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Personal Style





7.13 m
8.14 m
388.89 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 25, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 15 Wildclaw
EXP: 30664 / 60881
Irradiated Scratch
Natural Might Fragment


Art by Rosewing


Calyx wants to visit!

Feel free to add your Username and Lair number to her journeys. A quote or small story as she visits is great to!! Just please do not change her Breed or scatter her. Breeding is ok if she happens to be on cooldown! Please keep her within the Nature flight!! Do not EXALT!!!!

Calyx lives in Botany’s Grove ID # 350. Please return if off track or something comes up.

Lairs visited

Cyclopseeker- #116597
Kcsquib - #107923
MountainMouse - #364261
myrla - #374642
IndecisiveOCD #273035
Hayaros - #238952
RavenDiaval - #74543
Burmecia - #370843
Rosewing - #317307
OnceInABlueMoon - #308921
Dokvganryuu - #2633
BotanyBlack - #350
NijiMarii - #273629
Selstii - #336145
BathtubDoritos- - #348621
ExasperatedMom - #257238
PurpleTartan - #366971
IndecisiveOCD #273035
Silvertabby13 - #366240
Sibiohan - #173305
Busterbear7 - #351853
BotanyBlack - #350
BirdBrained - #387306
Nana64 -400013
BelliDea - #285832
Sangobacow - #48046
PurpleTartan - #366971
uruhead - #168931
BotanyBlack - #350
Ketchalin - #424046
GhostHarpies - #361286
WolfSoulweaver - #209877
Nekokitty813- #451985
PurpleTartan - #366971
peperomania - #467013
Kanagawa - #331369
Puggles - #103116
Rykaran - #104273
IndecisiveOCD #273035 (Now in Wind!)
PurpleTartan - #366971
Molu- #290079
Samara14 wrote on 2016-11-13 08:38:58:


Hope knew what she was meant to do from the moment her egg split open to reveal the spreading branches of the Behemoth lacing the sky above her. Calyx was there waiting as she blinked the world into focus. The Wildclaw spoke of a mission directly from the Gladekeeper: to comfort and protect those in need, to provide a welcoming place when the outside world is too overwhelming, and to spread joy wherever she could. Together, Hope and Calyx planted the remnants of her egg and tended the sprout until it grew into a sturdy sapling, promising to one day become a proud image of the great tree above it. Calyx tutored Hope in everything she would need to fulfill her role, and helped her make the difficult, some-what frightening change from a Mirror to a Guardian to best protect her charge. As Hope grew, she learned many things, but one of her favorite ways to pass the time was quilting; the first quilt she made was crafted from leaves that fell from the Behemoth, gathered though all seasons of the year, and transformed from plant into cloth. She slung the leaf-quilt across a branch of her egg-sapling, and so began Nature's Blanket Fort. Calyx often wandered the Viridian Labyrinth as a messenger of the Gladekeeper, and she returned with any of Sornieth's creatures who were in need of shelter. Hope listened to their stories and healed their hurts; she wove cloth from their feelings and stitched it together with the threads of their stories until each creature, great or small had their own beautiful quilt to add to the growing fort, so that they may still provide comfort for others when they must travel on.


Sometimes life is hard and you just need to curl up with a soft pillow and concentrate on something positive for a while until you can face whatever you need to do in real life. For those times, you are welcome to retreat to Nature's Blanket Fort.

Please feel free share things that usually cheer you up when you're having a rough day and/or let us know if you could use some encouragement (or bad puns). Whatever it is, we have plenty of blankets and imaginary snacks. Everyone is welcome!
Apparel: Tawny Antlers Naturalist Adornments Calico Cat Green Lace Wristlet
Familiar: 18031.png

Ancient forest, secret space
Placated dryads drowsy from the warmth of autumn's embrace
Wary witches watch the way
Flitting through the trees, giggling like fey
She wove her stories was she went
Golden words like honey from others and experiences lent
Appeased by her nature the witches offered her their home
A brief repose before she continued to roam
Well blessings were wished as she departed
Her journey of the woods and words once again started

-Poem written by OnceInABlueMoon

"Drifting down to the ground,
Sakura petals surround
A green girl of the maze,
who shines as bright as the Sun
and dances through life"

-5/7/5/7/5 Haiku by Dokvganryuu
Live eagerly, our time on Earth is limited. Don't let misfortune haunt you, there is so much to be enjoyed.

Art by NijiMarii



Calyx's visit with Jim and his clan may have been a short visit but it was a joyful one. She met many other green dergs and even dergs from far off places such as the Ashfall Waste and the Scarred Wasteland. She spent a great amount of time within the main hall of the lair embedded within the roots of the mighty Behemoth. Surrounded by music, the sounds of laughter and bountiful food for everyone, she truly felt welcomed and loved by all.

As winds turned cold she felt it was time to leave, to wander to the next place and meet more new friends. She stood at the edge of Jim's territory staring into the distance.

"You're leaving us?" Jim said. "No need to say it, I see it in your eyes." Calyx smiled and nodded.
"I feel the wild calling me on, its time to be on my way." She said.
"We will miss you" came the voices of the other dragons. Calyx was touched to see they had all gathered to wish her goodbye. Jim was smiling broadly, there was no way he'd have let her leave without a word and a farewell.

"Please take these with you, something to remember us by." Jim handed her two small handmade paper flowers.

"Thank you, I will miss you all." Calyx teared up as she held the gifts close to her heart.


Paper flowers for you! Thanks for letting her stay with us for a while. :3

tumblr_inline_pjw765kdWP1rl0bsp_540.png tumblr_inline_pjw765Dy031rl0bsp_540.png

Calyx visited here from 13th December 2018 - 19th December 2018.
By PurpleTartan #366971
Art by PurpleTartan #366971
Silvertabby13 wrote:
Calyx enjoyed her time with Vinebloom and Tefur’s clan. She ventured out with them into the woods to gather food and watched them train in the mire. She made many good friends and spent a lot of time playing hide and seek with Senta and running through the trees with Solarwind. Though she was sad to leave she was excited to continue her adventures.
Sibiohan wrote:
It was by chance that Calyx found the medicine caravan, a wandering clan of dragons that roam The Viridian Labyrinth. The strange collection of dragons welcomed her to join them for a while, to help collect roots and herbs and other strange plants with useful properties. The hatchlings amongst the clan followed her about, constantly asking questions about her pretty green colourings. Did she know the Gladekeeper? Was she related to the Gladekeeper? Was she blessed by Nature? Does she turn rich reds and golds when the leaves do? Does she grow flowers in the spring?

A cynic might wonder if this is why Calyx decided to move on after just a week in their company.
BirdBrained wrote:
Calyx received an invitation from a small clan of scientists. Fresh trail blazers marked a safe path to the clan. The wonderful crunch of dried leaves and petals was meditative.

She walked slowly, looking up at the treetops, listening to the birds. She felt a tail under her feet a surprised Spiral sprung out of the at her, quickly flapping several little wings to the sky, the dragon flailed all around in the air. Her ivory-colored belly was pale like the sky, her scales were similar to bark and leaves, her aerial dance lasting a few minutes.

Once the Spiral slowed down, there was a pause, then Calyx asked her name.

The Spiral thought for a moment, then her expression grew excited. “Cambrie,” she replied, “You’re Calyx, right?”

Calyx confirmed, and then showed Cambrie her invitation, “You’re a member of this clan, aren’t you?”

Cambrie nodded, she hopped up, giggled and sang, stepping on her wings and toes in a happy dance. “Here, here, here, our meadow is here,” and she danced on her awkward little legs, trying not to sprint all the way to her meadow. Calyx followed, made her happy to see such a happy dragon.

In the little garden, a group of dragons stood ther waiting to greet her. They were beyond excited to meet Calyx. They had a lovely underground room prepared for her to stay, and plenty of company whenever she pleased. Everyone was fascinated by the Wildclaw, and asked all sorts of questions about her and her travels. Calyx herself had questions, and everyone was happy to exchange information. Her stay was lovely, but she was soon on her way...
Calyx arrived at the Queen's Palace safe and was shown around the lands. The Queen felt as if she and Calyx had been friends forever.
They were often heard giggling like two schoolgirls. A sound seldom heard from the battle queen. That very evening a feast was held in
honor of the visitor. It was at the feast that Calyx and Jungle would meet. Soon after the couple hatched a nest of 3 and the only Son was chosen to remain with him father and both were destined to greatness. The Son of Jungle and Calyx will be trained by the Queen herself and eventually given the Title of Knight.
When the day came for Calyx to move on the Queen was saddened but honored to be chosen to train her son.
Calyx promised to write to her son but we all know how that goes when you are traveling.


Zingara was ecstatic to have the famous Calyx visiting, and prepared a room in the recently added grove intended to house the Gladelings of the clan.
"We just had two born not long ago, you'll meet Kane and Papa right up here, " the guardian chattered in a rare display of excitement. "Sadly we haven't had anyone through to teach them how to be proper gladelings, we're far too remote to have many travelers."



"You mean that they haven't met any other gladelings before?" Calyx questioned.
"Unfortunately, that is correct," Zingara replied.
Well, Calyx thought, We'll have to see to that.



Thanks for letting her stay with us again! :3
Art by PurpleTartan #366971


Clan Foresthymn - Rykaran - #104273
We'd just renewed the nests for the gladelings in their clearing. Here in near the very heart of the clan we lead her. We feared she may be bored, as she'd visited so many clans before. Surely she'd already seen so many things. But she did not look bored in any way. More she seemed to very deeply curious. It was not long ago, as a gladeling with primal eyes. Like we've got a wonderful present from the gladekeeper itself to celebrate the arrvial of the famous Calyx. The young Xylragon with it's primal eyes looked up to Calyx with respect, but without any fear in his young eyes. We're sure he'll never forget this moment.
We know Calyx will leave us soon again, but in a way she'll ever stay in our clan. In our memories she'll wait.
Calyx was on the front page, as random dragon at the 2nd January 2020.
IndecisiveOCD 1/31/2020 wrote:
Calynx could hardly contain her excitement, she had visited the Rustling Leaves clan a few times before in her travels, but that was when their lair was only a few miles from her own home in the Viridian Labyrinth. Now, their lair was suspended in the air, half a world away in the realm of the Windsinger. She would have flown there, but her old den mate Zarya, who moved to the Rustling Leaves clan as a hatchling, insisted that they send a hot air balloon to pick her up. It would be less dangerous that way anyway, especially for her first time outside of the Gladekeeper's domain.
2/5/2020 wrote:
Calynx spent her days with the Rustling Leaves clan hunting for hibernal den items, helping their clan leaders make space for future sleepers, and in turn, future residents to join their ranks. It was a nice change of scenery, but she longed for the familiarity of her home in the Viridian Jungle. She bid farewell to her old friends, and took another balloon back to the other side of Sornieth, her spirit soaring as the canopy grew closer on the horizon.
WolfSoulweaver 02-29-2020 wrote:
Calyx returned once more to a clan of mismatched dragons deep within Gladekeepers realm, greeting her daughter, now grown quite well into her ambassador role, although still gladly taking some new tips. Many sat around and listened with great interest of her most recent trip outside the Gladekeepers domain, mostly nature dragons. After the end of her tail, an imperial introduced himself, and the rest is history. She stayed longer than intended, caring for a nest of eggs, which hatched under a blessed day, with great luck felt all around. Four imperials came from the eggs, having her patterning and their fathers body. Two were twins, coming from the eggs at the same time, and automatically inseperable. Not long after the children were ready to travel, Calyx bade her farewells, to the imperial and one of her children who wanted to stay, rather than return to her home clan, and then to the rest of the hidden nature clan, with great thanks. She knew she was always welcome, and already couldn't wait for her next time through, to see her children grown more, and the two boys that had caught her eye here.
Oh how Calyx had enjoyed her time with the Clan of Rivulet, at least before... She shuddered. Before. No matter. That was in the past now. She looked down fondly at her three sweet children. They were truly beautiful- a perfect, effortless commingling of Plague and Nature. Grace flowed through their every limb in her eyes, even though they were small. Even though they stumbled. They gamboled merrily around her, innocent to the dangers of the world around them, snapping at each other’s legs. Calyx smiled a bittersweet smile. Already they had their father’s inborn Mirror-fierceness in them. The young female toddled up to her and gently laid her tiny front paw onto her mother’s foot. Calyx hadn’t realized the sad gaze she had fixed them with. Yes, though the boys were tough as he, only this female had his gentleness. She would make a great healer, like him. She sighed and smiled again. In a few days time they would reach the Pox Consulate. Her babies would be safe there, accepted. She stiffened suddenly, remembering something. Something important that she had forgotten. “Poxling,” she said to her daughter, who stared up at her with wide unblinking eyes. “Your name shall be Poxling.” The child sat there, still uncomprehending. Calyx scooped her into her arms, feeling the softness of her skin, the heavy weight of her trust. She tried to commit every second of it to memory, suppressing the sting of tears. “Come on then, Poxling. We have work to do.”
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