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Personal Style


Pearl Flourish Necklace
Ebony Filigree Breastplate
Raven Sylvan Dress
Swashbuckler's Seaspray Boots




3.41 m
6.25 m
631.66 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 27, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 20 Nocturne
EXP: 37006 / 111687




  • none


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The Guard
Desertstar Member


Hot-Headed | Strict | Insecure
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bio template by squidragon
Hey! You're not allowed in there. Nobody is! The Sun will hear about this, mark my words.

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Personality: Thanatos is, down to the bone, a fighter. He's determined and stubborn, knowing what he wants and moving towards it in a relentless pace. He is immensely loyal to friends, teachers, and, most of all, the clan's leader, but make no mistake, he's in charge of his own life, and won't let anyone forget it.

He's more than a little strict when it comes to rules, whether it's following them on his own or forcing others to do so. He believes whole-heartedly in Sonali's vision for the clan's future, and is more than willing to get rid of those who'll argue with it.

He can be a mystery sometimes - getting to know him takes a lot of hard work. It's not that he wants to be alone, he's just not good with sharing. He's more likely to vaguely hint at his feelings than actually talk about them, but he'd be more than grateful if someone went through the trouble of getting to know him.

The few who know him well enough realize that his brave, steely facade is just that. He is insecure of himself and doubts his own skill due to having been taught and raised by an unforgiving teacher, and he clings to his convictions because feeling that he knows what he wants makes him feel better. Not that he'd ever let anyone know. That is "below his dignity" and "going to make them doubt him".

Appearance: Thanatos is somewhat small for his race, with a thin, dainty built with narrow shoulders and hips that could have been described as delicate had it not been for his wiry and strong muscles, built for patrolling, chasing and overpowering. He has small, shiny, almost snake-like scales, and his wings are long and narrow, built for gliding. He has a youthful apprearance despite his angular features and tired, brilliant blue eyes. In gijinka form, he has short, choppy black hair that tends to fall into his face.

Magic: Thanatos doesn't fully trust magic. He thinks it's vaguely interesting when others show off their magical skills, but can't get past that he sees it as a possible threat. Which might be just as well - he seems to lack magic entirely.

Background: Thanatos was born in the Bazaar, and has never left it. He never knew his father, but he knew, and loved, his mother. She was large, strong, with a hide so black and glittering that being embraced by her wings was like being folded into the night sky. She would whisper to him, "One day, you will be quick and wise." "One day, you will have a silver tongue that none may resist." "One day, you will find your place in the caravan, trader or thief or performer."

For they were Duskwings, back in the age when the clan was hardly that - a group of traders, coming and going with the winds and seasons, held together by the Skydancer who gave the group their name.

He loved when she whispered those things to him, but he always dreamed of something different. When his clan were hiding in the shadows, selling stolen wares and drinking strange brews to see things only they could see, he would climb the tall spires and rocks in the desert, watch the sun rise, and dream of walking the halls of the Old Royal Palace in the steps of the ancient lines of Sun-Kings and Moon-Queens. He'd dream of wandering the roads of the city on the mountainside, where, he knew, his black hide would always mark him an outsider.

So he would slip down the spires and rocks, back to the shadows that smelled of old magic and distrust.

When Azazel came into the clan, when he killed Duskwing, Thanatos was on the cusp of adulthood, and he had still not found his place in the caravan. He supported Azazel. He hoped that this new leader with his cold intellect and ambition could shape the clan into something better. Thanatos stayed long enough to see him gain the clan's favor through bribery and coercion, and then he left.

He came before the Sun, king of the Desertstars, and said, "I want to protect you."

He was given a teacher - a tall, dark, male Ridgeback, who looked down his nose at him and commented about his size. Thanatos tried to explain that he was eager to learn, and he was pushed to prove it every day. Every day, he would be forced to work hard, to do as his teacher told him, without failure, at the treat of losing his position, or worse. He did all he wished, and yet it was never enough.

The Ridgeback was all demands and no praise, and Thanatos began to doubt himself. He began to think that maybe this had been the wrong decision. That maybe he should creep back into the shadows and smoke and stagnant air in the tents below the Bazaar Spire. That maybe he didn't deserve this chance.

His teacher did not notice. Neither did Sonali. And eventually his training ended. He felt like he had learned nothing - but he was humble, he knew, willing to bow to Sonali more than ever, to all the senior warriors, all the court and the royals. He thanked the stars for this opportunity, and he never looked back.

But sometimes, under a night sky like an embrace, he would glance over to the Duskwings camp and pray his mother was alright.

Location: The first thing you'll be faced with once you see the Bazaar is the immense city hanging off the main cliff wall, with its square houses and well-worn trails having been carved right out of the sandstone. Plants hang off the cliffs, glowing with an arcane light when the sun has set, but most of it is abandoned. It is not one of the forbidden places, but there are simply not enough dragons to fill all the houses.

On the very uppermost levels of the city, very close to the new palace, lies the guard barracs. It's a large building, rivaling the new palace in size, even though it can't be seen from the outside. But the building stretches far into the stone, like a little cavern. Unlike most buildings in the city, it has a strong iron door and stained glass windows in deep reds and purples. The inside of the main area is decorated with a mural of the First Sacrificed Sun giving his life to shut the Shade into the tunnels beneath the city - an unsettling reminder for the guards to stay brave.

Thanatos, like all of the other guards, has a little room in the barracs. It's often dim, with no windows or light sources beyond the candles and lanterns he puts up in a desperate attempt to brighten up the gloom. He has an orderly desk for studying, several shelves and racks where he keeps his armor and weapons, a comfortable bed, and, under it, his little secret hoard of dresses and silver jewelry.

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ETYMOLOGY - Named after a Greek God of Death

ZODIAC - Aquarius Sun / Pisces Moon / Capricorn Rising

AGE - 21

AESTHETICS - A feather in a set of silver scales, a soldier's helm dropped to the ground, the night sky, silks fluttering in the wind, tarnished jewelry, adders, fearful blue eyes in an otherwise calm face

ALIGNMENT - Lawful Good

ORIENTATION - Homosexual/Homoromantic

THEME SONG - Infinitesimal - Mother Mother


Sonali - Leader
Thanatos feels a loyalty and devotion toward Sonali that is similar to the devotion a worshipper feels to their deity. He knows, as he has convinced himself, that the Sun knows what must be done about the city, and he trusts him to keep his clan safe. Anyone who utters a single word about how Sonali is a "false king" will be promptly silenced by Thanatos... however the King wishes him to.

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Exalting Thanatos to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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