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Personal Style


Gossamer Fillet
Iron Filigree Banner
Iron Filigree Boots
Red Birdskull Necklace
Iron Filigree Wing Guard
Iron Filigree Breastplate
Iron Filigree Tail Guard
Iron Filigree Gauntlets
Iron Filigree Helmet




14.95 m
16.78 m
9121.15 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 17, 2016
(8 years)


Guardian icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


| Rift's Guardian |



Wary | Loving | Gentle

Tyrak was braced for danger when he first saw her. His clan had angered another, and this feast was mean to see if an alliance could be formed instead of war.

First the Clan leader entered, a wildclaw with dark green eyes and matching plumage, a bone crown sat on her head, bone chimes clinked softly as her wings moved. She looked like she was born in the deepest part of the virdian labyrinth but her aura said plague. Tyrak bowed his head to the leader, earning a soft smile. A tiny nocturne perched on her shoulder, even small than his mother. He made a mental note to keep an eye on him. A pair of mirrors flanked them. Clearly their children even with them being different species. Their eyes shone with a blood red colour he had rarely seen. They both wore golden fillets but that's all that matched. The male wore silver armour edged with green, the metal glinting in the candle light. His eyes shone with strength, his muscles rippled under his scales. He would very much like to fight this mirror someday.

The female was a different story. She wore expensive silks, edged with gemstones and precious metals. Her claws were caped with sharp silver metal, they clicked against the hard floor when she moved. Her dress flowed around her like water, the fabric shimmering as she moved. the only thing not of value she wore was a simple wooden pendant. He cast his eyes over the group, they all wore one. He returned to looking at the mirror. Their eyes met, time stood still, he was lost.


She smiled at him, her sharp fangs showing, he could feel a blush on his cheeks. He looked away quickly, trying to hide his brightening cheeks. He couldn't afford to think like that. His duty was to his father, and being his son meant he would be married off eventually to secure a trade or alliance. He bowed as the rest of the group passed, waiting until they had all entered the lair before following them into the main chamber.

He kept alert for danger as the feast progressed. The clans mingled well, laughter was in the air.
Music filed the room and warm voices could be heard. He found his eyes drifting to the mirror every now and then. She had spent the first part of the evening by Silas' side. His older brother was on of a only a few fae's allowed to stay. He huffed slightly at the thought. Silas still held a higher position in the clan than he did, even though he was far stronger. He sighed, he loved his sibling though, not that he would admit it.

The mirror was now surrounded by his other brothers. He watched as one of his half brothers NAME was sitting unusually close to her. It wasnt polite to have your wing across a high ranking dragon you had just met.

Centaur Berserker
Iron Filigree Breastplate
Bonewood Log
Red Birdskull Necklace

NAME shifted, he looked uncomfortable, his eyes were warning others away from the mirror. A white and green nocturne tripped over her long tail, falling into the mirror. The mirror didnt even flinch, she simply turned to pick up her clan mate, it was clearly a common occurrence. NAME didn't have quite the same response. He dragged the mirror closer, checker her for injury and he growled at the nocturne.

She was his charge. That made things interesting. She was the female heir to this new clan, he was his fathers illegitimate son. His father wouldn't allow an illegitimate to be married to an heir, it would destroy his pride. He pitied the brother that would be married to her.

"Rift Silas" The names rang out across the cavern. The mirror looked up, as did his brother. He followed their gaze to the clan leaders. The two shared a mischievous look. The two ambassadors sighed as they rose and made their way to the pair, NAME trailing behind them.


A few weeks later he was at the Bonewood Lair. His father was it his side.

"Father are you sure, she is happy with NAME" Empire silenced him with a look

"It has been decided" He growled "You will marry her and hold this alliance together."

"Royaume is marrying her younger sister and (sisters name) is marrying her twin brother, surely she will accept NAME"

"Do not question me again" Empires voice boomed in the canyon

"Yes Father"

An orange guardian sat at the lairs entrance. He, like the other clan mates he had seen at the feast, wore a necklace with an unusual piece of wood hanging from it. He was intrigued by it. He had spent far too much time studied them at the feast. He was unsure why he wanted to know more. He shrugged the thought away, standing proud in his new armour. The red accents were his favourite part.

They were led to the main cavern of the lair. A great fire sat in the center, unusual trees grew against the walls, casting strange shadows on the lush fabrics and art that hung on the rock. The trees looked like bone, and were very similar to the pendants the clan wore.

The clan leaders stood in front of the fire, Rift to their side, his half brother curled up by her back, his eyes intently watching them.

He bowed to her, laying a garnet belt at her feet as a gift. She considered it for a moment before picking it up and fastening it around her waist

"Thank you" She said, her voice was like a song. He had rarely heard her speak, but he certainly didn't mind listening to that voice for the rest of his life.

Sylvesti spoke, her voice gentle but commanding "the ceremony is set for a weeks time, in the meantime you shall live here to learn one another and see if this match is to your liking" She motioned to Rift. She disapered for a moment returning with a large box

"As part of our clan we gift you this, a Bonewood pendant fallen from the very trees that grow here" Rift opened the box. It was a simply leather cord, woven thickly to accommodate his size. The wood itself was formed of twists and knots, in some parts it was like bleached bone, in others it was a matte grey. It was beautiful. He could feel energy from it, pulling him towards it, he needed to protect it, to care for it.

"Charge" He murmured stroking a claw across the surface. He was so wrapped in the moment he missed Empire dropping his head into his large paws, the smirk from his half brother, and the slightly shocked expression that crossed Rifts face.

Eventually he noticed the silence around him. He looked up, all eyes were on him, he felt a blush rising to his cheeks. He had never felt the pull of the search as strongly as others, he had assumed he would find his charge one day, but never by accident and never did he think it wold be a necklace. His fathers charge was his mother, it was a very common to have a living creature as a charge, or so he thought.

Rift finally broke the silence.

"Would you like to wear it or would you like a pouch for it?" She smiled, drawing his gaze, she held the box higher, "I won't touch it if you don't want me to" The dark dragon thought for a moment,

"May you put it on me please" He lowered his head, keeping his red eyes on the pendant as rift carefully lifted it from the box and tied it around his large neck. He felt warmth coming from it, seeping into his scales, "Thank you my lady"

They left together as their parents stayed to discuss things. NAME trailed after them. He was feeling like a third-wheel. Rift took him on a tour of the lair, introducing him to the rest of the clan. He knew this would be his home for the rest of his life, his father made it clear he could not refuse this marriage.

"This is Alexia our jeweller" He was in front of a dark red skydancer, she bowed her head to him, a nocturne stood by her side, her feathered wings (unusual for a nocturne) covered in soot. "She made your necklace" He suddenly was a lot more interested in this skydancer.

"Hello" The skydancer greeted him "Does the necklace fit right? I can always change the chain if needed" His hand absently stroked the pendant.

"Could you make it stronger so it cant get broken?" she nodded

"It can be gold or platinum-" The nocturne jumped up "Or steel" She shouted excitedly. The s skydancer ran her eyes over his neck, her red eyes taking in every detail.

"Darksteel will blend into your scales effectively hiding the necklace against your amour, brightsteel will stand out and shine like a star, showing off the entire piece" She shrugged looking up at the guardian "Its style choice really, both are equally strong"

He thought for a moment, "May I have a darksteel chain please" He saw her eyes flick momentary to the necklace and back.

"I shall start work then, I will call you when its ready" She bowed her head to him before leaving the energetic nocturne following. He watched them go, before turning and following Rift to the next stop on the tour.

Plaguebringer Bone Scrimshaw Gossamer Fillet Sharpened Scythe Bone Antlers

A large hall roughly the same sixe as the main hall, greeted him. It was edged with the same bonewood trees with a large fire roaring in the center. The opposite wall was filled will doors, each leading somewhere different. He expected to get lost a lot. Many clan member's were sat around the room. A fluffy purple tundra sat with a group of hatchlings watching as a grey guardian read an old book to them. A great guardian sat on one side of the hall, his wings seemed to be made of waves, a green skydancer sat to his side her feathers constanly rustling as if a breeze was passing through them. The guardian noticed the pair and sat up, wandering over to them. He was bigger than Tyrak, he bowed his head, spreading his watery wings out in respect. Rift introduced them.

"This" she waved her hand to the great guardian "Is Neptune, he is head of the Shaman" Neptune shook his head

"My dear Sylvesti is our leader" Rift smiled, turning to Tyrak

"They all look to him for guidance, as do most of the clan, he is like Bonsai, a father figure for the clan" He nooded looking back to the strange guardian.

"Sir, I hope you don't mind me asking" Neptune had a knowing smile "But what is a shaman?"

"We are dragons blessed and cursed by the power of the dieties" He motioned to his wings "We are not like other dragons," He motioned to a strange rock covered in blue crystals that grew from the wall. "Toya!" He called. The rock opened its eyes. Small rocks crumbled away as he now more dragon-like form pulled itself from the wall. The snapped wandered over. He body was made of a grey rock, blue crystals grew from her feet and along her body. She spoke with a voice like gravel

"Neptune likes to surprise the newbies" She grumbled, a soft smile on her face. She nudged his shoulder. He wobbled slightly, her strength was far greater than it should have been for the small snapper. She laughed, a deep vibrating sound before trundling off towards a door with a glowing white symbol he did not recognize. The symbol changed colour to brown when Toya approached, the door swinging open without her touching it. As the door clicked shut behind her the symbol switched back to white.

Rift noticed him looking. "The shaman have their own hall, its a safe place for them in case their power gets to strong, mostly its just used for rituals and research." She turned leading him away from the hall, towards one of the many doors on the opposite of the room. She paused by the large wooden door. The other lead to hallways, this though" NAME pushed the door open. He peered in. The door opened into a small corridor that bent round shielding the room from view. He followed the mirror in.

The corridor opened up into a large room carved from rock. Towards the back of the room the sleeping area was hidden behind a painted silk screen. The rest of the room was decorated with intricate murals depicting famous landmarks. Rhinestones accented the painting, shining in the rooms soft light. Expensive furniture was scattered around the room, sized both for guardians and mirrors.

In the centre of the room stood a small bonewood tree. It grew in a intricately decorated pot with favours, apparently for the plaguebringer, placed between its roots. Its branches were decorated with strings of lanterns that gave the room its light.

Rift spoke softly as he took in the room. "This is our room" She watched his expression waiting for a change "You don't have to stay here, you can stay in the guest quarters if you want" She trailed off slightly.

He turned to face her "My Lady, I will stay where you wish me to" She started to nervously run a claw over her bracelet.

"You are to be my husband, we should get to know each better" She smiled softly, She motioned to a large sofa. Tyrak took the cue, settling on the soft furniture, leaving space for Rift to jump up next to him. He lay his head down so they could speak eye to eye.

"So what does My Lady wish to know?" He grinned at her, ignoring his half brother quietly leaving the room through a different door they had entered by.

Her eyes sparkled as she recounted tails of her childhood. She laughed as she spoke of the pranks played by Skulduggery and the mayhem caused by the shamans accidentally waking up eleven elementals in the lair.

He hadn't realised the time until NAME reappeared.

"Rift" He paused waiting for her attention. "Dinner is ready" She thanked him, jumping off the sofa. She paused at the door, "Come on slow poke" She laughed at Tyrak, before heading out flanked by the brothers.

He felt awkward sharing her bed that night, instead opting to stay on the sofa. It took a while for sleep to come for him. It was strange sleeping in a new lair, with his future wife just meters away. He sighed rolling onto his back. Hi stared at the ceiling. Small gems had been painstakingly paced to recreate the stars outside. How could he ever live up to her standards. He had been bred for strength and war, not to court a delicate ambassador. He had hoped that maybe as a mirror she would be fierce and rugged, yet he had only seen soft silks and expensive jewellery.

Yet his own brother clearly loved her, the way he laid her eyes on her was not simply due to her being his charge. The care he took went far beyond his duty to her. He held his pendant in his hand, relaxing it is smooth and unusual texture.

He would have to stay at her side, bear children with her, all while being watched by the illegitimate guardian.

He sighed again, letting the twinkling gems pull him to sleep.


He woke up to someone patting his face. He grumbled, opening his eyes slowly. Rift sat on his chest, her front paws on his snout, her red eyes peering into his.

"Good morning" She sung, hoping off his chest. He rolled over following her with his eyes. She stood next to the sofa a tray piled high with food. He raised an eyebrow at the pile "I didnt know what you liked" She shrugged, plucking something from the pile and quickly chewing it. He wasn't sure what surprising him more, the fact that she had got him breakfast or that she wasn't wearing her usual silks. She instead wore a simple leather outfit, however her gold fillet and bonewood necklace were still visible.

He sat down next to her and started on the delicous looking food.

"Where are your usual silks My Lady?" She glanced at her chest before laughing.

"Oh I love my silks but they are just not practical, I tend to wear more relaxed clothing most of the time" She took another bit of food "Anyway, I wanted to take you hunting today" He smirked, imaging the delicate mirror hunting "A dress would get destroyed" She smiled, they chatted whie they ate and soon it was time to leave.

Rift, Tyrak and NAME all left the lair, NAME trailing further behind than he would have liked, giving the couple more room.

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