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Personal Style


Daisy Flowerfall
Dew Laden White Rose
Bamboo Breeze Cape
Regal Masque
Grove Sylvan Wings
Grove Sylvan Dress
Grove Sylvan Headpiece
Grove Sylvan Filigree
Grove Sylvan Twist
Grove Sylvan Lattice
Grove Sylvan Anklets
Grove Sylvan Bracelets




4.61 m
7.05 m
768.37 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 26, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


  • Actress
  • Singer
  • Myteness (mentor)

“How much is this one?”

There are dragons standing around the cage where she sits with her sister--unimpressed seeming dragons, but big dragons, fierce-looking dragons, nonetheless. One of them has been there since she was put within the cage; she isn’t sure what he does, but he doesn’t seem like he wants her very much. He’s very froglike and dark brown; she doesn’t like him much either.

There is also a grayish-brown dragon with a very large amount of sparkly purplish spikes, and a grumpy-looking red-and-gray male who is wearing lots of spiky red armor. She thinks these spiky dragons are probably unpleasant creatures; they look unpleasant. She decides she doesn’t like them.

Unfortunately, it is the purple-spiked one who is talking to the grumpy frog-dragon and carrying the coins. Blossom knows what she’s here for; she may be young, but she’s heard of “serving the greater cause”, and being sent off to the deities. She doesn’t want that, and soldier-y dragons likely have little use for a skydancer such as herself.

She squeaks and tries to hide behind her sister, but Petal is having none of it. She squeals irritably and swats Blossom away, so Blossom, with nothing else to do, crawls behind a fat baby snapper in the same cage and pretends she is just a colored blob of rock or something.

It does not work quite the way she had intended. She is plucked up roughly by the frog-dragon, and even though she tries to bite at him, it is ineffective. She is passed off to the purple-spiked dragon, whose scales are too hard for her baby teeth to break through. Instead, she wriggles and squeals and fights until the frog-dragon puts something over her head.

From then on, she can’t tell what’s going on. She can hear the jingling of coins being exchanged and then her sister Petal’s indignant shrieking. She tries to reach out for Petal, but she doesn’t know where Petal is, and then she thinks the purple-spiked dragon must have taken off, because the air rushing over her feathers feels different.

She decides escaping isn’t worth falling to her death, and she clings to the purple-spiked dragon’s scales.

When the something is taken off her head, she opens her eyes on a cave filled with dragons. The dragon in the armor is delivering several packages to a gray-and-black mirror; a pale green mirror and a dark blue one are squabbling in the background, and it’s general chaos.

Blossom doesn’t like it very much. It’s incredibly loud, and the purple-spiked dragon dumps her unceremoniously on the floor, which is hard and cold and bumpy.

She tries to get up and slink away before anyone notices her, but a blue skydancer wearing lots of green silk scoops her up and holds her tight.

“Oh, she’s precious!” the skydancer squeals to the purple-spiked dragon. “Where’d she come from?”

“Same place you came from, I suppose,” says the purple-spiked dragon. “And Mundr. And most of you.”

“We can’t all have been born in the clan like you,” says the blue skydancer, and promptly walks off, still carrying Blossom.

Blossom has no idea where she’s being taken, and she’s not sure she wants to be taken at all, so she fights. This time there isn’t far to fall, unlike when she was being flown by the purple-spiked dragon, and she drops to the ground again. She scurries off to find a place to hide where all these dragons can’t find her, so that they can’t send her off to whichever deity they serve. She really just wants her sister, but she doesn’t know where Petal’s gone. Off to some other clan some other place, and they’ll never see each other again.

“Oh, come on,” the blue skydancer huffs. “Where are you going?” she asks Blossom. “Those are Forrest’s rooms--you really don’t want to go in there….”

Blossom knows what a forest is, and she’s pretty sure that yes, she does want to go into the forest. Forests are good for hiding places, aren’t they? She keeps going.

“Really, please don’t…” the blue skydancer says, before leaping forward and roughly grabbing Blossom as a hulking silver dragon with deep green wings stomps around the corner. The skydancer scrambles backwards as the big dragon passes by. “Do not make Forrest mad,” she continues to Blossom. “Forrest will probably kill you. And then eat your body.”

Blossom shivers. It’s just another reason she doesn’t want to stay here in this lair with these crazy dragons. They have this gigantic threat living among them! She squeals and writhes.

“No,” says the blue skydancer. “There isn’t anywhere you can go. I’m going to take care of you, okay?”

Until it’s time to make me go to the deities, Blossom thinks sulkily. But at least, maybe, she’ll get to see Petal again in whatever god’s army.

She lets the skydancer carry her off to another room, where she is given a bed and a place to sleep and food to eat. This continues for a few weeks, and Blossom begins to wonder when they’re going to get rid of her. The blue skydancer, whose name at some point Blossom learned is Myteness, is often in and out of her room. Blossom slowly gets more and more curious about what Myteness is always busy doing, so she follows her out of the lair one day and out to a still in-construction building. It’s atop a cliff looking down onto a sandy beach, which Blossom realizes must be Water Flight territory.

Myteness enters the building on the side away from the construction and meets several other dragons there--a big furry tundra, a shimmery dark-blue skydancer with butterfly wings, and a striped mirror. The mirror is holding a large scroll and looks bossy. Blossom peeks around the corner and watches them as they discuss things like costumes and roles. The butterfly skydancer keeps complaining about literally everything, especially cloaks.

Blossom thinks cloaks are pretty and completely disagrees with the older skydancer’s negative opinion of them.

This discussion goes on for a very long time, and the butterfly skydancer keeps complaining. Eventually Myteness scowls and says, “Oh, shut up, Flutter. It’s not like I can play all the parts. And I have to wear just as many cloaks as you do.”

“You can’t afford to get rid of me,” Flutter says with a smirk, lifting her chin.

“Yes, we can,” says the stripey mirror. “Uklah and Mundr brought back another baby skydancer last time they went out to the auctions in Light.”

“That’s Blossom,” says Myteness.

“And if nothing else, there’s Aster,” the mirror goes on.

“Aster’s a gorgeous sparkleboy with an inflated head and no talent,” says Flutter, “and you can’t put Blossom on the stage--she’s just a hatchling!”

“If you don’t change your attitude, we can,” says the tundra wearily. Blossom suspects they’ve been dealing with Flutter for a long time by now. “Anyway, why don’t you ask her? She’s right there.”

He points to Blossom’s hiding spot and even though she squeaks and tries to hide, she knows the game is up. They know she’s here, and now they’re going to send her off to the Stormcatcher--she knows by now that they worship the Stormcatcher--and she’s going to die on the front lines and never see Petal again.

“Blossom,” says Myteness, “why are you hiding?”

“I wanted to see what you do all day,” Blossom says, pouting even though none of them can see.

“Well, why didn’t you just ask?” Myteness sounds very puzzled by this.

“I--I don’t know,” Blossom says honestly, because really, she isn’t sure. This just seemed to her to be the best idea. Should she have asked? It’s really too late now.

“Come on, let’s go,” Myteness says, and doesn’t offer to introduce Blossom to the other dragons.

On the way out, Blossom notices that the butterfly skydancer is smirking at her, a “you can’t usurp my position, shrimp” sort of smirk.

Blossom does not like Flutter, she decides. Not at all.

After some months, they take her into the theater. It only takes a few days for Blossom to realize she can’t possibly replace Flutter--she’s pretty certain the other dragons notice, too, for Flutter grows ever more smug and the others look more resigned. But they do put pretty clothes on Blossom and they’re all very nice, so she likes them. Zibelthiurdos the tundra is funny, even if she can’t pronounce his name, and Latha, the musician, plays pretty tunes for Jasper’s plays.

Blossom joined the troop too late to be a part of the latest play; she’ll be in the next, but for this one, she’s free to wander through the festival while the others perform. Or at least that’s what she hears. She’s not really sure what a Chestival involves, but the idea of goodies for everyone sounds fun. On the first day of the Chestival, Myteness helps Blossom dress in her beautiful blue-green sylvan clothing before they head down to the festivities. Most of the lair is empty; the other dragons, save Forrest, have already raced down to where the theater and the stalls surround it stand on the edge of Water territory.

Flutter is lurking nearby, waiting for Myteness; Blossom isn’t quite sure why. The butterfly skydancer definitely hates Blossom, even if the younger dragon isn’t currently a threat to her position as one of Jasper’s actresses. Plus, Flutter and Myteness are always arguing on-and-off about something or another.

The moment Myteness is done with Blossom, she rushes off with Flutter, leaving the younger dragon sitting by herself in a quite suddenly empty room. Maybe she won’t go down to the Chestival after all; all the dragons she knows are going to be onstage or behind the scenes of it, and they won’t have time for her.

But she still doesn’t know what a Chestival is, so she gets up. Just as she reaches the door, Killian, the velvety black skydancer Blossom sees occasionally around the lair, pokes her head in.

“I thought you were still here,” she says in her lilting voice. “Are you coming?”

“Yes,” Blossom decides. It can’t hurt her.

She follows Killian out of the lair and down to the stalls surrounding the theater. Somehow, in the last several days since she’s been here, strings of colored lights have been hung from stall to stall and decorate the front of the theater. Dozens of huge, colorful tents surround the rows and rows of stalls, which now look like tiny buildings making up a small city. They swoop down and land at the edge of the crowd milling through the stalls. Killian immediately darts off to join a group of unfamiliar skydancers, and Blossom is left alone to look around.

Everywhere she looks she can see a familiar face, but with that familiar face are additional unfamiliar ones. She sees Abdiel with a more brightly-colored wildclaw who might be her sister and Avav with another imperial who also looks quite like him.

Blossom doesn’t want to interrupt any of their conversations--they’re probably enjoying themselves just fine. She wanders deeper through the crowd--Valencia also has a sibling here, a dragon dressed nearly identically to herself. Arakath and Suriant have a dragon who might be a brother. Tracker is talking politely with a large jade-and-red guardian female, who might be another clan’s leader. Summer and a scowling Paradise, along with a crowd of strangers, are going from stall to stall looking at goods.

Blossom has some coins, so she decides to have a look as well. Maybe there’ll be something pretty for her. One stall is selling lacy adornments that Blossom has never seen the likes of before, and she’s not the only dragon to be drawn by them. A grinning Salawen wraps black lace around Sylvin’s forearms before purchasing an entire set in a soft buttery color. Kaida turns scarlet-colored lace over in her claws with a thoughtful expression.

Blossom scowls down at her own brightly-colored scales; none of the shades available here would match her. She moves on.

Eventually she finds her way to the theater. Flutter is onstage; here, her perpetual irritable scowl is nonexistent unless her part calls for it. Her cloak swishes elegantly over her slender shoulders; Blossom cannot understand why she hates it so.

In squeezing through the crowd, she spots a pair of green wings that seems oddly familiar to her. She squeezes a bit closer, and an annoyed guardian with colors like Summer’s snaps at her.

“Petal?” Blossom squeaks.

Her nearly identical sister spins around with a yelp of surprise. “Blossom?”

Perhaps, considering that plenty of the other dragons within her clan had siblings at the Chestival, Blossom shouldn’t have been surprised that Petal was there. But it felt like a shocking miracle to her that her sister was not, in fact, off serving the deities.

Rather than stay and watch Flutter prance about onstage like a vision, they go for Light-made desserts at one of the stalls and gossip about the other dragons in their respective clans. Blossom learns that Candy was bad at being a detective, but tried hard; that Rosebud was incredibly popular throughout the flights--she recognizes the name from a list of Chestival performances that had been posted on the theater wall a week or so earlier.

The Chestival goes on for a couple more days. Blossom goes to see Rosebud perform, and eventually the play Myteness and Flutter are in, just to see what it looks like from the other side. She buys some goodies for herself, and some for other dragons, both inside and out of the clan. She eats enough desserts that she almost gets sick. Along with many of the other dragons, she stays on the Chestival grounds overnight, awake until nearly dawn and then sleeping within some of the other clans’ tents.

She doesn’t recognize half the faces she shares those tents with. They’re all out-of-clan dragons from far-off lands. But they don’t recognize her, either.

When the Chestival ends and Petal is leaving, Blossom promises she’ll be onstage next time, with a role in Jasper’s next play.
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