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Giant White Toridae
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Energy: 42/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Bogsneak
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Personal Style


Purple Bandana
Darksteel Earrings of Necromancy
Teardrop Pastel Spinel Earrings
Woeful Vial
Duskcheer Colony
Mysterious Mantle
Poisonous Woodbasket
Black Linen Arm Wraps
Black Linen Leg Wraps
Conjurer's Cobwebs
Dusky Rose Thorn Wing Tangle
Dusky Rose Thorn Tail Tangle
Black Linen Tail Wrap




7.5 m
8.37 m
579.22 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 06, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Bogsneak
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Mimic Powder Glowing Mushroom Cap Monitor Tendril
Witty | Clever | Forward | Cautious
Full Name: Bardran Thundercrack
Birthplace: Carrion Canyon

Current Status: Healthy
Current Age: 25 years

Mate: NA
Friends: Thore, Karno, Mordo

Occupation: Scavenger
Hoards: metal trinkets, obsidian, charcoal

Bardran is a clan scavenger who brings back items either at the request of other members or because he can use or sell it. While he prefers to scavenge within the Tangled Wood, he will occasionally enter other territories, if asked specifically. Otherwise, he’s a bit of a homebody and prefers to stay within the Shadowbinder’s territory.


- Hatchling Biography -
Bardran was born while his parents were searching for a place to settle. The Shifting Expanse was too open for their liking, especially with a hatchling on the way, so they had trekked through the scrubland and canyons in an attempt to find somewhere safe for their son.

But Bardran’s egg was laid earlier than expected so they were unprepared. With their newly hatched son in tow, they managed long enough to cross into the Tangled Wood, where they decided to settle, deeming it the best place to raise their child.

As a hatchling, Bardran was curious but cautious, something that his parents helped instill in him to ensure his survival. He loved to explore but never went too far out of his parents’ sight. He learned quickly and his parents couldn’t have been prouder.

- Adolescent Biography -
The older Bardran got, however, the more reckless he became. He went through a rather rebellious phase during his teenage years much to his parents’ chagrin. He often took excursions out of their lair to explore and scavenge for things he deemed interesting and brought them back to proudly show his parents. His parents, however, sick with worry as they’d been, would only scold him for his reckless behavior. In order to curb this new behavior, they told Bardran the tales they’d heard of the dangerous things that lurk within the Tangled Wood at night. And while this worked for a time, eventually Bardran decided it was worth the risk to keep exploring his new home.

Eventually, Bardran had a dangerous encounter with an angry ridgeback and barely escaped with his life. He made it home, theatrically regaling his parents with the tale to hide how scared he’d been. They made sure to feed him and check him over for injuries–he’d been covered in bruises and cuts and his clothes had been shredded in places the ridgeback had managed to get ahold of.

That night, in the privacy of his personal den, he’d cried about how close he’d been to not coming home.

After that day, Bardran was more careful on his little excursions and swore to be more mindful when his parents told him to be careful.

The passing of Bardran’s parents, one from a mysterious illness and the other of a broken heart, came out of nowhere and hit him hard. He isolated himself for weeks to mourn. He took to sorting through what little possessions his parents possessed and found that his father kept journals with sketches of his family. He sobbed over those sketches for days.

Once he felt more like himself, Bardran went back to venturing out of his now very lonely lair.

Bardran’s new normal turned into scavenging for food, tools, anything useful he could find. If he decided that he wasn’t going to use it or keep it for himself, he would sell them at the market or make trades with any willing dragons. He eventually became a very good haggler and developed a keen eye for valuables. He also became very acquainted with the Tangled Wood and the types of treasures he tended to find within the Shadowbinder’s territory.

- Adult Biography -
When Ausha’s clan first moved to the Tangled Wood, Bardran will admit that he didn’t really notice. They were in a different part of the woods, a part he tended to avoid. The lake there was…strange. He’d only even noticed because he’d strayed from his normal route and he’d heard a commotion. Taking a peek had revealed a guardian, a rather large ridgeback with a tundra. They were all laughing at something, though Bardran hadn’t cared why.

For a long time, that was the only encounter he had with the tiny clan. But then it started to grow, and the new members would venture into his territory, unaware that someone lived in the area. Offended and irritated, Bardran began chasing them off. Unless they were pretty, then he let them stay.

Eventually word got back to Ausha and she insisted on meeting Bardran. Bardran agreed reluctantly, unsure if she was going to run him off. But he refused, this was his home, one that his parents fought so hard to make for him and he would fight for it if necessary.

But to his surprise, Ausha apologized for her member’s ignorance and offered to draw up territory lines so they could both be sure where each other’s lands were. She also offered aid, in whatever form, should he ever need it. Shocked, Bardran agreed.

And that’s how things were for a long time. At first, Bardran would only visit if he needed assistance. But with every visit, he became more comfortable with the members, who were loud and rambunctious and made him feel welcome despite being an outsider. He even would try and flirt with some of them, though it was never taken seriously. Apparently, there are some clan flirts that made the other members rather immune to his advances. His flirtations only earned him chuckles and eye rolls.

But it was fun and the lair was welcoming and with every return home, his own lair started to feel more dark and haunted.

Eventually, the hole his parents left grew too large to bear on his own and he decided to turn his lair into a memorial to his parents and become a member of Ausha’s clan. She approved of course, glad to add another to her family and also grateful for his particular skill set.

Bardran has proved himself a useful asset and has grown comfortable within the clan and made friends that help shoulder his grief. His new job is also a great distraction, with Lyren, Almasi and occasionally Pleo running him ragged in getting them materials. He rarely works with the other clan scavenger, Osseus, but he doesn’t seem like the social type so Bardran leaves him alone.

Bardran has come to cherish his new home very much and his new friends and family. But he still mourns the one he lost. Every couple months, he’ll take a couple days and trekk to his old lair, where he’s created a memorial to his parents. It makes him feel close to them.

He hopes they’re proud of him.

- Additional Notes -
➤ Bardran wears some of his mother's jewelry and his father's bandana as a way of keeping them close.

➤ Bardran sketches in his spare time in hopes that he'll be as good as his father.


Outfit update:

Sinister Tools Sinister Gloves Sinister Footpads Glowing Green Clawtips

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Exalting Bardran to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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