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Aqua Birdskull Wingpiece
Aqua Birdskull Necklace
Aqua Birdskull Legband
Aqua Birdskull Headdress
Aqua Birdskull Armband
Shadow Tome




3.82 m
4.2 m
297.96 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 08, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none




Master Shaman • Grand Master Herbalist




First Clutch 4 eggs

Quote here


Yaasai loved the open air. He was usually happiest outside munching on plants and watching the flowers grow. Because of his deep connection with natural things. He was chosen to learn the ways of the shaman. His appreciation for nature grew as he embraced his new calling. The elder who taught him nodded in approval at him often. Then it came time to learn the sacred rights. One by one many of his peers failed. The elder said it was because they did not understand the natural order well enough. Soon there were more elders teaching than there were students. This made Yaasai's days more full than he would have cared for them to be. He was constantly being asked to prepare ingredients or gather them a certain way for the next ritual. Still he never complained. The learning seemed to come natural to him and his calling fit his personality perfectly.

Finally it was time for Yaasai to take his final test. If the Light Weaver thought him worthy he would be able to set the spells and do the rituals that had protected his clan from the purple mists. His village would be invisible for another year blending into the forest like it was not there. He knew in his heart the rituals and gathered and prepared items were to appease the Light Weaver and gain her notice. For centuries it had served them well. Everything outside their protected area had ceased moving and then died. Lately though the mists had started to dissipate. Every day they were thinner and he could see further out into the redwood forest. Still it was not safe to pass the boundary. He had seen squirrels run up a tree into the mists and drop to the ground. Some would wake up and scurry on. But others were obviously dead.

Yaasai admitted to himself he was a little nervous. He straightened all the skulls festooned with colored feathers he had collected to show his rank. Each badge was hard won. He wanted to look perfect for the ritual. Then he headed to where the elders were waiting for him. The ritual fires and brands were all in place. Each brand had rare feathers dangling from them that danced in the slight breeze. Somberly Yaasai went to each elder and bowed. Then he began dancing and reciting the proper spell. As he passed the fires he dropped the prepared herbs into them. As he chanted louder the colors of the fires changed. First red then to a strange purple. At the crescendo of his chant the fires went out. A glow came up out of the ashes and looking much like an explosion the smoke blew out parallel to the ground quickly hiding the ground from view. Then the strange smoke sank into the ground. Yaasai was exhausted. The magic always took something from the chanter. He would be fine in a few hours. But for now it was all he could do to receive the hearty congratulations of the elders. The spell had worked perfectly.

The next morning the strange purple mist had thinned considerably. The elders were standing at the edge of their small village discussing it. Yaasai joined them.

Elder Sanuane nodded to the other elders then directed his gaze at Yaasai. "In times long past the best and brightest of us would go from the village and spread good works. Over the time we have been trapped here virtually all our youths have turned to our arts. We have an overabundance of shamans here. Do you agree Yaasai?"

Yaasai was startled. No one had spoken to him of any one ever leaving this place. He had not known what went on before the mists arrived. He thought for a moment then answered looking the elder directly in the eye. It was important to look honored elders in the eye when speaking. It meant the truth could be shared in each others eyes. "I agree honored Elder."

"Good Good." Yaasai could hear the smile in the elders voice even though he could only see his eyes through the skull mask. "We have been discussing the thinning of the mists. We believe in a few days some one who was careful and who can shroud themselves as you did the village, can safely go out and spread the good works again in the Light Weavers good graces. You are the best student we have had in years. It is proper that you should receive this great honor."

After saying what they wanted to him the elders all turned and went back to the other students. Yaasai was stunned. Slowly he went back to his lean to to prepare the proper spell components. He new there would be no fanfare or goodbyes. It was not their way to make such a show. He knew if he took more than a few days to prepare the elders would be disappointed. Sighing he set to his tasks with a hurried efficiency. Some time during the night journey cakes in a strong satchel were left beside his pallet. The next morning he went to look at the thinning mists. Could be tricky today, but at the rate they were dissipating he should be able to walk around the remaining patches fairly easily. All day he packed bag after bag of rare herbs and special concoctions. They were not overly heavy. But small amounts mixed improperly could be dangerous. He would leave the next morning he decided.

When Yaasai woke early the next morning he felt a certain freedom. He would get to do and gather as he chose. Maybe he would find other rare herbs or even ones the village tended to run low of. One of the things he had been sure to pack was a variety of seeds. He may need to grow some of the rarer plants to replenish his supply. He left the village with a spring in his step and a smile on his face. This was going to be a grand day. If he had looked behind him he would have seen the whole village had stopped to watch him go. They would miss him, but all knew it was best for him. They had students standing in line waiting to be elders. Many would be disappointed. It was right the best student be allowed to go and find a way for himself.

Three days after Yaasai left the elders went back to the place where the concealment spell had been set. Giving each other meaningful looks they threw smoking preparations outside of the ward and wove the purple mists back into place.

"I was sorry to see him go." the oldest mentioned with a sigh.

The smallest piped in. "You know it had to be. If he had learned the secret of how to weave the mist we could have had a disaster like happened a thousand years ago. He was much too strong in his craft for such a secret."

"I know this is true. It is just so hard to send the best of us away." The oldest continued. The elders all nodded their heads and turned back to the rest of their students. Somehow they all walked a little slower today. Yaasai's quick whit and hard work would be sorely missed indeed.

Yaasai traveled north for weeks. He still saw places where the mists were thick and holding their own. As he traveled he felt a magical pull toward one cliff. There was deep magic here. He came upon the ruins of a great city. Past them was a stream. Crossing the stream was a walkway flanked by stone dragon statues. Not the dragons of this day and age. These did not seem to follow any of the rules for known breeds of dragons. At the top of the walk was a set of double doors set with precious stones in a mosaic. The strongest magic was inside there. Yaasai tried to knock on the doors to see if anyone was around. They swung open easily at his touch. The floor had a lot of dust on it. Debris had been pushed out of the way. The signs told him there were not a lot of dragons here, but they had made a lot of trips in and out of this door. He sat on the floor and waited. Some one would be by in awhile. He was in no hurry.

It wasn't long and a guardian dragon under a load of rubble came through the far right set of doors. At first he did not see Yaasai as he was working hard to control the load he was carrying. Then his deep voice rumbled some unintelligible language. Yaasai stood politely and introduced himself. Then he held the door open for the bigger dragon. He watched the guardian set the load down at the end of the walk and come back. Then when he was inside he roared toward the back of the huge hall.

Soon Yaasai heard the sound of running dragons. There were two mirrors from the right hand door. Both covered in a lot of dust and grime. Then three skydancers came from the left side door. They all slowed to a walk when they came into the hall. When they got close enough Yaasai again politely introduced himself. The skydancers looked confused. But the mirrors bowed to him in respect. The rest looked at each other and did the same. Yaasai stood a little taller. It was nice his station was respected. Then the mirrors made the proper introductions. Switching languages so the others would know what was said.

Geddra and SkyFire explained to Yaasai why the hall was in such disrepair. Yaasai stood stoically through the whole story. He considered for awhile what they were asking. Then nodded his agreement. He explained to them he needed to prepare. He would need to find the center of the magic here to do such a ritual. He wanted to see this center of magic for himself. It would not hurt to help this small clan while he was fulfilling his own curiosities. The Light Weaver would bless this place. Yaasai did not wait to be shown around. He walked directly to the center set of doors, down the hall and through the second set. Yes this was the right way. The magic was much stronger here. Then he stepped through the next set of doors. There was the remains of a tattered throne in the center of the room. Behind it a heavily carved massive set of doors flanked by huge crystals set in the stone as windows. He skirted the throne and went out he doors pushing both wide open to let in some fresh air.

Outside was a garden. Yaasai stood in the door for a time taking it all in. The paltry few rare seeds were nothing compared to the wild rampant growth of rare plants that grew here. He saw where some of the plants had been tended and fresh earth dug in a few spots to try and manage the riot of plants. Picking a fast pace Yaasai headed firmly toward the pool at the back of the garden. The lines of power converged under the pool. There were huge stone slabs either side of the pool with it's small waterfall tinkling music into the air.

"I can cleanse this place and do my preparations here." Yaasai said with out turning. He knew they had all followed him out here. "The Light Weaver will bless this place again. It is right it should be so. In return I would request a boon." Then he turned and looked the big guardian, he thought Ignis was his name, square in the eyes. SkyFire quickly translated.

Geddra piped in quickly. "What boon honorable shaman?"

"I would wish to stay here for as long as I like and help to tend the gardens. Also I be allowed to make my preparations." Yaasai knew he was asking a lot. He also knew this was the place for him for now. The hall needed his talents and he needed to feel he was doing his work. In order to accomplish that he would also need to learn this new common tongue.

Ignis never left Yaasai's gaze as Geddra translated. Then he gave a low bow and nodded his agreement. Geddra humphed a little at the exchange but said nothing. But that was usually his way. After that Ignis and Geddra walked back to the labor of clearing the last corridor. Shaynaya, HeungFang and Garnath all headed back toward the library. Only SkyFire stayed.

"Honored elder is there anything I can do to help you. I am sorry we have no suitable accommodations." SkyFire bobbed her head.

"I will make short work of constructing a couple small shelters. One for my sleeping quarters and the other for making my preparations. I am sure I can find all the materials I will need in the forest. If you would like to accompany me, many hands make light the work." Yaasai took off his skull headpiece and hung it and his other finery in a nearby tree. No point ruining his feathers doing manual labor. Then he made his way out to the front of the hall. SkyFire close behind him. This was going to work out nicely. Maybe he would keep this as a base after he got every thing set to right.

With SkyFire's help it took no time at all to set the lean-to's up. Then he went to a clay bank by the stream and found enough clay to form an ample pot. Using dead fall from the forest and special herbs from the overgrown garden he made a simple pot to make his preparations in. Tomorrow he would start putting together the right herbs. It had been a busy day. Yaasai crawled into his makeshift pallet and was soon asleep.

Over the next couple days Yassai made a large number of his incense balls. Really more than he needed. But the garden was in desperate need of pruning and the two seemed to go hand in hand. When all was ready he got out his precious silver incense ball and chain and commenced the cleaning. The silvery smoke crawled like a living thing through the garden hanging a foot off the ground. As he chanted it writhed and moved in unnatural patterns. When the garden was full of smoke he headed inside. The smoke proceeded him filling every nook and cranny. As he advanced down the corridor shapes of dragons glowed in purple in the smoke. He stopped at each one giving a special prayer until they melted back to the glittering silver the smoke had started out as. Methodically he went to each open room and did the same. When he got to the main hall, the rest of the dragons came charging out of the left and right corridor trumpeting alarm. It seemed they thought the place was on fire. Deep in his chant and trance he did not skip a beat and continued with what he was doing. He could hear Geddra and Ignis arguing in the background of his mind. He gently pushed the distraction away and continued on. Soon he was in the library and easily found the turning bookshelf. Then he went back to the hall and down the dark stairway. The dust was undisturbed and thick here. At the bottom was a kitchen, a dining hall. and a number of stalls opening into a court. Off the court was a labyrinth of lairs and sleeping quarters. He did not need light to see. The silver smoke limned every thing. As he feared many dragons had died down here in their sleep. Again he found the shapes turning purple. The same purple as the mists around his village. After he had finished the entire hall he went back to the pool in the garden. This was the crux of the power here. His chant became louder and more insistent. He begged the Light Weaver for her blessing on this place. The smoke formed up into proud dragons doing their daily tasks. The images shifted and changed like the sands of time flowing through an hour glass. Ignis was trumpeting his alarm from the great hall. Then the mists began to glow golden. All the ghosts of dragons long past raised their heads to the sky the mists swirled and compacted. They all floated into the sky slowly dissipating as they went. Yaasai was exhausted as he finished his chants and prayers. The deed was done. It was all he could do to get back into the lean-to and remove his head piece before he fell into a deep sleep.

When he awoke he found a nice pile of his favorite plants near his bed and a pot of herbal tea. Not the tea he usually had after such an ordeal. Still it was good and it helped. Soon HeungFang came near him, a concerned look on her face. He motioned her to sit with him a moment and offered her to share his tea. She smiled and bobbed her head. After having a little more tea he patted her hand then got up and started showing her the correct way to prune some of the rare herbs. She was a quick learner. Soon he went back to his pallet and watched her work. It was nice to teach some thing so simple to some one who wanted to know. Maybe he would just stay here and teach.

In Yaasai's old villiage. A blinding light hit scouring every thing clean and new. From the old graveyard ghost limned in yellow light rose to the sky. Every one was stunned into silence. The elders shook off their surprise and ran to the edge of the village where they performed the ritual weavings. The caste of hiding and protection was intact. But the carefully maintained purple mist was gone. They looked at each other in horror. None of them were strong enough in the magic to reform the mists that had stood for centuries. Their ultimate protection from the hoards was snuffed out in a second. Perhaps sending their strongest away was not such a wise decision after all.
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