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Personal Style


Teardrop Pastel Spinel Bracelet
Burnished Gold Gauntlets
Sociable Striped Locket
Glowing Gold Clawtips


Accent: Stay for You


Scene: Lightweaver's Domain


6.18 m
6.47 m
367.15 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 10, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245



The Healer
Elderberry is known throughout the clan as being both strict and kind. She has little patience for dragons that push themselves too far and injure themselves and has been known to cow even the most violent of the clan into behaving with her calm demeanor.

While Elderberry is often relied upon for her level-headness, she was not always known for this trait. In her youth, Elderberry was a short-tempered, vain dragoness; one that longed to stand out from her many siblings. With both her parents holding important positions in her birth clan at the time, she wanted nothing more than to gain their approval, above and beyond that of the other dragons in the clan and dedicated herself to her studies to that effect.

She split a great amount of time between The Daylight Sanctum and Lanternlea Port, learning from the scholars and mages that walked their halls and discovering a latent talent for healing. This, she dove into whole-heartedly. Although she knew that the skill was very different from those of her parents, she sought nothing more than their approval and praise. Hoping that while different, her abilities might be of use to them and her clan.

Ironically, this desire was what eventually drove her away from them.

In some ways the transition began naturally, spending so much of her time away, the ties that bound her to the clan gradually began to wither. She spent more time with the scholars around her, more time dealing with petty requests for healing from strangers and aquaintances. Had she a stronger relationship with her siblings or clanmates this fading might have caused no small amount of distress, but for a dragon that had so often eschewed their offers of friendship in favour of her own goals, this fading barely passed notice.

She had other offers to look into, other opportunities to follow. Her skills with healing had brought her notice from those with need of her abilities. The violent dragoness Dystopia who now and then required healing after yet another challenger had failed to pose a threat to her. The mysterious Deluge, who seemed fascinated by her studies. Cairn, who always seemed to know when her frustrations with her studies had become too much, and would invite her outside to test her wings in a race.

Despite her best intentions she found herself being drawn yet further into the pack's dynamics. Would let herself be pulled from yet another dusty tome to spend time with them. Would listen to their tales of Dragonhome, of their home amongst the rubble of the Earthshakers domain, the place where they would return to after their travels were over, and found herself growing envious of their time. These nameless travelers were so often apart from each other and from her and yet the bond between them seemed to grow stronger with each passing day.

Intellectually she knew she shouldn't accept such overtures of companionship when she already had a clan of her own. That such gestures from an insignificant nameless pack ought to pale in comparison to the power of her own family.

These dragons should know better. Shouldn't dare even to try. Let alone treat her as though she was already one of their own.

One of theirs.

And yet her traitorous heart didn't seem to think any different.

Each time she saw them, it leapt at the thought of travelling away with them. Of setting her path with theirs and never looking back.

One day, Elderberry looked up from her studies to realise that she had not thought of her birth clan in many a moons turn, thoughts consumed more with her time with these "nameless" than those she had fought so hard to get the approval of.

Rushing to her quarters, she desperately searched through her things, trying to find some form of sign that her clan had not forgotten her in return.

There was nothing.

No messages. No letters. The last form of communication she had with them was months old at best. An invitation to an event that she had ignored in favour of spending time with her packmates
these interlopers to her affections.

Grieved perhaps less by the loss of her clan, and more by the loss of her goal; Her parents approval suddenly seeming so much further out of reach, Elderberry sought aimlessely for something new to drive her. Some task to complete, some new method of healing to discover, and found that once more she was one amongst many.

Yet another scholar amongst those residing in the Sunbeam Ruins, a good healer perhaps, but nothing special.

Nothing important.

This realisation came as something of a horror for her. To have done so much and dedicated so much time to a goal, only to wind up exactly where she started. It was anathema. Not to be born.

By that night, she had packed her things and was gone.

Intending to travel towards the Starfall Isles so she could expand her arcanic knowledge, hoping to achieve further greatness and success, she found her steps taking her North towards the deserts of Dragonhome.

For all that the lands she crossed were full of new and unique places and peoples, but not her pack, where were they, why were they so hard to find? these travels Elderberry found oddly uninspiring, the revalations that had so recently rocked her worldview turning her mind towards apathy more often than not. The journey felt as though it was wearing away at the last of her resolve, as if each step she took encouraged her to turn back. That there was no point. That it would be better to return home what home? which home? with whom did she belong? in disgrace, than to remain on this fruitless search.

Who was she trying to impress anyway? Herself?

There was no one.

She began to watch the goings on around her with dispassion. She couldn't bear to see the happiness of those around her when her own thoughts were so bleak, and she withdrew yet further into herself. Often looking the other way to requests for aid, when before she would have taken every opportunity to prove to herself and others how talented she was.

Her world, once full of the brightness of the Lightbringer, felt dulled to shades of grey and dust.

Each day seemed the same.

Until quite suddenly, it wasn't.

Travelling along the edge of the Shattered Plain, she heard the sounds of a vicious conflict. The angry roars of a large dragon, the thunder like boom of heavy strikes hitting, and the gail that could only be caused by very large wings.

Even so, her mind as it was, she was disinclined to investigate. Rather than heading towards the sound as her healer training might insist she began to continue on her way. The idea of becoming involved with something. With anyone, seeming abhorrent.

It was here that her choice in the matter was taken from her hands.

As a victorious bellow echoed across the landscape, she heard the sound of rapidly approaching wingbeats from behind her.

For a moment wondering if she should let whatever was coming pick a fight with her as well, no matter her lack of combat prowess, she instead let herself duck inside a shallow alcove. Hoping that whatever it was would pass her by.

She did not, could not, anticipate what she was about to witness.

With an almighty crash, her unwitting pursuer came to ground outside her hiding place, shaking the ground beneath her and causing a cascade of rubble across her head and back.

Blinking the dust from her eyes, Elderberry was suddenly furious. Had she not suffered enough indignities? Had she come all this way to cower at some unknown beast? Though she felt the maw of apathy tugging at her, for a brief moment it felt as though her rage was a beam of light, clearing the way.

Leaping from her hiding place, ready to do everything it took to teach whatever it was that was outside a lesson it would not soon forget, she found herself face to maw with an Imperial easily four times her size.

One that despite his obvious injuries was clearly pulling himself to his feet to meet her as yet unspoken challenge.

Taken aback by the size of her opponent, she felt a trickle of something unkown to her shiver down her back. Was it fear? Acceptance? Anticipation? Elderberry didn't know.

She made no attempt to move as the monster before her dragged himself upright, bared his teeth, and snarled.

The wound on his shoulder gaping open as he did.

For a moment, everything in the world seemed very far away. Intellectually she knew that the dragon's roars were making the ground tremble, but she could hear nothing. The world was silent, all Elderberry could focus on was the dark red, staining the pale scales in front of her.

Almost as in a dream, she heard her own voice speaking up.

"Do you have any idea what a wound like that could do to your motor control?!"

"What are you thinking?! Trying to fight again in your state? Are you trying to cause yourself irrepairable damage?"

"Answer me!"

Her words echoing around her in the sudden silence. She watched as the dragon before her scoffed, tilting his head mockingly in the direction of her previous hiding place.

"And what do you think you can do about it Little Thing?"

Bristling at the insult, no one was more surprised than Elderberry herself when she felt the strings of healing magic start to pull together in her claws.

"Fine thing for you to say, Oversized One! Maybe I should just show you!"

Narrowly avoiding the claws heading towards her head and ducking under and around the arm that tried to crush her, Elderberry found herself laying her claws on another dragon for the first time in months.

Her world in focus for the first time in what seemed longer.

Distantly, she felt the Imperial watching her through narrowed eyes. Heard his claws tapping the ground in aggravation. Voice coming out in a low growl.

"If this is an attempt to dissuade me you can think again."

Elderberry found her head jerking up at the percieved slight.

"If I wanted payment I would ask for it!" She shot back indignantly and to her surprise saw the look in the Imperials eyes turn from disdain to amusement, and dare she even think it, appreciation.

He was looking directly at her.

Seeing her.

"You're not much of a fighter, are you Little Thing?"

Before Elderberry had even a moment to tense her wings in offense the Imperial continued.

"But then, I'm certainly not much of a healer."

He paused, considering.

"Should we meet again, consider your challenge accepted."

Then, without a care for the state of his shoulder, he suddenly shook her off and took flight. Elderberry, affronted at the clear disregard for her advice, she hadn't been lying about the potential aftereffects of such an injury, took barely any thought at all before setting off after him.

The world around her suddenly looking so much brighter than it had in the moments before her encounter.

Although she didn't catch up to the dragon, his wingspan was signifficantly larger than her own. Elderberry found she didn't mind, and when she finally decided to rest for the evening, she realised that she was watching the goings on around her with new eyes. She found that before where she had seen an endless dead expanse, she now saw that it was teeming with life, with colour.

Yet she could also feel the jaws of that undefinable, interminable feeling that had hounded her ever since that day in the Sunbeam Ruins, trying to close it's teeth around her neck.

Suddenly, she was afraid.

That feeling had nearly killed her once before. To go back, now that she had experienced the world like this, would be her undoing.

At first light, she desperately sought sign of the Imperials passing, believing that if he had dragged her from the place she was in before, perhaps he could keep her from heading there again.

On and on she searched, deeper and deeper into the desert, until at last she came upon a trail of destuction, the likes of which she had never seen before. It was amongst this wreakage that the Imperial lay, eyes closed, breathing shallowly. Having clearly not heeded her advice and dived head first into yet another battle.

Creeping up to his side, Elderberry hung her head in what could only be called despair.

"Why? What made you do this to yourself?" She found herself asking quietly. Not expecting a reply.

"Because I will not go like a whisper into the night."

Head shooting up, Elderberry gaped at the dragon before her. The dragon that had cracked one eyelid open and was now eyeing her sidways.

"I will leave my mark on this landscape and any that stand before me shall face me or die."

Elderberry drew back. Clutching at her pearl tightly she raised her head to speak. Her tone sharp with her nerves.

"You'll be dieing sooner than the rest of them if you don't pay attention to your healer!"

Surprise briefly shot across the larger dragons face.

"My healer? You?"

Bracing herself for a snide remark, Elderberry set her shoulders. If this was to be a refusal then what was one more? Strange as his words had been she could try to take some strength from them.

She would face him.

Or she would die.

The other dragon observed her for a long moment.

"Stubborn aren't you? So be it Little Thing, do what you will."

Elderberry let out a breath she didn't realise she was holding. Drawing closer, she once more pulled the strings of her magic together. This time deliberately taking her time over each of his wounds. Making sure each had sealed properly before moving on to the next.

Perhaps this was anathema, she thought. A Pearlcatcher healing an Imperial. A healer, healing a warrior such as this. How many had perished under his hands? How many more with her healing at his side?

She took a breath.

The world kept moving.

Resolution made, she turned and spread her wings to the sky.

She had a pack to return to.

With time Elderberry has gained a little perspective. Though she sometimes still feels that empty void tugging at her steps, she has found it a little easier to keep walking on ahead with each day that passes.

Certainly, the dramas and events that come from living amongst the nameless serve as a welcome distraction. Be it the antics of the hatchlings, the fears of a new apprentice or the discovery of a deity's direct intervention.

For what else could it be. To turn the void to create. To turn it to change. To Kindling. What power is this that the Earthshaker holds?

There is always something to captivate the interest.

Always someone that appreciates the work that she does.

When not serving as the clan's main healer, she spends much of her time sunbathing on the northern beaches of Dragonhome, enjoying the feeling of the sun on her scales.

One day, perhaps not soon, perhaps not ever, she might seek out her original family, just to see how far they've come.

Praise be to the Earthshaker
May they sleep till morning

Likes & Dislikes===Character Traits===Relationships
Leopard Coralclimber Toxin
Careful Application Needed

Zeeba Horn
Use as Placebo Only

Bloody Wing Bandages
Need to Redress
  • Impatient
  • Loyal
  • Calm
  • Strict
  • Likes Peace and Quiet
  • Quick Reader
  • Somewhat Melancholic
  • Practical
  • Intelligent
  • Sarcastic
  • Disciplined
Ripper Of Bandages

Clever Assistant

Procurer of Supplies




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