Your home clan was similar, very primitive, using scent marks and body-language more than words, remember how long it took for you to unlearn that when working with him." Xerxes lightly thwacked the floating orb that seemed to snicker audibly at his comment, Leon snarling when his own companion Orb floated out from his satchel and made obscene gestures using its projected energy.
"I'll keep that in mind Xerxes, Thank you... Will Dalziel need to recheck him later?" Leon asked, waiting for the two Astral companion-orbs to finish their posturing at each other, the wildling staring in awe at them, ears perked up and alert, curious at the obvious intent to harm portrayed by each, yet no damage being visibly dealt and neither willing to mar their central orbs.
"He will know if he needs to, he's far more tuned to the Shade than to anything else, so do not worry if he does not approach you on his own. If you need further assistance with his injuries, you are welcome back anytime, though I discourage you bringing -Him- with you next time." Xerxes continued, accentuating the pronoun by motioning toward the Astral Orb that made one final rude gesture at his, before it returned to hovering near Leon's side and wings.
The young wildling stalked under Leon's wing suddenly and bravely, seeing him as no threat and extremely curious about the floating Orb that seemed to bleed coloured mist that it could form shapes with. He sniffed at it, feeling a cool tingle as it touched his muzzle and soft nose, then a sudden jolt as though he'd been stung by a bee causing him to recoil with a yelp.
Leon and Xerxes both bolted upright, fur on their bodies standing on end before they both relaxed, Leon hissing lightly at his Companion before purring soothingly at the wildling as he hid under the larger Imperial.
No Threat. Sorry Sorry. Mist will shock, orb-friend not mean to. Leon twittered at the young Imperial, hoping his former clan-tongue would be still familiar enough to what the wild-raised Imperial had used with his birth clan.
TALK?! The youngling exclaimed, overjoyed at being able to communicate with these strangers.
Yes, Talk, different Talk He and I use. Leon relaxed a great deal also, motioning to Xerxes, though giving an apologetic smile for the fact that the herbs and the Mortar and Pestle had been tossed in the air when the youngster had yelped, Xerxes simply sighing and shaking his head as he gathered up the Mortar and Pestle, using a coarse-hair brush to sweep the ruined batch aside to be cleaned later. You Got sick, from- Leon paused, not certain of how to articulate Wendigo in such primitive terms, before getting an idea and quickly rattling off; -Long-neck Monster. Corrupted. Sick. Rot. Dead-Walk. He shuddered a bit after the tirade, and was quite happy that the young Imperial had understood, bobbing his head and looking to the scars on his right Shoulder and Upper Leg. He blinked as he realized they were nearly healed.
Took Long Time, Death-sleep... You awake slow, very vicious, attack us. Leon motioned to a few scratches still healing on his wings from previous sessions of holding the thrashing and ill Imperial down. The youngster rocked from paw to paw, eyes wide as he realized he had nearly died, saved by strangers who owed him nothing, he could hunt on his own, survive on his own, yet he knew he did not wish to be alone. That they had many others nearby also hit him as though the sky had split open in violent cacophony, the scent wafting in under the drapery blocking view to the outer caves.
Stay? Scared. Many-Many Outside. Scared. The Youngling chirped, Leon moving to gently nuzzle him.
No-Danger. All Friend. Clan. Family. Leon articulated carefully, purring soothingly. I Protect you. No Scared. Come? He smiled, gently nudging the smaller Imperial toward the drapery before moving to lift part of it up and aside. Even Xerxes smiled at the curious and interested trills coming from the little newcomer, Leon cautiously moving through the doorway and outside into the Clan's central complex, light above shining through many crystalline formations in calming hues that also left decent enough light for even the most diurnal dragon or creature. Many Dragons of all species flit around and curiously approached, Leon calmly explaining to both Common-speaking Dragons and his little Wildling ward, not to make sudden moves and to be very relaxed and calm, as friendly as possible, which soon began speech lessons for the new addition to the Clan.
Lair-Foster, What is 'Name'? Clan Alphas Say 'Samateus' Alpha, but Alpha is Alpha? I do not Understand. Asked the Wildling one morning after a long class-day with one of the clan-teachers. Leon sighed, flicking an ear and gently nudging his small ward.
"Ask me in Common, and I will explain." He encouraged, the smaller Dragon making a face before sighing and responding in stuttering common.
"What are Name? Teacher say that Samateus is our Alpha, but our Alpha is our Alpha. I do not understand." Leon quickly explained his grammatical errors before responding.
"Everyone has a Name that they associate with who they are. I am LeonLocke, your foster-mother is Integral, and Samateus is one of our clan Alphas, though we are called leaders."
"We? You Mean Father is Alpha?" He perked and stared, eyes-wide as he hadn't realised that he had seemed to be treated differently than some of the other younglings in his classes.
"I am one of our clan's Leaders, Yes. I, Samateus and Xerxes work together to keep the clan working in harmony or protect the members of this clan. We help solve disputes, arguments and sometimes, when necessary, encourage a member to leave if they are unable to change within the clan norms. Like you, you are special, you are from a wild place, but you've adapted. You accept our ways, you learn from us and, while I know what you've been watching a great deal of when you are free to do as you please, I am glad you are still attending classes." Leon explained, the young Imperial frowned stopping and lowering his head and gaze as he knew he had been caught. He'd seen, several times with Leon and Integra, and nearly as many times without, the warriors of the clan sparring or training in the outdoor arena-courtyard. He loved watching Megatronus, the Gladiator and consort to their Alpha, Samateus, as he now knew her to be called, and idolized him. Even sneaking off after studies and home-work to go and watch him.
"You are not... Angry?" He asked tentatively, eyes still averted. Leon's expression softened as he turned around, curled his body over and around the youngster protectively and nuzzled him.
"I am disappointed that you didn't tell me, however I am glad that you stayed within clan territory." Leon smiled, gently grooming the younger Imperial which soon led to a short playfight before Leon stopped by gently pinning his ward down. "I was going to let it be a surprise, and since you only just learned what a 'Name' is, but your mother and I have decided on a Name for you." He smiled, the younger Imperial chirping with surprise and elation. "Something that you must know is that, none of us chose our own names. We were hatched and named by our parents, though if you don't like it, you just tell us okay?" Leon purred happily as his adopted son moved to gently nuzzle and rub against him excitedly.
"That means you adopt me?" He grinned, Leon simply chuckling and nodding, another excited and elated trilling chirp as the younger Imperial hopped around.

**More updating going on here! April 14, 2017.**

January 15, 2018: Randomly figured out his name. More to come!
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