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Personal Style


Tigerlily Flower Crown




27.95 m
15 m
9475.78 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 18, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 6 Imperial
EXP: 315 / 8380


pH788xG.png yes. Um. sighs happily
Smitten - Shy - Unobtrusive

Stuff goes here. Indeed it does.
A lot of stuff.
But not as much as below. :D stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words stuff and words
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”The moment I saw you, I knew what love was about."

Born into the Light Flight, Zora was expected, as was expected for any acolight, to become a scholar. He was given an educated childhood, and to be fair -- he found it interesting and satisfying enough. He liked his school and teachers, and he didn't mind studying.

But no matter how high his scores were, no matter how proud his parents were of him, Zora always felt like a part of him was missing. He felt empty inside, for reasons he didn't know. He searched for maladies with symptoms similar to his, but found nothing in the dusty books his school provided. Frustrated, Zora found himself with no one to turn to, as his classmates were too busy with their studies to provide attention for such trivial things.

It was because of this that Zora took a year off school, much to his parents' dismay. They urged him to go back to school, so that he wouldn't be left too far behind. But Zora had grown tired of their wishes. He felt as if this emptiness within him was more important than simple books and grades. He left them behind and went on a journey to seek the aid of a witch doctor who might know what illness had fallen upon him.

"We are all born with empty pieces." Was all the witch doctor said, after he explained his predicament. "The question is -- will you go find yours?"

"I don't understand." Zora said. "I just want to know if I'm sick."

"Not physically." She agreed. "But spiritually?"

He stared at her, not understanding, and she laughed. She pulled a small card out of a fold of her robes, and handed it to him.

"It's love sickness, sweet." She said. "Your spirit is searching for your other half."

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One could expect that Zora wasn't too pleased with such an answer. He was used to things be defined and easy to understand, so he could not comprehend what the witch had meant by saying he was lovesick. In fact, he wasn't even sure what love is. He knew it was an emotion that drew dragons together, or made one like a certain type of food. But he wasn't sure what it truly was, or why he had anything to do with it.

But over time, he found that the witch was right. He was desperate for love, and envious of the ones who'd already found it. He found himself staring after couples, wishing he were one of them. For the first time in his life, he found himself desiring something that he neither had nor understood.

The card the witch had given him told him of a matchmaking service, and though he was hesitant to go to it at first, his many failed attempts at wooing another dragon convinced him. He left the territory of Light behind him and set off for Arcane land.

...and, he freaked.

Compared to the Sunbeam Ruins, the Starfall Isles was a place where no rules nor gravity existed. Zora spent his first few weeks trying to skirt all the magical explosions happening on the roads, and nearly got transmuted by some Arcanite at one point. After a month, he decided that Arcane was not the right place for a peace-loving dragon like himself, and he decided to bail out. He was heartbroken that he wouldn't be able to find the service now, but at the moment, his sanity appeared more important than his missing half.

And so he sought to leave the Starfall Isles -- and ran into something completely unexpected.
As Zora fled from the happy turmoil of the Starfall Isles, he ended up near the Crystalspine Reaches -- coincidentally, exactly where the matchmaking service was. Of course, despite carrying a map, he didn't know that, so when Ares, one of the runners of the service, came out to ask if he'd made a reservation, the first thing that came to mind was --

"I didn't ask to be transmuted!" He yelped.

Ares made a disgruntled noise. "Who do you think we are? Didn't you come here to find a match-up?"

"Wait, this is -- "

"A matchmaking service." Ares said. "Now answer the question. You're wasting my time."

"Aw, don't be mean, Ares." A beautiful Wildclaw came up beside Ares. "I'll take care of this." She gave Zora a mischievous smile. "Sorry. He's just grumpy because he's working overtime."

Zora blinked. "And you are..."

"My name is Sera." She said, smiling. "Co-owner of the matchmaking service. Come on in!"

Relieved that he'd finally ended up where he'd set off for, Zora became part of the matchmaking service as one of its customers. As he spent more time with Sera, poring over albums of other dragons searching for their other half, he soon realised that there was no need to continue looking for his other half -- because she was right there beside him.

However, even after moving and joining the Burrow to get closer to Sera, the Wildclaw remains oblivious to Zora's admiration for her, and continues trying to pair him up with other dragons, something that flusters Zora. But being incompetent in terms of confessing his love, he has no choice but to wait until she realises it herself...which might actually take quite some time.

But Zora's willing to wait. After all he'd gone through to get here, he wasn't willing to be separated from the one dragon he had the hots for, even if she remains completely oblivious to this day. He'll wait. It's uncomfortable. Blushingly frustrating. But he'll wait, because when you finally find your other half, that's what you're willing to do.
The sun was soft and gentle in the bright azure sky, its rays dyeing the crystalline landscape of the Starfall Isles a warm pink-amber colour.

Zora took a deep breath. Today was the day. She would be meeting him here, in their usual spot under the big tree. And that was when he'd tell her. He'd tell her...and hopefully...He didn't know what he wanted her reaction to be. A blush would be nice, but he had never seen her blush. A hug, maybe? She hugged him a lot, normally when she was comforting him about his single life. Zora liked it when she hugged him, but he was always afraid to return the favor. What if he did it wrong and she hate him for it? Or what if he made her uncomfortable?

And how should he confess? Brazenly and bravely, like they do in the books? Or should he get straight to the point? With a bit of poetry, maybe? And flowers?

Zora sighed, wings drooping. How do I do this? How can I do this? What if she doesn't like it? What if she never talks to me again after this? What if --


A singsong voice floats over the hill, and Zora flinched, nearly dropping the delicate rose in his claws.

She came bounding over the grassy hill, a satchel crammed with binders flying out behind her. Her blue wings were translucent against the sky, and she fairly glowed in the sunlight. Zora's heart pounded and he tried to inhale and exhale at the same time, causing him to end up choking as Sera pulled to a stop before him.

A dragon of lightning heritage, Sera and her brother, Ares, ran a matchmaking service. (Though in Zora's opinion, Sera was much better fit to run it alone.) The service was the only reason that Zora had come to the Burrow in the first place -- to find his other half and hopefully live out the rest of his life actually having another half.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" Sera asked worriedly, laying a wing across his back. Zora made a gurgling sound that was either "yes", "no", or "help".

After some pounding on the back, Zora managed to sit back up. As soon as he'd recovered, Sera pulled out a large pink binder that Zora was starting to associate with the Hall of Singles, where everyone who had no one had their picture placed in it.

Before meeting Sera and Ares, Zora had never exactly been confident that they could fix him up. He had never believed in love at first sight -- especially when it comes to just looking at pictures of dragons and going, "Yup, that's my other half." How did that work, anyway?

But Sera -- Sera was different. Sure, when he first saw her, Zora thought Sera was nothing more than just a little merchant. But after days -- weeks, even -- of working with her, seeing how devoted she was to her work -- well, that was that. He was starstruck. He'd even moved to the Burrow, hoping to get closer to her.

He was sure that by now she would've developed feelings for him, too. Everyone else in the clan seemed to know that he had a thing for her...well, everyone except Sera, naturally. Zora could never explain to her why he would take time off to run errands for her, or carry things for her.

"Aw, you're sweet." She'd say, and that would be the end of that.

But today would be different. Zora was determined. No matter how embarrassing it was, no matter how clumsy he was in his delivery -- he would tell her...and then he'd find out the truth about her feelings for himself.

"So, I'm sure you've already checked the first half of this binder." Sera folded her wings carefully, flipping her binder open. "

"Um, Sera, can I --"

"Oh, right! And that Snapper dragon you were interested in, I've talked to her and she's interested in meeting with you, too!" Sera rolled on. "Same with that Spiral, though he's a little busy. He says he'll wait and see if you're fine with it first. You know, since he's a mage and all."

"Sera --"

"Anyway, there's a new page in the binder that I think would have some dragons you'd be interested in." Sera nudged him. "Go on, take a look! I spent a lot of time gathering them, you know!"

"Um, thanks, Sera." Zora tried to sound sincere. He took a quick glance over the photos of dragons, fidgeting with flowers from a nearby patch. "But Sera -- "

"I see you looking at that Imperial. She's pretty, you know." Sera scribbled something down on a notepad. "Let's do you spell her name again?"

But Sera, you're the only one I have eyes for...

"Um, Sera, could I --"

"Get a meeting with her? Sure!" Sera's handwriting was flawless and beautiful. Zora would admire it, if she wasn't arranging a date for him, when the only dragon he wanted to date was the one next to him. "Just leave it up to me! Or maybe Ares, though he might forget. Wait a second..." She frowned at her quill. "I'm out of ink. How did that happen?"

Zora found her ink case and gave it to her. He stared at her helplessly. His claws had made a flower crown in the shape of a heart, but she wasn't looking at him. Instead, she opened the case and dipped her quill.

"Ah, thanks." Sera handed him another file. "Now, check this file! I made sure it's completely up to date with their favorite activities, food -- everything, really. Tell me if you find anyone who looks like they'd be a match for you." She muttered something to herself and scribbled down a few lines.

"Sera." Zora pushed aside the binder. "The dragon I really like --"

"You mean that Spiral? You've told me about him before. I do think you two make a match. I'll try to see if he's got time to meet." Sera dipped her quill in ink again. "Let's see...where was his number, again?"

"Sera, the dragon i really like -- "

"Did you forget his name? I think I have it somewhere."

"Sera, it's not -- "

"Found it!" Sera squinted. "Um, I can't pronounce this, but Ares probably can. You might want to come up with a nickname or something, though."

"Um..okay. But I really need to -- "

Sera smacked herself in the face. "How could I have forgotten! Aloe told you to go help the hunters today, right! Oh, gods, I'm so sorry for taking up so much of your time! But don't worry! I'll get all the dates arranged, and I'll catch you later, after you're back."

"That's not -- "

"Oh my gods, you're about to remind me that Ares told me to meet him this afternoon, right?" Sera gathered the binder into her claws. "I totally forgot! Thanks for reminding me, hon."

Zora flushed. She called me hon! He tried to focus. "Wait, don't go yet! Are we...he...I mean..I need to have...I need to tell you something!"

Sera blinked. "Yes?"

At least she had stopped. Zora tried to remember the lines he'd rehearsed earlier.

"So, um, I know I'm one of your customers, and probably insignificant compared to everyone else you've worked with." He said, his heart pounding. "But there's a reason I moved to the Burrow, and it wasn' wasn't because other dragons asked me to, or invited me. There's something -- someone here that I moved here for." He stared into her eyes. "Sera, I - I came here...I mean, I joined the Burrow b-because wanted to not just be your friend...Wait, I mean, we weren't friends before, and I moved here to be your friend, was wondering..."

"If you could be my friend?" Sera asked, eyes sparkling.

"No! I mean, yes, but I wish we could be --"

"Silly, you are my friend! What are you talking about?" Sera beamed. "You're one of my best friends, and I don't know what I could've done without you. Anyway, I should really go. Ares seemed serious about this meeting. I'll see you later! Bye!"

"Wait -- " But Sera was already off, dashing down the hill with the lithe agility of her kind. Zora stared after her as she dashed away, his cheeks burning. "Yeah..." he sighed. "I'll....see you...later."


§ Bio and Story by MythicalViper

~by exceed :D


~by IronAndWine
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