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Plague Sprite
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Wildclaw
This dragon cannot breed until Jul 06, 2024 (26 days).
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Personal Style


Riot Hazebeacon
Scavenger's Tatters
Boneyard Tatters
Skeletal Chimes
Glowing Red Clawtips
Proto Wings


Accent: Dracolich


Scene: Plaguebringer's Domain


6.49 m
9.33 m
654.12 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Mar 16, 2014
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Wildclaw
Max Level


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"Practice two things in your dealings with disease:
either help or do not harm the patient."



____Although Deathdealer's frightening appearance leads many to believe that she must be a gravely injured warrior, or perhaps some cursed witch whose magic backfired on her, nothing could further from the truth. She is, in fact, a bringer of healing, a doctor. Perhaps she could indeed be called a warrior, in her own odd way. The death she deals is to pestilence and disease, and her patients are the battlegrounds where she fights to slay every intruder incubating in their body. Although she looks frightening, she can be surprisingly gentle, especially when her patients are young or scared.

____Deathdealer had always been interested in medicine and disease. She wanted to study not just the healing magic that powerful mages could call down, but medicine that could be done without magic, healing with her own claws and remedies. Not that magical healing wasn't impressive, she said, it was the sort that could bring a mortally wounded dragon back from death's doorstep, but she was not the sort of powerful mage who could call upon such energies. And furthermore, what if someone found themselves far away from any healer mages? Not every clan had one. Or what if the healer exhausted their magic tending to the most gravely wounded, with none left for those who had dangerous but not life-threatening injuries? She saw no reason why, for instance, a dragon ought to lose a leg to gangrene because the healer had no magic left, when she could learn other ways to heal their injury and drive out infection.

____She journeyed all over Sornieth learning the different ways that each Flight imparted healing and medicine. In her own home in the Shifting Expanse, the mechanically-minded Lightning dragons built artificial parts to replace what had failed, from robotic prosthetic limbs and enhanced cybernetic eyes, to mechanical hearts that beat steadily for a dragon born with a weak heart or whose elderly one was failing. In Nature, the dragons had the greatest knowledge of healing herbs and plants, and taught her how to make powders and salves, to grind and mix ingredients into ***** and teas, and how to measure and dose them in exact amounts, for some plants could turn from medicine to poison if the patient took too much. But it was in the Scarred Wasteland that she learned the most, returning time and time again in her travels. Although she was not part of their Flight, there were doctors there like her who respected her for her willingness to learn and her desire to heal. The dragons there knew everything there was to know about diseases and illness, teaching her how it spread, how it progressed, and how a few sick dragons could morph into a dangerous epidemic.

____While she traveled, she practiced her growing knowledge wherever she went, offering her medicine and doctoring to those who were ill, going where healers were rare. It was a difficult job, and even harder to see how some patients simply could not get better, and watch them fade away despite her best efforts. However, she never let it discourage her. She knew that what she was doing was important, and she could see for herself the difference it could make in someone's life. She told herself that she would not be discouraged, and that she would always keep learning, so maybe someday she would know what to do to succeed where she had failed previously. She continued her travels, consulting with learned scholars and doctors, and found herself most often traveling back to the Plague region where she continued to learn many things.

____However, her job was a dangerous one, bringing her in contact with many diseases, when she did not have the inherent immunity of a Plague dragon to protect her. She was tending a lair where many of the dragons had caught a dangerous, flesh-eating disease, and she could not seem to stem the spread of it, try as she might, Her last hope was to quickly travel to the Scarred Wasteland, hoping that they would know of a cure there that could save them. However, as she traveled, she felt herself growing weaker and weaker. Flight became more difficult, as she saw her wings growing ragged and torn. She too had caught the illness while she tended them. She refused to give in, traveling on foot as fast as she could when her wings hurt too much to fly, staggering over the borders and collapsing almost as soon as she reached the territory of a clan she had studied with previously. Delirious and close to death, she was unaware of being found and brought back to their lair, unaware of gasping out the name and location of the clan she had left still needing help, unaware of the grim talk of the other doctors as to what they must do.

____When she woke, it was to good news, of a sort. The clan's doctors had tended to her, and sent along a doctor with vials of the cure to the clan she had left. She too had been cured, and was expected to make a full recovery. However, it had not been without cost. Her disease had progressed quickly, as she pushed herself in travel, and the surgery to remove what had been diseased beyond repair had left her with a frightening new appearance. Her wings were too ragged to sustain flight anymore, she was scarred where infection had set in and been cut away, her vision in one eye had been lost and it was cloudy and opaque, and her face looked like a skeletal mask. She was startled, but she knew it was only thanks to them she had lived through something that had left her this way at all. Besides, many Plague dragons bore similar marks, proudly, as a sign of the Plaguebringer's regard. They assured her that she too must have been blessed by their deity, some saying that they had even seen one of her messengers, a Plague sprite, hovering over her as she lay healing.

____However, she found that she was less welcome by other clans now, who refused to believe that a doctor could have such obvious signs of disease on her. They thought her disfigurement was frightening, that she must be a plaguebearer, and didn't want her near. She was chagrined, wandering until her feet brought her to the Wind region. This was a place of many wanderers, that dragons of all types came through. Perhaps she could find a clan who wouldn't be repulsed by her appearance. What she in fact found was a pair of panicking dragons, adolescents just old enough to be allowed to roam and play without supervision. One had caught a stray gust of wind, tumbled, and broken his leg in the fall. He was too afraid, and in too much pain, to fly home, and his friend was caught in a panic, too scared to leave him to look for help. She spoke to them gently, telling them she could help, and oddly enough they didn’t seem afraid of her. She set the young dragon's broken bone so that it could heal straight, splinted it securely, and carried him home.

____She was startled by the grateful welcome she received, the casual acceptance from a clan who welcomed any dragon no matter how strange. She felt sure she could do good here, and make a home here, and when she asked to stay she was welcomed with open arms. She hardly ever thinks about her appearance, so little does her new family seem to notice it. Her mate, Mountain, carved her a mask from a single piece of ruby, red as she is and so thin that it feels like she wears nothing all, but she saves it for special occasions, or the few times when she misses her old appearance and wishes to see herself as she used to be in the mirror. Most of the time, the only mask she wears is a simple cloth one for sanitation's sake while she works. She has plenty of dragons to doctor in the large, boisterous clan, and her reputation has spread so that even other clans come from miles around, bringing sick and injured dragons for her to help.



Bio template by Mibella, find it here.
Before She got sick


After she got sick and joined wind



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Exalting Deathdealer to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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