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Personal Style


Dried Flowerfall
Advisor Rings
Purple Birdskull Necklace
Starlight Guise
Bamboo Sedge Hat
Haunting Amber Ghastcrown
Haunting Amber Nightshroud
Ranger's Tail Twist
Simple Iron Bracelets



Scene: Arcanist's Domain


23.46 m
16.54 m
8472.37 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 24, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 4 Imperial
EXP: 1143 / 4027


A certain dragon tends to his shadowy garden, his scales blending into the darkness...


On your travels, you come across a large, endless field of lavender. Something about the field draws you in and before you know it, you arrive at a bustling village. Different dragons are in every direction, swooping over or under each other to get on with their daily chores. A large gate gains your attention and you cautiously make your way over to it, but paused in shock as a figure suddenly towers over you.

"I wouldn't go in there, if I were you." The pearlcatcher says, her obsidian and gold scales glistening in the bright sunlight.

"Why not?" You question, rather curious. Something about the shadowy garden, despite the burning sun, inside the gates draws you in.

"No one ever comes out." The pearlcatcher says as if it was obvious, rolling her light yellow eyes. "Only Reminisce goes in there and he's a creepy Imperial" She whispered the last part as if she was afraid he was pop out of the shadows and kidnap her.

"Riiiiiiight" You drawled, forcing yourself not to roll your own eyes right back. "I was just curious - ya' know? I'm new here."

The pearlcatcher's eyes seemed to glow at that, and she grasps your talons into her's.

"Wow - you're new here? Normally out tiny little village chases off adventurers." Her mood seemed to swift completely. "I'm Treasure, you?"

You carefully peeled her claws out from between your's before responding.

"I'm -name-."

"Cool name." Treasure says, muttering under her breath 'but not cooler than mine' before she grabs your talons again and yanks you farther into village.

You spend the rest of the day with her, visiting a magnificent library (which Treasure seemed unsure about entering) and meeting a wise old Imperial named Basorexia (who scowled at Treasure when he saw her), seeing a gorgeous flower stand and purchasing a flower crown the color of lemons that clashed perfectly with your scales, and spending hours filtering through a market in the center of town.

At the end of the day, when the sun was just setting and painting the sky with a blanket of reds, oranges, and purples, Treasure let you go, but not without another warning about the garden.

"If you go in there and get murdered, I'm going to kill you."

"I wasn't thinking about going in their anyway," you lied plainly while keeping a reassuring smile on your snout. If you were being honest with yourself, the garden was the only thing on your mind the entire day.

"Yeah, right. Anyway, see you tomorrow?" Treasure let out a small grin, hope filling her eyes. You noticed a hint of sorrow, but it was burrowed deep inside.

"Of course, I wouldn't think of anything else." A hint of a blush dusted your cheeks at her flustered expression.

"H-have a goodnight." Treasure said quietly before leaping into the and soaring off.

As you look at her disappearing form, you notice she didn't have a pearl and her dark claws were empty. You ponder this for a few moments before you suddenly realize you were right in front of the gate. Was I walking? You think, confusion etched on your features. In curiosity, you lightly brush your claws against the gate. It felt... Otherworldly. Its clean and polished black surface was ice cold and left your claws tingling and numb. It was captivating.

You push open the gate and walk through. It was like walking into a cellar on a blistering hot day, like diving underwater with completely dry scales, like burrowing yourself in deep snow after being inside a room made of fire. A cold feeling brushed over your entire form, making your wings shiver and your breath visible in front of you. Suddenly, like a snap of one's claws, you felt fine; as if it never happened. You realize it wasn't the village that lead you into the fields of lavender, but the garden.

Curious, you glance around you, your eyes filled with bittersweet wonder. Everything was bright and gorgeous, but also dark and mysterious and utterly horrifying. Beautiful flowers of every kind and every season had their faces toward to the now visible moon in full bloom. A few teal-leafed trees dotted the edges of the garden, their leaves drooping like sad willows but their white flowers shining in happiness. The grass was strangely soft but extremely cold. Shadows danced under everything, seemingly moving around the plants and trees and yourself. It felt as if their were watching your every movement, waiting for a moment to attack. You suddenly felt scared.

Around the entire garden was a dark, shiny brick wall that reflected the moon that was most definitely taller than yourself. The ceiling was a dome of stiff chains with a translucent mint green cloth resting over them. You didn't think anything of it, maybe the gardener didn't have enough coins for glass?

The strangest, and most beautiful, thing in the entire garden was a giant flower, the only one not in full bloom in the entire garden. Its petals were violet, with a pale peach dusting their edges and darker spots covering their bases. Squinting your eyes, you noticed a faint glow inside of it. As soon as you saw the glow a shadow shot toward you.

In horror, you rear back, fluttering your wings threateningly. You hissed defensively, but stopped as you noticed it was just another dragon.

In front of your form was a towering Imperial. In the moonlight, his scales were a handsome shade of royal purple and his wings were like a butterflies, a mix of violet, lavender, baby-blue, and teal. His underbelly glittered as if little silver stars splattered themselves all over his underside. A sedge hat rested comfortably on his head covering his eyes. A strange, yet beautiful, metal mask covered his face and golden chains hung from his horns from gold clasps.

"Are you enjoying your time in my garden, Little Dragon?" A crisp, sharp voice said to you that echoed in your skull.

"You're Reminisce! The-the Imperial Treasure was talking about?" You blurted, trying to calm yourself down, but something about this dragon made a shiver run up your spine.

"Ah - Treasure." Reminisce said, slight venom lacing his words. "That curious, unintelligent, and tedious dragon. She was talking about me? Did she say nice words, like a good kitten?"

You shivered. Good kitten? He really was a creep.

"Y-yes, she was very kind." You say hesitantly, putting as much innocence into your quiet voice. It felt as if the imperial's presence was suffocating you.

"Don't lie, Little Dragon." Reminisce said slyly, pushing his face closer to yours. You felt a frosty breeze brush against your nose, the scent of strawberries and rain following close after it.

"I wasn't lying." You said, surprisingly, boldly.

"Hmm - you're right. My Little Dragon would never lie." The imperial said, before disappearing swiftly into the nearest shadow.

"I'm not your Little Dragon." You say bitterly.

A chuckled resonates across the garden. You shiver.

"You'll see~" A sing-song voice echoes.

You swallow down your fear and explore the gardens, following a light grey stone path down to one of the far corners. The sound of bubbling water hit your ears as you pulled back a fern, opening up to a small clearing. In the center was a crystal-clear pond with a little rock tower. From that tower was a small waterfall that dripped lightly into the pond, sending ripples to its edges and causing the lilypads to dip and drop lightly into the water.

Curious, you venture closer to the water, peering down at your reflection. You scanned over your snout, looking over every scale. A light sigh escaped your lips as you looked up at your flower crown. When did you get that? You carefully take it off, making sure not to disturb the lemon colored petals as you put it lightly into the pond. You watch as it dips and drops like the lilypads before being completely sucked into the center by an invisible current.

Watching the water, you notice a collection of smooth, flat shining white stones resting next to the tower. You pick a single one up, it fit almost too perfectly in your palm. Inside the stone, you see a flash of gold. Focusing more, you see the gold morph into curved wings, a long, thin tail, and intelligent eyes. You gasp, the picture seemed so realistic, too realistic. The dragon inside stared right at you, its eyes piercing into yours as if it was trying to warn you. You put the stone back and noticed all the others had their own dragons on their surfaces, all of them staring right at you. It was just a coincident right? That they were painted looking in this direction? You settled on that thought and continued on.

Your talons take you to one of the droopy trees. You study its teal leaves, bringing up a claw to brush against one of the white flowers blooming on the branch. Suddenly, the tree seems to move on its own. Strong vines wrapped around your forearm and yanked you forward. Pain spiraled up your entire arm as you broke yourself free, the vine growing thorns and sinking into your scales. You pant in distress and back away a few meters, watching as the vines felt the air around them as if they were scenting out their prey. A few moments later and the tree turned back into its innocent self, leaving you frozen in terror as your warm blood trickled slowly down your forearm.

"Your sweet blood only makes it hungrier." Reminisce's voice sounded from behind you, making you whip yourself around and nearly smack him in the snout with your tail. He seemed to be watching your blood drip into the grass, soaking itself into the soil. You swore you saw a shine of amusement and something unidentifiable in his icy eyes, now visible as he dipped his neck down to stare you in the face.

"Hungrier?" You echoed, to your regret.

"Hmm - yes." He almost whispered as his eyes flashed again, "very hungry. Now, shall we clean that up?"

"H-Huh?!" You were confused. Didn't he just seemed amused at his tree attacking you? What?

You found yourself following the imperial.

(WORK IN PROGRESS - sorry if this is trash, I wrote it late at night and my brain feels like mush.)

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