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Personal Style


Tarnished Steel Boots
Black Iron Plates
Gold Steampunk Gloves
Solidscale Tail Guard
Searing Emblem


Accent: Igniteus



4.44 m
4.41 m
622.87 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 16, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Mirror
EXP: 0 / 245




Though he was born as a Nature, Joravor has always had an affinity for Smithing. Before the attack on Marshwood Citadel, Joravor and Zorjhan had been the best of friends since their early days of Hatchling life. Be it Schooling from there elders to combat training the two could never be separated.

As the two of them grew Joravor always knew his friend Zorjhan would one day rule as a Flight leader. All he wanted was to be by his side where ever Zorjhan went..that's what a friend is for right? to always be supportive and unwavering during the good and bad times. When the time came and Zorjhan had begun his rule, Joravor was asked by his Friend if he would help rule along side him.

Grateful for his friends consideration Joravor denied the request to be a ruling member knowing that his lack of leadership could put his friends family in danger he instead offered the one thing he was good at..being a Scalesmith. He knew that with this Job he would not fail his friend or anyone else he cared about.

During this time of peace and prosperity in the Citadel Joravor worked harder than any of his fellow Scalesmiths always perfecting his methods of shaping the armor to fit any and all of his kin. Making them denser and lighter for more fluid motion be it in every day to day life to combat.

Even with all the work he gave himself he still found time to meet and socialize with the many dragons of the flight. Where he eventually met his friend and mate Lewmara, the two were young but had clearly taken a liking to each other they would spend hours in the furnaces working on intricate armors to weapons..adding the skill of the other to there own art.

It wasn't long after that the two had started a family. two small eggs sat in there nest nestled against each other to share what little warmth the two gave off to keep each other warm. Lewmara spent a lot of time at the nest day dreaming about what life was gonna be like in the near all changed during one of these days however..

Just when things couldn't have been more at peace in Joravor's life HE came..The Plague Dragon and his Army. Both knew it was time to put there skills to the test against a formidable foe and his army but they were ready. both fought on separate battlefields defeating many dragons but there was one that slipped past Lewmara..Her name was Corinth.

Corinth was and Ice Dragon that had left the frozen south for a more..interesting life..she soon found herself amongst the ranks of Dohazars army it didn't take long for the dragons around her to call her "The Icycle" with her Icy powers she was able to enhance her strengths and power to break thru the simple armors of your average Dragon.

Seeing the direction where Corinth was going Lewmara knew what she was after..she was not only after killing the present flight but she wanted to ensure there would be no future dragons to stop the Plagues Campaign. She was after the Nests in the Citadel. the Two met each other just outside the entrance to the section of the Citadel where the nests were where it just so happens to be near the Forges where Joravor and Lewmara had just so happened to have there two small eggs.

It was here that Lewmara had to make a choice..her future Children or the future of her flight and all the young Dragons yet to be born in the Chamber. the decision weighed heavy on her and it was in this moment of uncertainty the Corinth could see the dilemma. "Trying to decide who lives and dies is never easy..just let me Freeze them..then you could keep them all forever" she said with a hint of laughter in her tone. "You wont destroy the future we have here..not now not ever" Lewmara spoke in return with haste, while trying to fool Corinth in believing she could save them all but in reality she knew the decision was going to be bad no matter what.

"You cant fool me Nature..your efforts to preserve and create life is all wrong, for with the Ice all and be preserved." while Corinth spoke, Lewmara just so happened to take a glance past her enemy and saw her young nest. " there something you don't want me to see?".."A nest outside the Chambers? whose could it be?" Corinth spoke with a Smirk in her smile as she took a quick glance behind her.

"If you cant decide..then i'll make the decision for you!" and in a blink of an eye Corinth took off after the nest inside the Forges. It was in that room that the two fought for what seemed like hours trading blows one after the other. but with the nest as a distraction Corinth managed to score the better strikes. It was during one of these blows to the upper chest near the neck that Corinth managed to snatch the eggs from under the care of there Mother.

"Don't!" Lewmara yelled as she was gathering her breath from the last blow she took. "Or you'll do what? you can barely keep up with me with these two on your mind. now fight me to the death!" as she finished the sentence she took the two eggs and slammed them to the ground with such force that the eggs bursted as if they were balloons. It was at that moment Lewmara gave a screech of death as if her life before her had just ended. With out thinking she lunged at Corinth, not seeing that the Ice Dragon had been expecting a reckless move such as this.

Corinth drove her Ice enchanted claws deep into deep that the claws could be seen on the other side of her body. As her body slowly went numb all she could think about was what was Joravor..what a horrible sight he was gonna see..for she had failed as a mother not only to Joravor but more importantly she couldn't protect her unhatched children.

As Corinth was about to leave to head for her true purpose..the destruction of the main nests she heard the roar of Joravor. Before she could react he was already upon her clawing furiously at her. she managed to get some ground between the two so that she could reposition herself in order to attack her enemy..but it was too late for she yet again found herself in the forges but this time it was her back that was against the wall.

Just when she felt things couldn't get any worse she noticed the entire demeanor of Joravor had changed and not for the best. Just above his fore head a Searing Emblem had begun to shine brighter and brighter until it lit the entire room, not a shadow was left that could hide from its Bright red Radiance which resembled the Sun above the sky's. "Your end has come fiend of the Ice".

Sweat began to trickle through out the pores of her body, "Had I really fought this long?" she thought "Or was it coming from Joravor?" Either thought was unpleasant to her for her time was limited.."how was the fight going outdoors? are we wining or losing?"She knew that she could get reinforcements soon if they were winning but she couldn't wait any longer.

The battle that took place in the Forge was a destructive one to say the least, in a fit of rage at the site of his families death Joravor had struck at anything living or rock. totally dismantling the entire room spewing molten lava across the entire room in hopes to not only end the life of his enemy but to some how numb the pain he felt inside. It was in one of these moments of rage Corinth slipped thru his grasp, barely escaping with her life. The damage on both sides was done.

Shortly after the battle Zorjhan had searched for his old friend only to find him battered and bruised standing over the corpses of his family..nothing was said from either of them for awhile until Joravor spoke "Is the battle won?", "Yes...but it appears at a heavy cost" Zorjhan replied. After seeing what Lewmara had given for the Flight a Statue was built near the entrance in remembrance of what was lost and gained that day. A small saying was inscribed at the base of the statue that read "With the sacrifices of the few, our future was secured".

The time since the assault, Joravor has remained in the forges rebuilding and repairing his Forges rarely coming out but to get a breath of fresh air every once in awhile.
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