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Personal Style


Pomegranate Plumed Headdress
Gothic Tea Tray
Pomegranate Plumed Mantle
Gothic Spare Tea
Gothic Tea Cups
Phantasmal Halfmask
Gothic Dried Tea
Gossamer Silk Scarf
Haunted Flame Collar
Haunted Flame Wing Ribbon
Sanguine Rose Thorn Banner
Sanguine Rose Thorn Collar
Haunted Flame Tail Ribbon
Sanguine Rose Thorn Leg Tangle




25.25 m
23.46 m
8693.07 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 23, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 3 Imperial
EXP: 374 / 1401




  • none



Gender: Male
Origin: Gifted by Ximena






"I can't take any chances.
To take a risk is to fail,
and to fail is to lose someone I love."


As much as Zelyn hated to admit it, he never liked being alone. It was fear that kept him turning away. He would stumble upon a warm glow of light amidst the brambles of the Tangled Wood and a part of him would fill with longing. There was a clan there. . . perhaps he could join them. Then Zelyn would remember the past and he would force himself to turn back into the depths of the woods and continue wandering in the darkness. Alone.

It was a rainy day when Zelyn stumbled across the ruins of an abandoned cathedral deep within the Foxfire Brambles. It was overgrown with vines and portions of the walls and roof had already collapsed and crumbled away. Still, there were parts of the structure that were intact enough to provide shelter and Zelyn figured it was as good a place as any to spend the night. As he explored the ruins, the Imperial thought he saw something out of the corner of his eye, but he brushed it off as a figment of his imagination.

Zelyn slept restlessly that night, the runes on his skin pulsing with energy as if they were continually repelling something away. In the morning, Zelyn emerged from the abandoned structure only for someone to begin shouting. “Hey! Get away from there!” Zelyn froze for a moment, it had been so long since he’d heard another dragon’s voice and this one. . . He looked down to see a Fae waving his arms frantically. Then something sprung at Zelyn, a black and white blur that hissed as it attempted to attack the Imperial only to be repelled by a crackle of energy from Zelyn’s runes.

“What was that?” Zelyn asked as he stepped away from the ruins, looking back cautiously in an attempt to get a better look at whatever had just attacked him. “Wow,” the Fae started, “I thought you were a goner for a moment there. Your protection spells are strong! Do you happen to offer services? We’ve been having a problem with . . . well, there are these things that started appearing and they’re-“ the Fae broke off for a moment, looking down and shaking his arm as if he were attempting to dislodge something that was clinging to it. “Well, they’re absolutely everywhere. We could use a bit of extra protection to ward off any dangers that might be associated with . . .whatever these things are”. The Fae said the last words slowly, looking at something on the ground that Zelyn couldn’t see.

That was how Zelyn ended up among the dragons of the Hidden Haven, casting wards against strange creatures that he couldn’t see. Perhaps he would have thought that Onoind was insane had not several other dragons claimed that they could see the same. ‘Strangers’, they called the creatures, and Zelyn did his best to ward off any negative effects that they might’ve had.

Over time, the clan came to realize that the majority of the ‘strangers’ were harmless, although there were a number that caused unusual effects and a handful that were, indeed, dangerous.

Despite its oddities, the Hidden Haven was a peaceful and calm place where Zelyn slowly healed from his traumatic past. Still, he had trouble trusting anyone completely and he was afraid to care too much about the dragons he associated with.

Then Onoind received the invitation. It came in a golden envelope carried in the beak of a phantasmal crow. It came from the Cathedral of Eyes. . . but Onoind dared not go alone. There were too many rumors about the Cathedral. Rumors about dragons who vanished without a trace or came back to their clans babbling in insanity. It was said that an equally cruel fate awaited those who turned down the invitation, so the Fae decided to attend. He brought Zelyn along as the Imperial’s runic wards would offer at least some protection should anything befall them.

The Cathedral of Eyes was overwhelming at first, especially for Zelyn who wasn’t used to such extravagance. There was singing and dancing; the halls bustling with dragons wearing expensive garments and the sound of laughter. A part of Zelyn fell in love with the Cathedral instantly. He longed to be surrounded by other dragons and walk through the brightly lit halls where songs always echoed through the air.

As the evening wore on, Zelyn found himself smiling more and more. The performance was stunning and the Imperial couldn’t help but laugh and cry along with the rest of the audience. When the performance ended, he and Onoind were invited to attend a gathering in a fire-lit outdoor amphitheater called the Hearth. It was here that the Cathedral’s residents and visitors alike shared their stories while Rooibos offered glasses of spiced cider and mulled wine.

“How are you enjoying the evening?” a voice asked and Zelyn turned to find a crimson Imperial standing beside him. “Mind if I join you?” he asked, gesturing to the vacant seat next to Zelyn. “Oh, of course!” Zelyn said nervously. “I’m Rhun, by the way” came the response as the crimson Imperial sat down. Zelyn looked down at his hands for a moment. “I’m Zelyn. Do you mind if I ask you a question, Rhun?” there was a silent nod from the other dragon before Zelyn continued, “what do you think of this place? I’ve heard so many rumors, I’m just not sure what to believe”. Rhun smiled softly, “the Cathedral is a beautiful place, but it is also imperfect. There is nothing here inherently good or evil, just dragons and many other beings who coexist. And there is peace even within the chaos”.

Zelyn sat and talked to Rhun long into the night. He hadn’t felt so comfortable opening up to another dragon in a long time and it was nice to finally have someone to talk to. Someone who would listen. Zelyn was reluctant to leave, and so he didn’t. Over time, he grew close to Rhun and, more importantly, he stopped being afraid. He fell in love with the other Imperial before he even registered that it had happened. Now, he walks through the Cathedral’s halls with a smile on his face. Sure, there are mysterious and horrible things that happen from time to time, but Rhun was right in the end. The Cathedral became a place where Zelyn finally found peace.

Strangers by Felix Kramer and J
Layout by Kintsy


Z E L Y N ' S


If any one dragon in Clan Echecs could be said to be the calmest, that title would have to go to Zelyn. A placid dragon, it's exceptionally rare to see him express any emotional extreme, although most of the time he's in a state of peaceful contentment. This is somewhat at odds with the fervour and discipline he has for his work, never failing to renew the protective runes he sets up. Many even speculate that even if he was on his deathbed Zelyn would still somehow force himself up to do his job.

Born in the Shifting Expanse, Zelyns love and talent for magical traditions made him something of an oddity, most other dragons pursuing technology and progress. Still, the young Imperial managed to find a tutor who taught him how to use runes and symbols to create different effects. One rune could serve to keep eggs dry and warm, while another would repel invaders. He always liked the defensive runes best, and instead of practicing for battle or even learning how to fight, Zelyn dedicated his time completely to the perfection of the various wards he had been taught.

With this knowledge and the blessing of his parents, he left his clan to seek another home. His travels soon took him to the Tangled Wood, a place of darkness and mysteries. On the outskirts he enountered a rather small clan, seemingly rather new by the looks of its residents. Well, all save two, a red Pearlcatcher with dark wings and her even darker son. Deciding that perhaps this was the place for him, Zelyn stayed a while with this fledgling clan.

While he lived there, he learned that this Pearlcatcher was a very dangerous individual by the name of Aima, a talented blood mage with a penchant for violence and using other dragons to fuel her fell magics. As much as it unnerved him, Zelyn resolved to learn what he could from her. She agreed readily enough. She would teach him what she knew about the magical properties of blood, and in exchange Zelyn would offer his own for Aima's experiments. It wasn't ideal, and losing so much blood to her was exhausting, but the more he learned the more Zelyn realised that this was all worth it.

Most of what Aima taught him was useless to the Imperial, spells of pain and wounding, but there was something that stuck with him that he would never have thought of otherwise. Blood is a potent magical amplifier for those willing to use such a thing to fuel their magic. And runes drawn in blood were that much more powerful than those scratched into wood or drawn in dust.

Towards the end of his time in that clan, Zelyn asked Aima to do a favour for him. He now knew that if he used blood to draw his wards, they would be more powerful, but when he left having to redraw them so often while travelling would take its toll. So he asked Aima to etch wards into his very flesh. The Pearlcatcher, finding delight in the pain of others and seeking any excuse to try her more taboo magics agreed. That night the air was filled with Zelyn's screams and the smell of blood.

As soon as his wounds stopped bleeding, Zelyn said his goodbyes and set out once again. He didn't have to go far before he reached the Forum of the Obscured Crescent, where the oldest and most revered clans of the Shadowbinder's domain made their home. Perhaps he would find a place here. As luck would have it, a Fae out scavenging caught sight of the injured Imperial and lead Zelyn back to his clan. Later, he would learn that the Fae who guided him to his new home was named Fortuna, a tiny dragon with supernatural luck.

Zelyn was welcomed into the clan at first, but when he was seen using his own blood to draw wards a few dragons grew wary of him. The five that had known Aima knew only all too well the dangers of blood magic. As Zelyn didn't know that he had, by some strange coincidence, found himself in the very clan that his tutor had once called home, he was rather open with discussing the one who had taught him how to use blood as a magical amplifier. Once it was known that Zelyn had been Aima's apprentice, Iizlom has refused to even speak to him, and the other four treat him with a wariness bordering on fear.

This has driven him to a sort of loneliness, but Zelyn doesn't really mind. He understands their fear, having been tutored by the sadistic Pearlcatcher, and hopes to one day prove himself worthy of trust by keeping up with his duties of keeping the clan safe in a way that warriors alone cannot.

Zelyn's desperation to protect those he loves has proven to be his undoing. Unlike other dragons, to whom Zero promised some kind of great boon, their most desperate desires, to Zelyn she came only with threats. Side with her, or she would execute each and every dragon that Zelyn had come into contact with. There was no way the Imperial would be able to draw enough of his runic wards to protect all of them in time, and with Zero's terrifying intellect and ruthless methods, he didn't doubt that she was fully capable of doing exactly what she had said. To Zelyn, it was either watch everyone die, or do what little he could to protect the few he could save. The choice was hardly a choice at all, and since then he has served Zero, his blood-fuelled runic wards leaving Zero's followers almost untouchable by those who would oppose her.

Zelyn was among the first to abandon Clan Echecs after Zero's defeat, having been directly threatened rather than coerced through honeyed lies. He left before the tattered yet victorious remnants of Clan Echecs travelled back to the Sea of a Thousand Currents and found himself wandering alone in the Tangled Woods for the longest time, the protective runes carved into his flesh keeping him safe. Eventually, however, the loneliness caught up to him. . .

Written by Quamosthy

Antique Oil Lamp Long Form Poetry Flamerest Embers


Theme song: Waterfall


Art by Quinineer

Art by Loki1
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