
Level 1 Skydancer
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Fire icon
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Male Skydancer
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Brightscale Tail Guard
Brightscale Chest Guard
Brightscale Bracers
Veteran's Shoulder Scars
Tawny Antlers
Searing Sash
Brass Steampunk Vest
Veteran's Leg Scars




5.12 m
4 m
591.79 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Mar 31, 2014
(10 years)


Skydancer icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245



Noble Servant of Royalty (Inherited Grand Duke)
The Old Guard (Officially Sungleam Association)
Warrior (Military)
(Notable) Family Members
Bonfire, Perihelion, Aphelion, Apocynthion, Goldschwur

Pericynthion, Son of Bonfire

Pericynthion is the second lair-bound son of Bonfire, the de facto Ruler of the Sungleam Association and, by extension, almost the entire clan, though not officially and not common knowledge.

While he has older brothers they all were sent away from the lair at an early age, making him and his brother Apocynthion the only sons of Bonfire still in the lair. The Grand Duchess has withdrawn from offering her children to the clan's disposal, marking a major shift in society where the trend leans towards keeping your own blood within the borders instead of sending it away to acquire fresh genes elsewhere.

Pericyn was born into a clutch of five, four Skydancers and an Imperial. While the Imperial was forced to leave the lair due to one last debt requiring payment, the other siblings stayed - named Pericynthion, Apocynthion, Perihelion and Aphelion, two males and two females.
While the ladies remained in the lair the sons were sent out to other clans to observe, learn, gather information and eventually return. While in foreign lands Pericyn often traveled with his grandparents, the clan's ambassador Sunrise and her mate and Protector Phoenix. He maintains a closer relationship to them than his parents.

Pericyn, who was born into a matriarchal clan, saw himself face to face with clans that placed no special restrictions on either gender, any dragon, in fact. The world he was born into was full of backstabbing, selfishness, a glaring lack of unity- at least to him his own clan was a festering pit created by his mother.

He returned home at the day of his maturing - that is, the day his clan officially accepts a dragon as an adult. The world he remembered had changed little, only his perception had made a giant shift. He became a warrior, donned the Antlers worn by Sandspill and her ilk and tossed himself into the hell pit that is the Feuer Clan's military training along with his brother.

Pericynthion, Warrior of Feuer

Clan Feuer's warriors had a massive role in the clan's conception, once spearheaded by the clan leaders themselves and later handed over to their daughter Sandspill and the clan's second general, Glittergold.

Though still powerful, the Military has taken a background role next to the Sungleam Association, leaving a bitter taste in the maw of many dragons. It is remarkable for being the only place where a dragon's gender does not matter, only one's determination and strength. This lack of separation, of distinction is what drew Pericynthion to its doors. The training is hellish for those who are not trained by birth - as it's common in clan Feuer - but whoever manages earns the respect and camaraderie of Feuer's warriors as much as anyone born into their ranks.

As proud a group as they are, there's a rift between them as much as the rest of the clan. The Royal Loyalists are in silent conflict with The Old Guard, one a group of dragons loyal to the current order and one a group of dragons devoted to the old ways - the way the clan was run before Bonfire came along.

Pericynthion, as the son of Bonfire, was caught in the middle of the conflict, earning the dislike of those who saw themselves threatened by the change and the admiration of those who saw the new order as a blessing to the clan. Wanting neither role he would've left along with his brother, had Apocynthion not taken a more opinionated stance and aligned himself with the very same dragons who at first regarded him and his brother with scorn - earning their respect only slowly, but steadily with time. Pericynthion came along more out of devotion to his brother than his own interests, but the end-result was all the same: while still officially members of the Sungleam Association, Pericynthion and Apocynthion became de facto members of The Old Guard.

Pericynthion and the Ladies

Pericynthion is a handsome lad to most of clan Feuer's ladies. Due to his gold secondary and tertiary he falls into the clan's beauty standards, only missing the Shimmer on his wings that would complete the look. Unlike his sisters he takes pride in the lack of the popular gene, seeing it as secession from his - by all clan standards perfect - mother.

Regardless, he does take pride in his good looks, not foreign to parading his colors around like a prideful little brat every once in a while. He is by far not as bad about it as his father Goldschwur, who fusses about the lack of Shimmer almost constantly - rather he enjoys the attention every now and then, knowing that his heritage blessed him at least with one positive attribute.

Pericyn therefore enjoys the praise some females tend to lavish him with, although he often regards the very same ladies with scorn, for they're servants of a society he defies. In his early years of service he had a short fling with Limette, a female Skydancer no longer serving the lair - their relationship had ended with Limette being chosen to leave to serve the Flamecaller. Although heartbroken for a while, Pericyn recovered and returned his attention to his battle training.

It wasn't until an entire year later that he considered courtship again.

Pericynthion, the Stupidly Stubborn

Pericyn, although young, has seen a myriad of cultures during his days as a youngster. While he perceived the heiress of the clan, Sandspill, as a bitter ancient dragon as a hatchling, he returned with a different view as an adult.

Sandspill is and remains the heiress of clan Feuer, although often regarded as fallen from grace in recent years. She's the clan's most powerful warrior along with Tourmaline and her mother Skalia, one of the clan's oldest dragons, and one of the most experienced - but also one of the most bitter.

She remembers the past that others never saw, and suffers the most from the changes the clan's society has gone through. Although she is the heiress, royalty and a princess, she denies two of these three titles, seeing herself as the heir only.

Pericyn came into contact with the third-oldest member of the clan during his military training, meeting her in person only once in passing when the leadership came to check upon the new recruits. From then on he kept observing - always from afar, fascinated, moved and sometimes irritated by the treatment she faced. Regardless, Pericyn knew a proud warrior like her would never want pity.
It was after his association with The Old Guard that he finally began to talk to her in person - met with scorn every time, but Pericyn, fascinated by the force of nature that was Sandspill, refused to give up. His first courting attempt was rejected fiercely and painfully, resulting in the scar on his legs and the exclamation that he was too much of a baby for her.
Pericyn, being naturally stubborn thanks to his mother, saw this as an incentive to gain battle prowess - cheerily ignoring (although aware of) the fact that his strength in battle wasn't what Sandpill had referred to.

Pericynthion and Sandspill

Much like many of The Old Guard Sandspill despised Pericyn not for being himself, but for his relation to Bonfire. As the dragon who changed the clan she is responsible for Sandspill's fall, treatment and constant bitterness, anger and sometimes despair.

She continued to be unimpressed by his constant efforts to earn her respect. Pericyn tossed himself into worse and worse battles regardless, unwilling to give up.

In the end it was not his strength that swayed her, but his natural determination and unwillingness to give in; attributes so common to the dragons she remembered - often dragons who were no longer with her, had served by her side and left when the clan changed or died in battle. He was a youngster, but a youngster with his heart in the right place.

Great was the shock for poor, little Pericyn when Sandspill challenged him to a battle, and even greater the shock for The Old Guard when the match ended in a stalemate with both sides standing on their last leg.

It was also the day Pericyn learned that a battle to measure strength had, once a long time ago, been a common mating ritual for dragons of clan Feuer, dropped with the introduction of proper courting. It's said that after the match Sandspill approached him and said:

"You insulted me when you first came to me with your talk of courtship, so bear that scar with pride."

She later agreed to spend a bit more time with the enthusiastic young dragon, if only to learn more about his stubborn skull.

For the rest of The old Guard this more or less meant that Sandspill had chosen a new mate, although the (un)lucky candidate still had to be informed of that fact.
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