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The Hopeless Romantic

Trigger Warnings - Infidelity, Violence, Weight Issues

Mate – Gore
Breed – Tundra
Gender - Male
Element - Ice
Talent - Irresistible Charisma
Faction - Gatherers
Role - Generally useless, nominally a forager.
Dark Secret - Can consume his own weight in candied fruit in a single sitting (has done so twice).
Traits - Relaxed and lazy, smug, smirks often, self-centered, incredibly greedy, constantly makes amorous and lustful advances, thinks he's suave and attractive (but is actually a colossal dork).
Appearance - Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) chubby under all that fur.
Sins - Greed, sloth, gluttony, vanity, serial adultery.
Likes – A dominant partner (either gender), cherry desserts, the attention of attractive dragons, his nest of pillows.
Dislikes – Doing actual work, going hungry, stomach ailments, mornings.
Theme Music - Into the Night (Santana)

Ever since his birth, Landslide has been possessed of incredible charisma. As a hatchling, his clan doted on him and spoilt him, giving him everything that he could possibly want. He quickly discovered that this power he held over others could be exploited - and exploit it he did.

As he matured, Landslide grew even lazier and greedier - but it wasn't until he reached breeding age that he realized his potential for evil. He realized that his power could influence the female dragons of his clan, could make them desire him above all others.

He had no shortage of mates, including those already mated to or promised to other dragons. Whenever suspicions about his behavior arose, Landslide redirected the anger of his clan mates, convincing them that others were responsible for his wrongdoing. He found the resulting infighting and jealousy to be incredibly amusing.

However, all good things must come to an end. At the end of his first mating season came his first hatching season - and a clear pattern was evident among the clan's hatchlings. Nearly all displayed his unique patchy coloration. His actions were discovered, and he was driven violently from the clan.

Not to be deterred, he wandered to another territory, to another clan. The cycle began anew - ingratiating himself into the clan, manipulating those around him to pamper him or to mate with him. Another hatching season, and his actions were once again discovered. Once again, he was driven out. His wandering resumed.

He has repeated this process dozens of times throughout his youth, and when he arrived at the Clan of Second Chances, he assumed that the cycle would begin once more. However, he chose his target... poorly. Surrounded by dragons as cruel and devious as himself, his charismatic tactics didn't stand a chance.

Determined to have his way, he has chosen to remain with the clan, knowing full well that prolonged exposure to his powers of charisma will gradually weaken the resolve of the dragons around him - sooner or later, they WILL succumb.

One dragon, a Fae by the name of Gore, has already fallen under his spell, choosing to become his first mate in the Unrepentant Clan. As far as he's concerned, his charisma won her over. As far as she's concerned, Landslide is merely an amusing plaything, a hapless (and strangely endearing) fool who fails to realize the true extent of the danger that he's in.

Despite his adulterous tendencies, he genuinely adores her - particularly the way that she punishes his misbehaviours with frigid attitudes, stern lectures and exquisite pain - both physical and psychological. Gore is completely in control of their relationship, and that's exactly how Landslide likes it.

His clan mates are already beginning to surrender to his power. His lifestyle is once again transitioning into the greedy and gluttonous sloth which he so thoroughly enjoys - others now labour his stead while he spends his days doing little more than eating and sleeping.

As such, the gatherers of the Unrepentant Clan are greatly exasperated by Landslide. He eats far more than his own share, and has never once lifted a claw to aid in their work, despite the fact that foraging is foremost among his few assigned duties. The Tundra doesn't particularly care what they think - provided that the gatherers continue to cater to his greed, he's content to ignore his obligations.

For now, Landslide is content, though still actively attempting to win over additional mates.

What he doesn't yet know is that his powers are beginning to wane as he ages. When they disappear altogether, the Clan of Second Chances will turn on him - and no enemy of the Clan ever survives for long.

Tundra Metabolism Headcanon wrote:
A bit of a headcanon I’ve developed regarding the weight of a Tundra…

Tundra dragons eat a LOT. In clans entirely comprised of Tundras, this isn’t an issue. Such clans graze as they travel, ensuring that they’re all well fed – and perhaps more importantly, that they’re all well exercised.

A Tundra’s metabolism is incredibly slow. Which is why, in clans that do not migrate or graze, Tundra dragons tend to gain quite a bit of extra weight, even when not eating to excess. This, of course, is to say nothing of their size if they actually choose to overindulge (as Landslide does).

Surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, most mixed clans are content to have a hungry Tundra or two in their midst – after all, there’s nothing cuter than chubby floof.
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Exalting Landslide to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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