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Personal Style




Scene: Flowering Wasteland


5.27 m
3.52 m
938.12 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 02, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level
Silverglow Meditate
Mana Bolt



“We relish news of our heroes, forgetting that we are extraordinary to somebody too.”

— Helen Hayes

Every story has a hero and I’m the hero of this one.

At least, I’d like to think I am. A hero, I mean. I guess there’s always two sides to any story but I can only speak for my own experiences. So, here it goes I guess:

Hello, my name is Aksel.
My life wasn’t always this nice. Before I got to where I am now, I was a big ol’ runt. Yea, I know -- it’s a contradiction or whatever, but I’m being serious. I was pretty big compared to my siblings, but I was definitely the weakest. You’d think Skydancers wouldn’t need a bunch of strength comin’ outta the egg right? We’re pretty decently sized as a breed. In my experience, however, I definitely coulda used some of that fresh-outta-the-egg power because it took me hours after my siblings hatched to finally get a breath of fresh air. Phew. That was a journey in and of itself.

Anyway, now you know how life for Aksel the Skydancer started. Whoopdeedoo.

I’m sure you’d like to hear about how I became a hero, and I’ll get to that. I promise. But first, a little more context. Now you see, my parents had a ton of kids. I wasn’t some spoiled wegg child. To top it off, I was the biggest…. and the weakest. So I was the butt of jokes. All. The. Time. Dragons can be pretty vicious when they want to be, you know. Right, right -- I digress. I’m getting off track, that happens pretty often.

ANYWAY again, my bad.

I found out rather quickly it was a good idea to stay as far away from my siblings as possible. They were smaller, but man they could pack a punch. I’m a sensitive creature behind these claws and teeth, ya know. As soon as I figured up how to scrounge up some food for myself, I was off on my own permanently. It’s nice out there alone. I miss it sometimes. I learned a lot by myself. Mostly how to not die at the hands of whatever random creature decided to cross my path, but that’s important out there ya know?

So, one day I’m just walking along minding my own business when this little Fae kid comes outta nowhere and flutters right into my face. Rude. I had to quell that knee-jerk reflex to snap at him -- I woulda killed the little guy if I did. Takes me another moment after that to realize that this miniscule thing was all scratched up and freakin’ out. He chitters about something or other -- I was far from home and he had a pretty thick accent -- but before I can ask him to repeat everything this giant Wartoad comes careening out of the trees.

Next came the herd of rabid cerdae.

Yup. You heard me. R A B I D cerdae. The three of us shared one frantic look and peeled outta there like well…. like we were getting chased by RABID cerdae. Because we were. Should I say RABID cerdae one more time? Those deer things look kinda odd to begin with, but when they’re foaming at the mouth and trying to EAT you -- makes you really wonder what’s going on in the swamps of the Mire. We fled. Now just imagine a little Fae, a giant purple Skydancer, and a terrified blue Wartoad running flat out together. Funny picture right? Yea, not so funny when you add in being chased by RABID cerdae. Yeesh. 0/10 do not recommend.

At some point we lost them. For some reason, the motley crew did not break up and run in different directions. Who knows? Safety in numbers? Beats me. The point is we lost those rabid things. Maybe they lost interest. Anyway, we’re standing knee deep in some sort of stream and just trying to catch our breath. Fae dude flutters down to take a drink and that’s where things got extra exciting.

You can’t blame the Wartoad, ya know. It’s not his fault. The poor thing just wanted to take a seat -- I get it. The water’s nice and cold and we’ve just been running for our lives from friggin’ cerdae of all things. So he takes a seat. Simple as that. Sits his big ol’ blue butt down…. on Mr. Little Dude. If you’ve ever seen a Wartoad you know exactly how big those amphibians are. And you know how small Fae are.

Now I’m not proud of myself for saying this, but the first thing I did was I laughed. Then I realized that Mr. Little Guy is either squished or drowning. Two very bad things. Oops. So then the second thing I did was tackle the Wartoad.

You heard me. I tackled the guy. Full on just brute force tackle. Didn’t really do much, if I’m being honest, but it messed up his balance and we both went toppling over into the water. And now I’m being squished by a giant blue amphibian. Doesn’t matter. Unlike with the tiny Fae dude, the Wartoad could feel me under him and rolled off to let me out.

And that’s when I hear it. The sweet, sweet chittering of Mr. Little Dude. Still had no idea what he’s saying -- but he’s saying something. Which meant he’s alive. And boy, oh boy was he angry. That little guy was flyin’ all around our faces just shouting nonsense and coughin’ up stream water. Turns out, he wasn’t squished -- just pinned and drowning. And my quick-thinking (but definitely not graceful) tackle helped unpin him.

So yep. That’s my hero story. Neato, huh?
It’s not like just anyone can say they had some weird random team-up with a Fae and a Wartoad while being chased by rabid cerdae through a swamp. And THEN saved the Fae from being sat on and drowned by the Wartoad. Can you?

When’s the last time you were a hero?

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