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Personal Style


Black Protective Eyewear
Black Lab Coat




5.02 m
5.26 m
879.76 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 10, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Bogsneak
EXP: 0 / 245



Verin was always apart from her siblings. She never shared their interests or strengths and hung back, watching their actions. From this, she became fluent in the muscle movements needed for certain actions, cataloging everything she learned in a huge scroll held in a bag that she kept with her constantly. The science intrigued her greatly, giving her an eagerness to learn all that she could. She was often found watching her siblings and other hatchlings run, fly or play together whilst she drew intricate diagrams of how they moved. She added pieces to her scroll and made many more as the days passed, her mind filled with biological facts. One particular species interested her more than the rest, her own. What gave Bogsneaks the ability to fly? How was it even possible with their last body structures? What caused the huge frills behind their necks? Did they have a purpose? Was there really a need for their long tongues? The questions shot through her brain, often added into the diagrams she created so that they were not forgotten and could be answered at a later date. As Verin grew up, she became a scientist and moved into a spacious cave near the Wyrmwound. It's walls were soon filled with her scrolls and, her newest obsession, the results of her experiments. These experiments were carried out first with her familiar, and then with other dragons. Simple things such as getting one of her clan mates to run around the apse trees around her home so that she could test the differences in their muscles before and after. Her clan mates didn't mind these experiments as they were mostly open minded and wanted to allow her to complete her work. Some, however, grew suspicious of her, wondering what her ulterior goal really was. Luckily for the Bogsneak, these dragons were the minority and were pretty quiet about their opinions of her.


Although Verin was always very serious about her experiments, she was vastly loved within her clan. No dragon could hold anything against her for long due to her kind and forgiving nature. She was always the one to settle disputes and fights peacefully and efficiently. She had many friends within the clan and helped with injuries whenever she was asked. Her intelligence was also a great gift. It gave her an edge against other dragons and enabled her to understand more than most could. Verin would travel from her cave to the clan daily to help her friends and keep up to date on what was happening and what was needed of her. Going back to the clan also allowed her to ask dragons about helping with her latest experiments. When she asked, she was usually replied with a shocked, nervous face and stuttering voice as the answer was given. Every dragon knew that her experiments could be very tough and unforgiving, even if they were voluntary. Verin didn't understand how harsh her experiments were. To her, they were aiding all of Sorneith by helping her and would benefit themselves in the years to come. Verin also possessed a fiery determination that ensured she would not give up. The phrase was non existent in her language, so was fought against with a fierce venom. Never, in her life so far, has the Bogsneak stopped an experiment. Not for family, not for her own wellbeing, nothing would prevent her from gaining her precious results. Too much of her life revolved around these results, she had come to live for them and because of them, which was both a good thing, and bad.

The Dangerous Experiment

Verin's most well known experiment was probably the most dangerous of all. She can recall the startled yelp of her test subject as it was carried out, but, at the end of it all, she got the results she had wanted, and that was more valuable than anything. Verin can remember standing just above the Wyrmwound, watching the swirling substances below her, deep in thought. An idea had entered her mind, an idea that could be fatal. It involved the Wyrmwound, a place never before explored. She looked into its depths, considering the possible outcomes of what she was planning. There were many things that could happen,and many rumours to direct her line of thinking. These rumours had spread for generations, growing more gruesome as time wore on. Verin shivered as she looked past the sharp, fang like objects protruding form the ground before her. What would the results really be? Her patterned scales looks dull in comparison to the blinding colours in the Wyrmwound. As she watched, a bubble of heat burst open, showering sizzling particles of an unknown liquid over the Fangs. Verin didn't even blink. She had stood here enough, where most others wouldn't dare. She ran one sharp claw over the curving white fang at her side. She mapped the experiment out in her mind, answering her own questions on a parchment scroll she had produced from satchel. Verin smiled, drawing the various diagrams of her projected results, an eagerness clear in her dark eyes.

The next day, she stood in the centre of the Clan, still pouring over her large scroll. Now all she needed was a test subject, or a specimen in her mind. She looked around at the dragons in her midst. They all seemed busy with their own ordeals, unconcerned with her presence. She failed to notice the few nervous glances thrown at her, or the fearful whispers of "Oh no, she has a scroll again" and "I hope she doesn't pick me". Verin was too concerned with her current job. She surveyed her options again, her eyes picking out a small, oddly coloured dragon showing off by tripping up adults passing by, he was trying to impress a group of unbothered females, to no avail. Verin smiled and walked towards him. Most of her 'specimens' were youngsters, eager to impress any who would do so much as glance at them. Smoothly, Verin approached him, carefully not specifying what exactly she wanted him to do. She knew that he would agree, he had that usual rebellious glint his eye that all young dragons seemed to possess, a glint that told her straight away he would do as she asked, even if it was dangerous. Their journey back to Verins cave was quick and filled with boastful conversation. Verin barely listened to the dragons grovel. She had other things to worry about, including ensuring she had the right parchment available for her predicted results. Soon, she was standing by the fangs again, sharp coal piece in talon, parchment grasped excitedly in the other. The male stood fearfully back from her, not wanting to get to close to the pulsating liquid. Verin flicked her tail and wrote down an adequate layout, sketching a quick diagram of before he had completed her experiment and leaving room for after. Verin turned to the male, her face set hard, as it often was during experiments. She walked towards him, urging him forwards with a face like stone, uncaring, absorbed by her task. Eventually, he was in line with the large fangs, staring into the liquid below, she could hear his scales shivering from where she stood behind him. Verin breathed deeply, bracing her muscles, then dashed forwards and butted the male into the liquid. He fell with a startled shriek, then disappeared under the thick, putrid smelling stuff. Verin blinked then moved to the very edge, infront of the fangs. She stood there for about five minutes, her claws itching into the ground in impatience. Then suddenly, a smallish, dragon like shape shot upwards from the Wyrmwound, landing before her in a confused heap. At first sight, it looked as though his wings had been split through the middle. He had visibly shrunken in size, but from his position, not much more could be made out. He shook with a sudden invisible energy whilst Verin jotted down her findings. The male stood shakily, his wings unfolding around him. Verins eyes widened. The wings were not split, but rather another, smaller pair had grown behind his current wings. His scales were enlarged, as if they had been placed beneath a microscope. He twitched again, bringing the huge flaps that had sprouted around his legs and tail into view. The male inspected himself as well, discovering that his scales were covered in minute, sharp claws. He twitched again, this time more viciously. Verin scribbled furiously, adding to her diagram with an immense excitement. The male glared at her, his pinkish Arcane eyes darkening to a deep Shadow purple. "Y-you... Y-you d-d-did t-this..." he said slowly, as if he was just discovering his voice. It sounded as if he was, too, Verin thought wryly. His voice quaked with every vowel, cracking and changing tone per word. Verin smiled at him, circling like a hawk, eager to pick up every ounce of detail she could about his transformation. "It was you who volunteered," she replied with a grin, touching her wing to his. "Thank you, you have done such an amazing job." she said, turning and heading back towards her Lair, leaving the confused male to sort out his thoughts alone.

By Kiradog234
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