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Personal Style


Gem Thief
Brass Steampunk Scarf
Brass Steampunk Gloves
Brass Steampunk Tail Bauble
Leather Leg Wraps
Simple Gold Wing Bangles
Dusty Pauper Locket




29.07 m
24.05 m
6193.56 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 10, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level
Bright Bolt
Shining Acuity Fragment
Shining Acuity Fragment
Shining Acuity Fragment




  • none


The Volatile Tinkerer

Trigger Warnings – Violence, Psychopathy, Privilege

Species - Imperial
Gender - Female
Element – Light
Talent – Photographic Memory
Faction - Defenders
Role – Inventor of clan defenses, security mechanisms, and death traps.
Dark Secret - Her own lair is so heavily trapped because she’s a remarkably deep sleeper, and enjoys being woken by screams, not because of any actual security concerns.
Traits – Borderline apathetic, lacks empathy, disinterested in surroundings (events, peers, environment), incredibly intelligent, skilled mathematician and architect, speaks emotionlessly and without inflection, morbidly curious.
Appearance – Often smudged with dirt and grease, and smells appalling (washes alarmingly infrequently).
Sins – Cruelty, apathy, premeditated murder.
Likes - Mangled corpses in various stages of rigor mortis, the seaside, field testing new traps, whistling tunelessly.
Dislikes - Long-term planning, rainy mornings, shellfish (allergic), being nagged/reminded/badgered.
Theme Music – Automatic (Tokio Hotel)

To be born into a clan of purebred Imperial dragons is an honour - particularly a purebred clan living in a sacred cove along the sandy shores of a sunlit coast. To be born as the only hatchling of the clan's heir is more than an honour - it is a privilege. In direct line to inherit the leadership of the clan, Seafoam was draconic nobility.

However, she possessed no desire to learn the protocol and manners appropriate for her station, no desire to lead. Far from it - her only desire was to create.

To that end, she befriended the clan's inventor, the only dragon among the Imperials possessed of anything resembling technical skill. Such work was frowned upon by the upper classes, so it was little wonder that the inventor in question was an outcast - elderly, reclusive, and alarmingly insane.

He claimed that his inventions served as defenses against the dark forces that ravaged Sornieth - but there were no such dangers to be found within the clan's sacred lands.

Paranoid delusions aside, he was more than willing to take on such a talented and attentive pupil, and designed to educate her in the finer points of defensive engineering. It was a forbidden apprenticeship, but a highly successful one, and it wasn't long before the quality of her work exceeded that of her mentor.

However, Seafoam had something of a cruel streak. Bored of building mundane defenses, she branched out into the creation of traps. Traps that were at first designed for prey, designed to quickly kill the captured creature.

Her later traps, however, were designed for dragons - designed to cause the captive as much suffering as physically possible, to indefinitely prolong their death.

All of her traps, be they for prey or for dragons, were tested in the contested lands on the outskirts of Imperial territory. Most were functional, and some proved brutally effective.

Her apprenticeship, her pursuit of manual labor, and her general disinterest in her assigned role were issues that could be grudgingly overlooked by her peers, her quirks tolerated due to her high status and noble birth. Even the occasional maiming of a clan member or killing of a foreign envoy could be overlooked, because her traps were not under her direct control.

What could not be overlooked was the death of her father. Caught and killed in a bladed net, it was believed that Seafoam had killed him intentionally - that this was a blatant attempt to change the clan's line of succession, or even an attempt to seize power.

In a clan as rigid and traditional as that of the Imperials, this was an unforgivable sin. Seafoam was abruptly and unceremoniously cast out.

Despite the general hostility of her former clan, she couldn't be bothered to travel far. Staking out an area of the contested region within a broad perimeter of traps, she was content to live there alone, her work uninterrupted.

It was shortly thereafter that the Unrepentant dragons stumbled across her territory. Too small and disorganized to truly be called a clan, the unruly band of rejects fell victim to her defenses. Many were caught and injured in her traps, the less fortunate killed outright as their comrades suffered.

To such twisted dragons, her traps were a work of genius. Her traps could benefit the (surviving) members of the Unrepentant clan, shielding them from their innumerable enemies.

With some effort, they convinced Seafoam to free them, and eventually to allow them residence within in her territory - specifically within her perimeter of traps. Frankly, she couldn't have cared less for companions, but was willing to ignore their existence so long as none of them interfered with her work.

In short, while the true progenitor of the Unrepentant Clan is lost to history, it was in Seafoam's territory that the wandering band of marauders first settled. She never sought to lead, and in fact, she did not. Leadership instead fell to the eldest members of the clan - Typhoon and Shatterglass.

Seafoam took exception to Typhoon, seeing her as disgustingly pretentious - despite being of common birth, she had adopted the airs of nobility, and had once had the gall to pose as a divine being merely out of a desire to be worshiped. However, the Imperial's overwhelming apathy meant that she ultimately took no action on the matter.

When the gladiator Silverslash took control of the Unrepentant clan, shaping it to his will, surprisingly little changed for the inventor. Yes, the Guardian moved the clan to a new lair in a new territory, to a more stable and easily defensible locale. Seafoam's role, however, remained the same.

Tasked with constructing defenses and traps to secure this new territory, she needed little convincing. Her surroundings made no difference. Neither did her clan mates, or her supposed leader. All that she desired was the ability to work without judgement or interruption - and these desires was willingly granted.

It's clear that the Imperial cares only for her experiments - and given her utter lack of anything resembling emotion, that's probably for the best.

The only dragon who she permits to intrude into her workspace is Sulfur, a fellow inventor who is more than willing to share his ideas. Insane though he may be, those ideas are often brilliant, and Seafoam routinely challenges herself to bring them to fruition. His mania can be frustrating, but she has made the boundaries of her tolerance clear. It's obvious that the Mirror is attempting to respect those boundaries, though he often fails miserably.

Seafoam's traps are unmarked, their positions unknown even to members of her own clan. Infrequently maintained, corpses often rot for weeks or even months in these traps.

Woe be unto the fool who stumbles into one... Unrepentant or otherwise.
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Exalting Seafoam to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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