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Personal Style


Map Kit
Green and White Flair Scarf
Emerald Aviator Coat




4.77 m
3.05 m
406.06 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 22, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Tundra
EXP: 1533 / 5545



  • none


  • none



Navigator of the World
Protector of Navigation

Emerald Aviator Coat Wind Tome Armored Greatowl


Notes: Please return to @Saraceaser after having visited 5-7 Clans, thanks! :3
Starting Clan: Clan Paladin

Odysseus has always been a navigator and topographer, traversing all of Sornieth in the name of map-making, adventure, and honor. Stoic and serious but with a sort of dry sense of humor, Odysseus surprisingly makes fast friends thanks to his deep sense of right and wrong and the fact that he's loyal to a fault. He usually travels by flight, but more than a few times he's gotten lost either due to a storm or otherwise, which has led to some fantastic adventures.

Despite being gone for long periods of time, he often writes and sends back gifts to his beloved, Hedron, when they're not traveling together.

Oceanreach Lair
Dates: 12/08/18-date

Odysseus flew nearly skimming the ocean surface. He had seen it from above of course but it was always better to get a closer look if possible in order to be able to make a better map. Besides, it was a hot day and almost the only reprieve was to be so near the water. It seemed other dragons had the same idea because huge groups of them were skimming the surface like him or even playing in the water itself.

A group of students was sitting on a balcony that jutted out from one of the Crystal Spines directly onto the ocean listening to a lecture from a grey and blue colored tundra about how to guess where they would find a good archaeology dig site in the Sea of a Thousand Currents.

Odysseus flew closer. This wasn't only a lesson in archaeology but in navigation and while it was true he knew most of what the grey and blue professor was saying-was even credited with discovering one of the methods he mentioned-he was able to glean some thing he hadn't known or thought of, and learn some things about archaeology, which he was curious about because of his firm belief that knowledge was always valuable.

After the lecture was over and the students and flown off Odysseus walked over to the professor, who was packing the relief maps and globes he had used in the lecture carefully away in bags he could strap to his back and belly while he flew.

"Hello," Odysseus said.

"Hello!" said the professor. "I haven't seen you around before! Are you visiting Starfell Isles for the first time?"

"Well, I've been here before but I never had the chance to stay and explore as long as I wanted. I hope this time I'll be able to. You had quite the interesting lecture," he said, switching subjects. "Especially that point you made about the northeast currents."

The professor smiled at him, the grin almost reaching his ears. "I'm glad you liked it. Sesili, by the way."


They talked for hours after that, sharing their knowledge of navigation and archaeology. The latter, it turned out, was Sesili's area of expertise and he was something of an explorer in his own right.

When Sesili realized that Odysseus was the navigator who was credited with both the Keto Theory and the Charybdis Technique he immediately invited him to stay in his lair for the rest of his visit, but Odysseus declined, not wanting to take someone's hospitality because of him being somewhat famous in the academic circles. However, Sesili did show him around the Isles during the three weeks he stayed there and they became good friends.
FrozenSpire Lair
Dates: 14/08/18-15/08/18

After staying a good while in the Starfell Isles he set off into more familiar territory. The flight was long and tiring, the few stops he made were short. From above Odysseus was able to map the upcoming land. Cold furious wind began to tug at his long fur, forcing him to land.

``Where am i...?`` His gaze was fixed on the towering spires of ice, dotted around the landscape. The cold didn't bother him yet the unnatural spires did. He began wandering around, lost in the maze of spires. ``I can't be stuck here forever...`` He collapsed in the snow.

Gaining consciousness his eyes opened, too weak to stand. Approaching him was a tall figure, it stoped in front of him. ``Get up`` He slowly got to his talons, the dragon's length seemed longer then him, it's wingspan much larger then his own. He inspected the the beautifully coloured WildClaw, it's colours similar to the spires, her face was covered by a lion mask. ``What are you doing out here...?`` She spoke in a harsh tone, reaching for her mask she took it off, revealing her face. Eyes as cold and ridged as the landscape around us. ``I got lost on my way to Snowsquall Tundra thanks to a blizzard...`` He spoke in a confident voice. ``I will lead you out of The Fortress Of Ends, no further`` She put apon her mask once again, beginning to walk off in a random direction. ``Im Odysseus, and you are...?``, She turned her gaze towards him ``Icicle, let's move if you wanna get out of here before any spires collapse``.

Odysseus began to lose hope, he had been following his dragon for a good while now, ``Do you know where we are going?`` no matter how much he asked she just kept walking. Finally the forest of spires began to thin. She stopped at where they ended. ``Finally... Thank you for helping me`` Odysseus thanked her. ``I had to, not all dragons are allowed in the territory of The Icewarden`` She was already speeding off back into the maze. Odysseus watched her disappear confused, he took flight to survey the landscape onto his map. Shrugging off the encounter with Icicle.
Stormy Haven
Dates: 15/08/18-16/08/18

After wandering around for ages, lost in thought, Odysseus slipped on a puddle, and to his great surprise, the puddle started laughing at him and swirling around him. Odysseus was mortified, and called for help over and over again to no avail. Soon, when he had had enough of the pranks, he was greeted by a mischievous pink dragon. "Hey!", he said, "Welcome to Stormy Haven. My name is Littlecloud, the residential prankster."
"Wait!" cried Odysseus, "Are you part of a Clan? I am a traveler in desperate need of a shelter. Could I perhaps stay at your clan for the night?"
"Well, for that, you have to ask Elder, but I can take you there."
"Ok, thanks!"
So the pair started for Stormy Haven. When they entered, a lot of questioning glances and curious gazes were darted their way. At last, Littlecloud announced, "Here we are at Elder's Den. Good luck!"
So Odysseus went inside to talk to Elder. When he saw the dragon, he gasped in surprise. He had been expecting a small, scruffy looking dragon, but instead, he saw a massive imperial dressed in celebrational clothing. "Hello, traveler. What brings you to Stormy Haven?" asked Elder in a deep, booming voice. "Umm, I would like your majesty's permission to stay the night in you clan?" Odysseus squeaked nervously. "Of course!" cried Elder. "We are always open to new visitors." "Thanks so much, your majesty," said Odysseus.
While Odysseus explored the clan, he met Silverstream, clearly a well respected dragon, based on the adoring glances that the other dragons gave her. "Hello, Odysseus. Do you have time to come take a walk with me?" "Not really, I must get going now. It was nice meeting you guys!"
Odysseus began to walk away, but it wasn't long before he got caught in a blizzard, and not long after that, he had no idea where he was going and was completely lost.

CrazySapling's Clan
Dates: 01/09/18 - 10/09/18

Odysseus had been flying by charting the area and he spotted a few dragons fighting some of the beastclan he flew in closer to get a better look, when one of them shot him out of the sky. He blanked out afterwards and wound up waking up inside of a hollowed out tree on a pile of old fabric and leaves. "Hello, are you okay? I saw you fly by and you got knocked out" said a fae


"Yeah, just where am i?" Odysseus asked. "The spare lair, and you can call my snowy, feel free to stay as long as you like just we are all sorta busy with construction at the moment." Said snowy. "Oh, i don't wanna keep you from finishing building and i should be fine enough to go."

After a decent length conversation Odysseus agreed to stay just a few more days and see what he could map out in the general area to help with future navigation.

After a while Odysseus had decided he should leave and said goodbye to everyone he met during his stay.
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