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Personal Style





4.44 m
2.14 m
85.79 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 08, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Spiral
EXP: 5352 / 27676
Thunder Slash


Uh-oh, looks like this restless noodle wandered a little too far from his home lair (294431, Agatho), and now he's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you could just return him to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but se would be very grateful!

A Forgetful Journal
Agatho wrote:
My mother is from the Ice and my father is from Water. I was born in Lightening. I moved to Clan Kako upon reaching adulthood, hoping to learn to fight well. I've learned as much as I can here, so I think I'm going to begin traveling, simply to learn as much as I can about the art of battle.
Noodlesper wrote:
My time in the Fire Clan was a bit unsettling. Yabana was especially unsettling. She had a thing for keeping the bones of those that she has eaten. It sent a shiver down my spine. Eluvian was very nice. She is the Clan's Oracle. I spent quite a bit of time with her, so I wasn't really able to get some training from the Clan's warriors. I hope that I can in the next clan I visit!
ShepherdOfFire: Inferni Spiritus wrote:
My next stop was my very first visit into the Scarred wasteland. Sickness and disease made a less than cheerful landscape. It was however an excellent choice for my next destination for here I found a very Large clan of warriors. I told them of my desire to learn to fight and they took me to the clan leader right away who was a female Wildclaw named Karma. She had the cruel eyes of a snake but a sly gentle tone of a fox. She told two of her elite warriors to take me out for training immediately. One of Karma's mates named Gavin and another male named Ming. I asked if we were going to the Mire where most were trained by skilled warriors. Ming smirked and Gavin shook his head slowly "Mire is for wimps, We are going to kick it up a notch, don't worry you'll do fine. Gavin was right I learned a lot during my training including a new ability from my Lightning element. We came up against a large creature called a Mantarune but Gavin and Ming didn't break a sweat. Ming and Gavin smashed the beast with a few powerful moves called eliminate. after the beast was slain Ming captured one of the Mantarune young to make it into one of his pets We also trained in a place called the Golemn Workshop, which was really intense. Over all I'd say that my stay here was very beneficial. (level 3-9)
SpaceErase wrote:
I had to travel for a long time before coming to my next stop, a system of caves in the mountains of the Southern Icefield occupied by a large, diverse family of dragons. I could never figure out how many there were, some were always out exploring or collecting food or tucked away in impossible-to-find extra rooms, but it had to be more then sixty. I was snowed in for about a week or two, and most everyone was very friendly, but I couldn't help seeing that the clan founder's eyes were purple, not white. I asked at some point, and I really don't think I should have- one of them looked away as if pretending I hadn't asked, expression falling as he quietly comforted his mate, while said mate growled and stared at me like I had just asked something horribly offensive. One of the clan members quietly apologized, but requested I not mention it again.

Other then that, everyone was friendly. A Mirror named Froot took a fancy in my, she's.. quite interesting. Despite the friends I've made here, I've got to keep going- I can't settle down yet. So, I bid everyone goodbye and set out on my journey again.
Zikul wrote:
Crossing borders and far distances, I reached a sunny clan in the lands of the Lightweaver. The first thing that happened to me, was that I got processed; Samples of my scales were taken, and my genetic profile archived in their vast database of visitors and citizens.

Once that ordeal was over, I was made to take a test, answering questions and learning the rules of this place - for instance, I'm banned from courting, breeding or otherwise pursue romantic relationships within the clan. Oh, and I'm not allowed to keep a private diary, either, everything is to be kept in connection to the state's ever reaching interweb.

It was an interesting stay. Most interesting of all is how everyone seem to be so content and happy here, as if all the strange bans and regulations had no ill effect on them. I don't know,
I don't like it... I think I shall be leaving, soon.
Mercredy wrote:
During my travels I'd reached the Forest in the Snowsquall Tundra, when the blizzard attacked me. In this white cold madness I had to find a shelter. Now I think it was a huge hollow tree, but that time it lookes like the Castle. Exhausted I had fallen asleep, I guess. And in my dreams I saw several dragons. They greeted me in The Castle of Forgotten Dreams and told me that these are the place when all the dreams come true.
And then I saw her, sparkling and incredibly beautiful. She told me that she had been Exalted, but gained a chance to have a mate and give a life to single hatchling, as she hadn't this opportunity before she reunited with the Ancestors. It was wonderfull five days, which actually were one night, but in the end he saw his daughter's face. "Insomnia" her mother said. "Please name her that way. I wish she will never see the dreams like that, because leaving you is more painfull that not knowing anyone at all."
I woke up with a heviness in his heart and looked around, hoping to see this little hatchling, byut as I expected she wansn't there. Like her mother she never exister. Or were they? I prefere not to think about that. The blizzard is over, so I have to continue my jorney.
Kismet wrote:
I found myself in Dragonhome, lost again. As I was examining some old carvings in a clifface (they looked like a map), there was a clatter of stones...
It took me several moments to notice the Imperial watching me, and even then, I didn't see her; I saw her armor, out of place against the dusty rock. She introduced herself as Ikare, and said that she'd been watching me for a while and had decided that I would be welcome in the Abersteth Citadel.
Concealed behind a ransacked and ruined tomb, heavy iron doors lead into a massive city, carved into rock and sprawling deep underground. I got separated from Ikare at some point, but fell in immediately with a troupe of colorful and flashy dragons that were kind enough to host me.
It was fine until the air in the lower reaches of the Citadel began to grow restless, and more and more dragons filtered down with talk of leaving. Whatever was happening, I would rather have no part in it...
Agatho wrote:
Once more my travels lead my weary wings towards the magic of Arcane's territory. The StarWood offering a warm welcome. I slipped into the Clan in the middle of the night and rested easily in my usual spot. Come morning, I was met face to face with a furious Fae. She startled me, demanding how I came in during the night without having been noticed. Rivalen was able to smooth everything over with the Fae, who was named Cocanougher. A few days after coming home, Riva and I had a nest of two. They were gorgeous, but the younger took off on her own. Before they left, though, they were able to meet their half brother, Huck. Coca died shortly after he was born, something that had happened with several other dragons that had taken up residence.
I plan on moving on soon, but being home is always nice.
lavaland422 wrote:
After a wonderful rest at home, I decided to return to the Earth territory. As much as I didn't want to leave my little family so soon, I just had to search for those carvings again. Unfortunately, I couldn't quite remember where I'd found them the first time. I searched high and low for a long time, but eventually just chose to stay with a local clan instead.
Tinyparrot wrote:
Instead of ending up in Earth territory, I wandered into a Wind clan. The dragons there were very kind to me, and let me train with them in the Coliseum. I befriended a helpful dragon named Castaway, who helped me unlock the Ambush ability and gave me a pair of magic slippers and bandanna in exchange for my scarf. However, I quickly left when I learned that my Coliseum friends were using materials pillaged from beastfolk to war with other dragons.
Zikul wrote:
There has been a grant battle between Arcane and Nature, and I spent the entirety of it huddled up in Sunbeam Ruins... You read that right, I was scared. I thought a lot of Clan Kako, about what I'd learned there, about battle, about life. How they'd embraced me and taken me in, how I should return to Arcane to defend its ground.

But I couldn't bring myself to move even as much as a wing. I feel so terribly ashamed. So terribly guilty. Nature persisted, reached victory - Arcane... weakened, crippled. So many lost. I feel like I should've been there, like it's ugly of me to still be alive.
PijukVonGacy wrote:
I continued on my journey, but this time with no particular destination in mind. I let my tired wings lead me once again to the Scarred Wasteland. In retrospect I think maybe I was subconsciously trying to go back. Home, I mean. To find a way to make up to everyone, maybe. I mostly was still feeling terrible, and not really thinking straight.
In any case I didn't make it. I ran out of provisions in the middle of the Abiding Boneyard.

I was, of course, lucky enough to find a friendly clan that took me in -else I wouldn't be writting this. They were kind enough to feed me, house me, and not ask any questions. As long as I did my part of the work, of course. My training was put to good use, as I accompanied the hunters and warriors.
It helped me realize how I had driven away from my objective in the last months... Maybe I should focus again on getting stronger? Maybe if I had been, I wouldn't have ran away like I did... Maybe I would have helped my people. Maybe we wouldn't have lost...

I am now ready to go. I have provisions, a new piece of bone armor... I said I would leave tomorrow, but I still have no idea of my destination... I still don't know if I should go back... I don't know if I can...
willowlight7 wrote:
The sea has never been my favorite place, but it would be a welcome change from the Abiding Boneyard. At least the plants there are edible. I traveled for what must have been ages without finding a single clan, but luckily I never ran out of supplies. The first sign of any kind of life I saw was a group of traveling merchants, but they were guarded by two intimidating Imperials - one from Shadow, one from Nature. I decided to follow behind them to wherever they were heading, occasionally stealing some insects that escaped their bags. The dragons eventually came to the strangest place I've ever seen - a large bubble underneath the sea, encasing a magnificent spire and the town surrounding it. I tried to enter, but I was attacked and had to flee immediately.
kryptidkoffee wrote:
I quickly fled the sea, finding myself stumbling into the dark territory of The Tangled Wood, where the dragons of the Shadow Flight resided. Unease prickled underneath my scales as I wandered through the dark underbrush. Anything could jump out and take me by surprise here, and I wasn't sure I could handle it with my current mental state.
As stars began to light the night sky, I stopped, I could not believe what I was hearing. It was singing. I made my way toward the source of the voices, and stumbled into the camp of dragons of all shapes and sizes. I was, unlike the place before, welcomed with open arms to The Clan of Aces.
They also gifted me with some wonderful, blue, glowing claws! I think I quite like them.

Owners I've Had
fr__arcane_by_baelfin-d8uyn6b.png Agatho, 294431(Home)
fr__fire_by_baelfin-d8uyn6p.png Noodlesper, 237398
fr__arcane_by_baelfin-d8uyn6b.png Agatho, 294431(Home)
fr__plague_by_baelfin-d8uyn7k.pngShepherdOfFire, 220519
fr__ice_by_baelfin-d8uyn6u.pngSpaceErase, 215025
fr__light_by_baelfin-d8uyn70.png Zikul, 12962
fr__ice_by_baelfin-d8uyn6u.pngMercredy, 190981
fr__earth_by_baelfin-d8uyn6i.png Kismet, 10947
fr__arcane_by_baelfin-d8uyn6b.pngAgatho, 294431(Home)
fr__earth_by_baelfin-d8uyn6i.pnglavaland422, 385723
fr__wind_by_baelfin-d8uyn8b.png Tinyparrot, 376428
fr__light_by_baelfin-d8uyn70.pngZikul, 12962
fr__plague_by_baelfin-d8uyn7k.png PijukVonGacy, 310038
fr__nature_by_baelfin-d8uyn7d.pngLaurelsAndMoss, 442963
leylines 95066
Aiqj6Tj.png willowlight7, 407063
TCOg4IY.png kryptidkoffee
, 486523

Azure Highnoon Hank Helpful Healer's Slippers Tropical Birdskull Headdress Pretty Magenta Head Bow Glowing Blue Clawtips
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