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Personal Style


Ranger's Cape
Ranger's Wing Cover
Ranger's Treads
Ranger's Leggings




28.23 m
13.76 m
6554.53 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Nov 20, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245


WhbFHcK.png HMb5tTF.png


GMY3WwO.png XPeuSuq.png XEM5qlc.png
Uh-oh, looks like this gem wandered a little too far from her home lair (Frency, 243774), and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but she would be very grateful!

Zatice shows her love and care solely through the practice of making mischief. She never means any harm with her pranks, and would never go too far with them. She is an adventurous young dragoness and clings to the dream that the next day will always be better than the last. However, her big dreams and ambition for excitement could one day get her into trouble. Who knows?

This traveler is a large, pale green Imperial with captivating Lightning-blue eyes. Ocassionally she is mistaken as a member of the Wind flight, but she doesn't mind.

Her current belongings are...
Ranger's Cape Ranger's Leggings Ranger's Wing Cover Ranger's Treads
Her cape was gifted to her by Reticent Requiem after she temporarily lost her husband, Nicoli.

In her travels, she once became so panicked that she lost all of her possessions and even her husband. The clan that took her in, Reticent Requiem, and the dragon that searched for Nicoli, all decided to give Zatice a Ranger's Cape to keep her warm.

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Zatice dreamed big as a hatchling, trusting herself enough to know she'd be a great adventurer one day. She saved bits of treasure for the day she'd finally be packed and set for a good adventure. Finally she reached her goal, and she is now off to see the world of Sornieth.


After a few visits around neighboring areas, Zatice found herself in the Shadowbinder's territory. Eager to relax for a while, she slipped her way into the dense, boggy forests of the Driftwood Drag, following the light of the region's signature glowshrooms until she came upon a hunting party from a local clan. Explaining her exploration to them, they took her to the heart of the territory, along the Shadowbinder's befouled pool itself where their clan made its home.

Here she found a fairly laid back group of dragons from all walks of life that now made up a patchwork clan of all trades and pursuits. Here she was able to share her stories thus far and gain valuable advice and suggestions about where she might travel next. Before going on her way again, Zatice left behind two small spiral hatchlings with the same light, shimmering green scales that their mother had.

Eager to scratch her adventuring itch once again, however, she soon moved on.

Zatice found herself in the Blacksand Annex and met a very crowded Clan that seems to grow constantly.
She made friends with a gorgeus Nocturne named Amaterasu and helped her watching for her kids.
Those were loveable and cute but hard to handle because no one could tell them apart.
She also met the Imperial Hermes that had been cursed by an Icewitch and was always cold.
Of course she tried to help him but she had to admit that she was not able to do anything.

Soon she felt her wanderlust rising again and moved on.


In the next clan (a quite big Wind clan) she met several travelers. Her colors made the place excellent for a few surprise pranks in the tall grasslands of the clan territory. One of her pranks was aimed at Nicoli, a young Skydancer, who had the most beautiful laugh Zatice has ever heard (a rather unique reaction she never got for his pranks too). She felt a tingling sensation in her chest and decided to keep the young male company until she found out what that magical fenomenon was (apparently: Love). They had a nest and left the hatchlings in the care of Berry, the clan Caretaker - they were eager to leave on a journey again, finally with as partner on each other's side.

Zatice helped faction Blackridge with their rowdy hatchlings! Her mate Nicoli had a splended wedding there!
Onward they continued back into the Shadowbinder's territory. Here, they found themselves in the Foxfire Bramble. The dragons here were so unlike the ones she had met so far. They were...quiet. More than quiet. They were grieving.

Her mate found out that these dragons had lost their clan to the Shade, violently beyond description. Another dragon, their guide it seemed, said that the pair could stay a while near them, but not much more. They had nothing to offer, for they had nothing at all.

Zatice could do little to help and felt the darkness creeping into her own emotions, and so they left quickly without much else occuring. They could do nothing for these dragons.


After multiple clans traveled, their journey began to wear Zatice and her mate down. The two grew a little tired, a little lost. Once more, they found themselves in Reticent Requiem - the dark clan they had visited once before, or so she would have liked to say.

Zatice found the clan alone. She sought them out alone. In a mishap of some kind, Zatice and Nicoli had lost each other and now traveled separately. She hoped the clan could help her find him somehow.

As it turned out, there were multiple dragons of darker work in their lives. The most helpful of them all was one she hadn't seen in their last visit to the clan. It was a young looking Pearlcatcher with eyes so empty, she could have been far older. The dragon asked of Nicoli, somehow already knowing his name. Desperate enough to find him, Zatice answered the Pearlcatcher's questions without question. The dragon's eyes flitted back and forth almost like a pendulum, and Zatice honestly couldn't tell if she was simply thinking or if something was wrong. Once the Pearlcatcher had heard enough, she simply turned to leave. So surprised that she couldn't speak, Zatice only watched until the dragon turned around again.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll look and see if I can't find him for you." The dragon's words were empty, low, and monotonous.

"Who are you?" Zatice asked, far more troubled than the cheerful prankster she usually was.

"Me? Eh, I don't really stick to one name. I'll find you if I find him." She was low and nonchalent this time.

The dragon walked away without even giving her name or a way for Zatice to find her. The image of her eyes chilled Zatice for hours, until she finally dozed off into a fitful sleep.

After a week of worry gnawing at her, some miracle had her ever cheerful husband back at her side, raving about the clans that he had visited. The pair rested in Reticent Requiem for a time to take a short break from traveling, as losing him tired her more than she thought.

The dragons were rarely talkative, especially those their makeshift leader pointed out as survivors from the old clan. She didn't see the Pearlcatcher around again, even when Zatice asked about her. She must have been somewhere. Nicoli had apparently returned with her, though she seemed to have disappeared during their reunion.

Zatice hoped the Pearlcatcher could find piece in the now skeletal looking clan. It had very little other than its structures built, but it could be some kind of home eventually.

Just not one that she would personally want to stay in.


Zatice's next stop was to a Wind Clan. They were nestled deep within the territory, surrounded on all sides by thick pine trees. That alone struck the Imperial as strange. Nicoli agreed that they should both explore the clan, then meet up before leaving. This thrilled Zatice. She wanted to set up some pranks, in her opinion the best way to get to know dragons was through fun; pranking. She landed within the forest, immediately aware that she was not alone. Familiars scurried past her, screeching in either fear or joy. Then, a large dragon like shape hissed around her, disappearing inti the trees afterbirth the familiar. She took note of its rather small, colourful pearl as the dragon rocketed away. Zatice blinked in confusion and walked no on. She would have to ask about that later.

Zatice was left alone with her thoughts for a while, and then a card appeared before her. It was purple, etched with a large 'H' in cursive runic. She marvelled at the swooping patterns surrounding it and reached out, wanting to touch the odd card. As she did this, another seven cards floated into existence, surrounding him in a circle of magic. Zatice became scared. This was the work of a sorceress, toying with her or wanting a soul, she wasn't sure. The Imperial flicked her wings in agitation, looking for any escape.

'My forest!" A voice rang through the circle, sending the familiars in the near proximity running in fright. Zatice gulped, finding her own voice "I-I'm looking for a c-clan" she said quietly. The voice rumbled, a noise similar to that of a laugh. The cards dropped all at once, revealing a purple Coatl, still laughing behind them. "Got you!" He yelled, still laughing. A prankster, Zatice presumed. She found herself unable to glare and joined in his laughter. After a while, he stood, introducing himself as Hades, a Prankster, as she had guessed. He showed her to the clan, introducing a few members before showing her his tricks. Zatice showed him what she could do as well.

Before she knew it, days had passed and the pull of travelling urged her to leave once more. The Imperial found her mate abs he was readying to leave. She pulled her Cape tight around her broad shoulders and said goodbye to Hades, they had taught each other much, despite not having known each other long. Her huge wings lifted her high into the sky, and before long the Clan was far out of sight, but not yet out of mind.


Nicoli and Zatice's next stop was a place he had been to before. I haven't been there in a while, he said. It'll be fun, he said.

It was not fun.

Whatever "clan" Nicoli had promised to show Zatice was completely in ruins. The only way he knew it was that place was because he recognized a certain structure, which had almost been completely burned down.

"I don't know what happened," he breathed softly. "I... guess we'll have to go find somewhere else to stay," he sighed, voice breaking.

However, just when they were about to leave, the couple ran into another pair of traveling dragons who had slept in a makeshift den made of sticks and leaves. They were an odd pair, but they seemed to get along quite well, despite being a Wildclaw and a Fae.

"We'd caught wind of a clan in hiding somewhere nearby," the Fae told them, who had introduced herself as Glee. "Want to come with us?"

The expression written across her mate's face absolutely broke Zatice's heart. "...Sure," he agreed.

Though they found a nice, comfortable inn to stay in, this village just felt... strange.

Nicoli and Zatice were only even more uncomfortable once Glee and Loyalty left. They were regarded as the outsiders who could not be trusted, and while the villagers were outwardly friendly towards them, they could tell something was wrong.

They had to leave.


Zatice and Nicoli took a long rest at a popular traveler's inn, before they decided to continue their journey.

They wound up in the Tangled Wood, stranded in the middle of a murky forest with thousands of glimmering mushrooms. Latice wandered over to one that shone brighter than the others, only for a gloomwillow guide to pop out! Although startled, she and Nicoli soon noticed the inquisitive critter appeared to be eager for them to follow it. So they did.

After following the guide through an intricately designed labyrinth, the pair landed in a hidden clan. Despite their surprise, they signed in, curious to read the other names. Unfortunately, they didn't see any of the travelers they had passed on their way over, but it was nice to meet new dragons.

Zatice in particular found a friend in Moonlight, the clan's resident trickster. They shared pranks together, and even pulled a few on unsuspecting dragons.

Feeling more relaxed, the pair spent a while here, before finally leaving.


Zatice and Nicoli came to the Lost Realm. They had been ambushed by bandits, and needed somewhere safe to stay. The clan revealed itself to these weary travelers, the allure of magic drawing them in. The dragons here were kind, and obviously used to receiving travelers, for there was an entire den complex devoted to temporary residents. They were shown to a den where they settled down, content to sleep in the warm safety of the den. They would again tomorrow. The clan had been kind, and they didn't want to intrude any longer than they had to.


Still a bit on edge from the bandit ambush, the two rested and recovered in the safety of a Venerable Lair within the Foxfire Bramble, the lair was dark and difficult to see too far, but it was quite cozy and neither were too bothered by the change. Within the shadows and dark Nicoli and Zatice recuperated over two months before getting ready to set out again, healthy and excited to continue the adventure ahead.


Frency | 243774 | Lightning
AngryJ | 177846 | Plague
Mapleicious | 188446 | Light
KyaruTheWriter| 244486 |Nature
vervain | 32201 | Shadow
Warbird | 255973 | Fire
lopika | 204939 | Wind
Nagujaa | 226560 | Water
Reginapis | 243024 | Arcane
VoxxVoleur | 185853 | Shadow
Buffykiev | 213400 | Plague
RottingFlesh | 140526 | Plague
Noodlesper | 237398 | Fire
SoaringWonders | 304241 | Wind
Volrin | 261879 | Light
kisher | 272996 | Arcane
VoxxVoleur | 185853 | Shadow
MagykalWagykal | 274639 | Lightning
LostWithATaco /Shadow
Kiradog234 | 263976 | Wind
Kufoo | 248804 | Plague
Zaratyst | 75299 | Lightning
Prescott | 136580 | Shadow
LadyFlamie | 509537 | Water
KnightOfAres | 367955 | Plague
Frabcgesca | 409155 | Shadow
Chanter | 316862 | Plague
Auralyx | 556616 | Light






Young Lover
Bio template by @Mibella, find it here.
Send a PM to @AngryJ if you need help with coding your part of the story.
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