
Level 1 Guardian
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Charming Swan
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Guardian
This dragon is benefiting from the effects of eternal youth.
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Hatchling dragons cannot wear apparel.




2.75 m
0.66 m
95.25 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 03, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


SUtBXAh.pngQuiet | Pensive

Frigid Fugitive Shackles Smoky Quartz
Bucktooth Digger Intact Stone Relief
Thawed Prisoner
Puzzling Apparition


Created by the Icewarden himself, Wardens are creatures from old myths believed to haunt the Fortress of Ends. Not quite alive, those chosen haunt the depths of the mountains for millennia, keeping watch over the frozen prisoners that stare sightlessly from their prisons of ice.

While it is a Warden’s job to make sure that no prisoner ever breaks free and escapes, they are trapped themselves, adorned with chains to remind them of their duty, and each one carrying an hourglass with endless sand ticking away the seconds in their infinite penance.


No dragon is quite sure of what crime could warrant such cruel punishment as being part of the Icewarden’s collection. Priests warn their flock against doubting and questioning the gods. Kings and queens tell of overthrowing a righteous ruler, and replacing them with a power-hungry farce. Slowly, each clan crafted its own set of laws, threating any deviant clan members with a punishment worse than death.

Although it is known only to the Icewarden what crimes were committed by those trapped below the ice, many clans have been resigned to the fact that, as they grow bigger and expand deeper into the mountain, inevitably there will come the day when a crumbling wall will reveal the empty hallways formed by sightless statues, their bodies frozen in horrific screams as they pleaded for mercy their god would never give them.

Even more dangerous is the presence of the Wardens trapped alongside their charges.
Most were driven mad by millennia roaming the dark and quiet catacombs. Those are often relieved of their duties with great cost to the unfortunate clan; and no matter what, one day another will take the place of the fallen Warden, walking the hallways just as its predecessor did, counting the seconds to their downhill spiral into madness.


The statues below the Tempest Clan have been there for too long for anyone to remember who they were or how they got there.

Even their keeper, Erebus, seems to have forgotten who his charges were, the memories buried by years and years of emptiness where remembering was too painful and dangerous a task for him to bear it. In fact, the imperial isn’t even sure that he was the first Warden to guard those halls – and the mere thought of his predecessor’s fate never failed to bring a chill down his spine.

Among the hundreds of statues trapped below, Erebus always wondered about the children.
Unlike their adult companions that were frozen in perpetual fear, the small hatchlings seemed almost peaceful, as if at any moment, they could open their eyes and resume playing with their siblings. It unnerved the imperial cursed with their keep to see innocents condemned to the same fate as the others there.

May the Icewarden never hear him, but he often found himself praying for mercy for the little ones.


The guardian hatchling had no memories of his past, or his life. Maybe too long had passed, or maybe whatever magic bound him to that place had also locked away his memories of his crimes, but the small dragon had no recollection whatsoever of his life up until the moment when he opened his eyes and found himself in the dark hallway.

Wandering around for what felt like days, he finally found an opening in the icy walls. For the first time in his new life, he saw the sky.
Fascinated, the hatchling was eager to keep going and see more of the shining expanse above in, but some invisible force seemed to tether him to the darkness below.
Frustrated, he trashed against his boundary until at last he dragged his defeated and tired body back to where he belonged.

Found by a the skydancer that had taken to visiting the Warden below, the small guardian was called Ghost – for at first, the terrified female was sure that the small creature staring at her was surely an apparition from beyond the grave come to haunt the catacombs.
No scholars or priestesses were capable of figuring out what sort of magic had unleashed him from his frozen prison; but all agreed that while it had weakened enough to allow him to awaken, his chains still kept him very much in place, trapping the confused hatchling below.

Unable to leave the clan’s territory, Ghost roams the hallways above ground for as long as he’s able until he feels the magic below reeling him back. Unused to the bustling activity of the clan, and often spooked by the live dragons, Ghost has taken to spending much of his aboveground time with the statues that guard the clan.
Nestled between the paws of the imposing Stone Guardians, the smaller dragon is free to let his mind wander and he watches life going by all around him. Likewise, he often visits with Cardea and Janus in their Doors, their magic granting him a small reprieve and a longer reach in his explorations.


While his skin looks to be mostly made of ice, the scholar dragons of the clan are unsure of whether or not Ghost has a body within it’s frozen encasing, or if it has slowly been consumed leaving behind an icy, moving shell.

It concerns them that the hatchling seems to grow a bit more sluggish with each passing day. Maybe the magic that keeps him together is wearing off, or maybe it’s just the days growing longer and the cold nights shortening with each dawn.
All they know is that sometimes when the quiet child goes by there are damp footprints in his wake, the only thing the small guardian leaves behind of himself.


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