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Personal Style


Scout's Leggings
Pathfinder's Tail Twist
Ranger's Wing Cover
Deadeye's Gloves
Whirlwind Sash




0.67 m
1.27 m
0.74 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 11, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245





m3sY2eL.png Gz3H1sJ.png


Traveler • Owned by Firewins


Lairs Visited:
▸ Kingdom of Ice
LilWierdo (#297353)

▸ Clan Downlight
WolfUniverse (#214246)

▸ Riftrule
KalliZora (#338246)

▸ Clan of Whistling Reeds
Rhodochrom (#214075)



Lairs Visited:
AngryJ (#177846)

▸ Mystic Lore Clan
Tanzz (#324847)

▸ Clan Cimmeria
SheridanCharon (#331900)

▸ Ethereal Clan
Dezzle (#179125)


The first day of Coriander's journey didn't start well. Cold deserts of the Ice region did not give him a warm welcome. Snowstorms blew in his face, and made the small Fae shiver and fall on the ground when he heard a voice.
"Hey, pal, need a hand?"
Coriander lifted his eyes wearily and saw two dragons in front of him. One of them was a huge Coatl dressed like a circus actor with skull on her face and beside her stood a small, fluffy Tundra with a bulb. These strange females didn't look trustworthy, but Coriander went with them to their clan's lair.
Inside he could finally relax. Their leader was pretty nice and even looked honored by his visit, even if his right hand, Kolni, was really suspicious about the traveler. Almost all the dragons were interested in him, so he sure got a warm welcome with good food, interesting stories, bold laughs and new friends.
On the second-to-last day in the Kingdom of Ice, Coriander spent time listening to stories from only Fae of the clan, named Raijin, about the birth of the clan and about the dragons joining it. They even had time to visit the Cave of Spirits, which made the traveler stiffen for a few moments upon entering. Crystalline ice walls were shining like a thousand mirrors. A big statue of a Coatl stood in front of him. Coriander gazed at it for some time when suddenly he felt a cold wind burst into his face, which made him to start cough and squint from snow in his eyes and nose. He decided to leave the cave, but as he departed he heard a silent voice echo in his head.
Good luck in your travels, little Fae.
Perhaps even spirits support him?

As evening fell, the clan gathered to say goodbye to the stranger. Some of them gave him food and materials, some offered treasure, and one of them give him small gloves that would keep him warm at least for a bit.
But his journey waited for him.
The small Fae disappeared from the snow deserts, heading for a new clan and new friends.
- Written by LilWierdo


Coriander had no clue if he was in the right place. There were so many trees, and it was eerily cold and wet. When Coriander put down his map, he was face to face with a beige Coatl. Coriander, like most would, let out a scream. When the Coatl realized what he did, he began to freak out.
"Woah, dude, I'm sorry. I'm Midnight! You'll be staying with me!"
Coriander nodded and warily followed Midnight.
Coriander spent his first afternoon eating with the others and getting to know them. He took quite a liking to Gaia and the two spent a lot of time discussing flora. He learned about the plants of Wispwillow Grove. In turn, he taught Gaia about all of the amazing life in the Gladeveins.
He spent the next day watching the Magic Council do their thing. He had no clue what that thing was or how they were doing it, but it was cool nonetheless.
- Written by WolfUniverse


In the midst of his journey, Coriander looked up and found a place where the sky opened up into a swirling nebula of greens, blues and purples. Curious as he was, he made his way towards it. Flying through the rift tickled a bit, so he decided to fly in and out of it a couple of times.
When he finally decided to stay, he couldn’t believe his eyes. A great sprawling field sparkled before him, with mountains to one side, a candlelit town to another, a forest to the next. The sky above him was an iridescent lava lamp of rainbow colors, and a great white castle stretched its towers to meet the colors.
Welcome to Riftrule, read a sign in the distance.
"Riftrule,” Coriander mused. “I think I’m going to like it here!”

Somewhere along the path, a sparkle caught his eye. A brilliant blue Fae, following behind a Mirror in green. She was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen, with colorful ribbons adorning her legs and neck.
"Hey there,” said he, fluttering up beside her.The female Fae squeaked with surprise. “Who are you? I’ve never seen you before.”
"My name’s Coriander, but you can call me the boy of your dreams.”
"Nice to meet you, Coriander! I’m Navi. This is my master, Link.” She gestured to the Mirror. “What are you doing around here?”
"Oh, just making my way as a traveling Fae...”
"A traveler, I see?” Navi alighted on Link’s shoulder. “Wow! You must be a brave adventurer!”
Coriander blushed a little. “Oh, you know, I wouldn’t say that...”
Navi giggled, then paused. “Hey, how does a lunch date sound? I know of a Fae feeder outside the castle that serves some really delicious stuff!”
So they headed off to the fae feeder, where they talked and laughed over Leaf Beetle sandwiches while Link went on a shopping spree in the nearby marketplace.

"WHERE DID THIS COME FROM?” Coriander stared at the baby Fae in disbelief.
"He’s beautiful, no?” Navi beamed with pride. The baby stared up at her with the purest of eyes.
"What do you think we should call him?” Coriander asked her.
"How about...Lightfury?”
Coriander shook his head. “He’s too pure. Moonkeep?”
"No, that name’s a little too dark and mysterious.”
Suddenly, they both locked eyes in that way that meant they had come up with the perfect name.
The baby, now known as Caelan, gave a happy chirp. He loved his newfound life, and his parents loved him too.
- Written by KalliZora


The smell of dew-laden grass and freshly harvested bamboo filled Coriander’s senses. A gentle breeze passed by, carrying with it a sonorous hum, produced, Coriander soon found, by a nearby patch of reeds.
Wind Territory, thought the Fae, Now this is something I’m familiar with.
Dozens of dragons gathered around Coriander and Caelan, each bearing a warm smile.
"Welcome, travelers!” beamed a small, icy blue Fae, “Welcome to our clan!”
- Written by Rhodochrom


After a too-short stay with the Clan of Whistling Reeds, Coriander found himself and his son moving north. A peculiar formation intrigued them, and so they traveled towards it. Towering high above the horizon was a tall Crystalspine on the border of Starfall Isles and the Scarred Wasteland. Tendrils of Contagion encroached upon the mountain, and from a distance the many cave entrances that pockmarked the side of the rock made the facade seem like a honeycomb.
This was the Z'Arduani Kingdom.
At the base of the mountain a marketplace rested, dragons of all Flights bustling from stand to stand. A few, more permanent abodes bordered the clearing, with hand-painted signs and banners indicating the names of the stores.
Coriander could sense Caelan's obvious excitement and awe of being in such a large and busy place, so he turned to him and gave a nod with an encourage wave of his crests. "You go explore. I will meet you back here at sundown." With that the pair split up, and Coriander decided to enter one of the more pristine-looking shops.
"Hello, welcome to Silk and Satin Apparel, where cust− Oh, my goodness, what in Plaguebringer's name are you wearing?!" A male Fae adorned in silks rushed forward from behind the counter, crests twitching and eyes conveying concern in a way that Coriander had not known was possible for a dragon of his breed. "Olfin! Get in here! Now!" the Fae shouted as he tugged on Coriander's scarf and swiped his hat.
"Hey!" Coriander hissed, trying to grab his hat back. He halted mid-scuffle, though, when a huge Bogsneak ambled out from behind the back room curtain. Not only was this new dragon huge, but he was also unnaturally bright pink. Coriander was too shocked by his presence to speak or even move.
"Oh!" the Bogsneak named Olfin exclaimed, the same look of concern and surprise on his face as the Fae's. "We need to get working on him right away! Excuse me, sir, but what is your name?"
Coriander backed away nervously, not having enough treasure to be buying elaborate custom-made outfits such as the ones that were offered at this place. "My name is Coriander, but I don't have the treasure−"
"Honey, trust me, this is a fashion emergency. It's on us." With that the Fae began removing all of Coriander's apparel, but when the drake took hold of his hands the traveler pulled away.
"Wait, please, let me keep these," Coriander pleaded, tucking his hands close to his chest. The gloves he wore were the same ones he had been given on the very first destination of his journey: the Kingdom of Ice. They were quite sentimental to him, and he could not part with them.
The white Fae shrugged − another thing Coriander had never seen Faes do − before turning around to face the Bogsneak. "Can we work with this?" he asked, lifting Coriander's hands up without much gentleness.
Olfin stood still in thought for a moment, rubbing his chin with a claw. Suddenly an idea sparked in his head and he brightened, an inspired smile parting his lips as he ducked behind the curtain and shuffled around for a bit. "Kardina! Come see this!" his deep voice bellowed, and the previously nameless Fae flitted into the back room to check his partner's work.
"Oh, yes, this will be perfect!" Coriander could hear Kardina's voice chime from the back room. He stood awkwardly unclothed for a few moments, shifting back and forth on his hind legs, before Kardina and Olfin reappeared each with a few garments in hand. "Here, try this on," Kardina insisted, pushing the outfit towards him. Coriander took the clothes and made his way into the dressing room.
When he re-emerged, Coriander wore leggings that matched his gloves, a wing guard made of layered cloth with belts to secure it in place, and a feathered tail twist to accent the look. It actually didn't look half bad, and it definitely felt like much less of a burden to wear.
"Much better," Kardina commented, looking up at Olfin and giving him a victorious nudge. Olfin simply smiled and handed a paper bag to Coriander. "We bagged up all of your extra clothing while you were gone," the Fae explained.
Coriander thanked the pair and bowed his head in respect before setting a few coins down on the counter and pushing out the door. When he met up with Caelan, he noticed that his son also had something different about him. They were both exhausted by the day's end and so they decided to rest in a vacant traveler's hut for the night. The next morning they gathered up the proper rations and headed east, preparing to cross the Sea of a Thousand Currents.
- Written by AngryJ


After travelling across the Sea of a Thousand Currents they ended up in the Shifting Expanse. A clan of around 50 dragons took them in, pulling them out of the storms into the caves where they lived and prospered. Most of the dragons had crystal bodies and faceted wings. He loved when they sat at the opening of the cave at sunset as they light glittered across their scales.
The clan never seemed to settle down. They were still trying doing their best to make Coriander and Caelan feel welcome through the buzz of their rushed lives. He only really got to talk to the other two travelers that had ended up in this clan on the same day. They were a tough pair and he didn't take a liking to them. They soon decided to move on as the hustle and bustle of this clan just wasn't for them
-written by mayathepsychic


The sizzling of magic in the air chilled the faes' bones. It was not nearly as cold as the Southern Icefields -- not even close -- but the strange electric feel that buzzed in the air made them feel slightly cold. The two faes made their way across the Crystalpine Reaches, keeping their eyes peeled for any lair that seemed "odd". At least, that was how it was described in the letter. Coriander pulled it out and read it once more. "It may seem invisible first, but eventually it shall appear to you. You may find us odd, but do not worry," it said. Very reassuring.
"Father?" Caelan tugged Coriander's wing cover. "Is that... it?"
Coriander looked up to find that an icy male skydancer had appeared out of nowhere. He grinned mischievously at them, and then disappeared altogether. Beside him was a high watchtower, with a gleaming female skydancer on it. "Are these the faes we were expecting!?" she called down to the barren land. Caelan cleared his throat as the lair materialized along with the male skydancer, who slipped up to them and eyed them curiously.
"Welcome!" The two heard a chorus of welcoming cries from the lair as dragons started to emerge from the lightly barricaded walls. They greeted them and showed them in to where they'll be staying, too sap houses nearby two others. "Take a look around," said a purple female guardian, the leader of the lair. "Feel free to just walk up to anyone and say anything. Enjoy your time!"
During their stay, they experienced a great many wondrous -- and seemingly impossible -- events. All the dragons there had their own unique power, gifted from "The Lore", as a pristine male spiral called Lythagoras put it. He was... a strange one. The only dragon in there who didn't have their own power was another young fae named Isaac. He and Coriander immediately became good friends. There were two other faes, too. One named Deimmirug, who seemed distant and gloomy, and his female counterpart, Gwevaria, who was bubbly, excitable, gregarious and a true chatterbox.
They also became acquainted with some other dragons. It was a small, but strong and busy lair. Each dragon seemed to fit in their own place -- leader, scholar, shaman, warrior, artisan -- and more. Some simply helped by gathering food and materials. Of course, Gwevaria followed them around everywhere on their first day. She was able to make gems pop out of the ground, and handed them each a gem. They had taken tour of the still small lair, and by the end of the day had had enough spectacle and mystical extravaganza for a lifetime. They resided to their own dwellings.
The next morning, Coriander awoke to find that Caelan had already risen. He saw his son sitting on a branch with Gwevaria, who tweaked his nose. He blushed, but smiled and ruffled the her antique lace headpiece. Coriander watched for a moment more as they talked, Gwevaria spewing out stories about the clan. Caelan laughed, looking truly happy. Coriander knew how his son was feeling, and decided not to bring it up.
Time to seize the day, he told himself.
Caelan straightened when Coriander came over. Gwevaria, for the first time in her life, looked shy. She nudged him gently, and he whispered something to her. She giggled. She returned to her usual self and started waving exuberantly at him. "GOOD MORNIN'!!!" Caelan beamed.
Coriander waved back, and headed to watch the fascinations of the clan once more.
That afternoon, after Coriander spot Gwevaria nudge Caelan coyly for the millionth time, Coriander decided to come ask his son himself. "So, Caelan, anything you'd like to tell me?" he asked, a slight smile on his face. Caelan looked completely startled, while Gwevaria bounced up and down nervously.
"Can... Can we stay for -- a bit longer than we intended?"
Coriander raised an eyebrow. "Why, son?"
There was a silence. Then, "I just really like it here," Caelan replied.
Coriander contemplated it for a moment. "Well..." He could spot Gwevaria looking ready to explode out of the corner of his eye. "If it makes you happy, son, why not? You've made lots of friends here."
Caelan grinned ear to ear. "Thanks, dad," he said. Gwevaria sagged with relief.
"No problem," he responded. Though he secretly wondered what was going on, and the connection between the other two...
Coriander noticed that his son had been disappearing a lot lately. Gwevaria, who usually zipped around the lair, had, too. And they were never seen apart anymore. Wherever Caelan was, Gwevaria was. And vice versa. The other dragons didn't seem to mind that they'd been disappearing. Gwevaria seemed shier nowadays, too.
On fifth day of their stay, Coriander watched a miraculous happening. All the dragons beamed as they watched a fire egg the imperial Wicaydia had found begin to twitch and crack. Out sprang a Chocolate/Cream/Ginger tundra. It blinked at them slowly before a violet glow appeared at his forehead. A wispy claw tapped him, and he shone with new power.
"Out new youngling has been touched by the lore," Lythagoras announced, and the others smiled and laughed and cheered.

The tundra was to be called Chocolate.


Coriander flew up to his son's sap nest. It was almost time to leave, and he had to make sure Caelan was packing. "Caelan?" he called, before opening the door. He stared, aghast at what he beheld.
"WHAT IS THAT!!!!!!!???????"
"It's a baby!!! Cerilani, say hello to Gwandpa!!" The little fae smiled contentedly and snuggled up to Gwevaria. Caelan smiled shyly, and Coriander nodded hastily.
"We have to leave tomorrow night," he said quickly. "Pack and... yeah."
He left to gather his thoughts and to pack.
Cerilani was his grandson's name. He liked to tickle the fae under the jawline. It made Cerilani laugh, the same bell laugh Gwevaria had. The next day, Tatiana, the clan leader, presented him with a brown birdskull wingpiece. "Thanks for coming," the guardian said. "Visit us sometime."
"I enjoyed your hospitality. Thanks again," he said, "for allowing us to stay longer than we intended."
"Not a problem," she replied. He thought he saw her glance at Gwevaria, who was rummaging through a chest, and smile slightly.
When he found Caelan, his son had donned a brightscale chest guard. "Ready to go?" he asked.
"I guess."
The three left as the sun set and the lair mysteriously vanished behind them. What other adventures did the future behold?
written by Tanzz

The woods were thick, barked leviathans crushing in on every side as the Fae pair tried to make their way through the deepest dark of the Tangled Woods, flittering specks of light dancing around their heels as they pushed further on into the gloom. Surely nothing could live in these twisting roots?
And yet, rumours of a strange clan that dwelled within the moon-tinged mists persisted throughout the woods, the fanciful tales enough to catch even the most timid tundras ears with curiosity. Such a potential adventure could be passed up, and thus it was that Coriander and Caelan found themselves lost in the sea of brambles.
Unaware of the white eyes that watched from the shadows.
Just as the pair had started to believe that the whispered stories had been just that, the mist swirled and tightened its grip around them, before the cold wall seemed to split apart, as if welcoming the two to the garden that now lay before them. And such a hauntingly beautiful garden it was, where the wicked trickster-lights of the night danced and slept peacefully with most exquisitely scented of orchids, each bloom as pale as moonlight and possessed of ghostly elegance.
"Beautiful, is it not?"
As if formed from the swirling fog itself, the owner of the voice emerged from the pale shroud that blanketed the air, the tundras form mostly hidden beneath the heavy cloak she wore, save for black wings that held tight her side like onyx armour and the cold orbs that gazed from the depths of the hood.
"Pray, tell us,what reason hast thee for this trespass upon our lands? We do not recall sending out Invitations this past moon..."
"We are just travellers, miss, on the winds to see the world in all its glory, and when we heard rumours of a clan out here in the woods, we just...wanted to visit,"
The tundra listens, eyes giving away nothing as she appears to consider his words for several long seconds. Then she nods, as if satisfied, before reaching into the folds of her cloak to pull out two piles of intricate lattice work, the metal cold and covered in drops of dew.
"'tis not our ways to let Unwelcomed wander our lands freely. But nor is it in our laws to refuse shelter, so as such, thou mayest rest here until thou doth decide to depart. We bid only that thou must wear these markers, so that our clan will know thee as guests and prevent any...unfortunate mishaps,"
And so it was that the pair found themselves welcomed to the lands of Clan Cimmeria.
Written by SheridanCharon)


Coriander found himself moving for a lair in the Rotrock Rim.
The wasteland were full of dread and disease and the Fae even wondered: "What am I even doing here?". Looking to his map, the small fae looked around to see what he was not expecting at all:
The lair was ontop and around a dead tree! The first one to notice the visitor was a purple Pearlcatcher, her light-blue eyes staring at Coriander with curiosity.
"Hey there, folk! You're that travelling Fae, right?" she asked. Coriander could notice that the Pearlcatcher did not have a pearl. How weird! "The Ethereal Clan is really welcome to have you here, I hope you can enjoy your stay!"

The Pearlcatcher, which later told Coriander that her name was Huffle, showed him around the Clan. She also told the green Fae that it was a mess because they were moving back to the Lightning Flight. It wasn't really that 'mess', she's probably a perfectionist.
On the upper part of the dead tree, it was the hatchling's nests. An adult, yet small sized Fae was playing with them, a snake quietly sleeping besides him.
"That Fae's Pantherophis. He takes care and entertains the small hatchlings, y'know? It might be nice to talk to him sometime! The guy's a bit reserved and speaks more Snake than Dragon language, but you know Fae Body Language better than I do probably."

When the two dragons flew down, Huffle showed him more stuff until the twilight could be seen in the sky. A room that was way more technological than the rest of the lair caught his eye because it was shining in a light blue that was easily seen because it was getting dark. Curious, Coriander asked Huffle what was it.
"That's Foric's room. Don't enter it without his permission, he has been through some traumas and is easily scared. And when he gets scared, he can even be a bit agressive, so better not to bother him at this time. I promise I'll try to get him to trust you before you go to another Lair." the pearlcatcher gently said, showing him the moss prepared nest she made for him. Coriander lied down and saw Huffle and her mate, Elderyth, curling together. He looked away instantly. He'd not be the third wheel right now.

When he woke up the next day, he saw a leaf with some insects ontop of it. A small note with a beautiful handwriting had one "With love, Huffle" and some hearts all over the paper. After having the breakfast, the Fae couldn't resist stopping by Foric's room. Peering through the half open door, he noticed a black Skydancer with some robots playfully jumping around him. Awn, he didn't seem like a traumatized guy at all, he loved that little robots. The Fae felt like entering and calling his attention.
Coriander just slowly retreated as he remembered what the Female Pearlcatcher told him. He seemed like a nice guy, but if she said that he was aggresive towards others, he'd trust her. At least he wasn't curious anymore.

The following days were quite normal, but Coriander felt a bit left out. The guys in the clan were too busy with the flight change. He admitted that they tried their best to make him as comfortable as it was possible in this rush, especially Huffle. Perhaps, they could meet again in the Lightning Flight when they finish moving...

Written by Dezzle!


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Lairs Visited:
▸ The Crystalline Clan
mayathepsychic (175457)

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____Coriander is a happy and loving fae. He lives a nomadic lifestyle, moving from clan to clan and making friends throughout all the lands. He is an artist and a pacifist. He believes that there is good in everyone and is very gullible. He hopes that he will have fun visiting your clan and will make many new memories!
- Written by Firewins




____Write as much or as little story as you want, but make sure you add something.

____Please add your username below your addition to Coriander's bio, so I know who wrote what!

____Coriander will be sent to you to keep for three days. When that time is over, send Coriander back to Firewins and they will send him to the next person.

____You may add or change his apparel as long as you return any apparel that you remove.

____Please don't delete anything written in his bio

____Nothing nsfw or against Flight Rising rules will be tolerated.

____These rules are so this game does not fall apart, so please respect and follow the rules!

____Have fun!




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