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Personal Style


Ornate Copper Bracelet
Leafy Gladeboughs
Barbarian's Banner
Arcane Tome
Mage's Peony Overcoat
Butterfly's Kiss
Forest Rogue Hood
Forest Rogue Belt
Forest Rogue Footpads
Forest Rogue Bracers
Mage's Peony Gloves
Forest Rogue Tail Binding




3.78 m
3.66 m
784.91 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 29, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Skydancer
EXP: 646 / 5545


Can only communicate in clicks and whistles, due to her isolation at birth and never having been taught common draconic by her parents or previous clanmates. Most dragons avoid Isk, thinking she's unapproachable with her appearance and inability to speak, but Isk is very friendly and polite to all she comes across. She sticks to Tsk’s side like glue, as he's the only dragon who hasn't shyed away from her.

Isk is also a decent mage, who never uses her magic for fighting, but rather for helping plants grow in all sorts of unusual places.


Devout Grainlord worshippers; they're going to need all the blessings they can get for this awful mess.

Their main goal is to spread the word and the bounty of the Grainlord. They're farmers who can make almost anything grow in any environment with Isk’s magic and Tsk’s hard work. The two came to the Southern Icefields as a test of skill for their future endeavors and have currently cozied down in a large clan until they can… “sow the seeds” for the next generation.


So far, Isk’s and Tsk’s endeavors have been paying off. They’ve managed to clear out a large plot of land, they’ve tilled the soil, and have already begun planting a wide variety of seeds. Some of them are native breeds, but most are non-native to add a bit more difficulty to their own personal challenge.

Isk, however, has also begun to pace around a very specific spot near the edge of the gardens. For some reason, she won't allow Tsk to mess with the area. He doesn't seem to mind much since he has the rest of the garden to take care of, but he is slightly worried about his mate since she spends most of her spare time fussing over this one spot.


“Chh chhh! Chrrp! Prrrrrrp!”
Tsk awoke to a loud series of chirping from his mate in the wee hours or the morning-- what in the world would have her in such a frenzy at this hour? He rushed from his bed, worried that something may have happened to their fields overnight. The majority of their crops had just begun to sprout, but with the temperatures dropping so low in the later hours, they never knew for sure what the morning would bring.
Isk eagerly tugged Tsk over to “her” garden and removed a thin pelt from the ground. Two shimmering… seeds(?) were glistening in the faint morning sun. Tsk stared at them or a brief moment, glanced back at Isk, and then back at the seeds.
“...What kind of seeds are those?” He murmured quietly, earning a slight huff of disapproval from Isk.
She simply curled up next to the “seeds” and carefully draped her wing like a mother would over her--
“Eggs?!” With a hum, the skydancer gently nuzzled her mate’s face, but Tsk simply stood there in shock. He never fully expected the two to have eggs, but here they are, and this was definitely a thing that was happening. “Well, I'll be. Praise to the Grainlord that they grow well, alongside our fields.”


The pair rarely slept over the next few days over the excitement of their children's hatching. Tsk tended to the blooming plants while Isk kept a careful watch over the eggs with the smaller mirror coming over every couple hours to make sure Isk was also taking care of herself.

During the later part of the evening of the sixth night, while the couple was curled up next to their eggs, they heard a soft cracking noise. Isk perked up with a chirp and grabbed Tsk’s shoulder in excitement. “Oh? Oh!” Tsk nuzzled up to his mate and watched the ground shift slightly with the hatchlings’ struggling. Both young dragons emerged quickly from their eggs (and the thin layer of dirt covering them) with a very mirror-like verocity. With a coo and a chuckle, the happy parents came to scoop up the small dragons.

“They're both girls, and just as lovely as their mother,” that earned a scoff from the skydancer, “So, Petal and Ponyo, huh? Are you sure those names are okay?” Tsk looked up to Isk, who hummed approvingly as she nuzzled the wriggling children in her arms.


With heavy hearts, the pair watched as their first daughter, Petal, left to venture to new lands and their remaining daughter, Ponyo, stayed behind to join the clan's warriors. Ponyo had very little interest in joining her parents with their gardens and learning about the wonders of the Grainlord.

On one of Ponyo's hunting excursions, she came home with a large guardian adamant to protect her to the best of his ability. This guardian, Rashid, was the gentlest of giants who tried his best to keep his newfound charge safe, but could not calm her brash and stubborn personality to stop her fighting. While Ponyo rested from her battles, Rashid assisted Tsk and Isk with their gardens to the best of his ability to keep his mind off the dangers he would have to face next.


Shortly after Ponyo and Rashid happened have a young hatchling themselves, a tragic accident happened during one of their hunting trips causing their child, Bavedict, to be parentless and alone. Tsk and Isk scooped their grandson into their lives and raised them as one of their own. The coral mess of a guardian took after his father personality wise and also took up gardening to the best of his ability. In his spare time, he studied the apothecary aspect of his grandparent's plants and his main focus was on minor aches and pains.

Bavedict fancied one of the clan's main coliseum fighters, Mithra, after assisting the ridgeback with her wounds during a major battling session and oddly enough, the ridgeback returned his affections. The pair also laid a singular egg along the way before they parted ways and Bavedict left to further learn more about his apothecary trade.


The single egg hatched into a cherry red guardian loner with a feisty personality who, much like Ponyo, had very little interest in helping with the family's gardens. Mydryin strayed from the majority of the clan, found a mate with a wandering coatl, laid a clutch of eggs, and eventually left the clan with his mate and two of his children with nary a word.


The remaining hatchling, a pink and purple guardian named Olympe, picked up the trading business with the clan's merchants and helped ship off the oddities and unique produce from her family's gardens. She took a strict outlook on life, and had to follow a specific schedule on a day to day basis. Although while trading with a far-off earth clan she happened across her own charge, a dark yet colorful fae named Forrest, which threw her for a major loop. Finding him threw a giant wrench into her plans and stressed her out to no end.

Once they had eggs, she panicked. One day they were a "happy" family, and the next, they were just. Gone. No one was sure where they went, or what happened to them.


While their gardens have flourished, the pair is deeply saddened as their children usually leave the first chance they get. Perhaps one day they'll eventually have a family member join the official ranks of the clan who has grown to love this Grainlord loving pair of farmers?
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