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2.83 m
3.92 m
242.81 kg


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Tertiary Gene


Jun 20, 2016
(7 years)



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Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245



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Plague of Nature
The Sorrowful Gardner
Clan Role: Citizen | Mate: None | Children: None | Friends: UnnamedLegend | Enemies: None | Loyalty: Neutral | "Cliques": Fighters



Green means life, and nature. But red? Red means death…blood. Blue means water, and clear skies. Purple means flowers, fields and fields of flowers. Yellow means canaries, sitting in the trees and singing beautiful songs. Orange means the sun, warming what has been planted, coaxing it to burst from its tiny shell, and grow into something magnificent. Brown means rot and decay. Gray means rocks. Black means…my soul.
Ever since I was a hatchling, I loved to see the colors of flowers and grasses. Greens, like my fur, blue skies, blue flowers, yellow flowers, purple flowers, pink, orange, red…every color danced across the fields of flowers…every color.
Of course, I could only see them when I flew up high enough on my little wings to glance out into the nature territory. Everything withered to brown and black in the plague territory…and I hated it.
I would scrounge for money to buy seeds and fertilizer, then plant the seeds and hope they would grow…they never did. No matter how much sunlight or water or fertilizer they got, they all died. Some poked through the top of the soil, but they were always brown…or black…dead.
So, I had a better idea…why not buy soil from the nature territory? And put it in pots! It was so expensive…and it yielded the same results. Brown, black, death.
I had no parents. I was hatched in a nest unattended by parents…an incubator. I was raised by hatchling guards. I had nothing but my withered plants. So I moved.
I figured that if I left the plague territory, things would grow more easily. However, my clan arranged for my moving, and we didn’t have an ally nature clan, so they had me think of a clan that I thought plants would grow in fairly easily. I chose water. We had some water clans…and…well…water is one of the main life-forces that allows plants to grow!
Excitedly, I packed up all my seeds, all my fertilizer and soil, and moved. Most of the dragons in the clan were very warm and welcoming…none of them were hostile, at least. I was excited to take up residence in the citizen’s quarters and try my gardens again.
Everything withered. Everything. But, I figured out why! Quickly, I threw out all of the things I had brought with me, and quickly got things that had not been contaminated by plague grounds. It cost so much. I had barely anything left when I had finished purchasing all the new things.
Once more, I poured soil into pots, pressed the seeds into the ground, as I had read to do several times in the past. I fertilized them. I watered them. I let them get the warmth from the sun, and I waited for them to peek their tiny green heads up from the brown earth. I waited for them to stretch upward toward the great ball of light that gently caresses each thing it touches.
But no one came. Not one of them peered their tiny buds up at me. And when at last, after trying many more times, one did come up…it was brown, just like in the past. I cried bitter tears. How could it do this to me? When I had moved…just for the plants….
It was then that I understood…. I may not have been in the plague territory…but I was still a plague dragon. I was the one killing my own plants. Killing the seed before it was ever resting in the gentle cradle of the earth. I was a monster. For days, weeks, maybe months, I was distraught. My passion could not bring forth fruit…literally….
I woke up in the middle of the night one night, and found a rock at my doorstep. It wasn’t a really large rock, nor a small one…somewhere in between. And it glistened. It was shiny, and had all of the colors of the rainbow in it. I took it in. Why not? It was beautiful, despite only being a bit of stone.
“I see you found my gift,” smiled UnnamedLegend at me the next day. “I saw that you were struggling with your flowers, so I gave you one of mine.”
“Um…” I wasn’t sure how to respond. She had not given me a flower. She had given me a rock.
“I know, technically it’s a rock. But…it’s just as beautiful as a flower. I have others like it…and entire rock collection, honestly. I thought I would help you get started. I like collecting things.” She turned slightly red, and I could tell that she felt awkward.
“May I see your rock collection?” I was surprised to find myself asking.
She said yes, so…we went to see her rock collection. I was amazed at how inanimate objects could be so beautiful…I still didn’t find them as beautiful as flowers…but I could touch these without them withering.
UnnamedLegend gave me a few more rocks, as well as instructions on how to start my own rock garden. Basically…find pretty rocks…and arrange them with the ones I already had. I did.
I had quite a nice collection…but whenever I would contrast them with flowers…I felt sorrowful once more.
How can hard, heavy stones, that persevere despite the weather compare to the beauty and fragility of a soft, delicate flower, whose petals and leaves bend in the wind. How could that which needs no one and nothing to survive…how could that compare to that which…well…is so fragile!
I can’t be the gardener I long to be! I can’t be what I want to be! I’ve been cursed…cursed by my own element.

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