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Personal Style


Voltaic Halo
Pale Roundhorn
Bone Antlers
Electrician's Emblem
Eerie Cyan Grasp
Sanddune Rags
Ethereal Flame Collar
Ethereal Flame Cloak
Brass Steampunk Wings
Voltaic Stormclaws
Gem Thief
Highland Scavenger
Mesa Mechanojets


Skin: Brass Centurion



5.79 m
4.64 m
514.69 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 18, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245


- complex automaton made by a mad scientist who lost his family. Has photographic memory, and an affinity for metal parts. Chen is now managed by Omli. He is like the loyal henchman to her. Except he is helpful and informative while she just does things her own way anyway. Despite being a machine, he adores companionship, it makes him feel more like a dragon.
OmliChimera x ChenBao

Poison / Ripple
15% / 85%
Antique, White, Moon, Ice, Orca, Platinum, Silver, Dust, Grey, Smoke, Gloom, Lead, Shale, Flint, Charcoal, Coal, Oilslick, Black, Obsidian, Eldritch, Midnight, Shadow, Blackberry, Mulberry, Plum, Wisteria, Thistle, Fog
Toxin / Daub
10% / 90%
Tan, Beige, Stone, Taupe, Slate, Driftwood, Latte, Dirt, Clay, Sable, Umber, Soil, Hickory, Tarnish, Ginger, Brown, Chocolate, Auburn, Copper, Rust, Tomato, Vermillion, Ruby, Cherry, Crimson, Garnet, Sanguine, Blood, Maroon, Berry, Red, Strawberry, Cerise, Carmine, Brick, Coral, Blush, CottonCandy, Watermelon, Magenta, Fuchsia, Raspberry, Wine, Mauve, Pink, Bubblegum, Rose, Pearl, Maize, Cream, Antique, White, Moon, Ice, Orca, Platinum, Silver, Dust, Grey, Smoke, Gloom, Lead, Shale, Flint, Charcoal, Coal, Oilslick, Black, Obsidian, Eldritch, Midnight, Shadow, Blackberry, Mulberry, Plum, Wisteria, Thistle, Fog
Stained / Spines
3% / 97%
Amethyst, Nightshade, Violet, Grape, Royal, Eggplant, Iris, Storm, Twilight, Indigo, Sapphire, Navy, Cobalt, Ultramarine


Being mostly machine, Chen is practically emotionless, though sometimes he shows a higher sense of intelligence and reason than most dragons can. For some reason, ChenBao is referred as male, despite no one except Omli and him knowing how their hatchlings come to be. Their children seem to be mostly draconic, but almost always have parts of them fashioned with machine parts, courtesy of their father. Omli gives them the ability to control magic and the energies that can be reached by their mother's given talent. Chen is arguably a good father, keeping his children safe and guarding them, silently, by the nest's edge. The children leave on their own to find another place to live, and their parents do not like to disclose very much about them and their whereabouts.

Other than his and Omli's odd relationship, ChenBao is very smart and able to cognitively figure out situations better than others can. It seems so out of place to see a machinated dragon in the forest, which gathers quite a crowd sometimes. Chen is advanced enough to know his limits. It is a wonder how Chen came to be, he will only admit that it wasn't just a workers hand that built him, very old and powerful magic, from the lightning in the clouds, gave him a higher edge than many machines could ever reach. Chen is able to understand emotion, pain, reason, weakness, and many other things due to his draconic parts. He is OmiChimera's confidante, her deputy, her friend.

ChenBao was stolen from his birthplace and taken away from the life he could have lived before he was even born. The scientist, whom ChenBao still resents, took out part of his frail body and laid other pieces in. Chen could not speak, only follow his master's less-than-humble commands. His salvation came in the form of another nocturne. She chased the scientist off and took young ChenBao under her wing. They became inseparable.

They traveled the land for so long, Chen can barely remember it, and he has perfect memory. he grew into a metal protector of the innocent, alway sitting patiently at Omli's side. A treasured member of Clan Verdant, he stands guard over the palace with the other guardians. His mechanical eye is more exact than even a mirror's second set of eyes. He barely ever makes a sound, only ever gesturing and watching the others.


Bio Format By: CityTurtle



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer mattis quam sed purus fringilla, id imperdiet mauris lobortis. Vestibulum interdum justo orci, nec varius urna aliquet at. Vivamus finibus augue ut arcu imperdiet, vel sagittis dui molestie. In pretium risus convallis, maximus tortor ac, iaculis velit. Ut arcu dolor, molestie vehicula congue ac, scelerisque in ligula. Donec in bibendum urna. Proin accumsan, tortor vel congue consectetur, lacus ipsum porta nisl, ac fermentum velit tortor eu mauris. Donec aliquam, justo at feugiat porta, ligula eros gravida eros, vitae consectetur purus mi sit amet lorem. Praesent in iaculis odio. Maecenas fermentum diam metus, sit amet ultrices lorem sagittis eget. Duis vehicula massa vel diam hendrerit tempus. Sed sed placerat tortor, a condimentum risus. Duis ac dui vestibulum, viverra leo in, condimentum leo. Sed maximus ligula sit amet lacus dictum efficitur.

Donec consequat metus fringilla rutrum tincidunt. Sed vel turpis interdum, egestas nibh eu, sagittis diam. Donec viverra purus at massa auctor, at eleifend tortor fermentum. Cras condimentum mollis nisi. Quisque pulvinar auctor mi vitae iaculis. Proin ac convallis elit. Nullam ultrices tempor erat, feugiat cursus lorem efficitur id. Vestibulum condimentum nisl eget velit congue, et fringilla arcu consectetur. Integer feugiat lorem at vehicula suscipit. Vestibulum sit amet ullamcorper leo.

Nunc maximus, magna non molestie lobortis, felis massa pretium nibh, a euismod felis est quis erat. Sed posuere, dolor a tincidunt aliquet, odio orci viverra odio, eu egestas sapien orci et lacus. Cras ut massa ut odio rutrum ultrices nec et odio. Phasellus eget arcu sit amet arcu pretium sodales. Quisque rutrum, mauris non imperdiet dictum, lorem turpis tristique elit, a aliquet odio nisi et enim. Cras vitae urna magna. Praesent elementum vitae ipsum a lobortis. Ut vel condimentum lorem. Donec ex mauris, vestibulum at congue a, elementum eu urna. Ut at efficitur arcu. Praesent eget molestie quam. Vestibulum fermentum erat at lectus convallis, sed scelerisque nibh eleifend. In sodales vulputate quam.

Nunc sed lectus pulvinar, ultrices nisi ac, bibendum nisi. Nulla quis pharetra sem. Fusce accumsan vestibulum velit non aliquet. Sed maximus molestie odio, sit amet iaculis est vulputate ac. Mauris interdum porttitor sapien, quis rutrum velit porttitor sit amet. Suspendisse odio urna, volutpat ut vehicula at, lobortis volutpat nibh. Curabitur lacinia consequat ante in placerat. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla condimentum egestas diam, vitae vulputate risus. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse euismod elit non luctus ultrices. Mauris venenatis, velit sed rhoncus varius, diam nunc lobortis orci, cursus posuere nunc nisl sed tellus. Donec et efficitur risus. In scelerisque, enim sed laoreet rutrum, erat dolor dignissim augue, ut ultricies magna urna eu dolor. Proin nibh velit, elementum sit amet magna vitae, scelerisque convallis diam.

Donec posuere dui et velit mattis, a ultrices orci aliquet. Ut porttitor hendrerit tristique. Praesent rhoncus dui ac tortor suscipit, id tempus metus mattis. Sed sem velit, suscipit nec sem laoreet, ultricies tempus leo. Nunc auctor vitae velit eget accumsan. Nullam placerat, dui non varius viverra, ex ante viverra ligula, ut suscipit ligula nisi a arcu. Integer ullamcorper neque ac vehicula viverra. Phasellus et nisl ut est sagittis cursus ut at urna. Proin malesuada congue est at mattis. Duis et dui in eros tincidunt sodales. Donec dapibus in ipsum non tempor. Aliquam at dictum leo. Suspendisse congue egestas felis a sagittis.

Nam arcu justo, vulputate quis accumsan ac, vestibulum eget nibh. Nunc egestas dui eu tristique ultrices. Curabitur rutrum nulla at tortor vulputate tempus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce consequat faucibus velit, eu bibendum ligula vehicula quis. Nunc non felis fermentum, cursus ipsum at, semper velit.

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