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Personal Style


Teardrop Citrine Tail Ring
Teardrop Citrine Anklet
Teardrop Citrine Leg Band
Teardrop Pastel Spinel Ring
Sweetheart Lace Headpiece
Fairy's Tears Colony
Pearly Amulet of Chemistry


Accent: Arcane Gift




6.87 m
10.54 m
1015.83 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 02, 2016
(8 years)


Coatl icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 5 Coatl
EXP: 646 / 5545




  • none


Shy | Elegant | Beautiful

Current Status: Healthy
Current Age: 18 Months
Time of Birth: Summer, 2016

Mate: Crown
Scion: Ptarmigan
Friends: none
Gene Plans: Scroll of Eternal Youth
Size at Hatching: 1.61M / 1.73M / 55.8KG
Size at Adulthood: 6.87M / 10.54M / 1015.83KG

Occupation: ???
Likes: Eight Hundred and Crown
Dislikes: Dragons looking at him and loud noises
Hobbies: Knitting and swimming

Imagine the sweetest person you know now looks just as sweet as they act. That's a basic understanding of what Lotus looks like. He is often mistaken as a girl, due to his size, coloring, sweet nature, and adorable eyes. Despite that, everyone in the clan either has a crush on him or is exceptionally sweet to him. Lotus brushes all the compliments off unemotionally, but there is also someone who really wants to meet him...

- Hatchling Biography

Crown was casually scanning lists of all the members of their ally clan, when a young hatchling popped out on the page. He paused, and looked at the beautiful portrait that was etching itself on the parchment. Crown was instantly intrigued; the dragon is his soulmate. He immediately flew up to Dragonhome to see Lotus right away.

Shrouding himself in a guise, Lotus crept away from the clan to get some peace and quiet. He discovered not long after he came here that if you took two rights and a left you can exit from the cavernous tunnels to end up in a magnificent lake. The lake was still in the cave, but the sky was view-able since the ceiling of the cave wasn't there and it was marvelous. Lotus had grown cold, expected to always be perfect and wonderful to everyone since they were always like that to him. But it was only in this cave where he could escape and vent.

A shadowed silhouette appeared in the entrance way of another Coatl, searching for something, but now he found what he was looking for.

Crown flew towards Lotus, who immediately dove under and held his breath. Crown reached under and pulled him up, setting him upon the beach. Lotus expected him to be just part of the fangroup, but he actually seemed to be concerned and understanding of what he was saying. They talked for what seemed hours about themselves and quickly became good friends. Crown and Lotus became attached at the hip and started to become just a bit more than just friends. Then a bit more than that...

- Adolescent Biography
Lotus and Crown were hanging around each other more often, much so that you could hardly ever see them alone anymore. After around a month, Lotus began looking at maps of Sornieth away from the eye of Crown. He took a lot of thinking, but decided to gather up all of his treasure, and courage to ask him to go to the Focal Point with him.

Crown raised his eye but agreed, packing up a pouch full of food and headed off with Lotus. After many long days and nights they decided to take a break and rest. Lotus was still eager to reach their destination but they instead laid on one of the Peaks, gazing down at the woods below. It was gorgeous. When Lotus finally dozed off, Crown swiftly flew down and picked a few branches to preserve as a memory. Although the journey was long and tiring, they finally made it....

Lotus shrieked as he settled down on the land and smiled. He was about to do something he thought he'd never have the courage to do otherwise. The pair walked around, meeting many a lair and with them very kind dragons. As they chatted and traded with them, Lotus stood to the side carving a small statue made of Foo's Eye shaped like a Pearlcatcher. In the place where the peal would be, Lotus placed a sphere of Celestine he found there. He placed it carefully in his satchel and flew back to Crown.

Crown had been wondering where Lotus went when he flew next to him, his sack bulging. "Sorry I was late... I lost something." Crown looked at him, confused but smiled anyways and took his hand. By the evening they were looking at the constellations. After an hour or so, Lotus sat up and looked at him. Crown sat up as well. "Crown," Lotus started "will you be my mate?"

- Adult Biography
2 months later...

Although Crown was ready to leave his childhood home to leave for the Focal Point with Lotus to settle down, something was stopping him. Or rather, someone... Feather refused to let him leaving, insisting that their Clan needed someone to represent Light for their allies. Lotus struggled against her, trying to find any way to escape. But it seemed Feather was everywhere. Sadly, he accepted his fate and wrote a letter to his love why he couldn't leave.

Lotus, of course was devastated and cried for four days straight, cursing vengeance on her. He wished she would just let him go or die. Whichever was the better way out. Sending a letter back, it proclaimed his attempted suicide the next day. He would jump off a cliff and if the Windsinger didn't catch him, he would plummet to his death....

But just as he was going to fling himself off, a hatchling appeared behind him calling out "no! Don't go. Please." Startled, Lotus turned around, coming face-to-face with Ptarmigan. The little Coatl looked frightened as he saw the older dragon turn his way with tearstained eyes. "It doesn't matter. Just go away, okay?" Lotus protested. "No!" Ptarmigan exclaimed "I'd do anything for you to stop... I'm an orphan, you see? I don't have any family. Could... could you be mine?"

Touched, Lotus rubbed his eyes and agreed. A few hours later, a letter was sent to Crown with a picture of their hatchling. 'Meet our son, Ptarmigan..."
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Exalting Lotus to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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