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Personal Style


Blue Birdskull Legband
Crane's Breastplate
Crane's Tail Guard
Ebony Filigree Helmet
Ebony Filigree Wing Guard
Ornate Iron Bracelet


Skin: Deep-Seer



15.09 m
11.8 m
7866.03 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Jan 18, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245





Theme Song


Name: Kuiru
Nicknames: Ku
Preferred Name: Kuiru
Titles: Private
Gender: Cis Female
S/O: Panromantic, bisexual
Status: Warrior

Mate: Sanko
Close Friends: Fear of Shattering, Avarice,
Enemies: None
Charge: None yet.
Kuiru is a happy-go-lucky Guardian despite her job, probably because she manages to sneak letters home. Nothing seems able to get her down, not even death threats. She enjoys the company of any other dragons, and is a bit too trusting; her closest friend, Shatter, groomed her to believe she is made of glass and might shatter at any moment. She's constantly afraid of the smallest injury, believing that it might be the one to break her into thousands of pieces.

Faded Shadowbinder Effigy Potted Deepmine Fungi Unhatched Shadow Egg Shadow Runestone


From Kuiru
Wings flapping wildly, a Fae careens into the clan, screeching in alarm as she smashes into a tree. The light's too bright for the poor dear's eyes, and she slips to the ground, talons still locked around a battered scroll case. It takes some effort to get her to relinquish it.


The scroll within the case is as battered as the exterior, holes in the paper marring some of the words. Luckily, it seems to be legible, and reads as follows.
Deer Mama and Papa,
Im allmost fiv days uld, and **** I'd rite to u to sellebrat! I got named Kuiru tuday- Shater helpd me spel it! It meens qwil. Im not a fether, but its preti eniway. Surri if my speling is bad. Im stil lurning. I made a frend tho! Shater is a litl weerd, but she is nice and preti and I want to be lik her when I get bigr!

The clan is relly nice to me. They say I will be big and strongh and a gud figtr, and they like me. Som of them ar scari, but most ar nice! I dont like the Coatls tho, they ar weerd and "eel". I guss that meens I shud stai awai frum them. There is wun other Gardn, but he is beeg and kind of meen. Maibee he will like me later! I will be nice to him! He keeps teling me to go awai and dy in the war, but I dunt know what he meens. I just smil and tel him he is nice! Ther ar not mani hatchlins here, whic maks me sad, but the beeg gron-ups are nice, just not the Gardn.

I am sendn u sum stuff I fond sumwere that I **** u mite like! I had a hard tim getin thees to u, but plees rite back. I mees u! How ar u? Are seeblins oka?

I luv u,

A second, smaller note is also enclosed in the scroll case.
Kuiru's Parents,
Don't worry about your daughter. She's in my talons. The Guardian she mentions won't hurt her; I won't let him. Kuiru is mine. Not even the war will reach her.
Like I said, don't worry. She won't die here. I'll keep her safe.
Also, those bones are rather sharp. Don't cut yourselves.
Fear of Shattering
From Kuiru's Parents

A wildclaw dashed into the middle of the clan carrying a package on her back. She dropped it in front of Kuiru and gave her a friendly smile. "Hello there! I'm one of your mothers friends!" She pulled a scroll case from her satchel and placed it on top of the package. "I brought some gifts from you family, there's a letter from your parents as well!" The wildclaw dashed away while yelling "See ya laterrr!!"

The letter within the case has two different writing styles. One looks very fancy and professional, undoubtedly her father's handwriting. The other was a bit more messy, most likely her mother's. They were written in different colored ink.
Dearest Kuiru,

Your new name is lovely, I'm sure you'll grow into it. One day you'll be as graceful and beautiful as the feather of a bird of paradise! Your spelling needs some work but I'm sure you'll improve quickly. It's great that you've made a friend, little one. I hope you make some more.

It's great that your new clan mates are nice, and I know you'll make a great warrior! It's bizarre you wouldn't like coatls since your dad is one. I suppose it's just that specific group you don't like, yes that must be it! I'm sure the other guardian will warm up to you one day, you're a very likable dragon after all!

Your gifts are lovely, I'll take good care of them. We miss you as well, the two of us are doing great! Your sister has yet to leave the clan, but she will one day. We have gifts for you as well, not just from us but from your grandparents and your aunt and uncle as well!

Maximus and Audra
The package is full of gifts from her family
A breastplate from her uncle (Carwyn), there's a note attached- "Stay safe, be strong!"
Some glow-in-the-dark slime from her aunt (Lata).
A familiar to keep her company and protect her in battle from her grandmother (Astra).
A treasured book of her grandfather's (Orson), it might be a while before Kuiru can understand the contents.
Some poet's tools from her father so she has materials to write more letters with.
And lastly, a seeker orb from her mother to help protect and provide insight into her dreams

At the bottom of the package there is a letter for Shatter.
Dear Miss Shatter,

Thank you for taking such good care of our daughter! Please continue to protect her! Since you've been so helpful we've sent you a gift as well! It's a piece of quartz Maximus found during a trip to The Sea of a Thousand Currents, I hope you enjoy it.

Many thanks,
Audra and Maximus

From Kuiru


Rather than the Fae from before, it's a Nocturne that delivers the letter in his own way. The only warning he gives is a screech from above before he plummets towards the ground, flinging a package bound with a delicate fabric. Unfortunately, the fabric is not salvageable, as it snags and tears on surrounding foliage as it lands. The Nocturne leaves with a wild laugh.

Inside, there are two letters, one in a familiar scrawl and the other in a less-familiar, curling script. There's something mesmerizing about it.

Mom and Dad,
Thank you so much for the gifts! They're really nice, especially the familiar; I think I'll name her Essie. Tell everyone thank you for me, okay? I would, but paper is scarce here.

My spelling really was awful, huh? I'm better at it now, though some words are still hard. I have problems spelling betiful and vegtubl, but I'll get it right soon. Shatter is a really good teacher; we spend a lot of time together, and she's teaching me all kinds of things! She's even teaching me to fight, though she has to get some other dragons to help so I can see what she's doing. She's so little.

It is just that one group of Coatls. I've gotten to know them a little better, but I'm still a little scared. They're all sick, and a few of them act really oddly. Did we have anything like them back home, or is it just something over here? At least one of the Coatls is kind of normal, though he can't fly. That's sad. I'm just learning, and it's wonderful!

Shatter says that I might start fighting in the war soon; I hope I won't have to leave the territory. Fighting other clans sounds scary, but I don't think we'd attack your clan. I just don't want to get hurt. It would be really easy to get hurt- thank Uncle for that armor. It fits perfectly! And the familiar can keep me safe too, and so can Shatter.

The territory is really pretty, now that i'm allowed to walk it. There are mushrooms everywhere, and they're bad to eat, but they glow! It's so pretty! The ones in the lair are the best, because they make it easier to see.

I'll send you a picture of me next time! I need to get help drawing it.

Love you! Sending you a cool pink thing and a shirt I found!

Kuiru's parents,
Thank you very much for the quartz. It will look very nice in my lair space.
I won't be leaving her alone. Do not worry about your daughter. She will be completely fine. I will not allow anything to harm her.
I have sent a small gift. Please enjoy it.


A spiral snuck up from behind and tapped Kuiru on the shoulder. She chuckled a bit while handing her a lance and large box. "From your parents!" She whispered to her before turning around and slipping back into the shadows.

Within the box there was a scroll case along with a bunch of other items. The scroll case contained a letter for Kuiru as well as a note for Shatter.
Dear Kuiru,
We're all very glad you enjoy our presents! Carwyn and your Grandmother were very pleased that you found theirs particularly useful. We'll send some more paper your way so we can continue to stay in touch!

It's good to hear your friend is taking such great care of you. Flight truly is a magical thing isn't it? Our species is very much blessed to have such a power. You'll make a great warrior one day, I'm sure of it. I asked our military if they had any spare weapons we could send you. They gave me very dangerous looking spear, I hope it serves you well in combat. They also threw in a warhorn for you, perhaps you can get some use out of it? If not you can always just put a cork in the bottom and drink from it.

A sickness that only affects coatls? You might do best to learn more about it if you ever want to get a visit from your father during one of his information gathering trips! We don't have anything like that back in our clan, all the coatls are nice and healthy here! It's great that you're learning to fly, maybe you could visit us someday if we cant visit you! Speaking of learning, your grandfather sent you another book since he cares about your education so much! You might be old enough for the last book he sent you at this point!

Dragons are always fighting aren't they? In your mother's and my line of work we usually take care to avoid all the battles around Sorenith. A warrior has to be brave, but a little fear and caution can be a good thing. Pay close attention to your surroundings during battle. Out of curiosity, what kind of war are you fighting in? It's obviously not the fight for dominance, and it is my job to be aware of the happenings across Sorenith.

The Tangled Wood is a lovely place, I've been there a few times. I'd love it if you had the opportunity to travel to other parts of Sorenith. It be great if you could visit the Labyrinth one day, the rain forest is full of beautiful flora and fauna. In fact I'll send you a few seeds to plant so you can see how wonderful it is for yourself!

We love you as well! Since you sent us a shirt and a battle stone, we'll send you a might fragment and another piece of armor. Do write back!

Audra and Maximus

Dear Shatter,
We cant thank you enough for everything your doing for our daughter! We'd love to meet you one day if possible and thank you in person! The battle stone you sent will most certainly be helpful! We got you this lovely brooch as a token of our gratitude!

Audra and Maximus
It is some time before a return letter arrives, but the reason for the delay becomes apparent the moment a white Coatl crashes to the ground, a scroll case slipping from her claws. Her eyelids flutter closed the moment she hits the earth, and it seems that she's asleep. She seems mostly okay, though she shows no sign of waking. It is doubtful as to whether she can travel.

Dear Mom and Dad,
Sorry if this letter was hard to receive; one of the sick Coatls volunteered to deliver it for me. She might need help getting back, though. Think she has some sort of sleep problem.
The spear is amazing, but a bit hard to use. I'll learn eventually, especially with Shatter helping me. She uses a little twig. It's actually adorable, even if a lot of the other dragons seem scared of her. I'm noticing that kind of thing now. She seems alright, though, so I have no idea why she makes them so nervous. Maybe they just don't want to squish her.

Tried to learn about the Coatls, even if they make me a bit uneasy. Good news for you; it's not contagious here. Apparently, it spreads through breeding. They wouldn't elaborate further. It's actually slightly sad. One of them wasn't able to talk to me at all because she couldn't stop coughing. There are more of them than I thought there were, twelve or thirteen in all.

I've been trying to read the book, but I haven't had much time to learn how to read. Most of my time is spent scouting the borders. It's been far too long since there was a battle, and it's making everyone nervous. Shatter says it's good, since it means that I can't get hurt or torn apart. She scares me sometimes when she talks like that, but she's still my friend. Besides, not getting hurt sounds like a good idea.

As for what the war is over, I'm not entirely sure. Her Highness Ingol doesn't tell anyone. A few of the older dragons know, though, and they say it started when another clan killed a hatchling. One of the members of that clan was chased off and formed this clan. No one knows where she is in the lair; I think Ingol might hurt her if she did know. Is that sort of thing normal? Is it normal to rule with fear?

I wish I could travel, too, but the only way that will happen is a battle outside of the clan. Based on how things are going, that'll be soon. Vanitas- old clan leader- died today because of an Arcane clan attack. Where do dragons go after they die?

Sending you a thing or two I found around the lair- I hope you like them. Write back soon, and please make sure that the Coatl makes it back okay.


Kuiru's parents,
It would be wonderful to meet you one day. Perhaps we could arrange a time for me to slip away? It is difficult to exit the clan borders. It is harder to enter them. I would advise that I go to you. Night time will be best.
Your daughter will not be harmed in the war. I am there to keep her safe. Do not worry.
I would include an item, but I am... preoccupied. Accept this gem as apology.

A mirror warrior entered the clan, carrying the ill coatl on his back. He looked around for another dragon to take her before finding the recipient of his clanmates' letter. When he located Kuiru he handed her a package and a scroll case. "These are from your parents." He said before turning around and walking off.
Dear Kuiru,
It's quite alright! Maybe you let any more of the coatls volunteer to deliver your letters though, they might get hurt. Pyry offered to escort her home for us, I don't know if you remember him at all- he's our most skilled warrior.
We're very glad you've been able to make use of your new spear. Miss Shatter is rather knowledgeable ins't she? She's taught you a good number of skills so far. It does seem a bit peculiar that the other dragons in your lair would be afraid of her. She's been nothing but kind to you and is very polite in her letters.

That's very good to know, although I'm a bit disappointed they didn't elaborate further about the matter. It is rather sad isn't it? Do they take nay kind of medication to help with their pain? Do they all show the same symptoms? Does your clan have a healer? I cant help but be concerned for others of my breed. Information about the disease might also be good to have, and it is my job to collect information.

You should certainly try your best not to get injured, although some wounds are inevitable in your line of work. Be cautious, be also do your best to be brave. That does seem a bit worrisome, do your best to stay alert. Maybe Shatter had some kind of traumatic experience? Don't feel too worried about it. Speaking of not getting hurt, have you thought about your charge yet? It wont be long before you're old enough to start your search.

Leaders have different ways of doing things. Most I've met don't rule like that, but a good number do. You'll see different percentages of the number of clans ruled with fear depending on where you are in Sorenith. Overall fear isn't the usual way of doing things though. It's best to be careful when your leader is like that, if you do or day the wrong thing you could wind up dead. It's wise to be cautious around dragons like that, you never know whether or not they're in their right mind.

Take a good look at your surroundings as you travel. If you're fighting with an Arcane clan, then you'd have to pass through the Scarred Wasteland. That's where your father's from, I'll send you a couple of things from the area so you can sea the kind of things they have around there.

When a dragon dies... there's something after it. No one really knows what the world of spirits is like, they wont tell us. Not even the most powerful clairvoyants and shamans can draw that information from them.

We'll send you a few gifts as well! We also have a bit of news regarding your nest mate. You asked about her in your first letter, and haven't inquired about her since. A while back she moved to the Southern Icefield and has adopted the name "Galadriel".

Love you,
Audra and Maximus

Dear Shatter,
Thank you for the gem, in return we've sent you some treasure. No item is necessary, you've done so much for us already! Any time would be fine, our clan is always open to visitors. you'd simply need to present our letter to the nightwatch and I'm sure they'd let you in. Just come when you have the opportunity!
Thank you for protecting her, we know you'll keep her safe for us.
Audra and Maximus


A Fae plunges from the sky, haplessly buzzing his wings as he tries to pull his face out of the small hole it landed in. He might need some help, considering that he's trapped to the earth by a large scroll case. Two letters are inside. The second has a strange, black sludge next to the signature.

Dear Mom and Dad,
I kind of remember Pyry. It was nice to see a familiar face again! Shatter seemed happy to meet her, too, but Shatter likes to hear about home in general. I wish Pyry could have stayed longer, but our last leader was just killed. The Coatls are in charge now, but they seem mostly okay. I'm just a little worried about their leader. He's so young, but he acts so much older than he is. Pretty sure he hates everything, too. Better than Ingol, at least; we can speak freely now, and I didn't have to sneak out to send this letter for once. I didn't know how risky it was until now. Used to be a death sentence if a dragon was caught.

We don't really have medicine here. A few of them grow their own herbs, but no one bothers to make medicine. The oldest dragons say it doesn't make a difference, so why bother? We do have a healer, but no one visits her. She hates the war, and no one wants to listen to her ranting. From what I know, all of the Coatls have different symptoms. One's always coughing. You met the one that can't stay awake. There are a few who have bone or muscle problems. I don't know if there's anything common to them, but most of the clan is sick Coatls now.

I don't know much about Shatter's past; she doesn't like to talk about it with me, so I wouldn't be surprised if something had happened. I'm not sure I want to ask. Something about the idea of getting hurt sets me on edge, if that makes any sense. Is that normal? I wish I knew more about what's normal for Guardians, but the female that didn't like me died the day after I sent this letter. She was wandering the borders, and apparently she was ambushed by a group of Fae.

I haven't really thought about my charge. I mean, I am the only Guardian here, so it's not really mentioned. How do you know when to start looking? Will I know when I've found my charge? How far do I have to look? Is there a place where I can find a charge? Do I choose them, or do they choose me? Could you fill me in, please?

About the Wasteland... the Coatls have been talking about moving the clan in two days, once our nest has hatched. We might become a Plague clan, which seems a bit odd to me. Can you tell me more about what it's like there? I've heard it's dangerous, but I really don't know much.

Galadriel is a beautiful name! How is she? Does she have a friend like Shatter? Does she write letters to you, too?

I found a few cool things to send you. I hope you like them!
Love you,
Kuiru's parents,
My son delivered your letter today. I hope he was kind to you.
Your daughter is doing very well with her training. She learns quickly. You should be proud of her.
We are indeed moving to Plague. My son will tell you the new location so that you can find us. It should be an ideal place to live.
Kuiru will not be harmed there. I will not leave her side, and she is being trained well. She will be safe. Do not worry about Kuiru.
Dear Kuiru,
We're so sorry for the late reply, the clan's been really busy lately with all the new dragons who have joined us lately and some changes to our clan hierarchy. Everything is still mostly the same though. It's good to hear that your new leader is a bit less strict than the last one. I never realized you could get killed for corresponding with us, if we knew we honestly wouldn't have ever sent you any letters in the first place. At least you're safe now, though you should still be careful if your new leader is anywhere nearly as hateful as the last. Maybe once things have settled down one of our clanmates could have longer stay in your territory after delivering the letter. I'm sure Isra would love to mess around in the Wasteland again.

I think you've already started to figure out what your charge is! A guardian's job is too protect, and your charge can be anything. A group of dragons, one dragon, a place, an object- all of those are potential charges. A guardian chooses their charge. They have a charge when they realize that there's something or someone they would protect with their life, and they'd be completely devastated if they failed to do so. The way you talk about Shatter makes me think she is your charge. I'm not certain though, only you can decide that. Just think about the way you feel about her, would you protect her with your life? Only you can know when the Search is over.

Plague dragons are nutritiously fierce and savage. They're fighters who decorate their lairs with the bones of their fallen enemies. Of course not all of them are like that, I'm probably one of the least plague-like plague dragons in all of Sorenith. Many Plague clans are lead by their military or some great warrior. It can be fairly dangerous, the best thing to do is be careful and try to avoid anyone who looks too dangerous.

Galadriel has left to serve the Icewarden in the fight for dominance, it's unlikely we'll ever hear from her again. Thank you for the gifts! We'll send you a little something as well! Feel free to give them into any of your friends.

Audra and Maximus

Dear Shatter,
We're very proud indeed! We can't thank you enough for taking such good care of her. We'll be sure to visit sometime, our new Plague Representative offered to deliver our message this time around. She said something about discussing alliances with your clan leader as well, hopefully that goes over well. She's a young fae named Primrose, she's much less... ill-mannered than our old one. He got us into fights more often than he helped establish friendly relations with plague clans.
Audra and Maximus

Dear Mom and Dad,
It's a huge relief to hear from you; I was worried out of my mind that something had happened. I'm sad to hear that Galadriel left for the Icewarden, but it's an honorable thing. Better than dying, at least, right?

The new leader seems mostly safe, though I've noticed that he tends to fly into a rage at odd moments. The clan treads carefully around him, with good reason. At least he has a mate now, which seems to help him. The rest of the clan is mostly sick Coatls now, and I've been trying to find more out for you guys. Everything really does vary. The odd thing is that many of the clan's warriors fight in strange ways- they breed here and sell their children to other clans, spreading their illness. It seems wrong to me. Unfair. I still fight physically every now and then, though, usually because of an attempted invasion. The armor's saved me a few times now. I keep thinking that if I get hurt at all, it could be really bad.

You really think Shatter could be my charge? You're right; I'll have to think about how I feel about her. She's taught me so much, and she's going to teach me even more. She just came back from a trip to Lightning, and you wouldn't believe how much she fussed over me! She hasn't left my side since. She's perched on my shoulder right now.

I don't know why, but I've been thinking a lot about romance lately. A lot of the clan is obsessed with having children, and I find myself looking at the eggs. There always seems to be a nest somewhere. One's supposed to hatch in a day or two. Can you tell me what love is like? How did you meet each other? Is it normal to want to find someone every now and then?

Sorry if my letter seems disorganized, but there's a lot I've been worrying about lately. A lot of Coatls died since you last wrote, and another Coatl got hurt badly. It scares me that a dragon can lose everything so easily. It's part of why I don't want to get hurt. I mean, it's more than that, but I can't really describe it.

I don't want to scare you, though. There's really nothing to worry about. The clan is the safest it's ever been, which is wonderful. Even better, I can't get sick in the way that the Coatls are. Things are actually pretty good right now. I hope you're still doing okay.

Love you guys,
Dear Audra and Maximus,
Your representative was very kind. It was good to meet another of my flight. I have just returned from a visit to a Lightning clan. I am happy to see that Kuiru is still well. She seems confused as to how to know what a charge is. I am sure she will figure it out.
I have sent you a vest that your representative made me think of. Kuiru thought you might like it as well. She will be safe as long as I am here.
The messenger who delivered the first letter from Kuiru's parents dashed into the camp carrying a package on her back. "Hello again! It's me! Your mother's friend, Kalyn!" She said handing the package over to Kuiru. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I have more messages to deliver! See you later!" Kalyn exclaimed, bolting out of the clan and running off into the distance.
Dear Kuiru,
Serving any deity is an honor although I would have preferred if she had left to serve the Plaguebringer or Stormcatcher Gladekeeper. Of course when you go to fight for dominance you run the risk of dying, but it's better than dying in a smaller scale war or from sickness.

Having a mate can change a dragon quite a bit. Your grandmother is one of the most strict and judgmental dragons I've ever met, but being around father makes her a lot more bearable. I suspect something similar has happened to your leader, which is definitely a good thing! Thank you for telling us more the disease, we decided to share the information with our healer. She's been recording the information for the clan's research archives.

My child, a warrior cannot be utterly terrified of pain, a warrior must be unafraid of such a thing. Bravery is an important virtue for any fighter. Fear of death is a good thing that will keep you safe, but fear of just getting hurt at all isn't a desirable trait for a warrior. The only reason you have to be afraid of is the lack of herbs in your clan, perhaps it would do you good to befriend the healer? Or maybe you should find the time to learn some restoration magic?

It could be that she is! Still, you should think about it long and hard. Often times a dragon's mate can be their charge, and it seems like you're getting to the age where you're thinking about mating! Your father and I bonded over a common interest, that being travel. When I was younger I would sneak out of the Labyrinth to chase storms a lot, your grandparents hated it. We met when he was one his way home from a visit to the Sunbeam Ruins in the middle of a thunderstorm. I helped him make it through the storm and back to the Wasteland and eventually one day he showed up at our clan saying he was going to join us. As for what love is like... I'm not sure how to explain it, but your mate should be your best friend. Not just any best friend, but a friend you'd want to spend the rest of your life with. To the point where they aren't just a friend anymore, but also your family.

I'm delighted to hear that your clan is doing so well and that you're safe. And since I care about your safety so much I decided to ask one of our herb specialist to send you some herbs as well as some directions on how to use them.

Audra and Maximus
Dear Shatter,
We're glad she managed not to offend everyone in your clan, which Mojo would have certainly done. Primrose is a lovely dragon, although she has some strange tendencies. She really likes watching plants die, which irks our botanist quite a bit.
She most certainly will figure it out, every guardian does eventually. A guardian with no charge is only half a dragon after all. Thank you for the vest, in return we've sent you a couple of items as well. We hope your clan can find uses for them.
Audra and Maximus


A lovely Coatl flops into the clan, playing with the scroll case instead of passing it over. One could swear that he was purring, but that's impossible. Dragons don't purr, do they?
Dear Mom and Dad,
If it helps, I can find out more about the disease. I started asking around the other day, and a lot of dragons are hallucinating visions of shadows. Nyss in particular... it's strange. Can dragons come back from the dead? The rest of the Coatls talk about shadows and dances and a Bonesmith. I'm just glad I can't catch whatever this is. Apparently, it's called the Nosos virus.

Restoration magic sounds like a good idea. I guess I'm just afraid that I'll fall apart, and that the herbs won't make it better. Shatter acted a little weird when I told her that, but she seems happy enough. I don't think she minds that much. Where would I learn magic, though? We have no mages here, and even the healer is sick. It's alarming how many Coatls are dying. Some of them wander out of camp as if someone called them, and they come back torn open and barely alive. There's nothing I can do about it. I wish I could help. They aren't themselves when they come back, either. Nimbus used to be a happy little guy, but there's something that's just wrong about him now. Do you have any ideas? I want to stay safe if they're dangerous at all.

On the upside, a few dragons came back to the clan! Pitch is Shatter's friend other than me. She's a little morbid, but nice. Charr's sleeping, but he never wakes up. He's Sallow's mate. Dreamwalker came home, too. I hope he doesn't get sick!

I don't know why I've been holding this back, but I have some news that's kind of big. I guess I'm just nervous that you guys might not be super happy about it, though I don't know why you wouldn't be. I met someone a few days ago; he's a Tundra, and he's absolutely gorgeous! He's a sweetheart, too. I don't think I've ever felt so flattered during a first meeting. His name's Sanko. We spent the night together, and that's part of why I'm both excited and nervous to send you this letter. You're going to have grandkids in a few days! I'm writing from on top of three eggs, which is kind of uncomfortable, but I'm so excited to see them hatch. There are a few other nests near me, too, and I've made a few new friends. None of them seem to have a good opinion of Sanko, but I don't see why. Sure, he's had hatchlings out of a mated pair, but that doesn't matter. He promised me that we'll be officially made mates as soon as possible! I can't wait! I do wish he visited the nest more often, though. It gets a bit lonely when the other nesters are sleeping, and I can't help but wonder if he's as busy as he says he is. He's a guard, too, though he's not afraid of getting hurt. I don't understand why. Is it normal for a mate to stay away from the nest like this?

Super excited, though! Looking forward to seeing what you think.
Love you!

Audra and Maximus,
The clan finds a use for everything. Do not worry about that.
I am doing you a courtesy by letting you know about Sanko's reputation. Kuiru would not listen to me. Sanko is known for one-night stands in order to produce children. Kuiru is most likely his latest victim. She does not have a mate. It is unlikely that she will find a mate who will accept children. Few of our clan will take a mother as their mate. I tried to warn her. She did not listen to me. Please tell her as gently as possible. I regret telling you this news.
Kuiru will be kept safe despite this. I am there for her. You do not need to worry.

Isra slinked into the clan, covered in some kind of green slime. "It's so great to be back here!" The Plague dragon screeched while shaking some of the goop off of her. slithered over to Kuiru, handing her a small package. "The box may be dirty, but I promise you the contents were not harmed!" The spiral turned around immediately after delivering the package and flew off, probably to mess around in the Wasteland some more before going back home.

Dear Kuiru,
I... I think it can happen sometimes. The circumstances are very... rare and bizarre though. I've heard of dragons returning from death but I've never seen it myself. Although what you describe doesn't sound much like someone returning from death, it sounds more like a haunting.

What you need to obtain is a battle stone for Regeneration, it isn't the best of spells but if you have the stone the spell will come naturally to you. I asked the quartermaster who manages the hoard if we had any and it turns out there were two of them stored in the back of the hoard. I had to pay a small fee but I managed to get one for you. Hopefully you'll feel safer on the battlefield with this. It seems like the coatls in your clan are likely beyond help at this point, perhaps the diseased earth of the Scarred Wasteland is having an effect on their virus?

We're so happy for you! Words cant even describe it! I'll have to find a way to visit your clan at some point to meet your mate and my beautiful grandchildren! I'm going to send over something Kalyn used to give her hatchlings to play with! I have to leave to track a storm in Dragonhome soon, maybe it will pass over the Scarred Wasteland? I don't see why that's an issue either! Your father actually had 3 hatchlings before you were born, and that never mattered to me! Perhaps he isn't around much because he doesn't like being reminded of his previous mate and hatchlings? I don't know what happened to them but... Perhaps finding a new mate has reopened the metaphorical wound caused by the death of loved one, just do your best to be there for him and help him deal with his feelings. Of course I don't know if they actually died, maybe it would be best if asked around?
Audra and Maximus

Dear Shatter,
Out of curiousity, what makes you think he's like that? How many children has he actually previously had? Did his mate die or leave him? It's my job to have information and know details. You are her guardian but I'm still her father. I trust you, Shatter, but I wont judge the lad until I know more about him. In fact I may just fly on over there and meet him myself. Several of my clan mates have had children before their current mates, Cynar rushed into mating right after the exaltation of his previous one. I will talk to her if I deem it necessary to do so, but for now I reserve my judgement. Audra doesn't need to know of this, she might make a rash decision if I tell her. She doesn't handle things like this well.
Thank you for protecting her, but I also trust Kuiru to make her own decisions.


It's very little time at all before a female Imperial glides into the clan, landing in the most flashy manner possible. She takes her time in preening her mane before passing along a scroll case and a squirming package.
"Aren't you going to admire me?" she purrs. "I groomed myself especially for this visit. I'm rather important, you know."
Dear Mom and Dad,
I don't know if it's a return from death or a haunting, but it's creepy either way. There are a few other Coatls that have been acting odd lately as well; Itami won't stop talking about a ballroom, whatever that means. Something strange is going on around here.

Thank you so much for the stone! It's a huge comfort just to look at it, though the manticore didn't want to let it go. How'd it get in the package? Did you send the little fluff-monkey? He's gotten attached to one of the Coatls.

Maybe it is having an effect on them. I really don't know. They just keep acting stranger, and one of our hatchlings (Fall? I'm not sure) outright vanished yesterday. Another one died within minutes. It's just so confusing. Do you know any ways that I might be able to figure all this out? They're my friends. Fell's my best friend, but they're my friends too. I want to find a way to make them feel okay.

I've been hoarding toys for the kids when they hatch- I think they'll love the doll! It's so soft. It could be any day now. The eggs were shaking earlier, and a nest hatched yesterday. I hadn't seen one hatch before. It was incredible! I wish you could be here when my nest hatches.

I talked to Sanko, and now I feel bad for bringing it up. Right after his nest hatched, his mate got sick and died, and all but one of his kids were stillborn. The last one died less than a week ago. It hurt him to talk about it- not surprised that he's not around the nest. I told him I'm there for him, and he seemed to appreciate that. He did ask me an odd question, though; if it was okay for him to have another's dragon as a mate in addition to me. Is that allowed? It confuses me.

I hope everything clears up soon. I can't wait for my eggs to hatch!
I am not certain. It is a sensitive topic. He has had several from what I know. His mate fell ill and died quite recently. Come if you wish to, but it is not needed. I will keep Kuiru safe.
The mirror wandered into the camp with a look of disgust on her face. "What kind of self respecting Nature dragon would live in a place like this?" She hissed as she handed a package over to the guardian. The dragon kicked a bone fragment on the edge the camp before running off.
Dear Kuiru.
A manticore? Isra and Kalyn aren't very good at protecting the mail from being tampered with, are they? Anyway, I'm glad you feel safer with that battle stone in your talons! I'm not sure what to tell you about your friends. Maybe your clan's military should keep a closer eye on them when the coatls wander off? We've never had any kind of incident like that here in the Labyrinth, no such virus exists within our clan.

Seeing a nest hatch is a beautiful thing, life is a beautiful thing! I'm glad you like the doll by the way. I'd love to be there when my grandchildren are born as well, but I simply don't have the time to travel. I'll have to find the time to visit soon, maybe I can get one of my clanmates to cover for me.

It is strange for a dragon to have multiple mates, but it does happen. These dragons like to have multiple romantic relationships. It doesn't mean they love you any less, it's just that they love other dragons just as much. The best thing to do in these situations is try your best to get along with their other mates, make sure that there aren't too many issues regarding jealousy. It might even be a good idea to befriend his other mates. These things happen, they'll lose a mate and then find a new one. Often times foraging a new relationship after the loss of another one helps ease the pain. That relationship isn't a replacement for the previous, but it helps quite a bit.

Do write to us about our grandchildren. I promise we'll find the time to visit soon, but work does keep us rather busy. We also apologize if the dragon who delivered our message offended you in any way. She's one of those dragons who believes that Plague and Nature flight can never get along, although she acts a lot more like a stereotypical Plague dragon than a standard Nature dragon.
With love,
Audra and Maximus
Dear Shatter,
Kuiru investigated the matter for us. I trust her decision, this Sanko doesn't seem to have ill any intentions. The poor fellow's new relationship is helping ease the pain of his loss, and I do believe he truly cares for Kuiru. From the way she describes him, it would seem he's simply polyamorous. I have no problem with that, one of my friends had multiple mates like that once.
Thank you for protecting her, I hope this sheds some light on the matter for you.
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