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Personal Style


Druidic Emblem
Chillspike Crown
Chillspike Collar
Cloudy Feathered Wings
Tawny Antlers
Druidic Armband
Woodland Vest


Accent: Icy Coat



4.14 m
2.97 m
166.08 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 13, 2014
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 14 Tundra
EXP: 599 / 54161
Jungle Slash
Natural Might Fragment
Natural Might Fragment
Natural Might Fragment


A Frozen Flower

Matriarch's daughter. Gardener of the desert.

Mates with Glyndwr.
~Wandering Dragon~

1 Furry Icewarden Puppet (to remind her of home)
1 Grey Wizard Hat (gift from Neptune a close friend)
1 Violet Lei (Gift from her Mother's Tribe)
1 Peacekeepers Headband (Gift from her Mother's Tribe)

Adopted by Esyllt and Llelwyn, her parents named her Rhosynglaw. "Rhosyn" meaning rose" to represent her nature element and her personality, and "glaw" meaning "rain" for her colouration. Her adopted parents were very important to her, and she felt very very loved. However, she had never felt quite at home otherwise. As she grew older, the lair was changing, growing, and bigger dragons with more genes than her started to show up. She felt insecure often, and preferred to be alone most of the time.

Rosynglaw knew dragons would often start off on journeys to find where they belong, but she was unsure if she wanted to, because she loved her parents. However, when one day a mirror came to her lair do that very thing, she finally decided to try it out. She decided that it was likely she would be coming back, but that it was worth it to discover herself. So she set out.

The stretch of flight over the large mass of water was difficult, and the first stretch of land she came across belonged to the Plaguebringer. She took a deep breath, preparing herself. Though she was a nature dragon, she promised herself to try and be as open minded as possible.


It was surprising at first.
Landing upon a rocky plateau a massive dug out cavern nearby, and the careful, almost nerve-racking twin blood eyes watched her. A massive Imperial's head loomed just out from the shadow of the cavern. He was fascinating.

Ducking her head as a sign of good will, a response as equal to hello, the Imperial walked out and smiled. 'Welcome to our Lair, I am Abaddon. I hope your flight was well?' He inquired.
With a sign of relief it wasn't one of -those- plague nests that she had heard of she inclined her head in an agreement. Taking refuge she learned about the plague's way of life, even helped a bit upon gatherings for food.

While here she felt a bit uneasy, but safe under the watchful gaze of the leader. She had noticed the rabid fights, and almost impossible way to live, with the virus' and fight for your life sort of way here. However one day took her fall, a faint fever broke in. The guardians of this lair noticed the wanderer had became ill. Mixing remedies they helped her recover a few days before her expected flight. It was hard on them all, she had no immunities, no tolerance for the plaguemother's creations.

Abaddon rumbled softly and nudged the puppet close to Rhosynglaw and brushed her forehead. 'It will pass youngling, I am sure, but I hope your week here has been a good learning experience.' He replied softly.

Soon the day came once more where she would venture off to the next lair. Gathering her doll up she bid the dragons farewell, and opened her large fur-lined leather wings before flying off.

- - -

After flying for a couple of days she landed in a familiar area of the Shifting Expanse. she had been here once before and had met and become close to an imperial dragon named Neptune. Entering the lair she spotted Neptune and his two "brother" dragons Jade and Jasper near the entrance, it was a warm welcome and she spend many of the next few days with the three imperials, their mates and the hatchlings. too soon though it was time to say goodbye once more, she gathered up her items: her icewarden doll and a Grey Wizard hat that she had gotten from Neptune as a gift.


Days Later She landed in a forested area, in the shrieking wilds. Immediately she was swarmed with Skydancers. The Amazons of the dominant Lair wasted no time cornering her and giving her the routine ultimatum. "Come with us to the Lair as a Guest, Or leave now."
Rhos, slightly startled, weighed the options in her mind. She had been flying for nearly 2 days without rest, and she had alot farther to go before landing again... Perhaps visiting the lair would be in her best interest... Perhaps it was a trap... She scanned the Skydancers one by one and realized she was outnumbered already, and would be even moreso if taken to the lair. But she saw no other way.

"Take me to the Lair..." She responded, reluctance in her voice.

The Nature Dancers of the Amazons fell into step beside the older female. Faunra. She had been in the Lair far longer than most, but even she paid no attention to the Tundra's Identity until they reached the Lair.
They were greeted immediately by Uriel, The Elder Druid, Male. He nodded and took a look at Rhosynglaw. "Greetings and welcome." He said, glancing to the women's skeptical stares. "You're a Nature Dragon, Welcome Home." He said. And the Skydancers sharp intake of breath caused him to glare in their general direction. The Druid Continued without paying them much mind. "Who were your Parents Child? You are Definitely Juno's Kin... I can see that from a mile away."

Rhosynglaw was taken aback by the Mention of her Mother. "Yes. Juno... And Squall."
Uriel nodded, he was about to Speak yet again when Faunra Interrupted. "You know this one?" She asked. Raising a brow.
"Yes, and you should too. She is your sister. An Amazon."
The Girls gasped and whispered among eachother for a moment and fell silent staring at rhos in the moonlight. Her bright storm coat was strange and foreign to them all. No Dragons in the lair had a coat like that and if they did.... The Dragon didn't remain long in the lair. They were either Sold, Exalted or simply driven from the nest. Not understanding how this Dragon could possibly be related to them, or the line of Matriarchy.. The Amazons simply left Rhos to her own and went on about their Business.

Uriel. Faunra and Rhos remained at the Heart of the Lair and spoke for many hours about everything from Amazons to the festival of the Greenskeeper Gathering, From Rhosynglaw's appearance to her family line.
"Your Mother was once part of the Matriarchy in this lair. She focused her time tending to the Nests and the Clan Mothers. Feeding and watering them while they rested, warming the nests. She tended to the Herb Gardens with myself and Cernunnos From a very Young age. She was a very gifted Tundra... Alas change fell upon the Gypsygothic tribe and She was Exalted to the ranks of the Glade Keeper, along with many other Men, women and Children." As Uriel spoke, emotions began to well up inside of Rhos, She had never heard the Story of her Parents this way before. from someone who had been there. Faunra began to fill in the rest, from her memory. "Juno was named for her Purple coloring. She wore a Violet Lei from the Garden she tended to. And a Peacekeeping Headband, because that's what she did. Kept the peace between Cranky Mothers bickering from nest to nest." Faunra Smiled. A Part of her missed the Exalted women of the tribe, but she remembered it was the Amazon uprising that did this. the Push for Nature dominance in the lair, and nature colored dragons... She shook that thought out of her head and continued. "Your Father Squall, Was part of a faction of Dragons that was loyal to Topaz. Another one of our Matriarchs at that time. A brightly colored Pearlcatcher... They Split off from our Lair and found their own nest, because we suggested something to them that was unheard of and that they believed was unjust. Exalting our Progenitors... Fates and Pyre. It Causes a rift between two already segregated parts of Our Family. If you are familiar with that Lair, or if you live there now, Many of the Older Dragons of that clan once resided here."

The Next day, Uriel and Faunra woke Rhosynglaw from her Sleep in the early afternoon. They had stay up talking for most of the Night and Rhos felt that she had gotten very little sleep. Faunra Presented her with a Peacekeeping Headband like the one her Mother once wore. And led her on a slow and peaceful tour of the Lair, She taught her how to make a violet Lei. And then Her and the Fighting Skydancer Amazons to her out to the training Fields and Taught her the way of the Amazons. many Life lessons were learned and many traditions were reborn in Rhos. But alas after about a week and a half of lessons and Training... She was asked to leave. This time on good terms.

Rhosynglaw flew from the Amazons for about a day, continuing her path. she viewed the sea of Red sand, bones, and decay that fast approached. suddenly in the skies, she saw hovering
slightly a smaller black mirror with Aqua crackle.

"are you lost?" Kalisug asked. Rhosynglaw tilted her head as she too hovered to talk with him.

"are you deaf? are you lost tundra?" Kalisug asked again this time, more irritated then before as his frills raised.

Rhosynglaw shock her head. she wasn't lost, she merely wish to cut through the the Plague lands.

"no i need to get to the other side and i knew if i flew high enough i would be safe." she reassured

Kalisug looked at her, un-pleased. "your Flying there territory of Echo, who has recently been attacked. so im sure you wouldn't mind if i escort you to the other side of the Plague lands to ensure my leaders safety." his eyes stayed locked onto her, untrusting.

Rhosynglaw pondered to herself. why would she be considered a threat? are the Plague lands really as bad as they seem? she nodded her head. besides if the plague lands where really that bad, maybe an escort would be a good idea.

Kalisug continued to fly with Rhosynglaw for several hours. by the time they reached the boarder, night had begun to creep onto the sky.

"there you are" Kalisug called. "if you need an escort again call someone from Echo's lair. my name is Kalisug and im well known here. you should never enter the Plagues alone." he instructed as he began to turn around.

but your alone!" Rhosynglaw shouted. "i never said i had to have a partner." Kalisug grinned as he turned into the direction of his Home Lair.

Phosynglaw snorted as she watched him leave."what a strange Mirror..." she turned forward and continued to fly knowing soon she would be able to find a safe place to rest. for some reason, she couldn't get that mirror out of her mind.
The land in between the plaguelands and what she assumed was the Starfall Isles was a strange type of purgatory. In the distance she could make out the pink crystaline pillars that were common in the land of the Arcanist. But here there was just a desolate expanse of stone and sand.

Dropping down to the ground the tundra stopped to rest as she took in the odd landscape. She hadn't really given any thought to WHERE she was heading. Traveling across the plaguelands again was not an option...but the look of the harsh crystal pillars didn't appeal to her either.

Sighing, she sat down when something floated across her field of vision. A.....pebble!? Of course! It was because of the Starfall Isles. She had heard of strange occurrences like this. Curious, she watched the stone lazily float past until it unceremoniously dropped to the ground as it traveled further into the plaguelands.

Standing, she decided to move South east towards the windsingers land and the Sea of One thousand Currents. She had always wanted to visit the Sea. She couldn't imagine that much water in one place, especially now, staring out at the sandy stone purgatory. Sighing, she began to walk, giving her wings a break. After hours of flight, it felt nice of have the warm ground under her paws. But even that grew tiresome after she saw two days pass as she tread atop the sand and stone.

Skirting the plaguelands might not have been such a great idea. This place had no water and no places to make a lair. She was parched and there was no one in sight to help her. It was then that the smell of water hit her nose.

Picking up the pace, the tundra started to run towards the scent. It couldn't be that far, not with the scent getting stronger by the minute. What she didn't realize was the danger she was in.

As the twinkle of water could be seen ahead, everything else didn't matter. Not the softening ground or the strange odor in the air. Especially not the fact that she was still technically in the dangerous plague lands.

It was only when her feet stopped moving did she realize her error. They were stuck in the mucky ground and sinking fast into the toxic water. Fear struck fast and the tundra started to struggle, flailing in the goop and only getting herself into more trouble. The ground was too soft to pull herself out of; whenever she reached forward with her claws all she brought back was clumps of goo. It wasn't long before even her wings were stuck fast.

Crying out in fear and sorrow, the tundra didn't want to accept that she was going to die. She would never be able to see the Ocean, or see her friends and family again. Sinking lower and lower until only her head and neck were visible, Rhosynglaw stared up at the unforgiving sky with teary eyes. The sun was just beginning to set. She wouldn't even be able to see one last sunset...

With that she was pulled under, her conscious mind slipping away quickly. She wasn't aware that a massive form had witnessed her struggle and had rushed to her aide. She wasn't awake when his strong claws and dipped into the muck and lifted her easily into the sky.
She wasn't aware that she was being cradled in arms as they traveled high in the sky, trailing goo from her dripping fur.

With the danger of the plague lands far behind them, Rhosynglaws rescuer finally deemed it safe to land as the vast forests of gladekeeper spanned the horizon. he had flown a day and a night without break, thanking the stamina of his species for long flights.

Dropping down, the imperial gently set down the much smaller dragon next to a river and pressed a long and soft ear against her side. It would have been a shame had he'd carried a corpse all this way. Thank the glade keeper he had not. She was still alive. Scooping water from the river, the massive dragon carefully washed the goo from the tundra's thick fur the best he could. But everything he did couldn't undo what that toxic water had done. He had seen a storm colored dragon enter that water. The fur that was at his feet was not that, but a toxic green. Leaf. At least she was alive.

Laying down next to her protectively, the imperial waited patiently for her to come around. KratosandRosyncopy_zps724732ba.jpg

Am I dead? These were the first thoughts that passed through the tundra's head when she began to stir. That and how thirsty she was. Opening her eyes, she was shocked to find her vision lain upon a very real world. She felt a lingering warmth fading from the fur on her back and wings but paid it no mind. Nor did she pay mind the shadow that passed her overhead.
The only thing that was on her mind was throwing herself into the river to drink, which she did with much enthusiasm. After taking her fill, her green eyes fell on her reflection in the water. That wasn't her. Giving the water a tap with her paw she saw for the first time the change in her fur. Nonono, that's not right. That's....

Everything came back to her. The purgatory of the plaguelands....sinking into the swamp. Glancing around in shock she realized that she was without a doubt back in the lands of the Glade keeper and very much alive... Not to mention alone.

Very confused and just as equally grateful to which ever deity intervened in her fate, Rhosynglaw took to the sky. She would get to see the Sea after all.


Somehow Rhosynglaw ended up in the Molten Scar. She was just as uncomfortable as she was when she first came to the Floes, but the dragons she had seen here seemed to like it, even those with green or white eyes.

She was accepted into a lair for a few nights, wanting only to rest and continue home south. She would miss the mild temperatures of the rest of the world when she returned, but for her, home was where the hearth isn't. This particular hotspot though, was somewhat pleasant.

On her second day here, she was presented with food from a hunt. The three dragons that hunted for the clan presented her with a mass of dark vines and plant-like maws. It was a Janustrap corpse. Rhosynglaw met the meal with first disgust them eagerness, like a hatchling would with a goopy, chunky stew. It was so fresh, so crisp yet tender, eating it was a sensation carnivores would never get to experience. It was so consuming of her focus she almost didn't notice the surprise in the middle of the vines. Almost.

A squeak and hiss startled Rhosynglaw, snapping her out of her food-induced daze. Something was moving in her food. Moving the tendrils, she found...more of them, but these ones were moving. A little mouth poked itself up and croaked at her. It seemed to be studying the Tundra.

Rhosynglaw wondered how this slipped past the warriors, until she caught sight of them snickering in the corner of her eye. One of them seemed to be anticipating something, wanting to see what she'd do next. Rhosynglaw scowled. They were probably expecting her to react afraid, or toss it away, weren't they? Well, whatever the meaning of the joke, Rhosynglaw decided on something different.

With her claws she separated what was moving from what wasn't, then bit the young one free of it's dead parent. It immediately wrapped it's roots around her and tried to bite the Tundra. Alas, Janustrap mouths were never meant for biting, instead a slow digestion of whatever gets in them. The seedling's thirst for revenge went un-quenched as Rhosynglaw ate the last of her meal. It was a plant, she understood, it would forget what happened in a night.

The seedling stuck to her gradually relaxed and let go. Rhosynglaw didn't think she had done enough though, and picked the plant up once more. She took it to a corner in the cavernous lair she was staying it, and began to cast. The Janustrap was a creature of shadow, but in her experience Nature's magic helps all rooted plants. She was right, and the cut tendrils of the creature began healing over. She noticed it had calmed down significantly more also.

When it came time to leave, the plant followed her. Despite numerous attempts to show it where it's home is, it seemed to like Rhosynglaw better. The Tundra eventually made the decision to fly away without a goodbye, but that didn't work. The plant't tendrils had found her leg and gripped onto it, taking off with her. Frustrated, she landed and crouched down. If she was going to fly with a passenger she would have dignity doing it. After a second of hesitation, the plant crawled on, and nestled between her wings.

The two took off south, to the Snowsquall Tundra. It was the warmest region in the Southern Icefield, Rhosynglaw hoped the plant could survive there. It certainly couldn't thrive, but it seemed to want this. Only time would tell if she made the right decision.

Soon she would see her old friends and introduce herself again. She could hardly wait!
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