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Personal Style


Ethereal Flame Candles
Gold Filigree Banner
Mysterious Mantle
Gold Filigree Wing Guard
Gold Filigree Helmet
Gold Filigree Tail Guard
Gold Filigree Boots
Gold Filigree Breastplate
Gold Filigree Gauntlets




22.15 m
19.16 m
8505.09 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 28, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Ridgeback
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


Bio Graphics by Mibella
f i l l e r Cc86MH2.png
4.png Hagoer 4.png
Leader, Stradegist, Builder
"The possibilities are endless. It’s my job to figure out the most propable"
Hatched to this lair
s3A1D7J.png f i l l e r

Iron Golem
• Powerful •
• Clumsy •
• Forgetful •
• Able to talk •
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed ante felis. Aliquam et faucibus ipsum, sed molestie nulla. Phasellus commodo orci eget libero blandit rhoncus. Suspendisse commodo ligula in erat condimentum, convallis dictum nulla sagittis. Nam vel ligula quis lorem molestie tempor viverra in erat. Donec non sem enim. Suspendisse semper felis vitae elit ultricies, quis tempus odio auctor. Nunc quis ipsum vitae ipsum consequat auctor.

Fusce lorem elit, dictum et malesuada a, aliquet eget dui. Duis porttitor est ut enim dignissim commodo ac ut lorem. Mauris scelerisque ex quis aliquam pellentesque. Suspendisse at consectetur lectus. Nam condimentum porta bibendum. Proin lobortis pharetra libero, vitae posuere nulla aliquam a. Aliquam consequat ultrices mauris lobortis placerat. Nunc id est quis magna sollicitudin ultricies. Cras accumsan urna eu tempor consequat. Etiam est augue, sodales sed dapibus vel, fringilla ac neque. Praesent vulputate risus eu sollicitudin placerat. Vivamus cursus justo tincidunt, euismod tortor porttitor, eleifend urna. Mauris tempor rhoncus augue vitae placerat. Sed gravida orci quis rhoncus aliquam.

Sed pellentesque dui sed massa sollicitudin molestie. Cras quis ipsum augue. Proin vel urna vitae ligula placerat suscipit ac nec augue. Quisque congue lacus id dolor malesuada dignissim. Donec a venenatis dolor, a aliquet velit. Duis vel ex faucibus, elementum magna id, tristique justo. Morbi consequat molestie risus eu hendrerit. Integer pellentesque sodales velit vel eleifend. Sed vel orci sit amet libero dignissim suscipit. Vivamus cursus purus vitae risus suscipit, vel ultrices nisl lobortis. Sed eget ligula sit amet tortor tincidunt ultrices. Fusce sagittis aliquam lorem nec varius. Aliquam ut enim at mauris efficitur luctus. Praesent condimentum ultricies ipsum, sed interdum erat maximus in. Pellentesque convallis mattis dui elementum molestie.

Ex-Best friend

Good friend and strategic rival

First counselor

Second counselor


Personal hoard

Shimmering Cloth Arcanist Meteorite Miniature Shimmering Cloth Arcanist Meteorite Miniature Shimmering Cloth Arcanist Meteorite Miniature
Favourite foods

Hardshell Nightwing Bat Aether Hermit Manaweed Tuxedo Urchin Starfall Blossom
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam venenatis finibus semper. Donec semper ullamcorper molestie. Donec quam velit, vulputate ac odio vel, laoreet gravida risus. Cras rhoncus enim venenatis justo condimentum sagittis. Suspendisse elementum, ex nec fermentum auctor, lectus justo semper tellus, at lacinia massa ante non nisi. Cras nec fermentum massa, eget posuere eros. Nunc euismod iaculis condimentum. Curabitur ultricies semper tempus. Donec finibus finibus auctor. Curabitur posuere, sem a iaculis varius, nunc lectus dignissim lacus, et tristique sem sapien eu lorem. Ut turpis sem, aliquam eget porttitor et, efficitur at arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam venenatis finibus semper. Donec semper ullamcorper molestie. Donec quam velit, vulputate ac odio vel, laoreet gravida risus. Cras rhoncus enim venenatis justo condimentum sagittis. Suspendisse elementum, ex nec fermentum auctor, lectus justo semper tellus, at lacinia massa ante non nisi. Cras nec fermentum massa, eget posuere eros. Nunc euismod iaculis condimentum. Curabitur ultricies semper tempus. Donec finibus finibus auctor. Curabitur posuere, sem a iaculis varius, nunc lectus dignissim lacus, et tristique sem sapien eu lorem. Ut turpis sem, aliquam eget porttitor et, efficitur at arcu.
The Lore

Would you like to put your abilities to use?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam venenatis finibus semper. Donec semper ullamcorper molestie. Donec quam velit, vulputate ac odio vel, laoreet gravida risus. Cras rhoncus enim venenatis justo condimentum sagittis. Suspendisse elementum, ex nec fermentum auctor, lectus justo semper tellus, at lacinia massa ante non nisi. Cras nec fermentum massa, eget posuere eros. Nunc euismod iaculis condimentum. Curabitur ultricies semper tempus. Donec finibus finibus auctor. Curabitur posuere, sem a iaculis varius, nunc lectus dignissim lacus, et tristique sem sapien eu lorem. Ut turpis sem, aliquam eget porttitor et, efficitur at arcu.

The potential wasted
Fusce lorem elit, dictum et malesuada a, aliquet eget dui. Duis porttitor est ut enim dignissim commodo ac ut lorem. Mauris scelerisque ex quis aliquam pellentesque. Suspendisse at consectetur lectus. Nam condimentum porta bibendum. Proin lobortis pharetra libero, vitae posuere nulla aliquam a. Aliquam consequat ultrices mauris lobortis placerat. Nunc id est quis magna sollicitudin ultricies. Cras accumsan urna eu tempor consequat. Etiam est augue, sodales sed dapibus vel, fringilla ac neque. Praesent vulputate risus eu sollicitudin placerat. Vivamus cursus justo tincidunt, euismod tortor porttitor, eleifend urna. Mauris tempor rhoncus augue vitae placerat. Sed gravida orci quis rhoncus aliquam.

You’re treading in dangerous waters
Proin eu dolor nunc. Donec accumsan id ligula quis malesuada. Etiam ornare dolor non vehicula sodales. Nulla non arcu nibh. Nulla egestas sed erat in iaculis. Pellentesque aliquet magna molestie metus viverra, quis hendrerit leo faucibus. Quisque sagittis suscipit ultricies. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis varius ac nisl vel fringilla. Sed varius est dignissim justo consequat, a placerat neque euismod. Curabitur maximus ante facilisis sem elementum dapibus finibus sed velit. Etiam volutpat lectus tempus mauris pretium, eu placerat ipsum ornare. Mauris pretium faucibus pulvinar. Maecenas ac ligula accumsan, porta enim ac, facilisis nulla.

8.11.2017New dawn 8.11.2017
The sun hadn't even begun to paint the horizon, when Hagoer sneaked about in his hideout. He had built it outside the lair with many secret passages leading to and away from the lair. No one knew of his hideout, he always just vanished and re-appeared. It suited him perfectly. He had waited for this moment for so long. He unraveled the scroll and followed the instructions in it. Magic shot out of the parchment and he was surrounded by the swirling and twirling twister or energies. The maelstrom loosened it's grip on him, gently letting him down on the floor. He looked around his hideout, which had grown much, much smaller, but was still spacious enough. He smiled with satisfaction towards his calculations. He had hoped for bigger size though. He wouldn't be big enough for Glara's armor now. Fortunately he had bought smaller armor with part payment just in case. And fortunately they even fit. He slipped into his gold filigree armor and marveled it's shine through a mirror. His smile faded slowly as he reminded himself why he had bought this armor. He made his way towards the exit and chanted the same verse he had been chanting for months:
"I'm doing this for the lair. I won't become a tyrant. I'm saving them"
He crawled out from the passage nearest to the leaders' ledge. He would definately have to make those tunnels larger. He had overestimated the flexibility of ridgebacks. His steps felt uncomfortably loud. All the streets seemed so small now. They had been huge for a nocturne, but as he walked he truly realised how tight the lair had been packed. He would have to change that too.
While he had been dreaming his legs had brought him to his destination. The building in front of him wasn't much different from any other building, exept of the emblem on it's big door pair. He raised his hand from memory. He looked at it and it's golden armoring and growled. He was about to seize power, he couldn't come in knocking! He slammed the door open with his full force. The other door swung against the inner wall and the other flew from it's hinges. The boom was so loud many nearby residents surely woke up too. Commotion echoed to the lobby from the two corridors separating from it's end. A figure appeared from other corridor. It marched towards him, fury in it's every step.
"Who are you and what do you want!" Eri hissed at him. He was furious and didn't recognise him. Hagoer snapped out of the shock his new strength had given him. He wasn't planning on destroying the doors...
"I- it's Hagoer" He was embarrased of his wobbly voise.
"What in the name of Shadowbinder and Arcanist do you think you're doing?! Hold your strength for goodness sakes!"
Hagoer took a deep breath and reminded himself what he doing. He gathered all his will into a mighty stare.
"I'm overthrowing you"
The mirror was taken off guard. He froze to his place eyeing him. He must have just realised the armor he was wearing. His friend was so small in front of him.
"Hagoer, of all your terrible jokes this has got te be the worst" Eri forced a chuckle "Just go back to sleep and we'll discuss this in the morning"
"Eri, I am not joking. I will be taking the position of the leader"
The mirror turned back to him. Whether it was fury or confusion or both, Hagoer didn't know.
"Give your position to me. You will not get thrown out of the lair or this building. You will be given the title of vice leader--"
"Hagoer. What. Are. You. Talking about?"
He started to get irritated. He didn't want to do this, he had to. The lair needed a leader who would grasp the whole picture. He couldn't explain it, he just saw it.
"Eri just... just bring your armor here. I don't want to do this--"
"Then don't!"
"I have to! You don't get it. You don't see it as I do"
"See what?"
"The whole situation! The lair!"
Someone shouted Eri's name from outside. Hagoer turned to see Sidyon lunging towards him. He roared at him at the top of his lungs. The roar ached even his ears. Sidyon didn't seem to be the only one awake. There was a bunch of people outside and with his roar, there was going to be more. Eri ran between the stalled Sidyon and Hagoer.
"Calm the ******* down Hagoer"
A gasp could be heard. The darkness really made it difficult to see.
"Let's just go inside and talk this over. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation to all of this" He was talking to all present.
"There is" He drew himself up and talked to the crowd "I am Hagoer, your stradegist and from this moment on, your new leader"
The crowd started a racket. Figures were pushing themselves forward. The generals, the rogues and many of the lair's well versed fighters were standing in line.
"You can't win against all of them. There're just too many and more are coming"
"You think I haven't taken this situation to consideration?" He sat down, leaning on his wings like a nocturne would. He was almost whispering, his bluff was pointed strictly to Eri. "I excel in stradegy. You think I would've left any outcome unconsidered?" He saw his friends confidence crumble. He would've liked to stop here, but there was no going back anymore. Either he would be exiled for treason, he would stand and fight and propably die or Eri would buy his bluff and surrender without a fight. The fighters were impatient. They all liked Eri and were ready to fight for his position. Sidyon was keeping them in line. Eri would have to decide fast or there would soon be nothing to decide.
"Very well" he sighed. "I'll bring you my armor" he headed inside and as Hagoer turned to look behind him he saw the lobby destroyed. Wats was bleeding minorly from her wing and Zodon was keeping her company. Yona looked daggers at him. He had done that during his roar. With his tail alone. He couldn't falter now. He tried to sit as proud as he could, but kept his eyes on the ground. He was so ashamed. It's wasn't supposed to play out like this...
Eri dropped his armor in front of Hagoer. The clatter startled him from his thoughts. He glanced quickly to the crowd.
"Beile! Hlyos!" he shouted. Only those nearest to him could see his distress. Two figures were let through. "Wats is injured, go and help her"
The healer and herbalist ran past him. He reached inside his mantle for a jar.
"Stand back everyone"
Eri reinforced the command
Hagoer separated the wing guards and helmet from the pile and threw the jar in the pile. A green blaze rose from the ground, burning the fabrics and melting the metal into a single lump. Shouts of rage rose from the crowd. Sidyon and Eri both motioned them to stay put.
"Would you like to... No. From now on you are the vice leader of the lair. Take your helmet and wing gurads as a sign of that" Hagoer said handing Eri his armor. His friend ripped the pieces from his hands and gave him a hot glare. The mirror returned to the lobby behind his back, Sidyon at his tail.
"From now on I shall be known as the lair's leader. Everyone's position and titles will stay the same exept of Eri, who will now be known as the vice leader and Wats who will become my second counselor. Find her a pair of wing guards"
The rays of light struck the crowd revealing their shock and drowning away all the gasps and protesting. A new era in the lair's history had dawned. Hopefully it would be peaceful and prosperous.
"For now you can all continue your normal lives. I have final calculations and plans to finish. I'll come back" his voice was loud but powerless. He took to his wings as the sun cast it's light on his armor. The new gold shone brilliantly and dappled the ground with golden dots. He flew over the crowd towards the farthest entrance to his hideout.
He entered the main area and stationed his armor on the rack. He dragged his claws across the floor and flopped on his bed. It wasn't so soft and comfy anymore. He curled himself into a ball. His mind was packed full with doubt, loneliness, uncertainty and above all, shame.

15.1.2018You have a job 15.1.2018
"Make yourself presentable" Hagoer demanded as he turned to leave. "You have an important job to do"
Nunc ut finibus est. Aenean fringilla nulla sit amet tempor pulvinar. Vestibulum dui neque, congue nec ex at, bibendum rutrum mi. Fusce consectetur blandit urna, volutpat imperdiet odio malesuada a. Phasellus feugiat tincidunt nibh imperdiet tristique. Fusce eget sem sit amet ante vestibulum interdum vitae in nisi. Sed pellentesque ante sed tellus semper aliquam. Sed sit amet eleifend libero. Duis condimentum, odio vel convallis dignissim, augue lorem imperdiet ligula, ut mollis mi erat et felis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi vitae scelerisque ipsum. Fusce consectetur rhoncus nunc vel efficitur. Curabitur semper purus augue, sit amet venenatis augue consectetur et. Morbi dignissim tincidunt tellus non fermentum.

21.4.2018Important visitor 21.4.2018
Vivamus vitae erat leo. Cras fringilla quam nibh, eu laoreet ligula tempor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec purus mi, porttitor in tristique sed, imperdiet at sem. Phasellus tristique vestibulum tellus nec hendrerit. Morbi congue augue non nisi condimentum congue. Cras vitae quam finibus, blandit nisl quis, commodo metus. Pellentesque laoreet lacinia enim in tincidunt. Duis eget eros nec tortor consectetur fringilla in at enim. Fusce consectetur pretium dui nec efficitur. Vestibulum pulvinar nulla viverra, gravida urna sit amet, tristique ante. Nullam imperdiet aliquet mi, vel pharetra sapien congue et. Quisque mattis suscipit purus, vitae finibus tortor efficitur ac. Nam efficitur faucibus mauris, sit amet eleifend justo mattis quis. Maecenas fermentum ipsum vel risus egestas, in commodo enim luctus.
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Exalting Hagoer to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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