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Personal Style


Whirlwind Emblem
Bamboo Breeze Cape




4.37 m
4.98 m
533.81 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 13, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 4 Skydancer
EXP: 345 / 4027


Thank ye Opal99 for this beaut Zephyr Dancer, she's purfect
Thanks to drytil for the shiny green Skydancer emblem thing

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Wind Flight Representative

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When she hatched, she was abandoned, or lost. She started her journey alone in the bamboo, without a clue as to who her parents were. And so she set out on a journey to go somewhere.
She walked for a long time, the wind blowing through the grasses, sending flower petals flying. She gave chase, running through the wind. Well, more like loping. She wasn’t the greatest at running with her weak legs. She still enjoyed it, chirping with excitement as she caught one of the bright petals.
Then she saw something unusual. Ahead, orange light flowed, and a large, dark rock loomed ahead of her. Movement on the dark, rocky side, caught her attention, and she stumbled through the grass towards it.
A flurry of feathers erupted from the rocks, clearing a gap she hadn’t seen, and bowled her over, clutching her tightly. “Do not go any further!”
Heart pounding, she looked up at a dragon that had orange eyes, and bright plumage. She squeaked in alarm as the dragon looked at her.
“Don’t go over the edge,” the dragon said sternly. “Where are your parents, or your clan? Why did they not watch you?” When the only reply was a squeak, the dragon sighed. “Okay, I’ll help you, then. Hold on, hun.” She flew towards the sparse bamboo further inland. Setting her down between the stems, she turned to a bare part of ground and dug a hole in the dirt. Minutes went by as she worked determinedly, scooping earth into a pile beside her. The hatchling tried to dig a hole too, copying her movement, but to no avail. She wasn’t strong enough. Instead, she found herself playing in the pile of dirt, spewing it all over the grass, yipping in excitement as she caught a bug hiding in it.
“You keep playing, hun. That’s how you learn.” the feathery dragon encouraged, giving her a kind smile. “You can eat the bug, if you like. Or the grass.” She put her head to the ground and chewed on the grass, making a funny face while doing so. The hatchling, not knowing it was an expression of slight disgust, bent over, and chewed on the grass, trying to mimic the expression. The feathery dragon let out a small chuckle. “There you go, hun. You’ve got the idea.”

After she had dug out a hole big enough for the hatchling to nest in, she tried to leave, struggling to keep the hatchling there. Finally, she plucked a few loose feathers from herself, bundled them up, and put them in the nest, hoping the hatchling would be comforted through the night with some of her scent. And so it worked.
The next morning, the hatchling was alone. She ventured outside, her adopted mother’s feathers clamped in her jaw. She cried as loud as she could through the feathers, hoping to find her again.
She went to the edge of the cliff, wondering if this was the way to summon her mother into existence.
Then she spotted her, flying over the rocks. She cried out happily as her adopted mother descended.
“Hey, hun!” She greeted. “Stay away from the edge, like I told you, okay? Then you’ll be just fine. And I brought you something.” She untied a pouch from her waist, and opened it up. Bugs crawled around inside, some of them unmoving and dead. “This is your breakfast, hun. After you eat, I’ll teach you a few things, then I’ve got to go tend to something, okay?”
The hatchling dug at the earth, her excited energy needing to spill out somewhere. The earth wasn’t as dry here, and she got a few clawfuls of dirt into a pile. She spat the feathers into the small hole, then rolled in the dirt, the bugs forgotten.
“Okay, settle down now. Eat up, you’ll need it.” She gently nudged the hatchling upright, only to have her run off into the wind, clawing the air that battered the young one’s wings.
“You can chase the wind all you want. But first you’ve got to come and eat, okay?”

Days went by, the hatchling being met by the feathery dragon every morning to be taught and fed. Soon, she was called Windchaser, and the name stuck. Windchaser, not knowing what her    adopted mother was called, decided her name was ‘Feathers.’ She was quickly corrected: her adopted mother’s name being Firefeather.

One day, Firefeather’s plumage wasn’t as bright, her kindness not as genuine. Windchaser picked up on her grief, and comforted her as best che could. She wasn’t sure what had happened, nor did she need an answer. Her goal was to make Firefeather happy, so she dashed off into the hills to find a flower. In her search, something caught her. A dragon, but not. Something made of nothing. She was shoved into a sack, and flown across water. Lots of water- she could hear the waves. The temperature dropped slowly, until it chilled her bones, making her shiver.
Suddenly the thing flying her descended, and she could make out many voices. She couldn’t feel their emotions, like most Skydancers. No magic hung in the air here, and no magic could enter this void-like area.
She was dumped into a cage, where she could see snow covering an endless stretch of land. Then she was carted off with multiple other cages, to the edge of the land, where it met sea. In front of her, a system lowered the cages down the cliffside, to a large, hidden prison of sorts.

Then there was a wild scream, sounding like everything and nothing, all at once. The magic-less, dark dragons gathered around a cage marked with a red tag. The dragon inside was forced out, and the only words Windchaser could hear from the crowd’s chanting was:
“Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Voidwaker! Voidwaker!”
The dragon who had screamed held the caged dragon down. He withered under his grasp, but was unable to break away.
Then the darkness came. The Shade. It drew from multiple void dragons, piling into a form of nothing in front of the pinned dragon.
Slowly, the multiple, void-like eyes stared at the pinned dragon. The pinned dragon’s scales went white, then black. He, too, was formed into nothingness.

All hell broke loose at the back of the crowd, where multiple dragons surged forward to fight the void dragons. A tundra charged through the crowd, grabbed at Windchaser’s cage, and freed her immediately. Standing over her now, the tundra fought the oncoming voidlings. He tanked all the hits, until he was buried under a wave of darkness. Confused, she stumbled forward, only to be grabbed by a voidling. A dragon charged in at her attacker, killing him, then bundled her to safety on the edge of the battlefield.

Suddenly, the snow kicked in, and she was lost in a world of white.

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All of it was a memory now. She remembered so little of the battle, but she remembered her adopted mother, and the dragon who took her across the waves, back to her home. She kept in touch with the water-obsessed dragon, as she tried to find Firefeather again.
She had found a clan to live in, and found a dragon who loved her quite a lot. Not because she was a Zephyr Dancer, but because of her energy, and love of the wind. His name was Windrift; and as their love progressed, he learned all about Windchaser’s past.
One day, Windchaser found her adopted mother.
Firefeather, absolutely ecstatic, couldn’t stop covering Windchaser’s face in licks, telling her how they had come to save her, and then lost her in the snow, and how sad she was to lose her...  
Then she said she’d lost all of her friends in the battle; now they were scattered, probably dead in some places. Windchaser knew she was scared for them.
"Can I join you to find them?" She asked. "Also, I think Windrift will like to join me as well."

And that’s how Windchaser joined the scattered team.

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Windchaser is very curious, energetic, and playful. She is content in the open lands of the wind, with her mate, Windrift. She doesn't stay in camp too often- her heart desires a journey and freedom every now and again.
Bio template by @Mibella, find it here.

Find the inspiration for the story here: ImLwTCX.png


Thanks to Unyko for the pixel art :D

*Needs Gone With The Wind by Eleventh
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