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Personal Style


Emerald Aviator Gloves


Accent: Efflorescence


Scene: Cartographer's Office


7.59 m
9.26 m
902.03 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 19, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 6 Coatl
EXP: 6683 / 8380
Magical Might Fragment



Librarian - Captivating, Elegant, Organized

yPL7vcO.gif Kardelyne is a very organized and elegant coatl. She keeps with her a collection of books, and brings them along everywhere. She, of course, likes to keep her library organized by Author- alphabetical order. like a library should be. Kardelyne is almost always reading, and loves to get into a new book. When she walks, her step is light and she barely makes a sound. If one was to mess up her library, ohhh would they be in for a tongue lashing. Thanks to her love of books, though, if she saw anything wrong with any kind of book in a collection, no matter who's it is, she has a large impulse to fix and organize it. She also enjoys telling stories to the hatchlings, or even to her friends. Kardelyne is always looking for someone to share her interest in books with.


From the very moment of her birth, it was obvious that Kardelyne was intelligent. She solved simple problems long before her siblings. Even the issue of being in the shade on a warm day was quickly solved by the still blind hatchling. When her eyes eventually opened, they were filled with an intense curiosity, a passion for knowledge, a need for education. She excelled in all classes, completing the complex problems most gifted Arcane dragons couldn't solve until near maturing. She was quickly moved up her classes, competing against the oldest classmates with ease. Her teachers took great pride in her, calling the Coatl their 'prize'. They set her near impossible tasks, with solution so well hidden and obscure, some of them were unable to solve it. Other dragons Kardelynes age envied her deeply and often teased and insulted her brains. She flew above them, apart from those her own age with a mental barrier in between. They didn't understand. Their brains hadn't developed enough to realize that it wasn't something she could help. Despite all the higher classes and extra problems, Kardelyne hungered for more. She would spent hours pouring over philosophical books and widening her mind, absorbing every scrap of information she could find and storing it in the vast libraries of her brain. From the moment she learned to read, Kardelyne started collecting books. She read every single one, storing her favourites in neat piles in her cave. She crafted her own shelves from dead branches she found near her clan. Her extensive knowledge enabled her to build the plans for the shelves and build them to be sturdy and capable of holding as many books as possible. Her birth clan was not always a happy place. Throughout her hatchlinghood, they were plagued by vicious arguments on how the clan should be run. She understood snippets of conversation, mostly just bickering over who was more capable of leading the floundering clan. She grew to listen intently to the squabbles, and even picked up new words from them. These words usually seemed to reek of anger and bitterness, two feelings that were unfamiliar to the Coatl. As she grew, the fighting only intensified, until eventually it became a full on civil war. The clan was split between two dragons both claiming rights for leadership. The divide was incredibly vicious. Random tooth and claw brawls would break out of two dragons from opposing sides. These combats would end swiftly and bloodily as the loser was kicked to the ground, glared down at by the champion. Kardelyne hated the fighting. It had become very treacherous for hatchlings to wander the clan territory. Since they were young, dragons from either side of the split would snarl and shove the young creatures, malice gleaming in their eyes. The split also worked its way into the lessons. What used to be a quiet, safe environment was now affected by the conflict. Hatchlings would pick arguments with their friends, simply because their parents did not share the same views. Kardelyne's own parents had chosen a side, something she wasn't proud of and paid little attention to. She didn't care for the clan politics. She wanted calm, peace to expand her mind. She wanted everything to go back to how it was, something that seemed completely out of reach.

When she was eventually fully fledged, Kardelyne wasted no time in concocting her plan to leave. She wanted no part in the dangerous scuffles, she saw it all as a childish game, something she decided was beneath her, something that she should leave behind. She packed her meagre belongings into a pack, along with a mixture of foods and her favoured trinkets. Then, she looked at the large shelves of books. They seemed to beg her, pleading that she wouldn't leave them behind. The Coatl gritted her jaw. One book. There was space for one. That was it, her entire collection would be left behind. Her eyes flashed with caged emotions, raw feelings trapped behind a wall ready to burst. As she looked at her collection, pieces of her soul seemed to beam from each book she had read, every page on that shelf that had been passed through her careful claws. One. It was heart wrenching. Kardelyne was torn into millions of pieces, each piece guiding her to a different leather backed cover. Then, she saw it. The book she would take. It was old and worn, the first one she had ever found. A book glistening with memories, beaming with purpose. It was titled, The Journey. As her eyes locked onto the dazzling rich blue spine, saw the gleaming jewel in its back, her mind was made up. As she pulled it from the shelf the story whisked through her head. A Journey from home to afar, a journey to unknown places to find a place in the world. It mirrored her reality, almost a sign that she should take it. It fit perfectly into her pack, taking up all remaining space. A silent tear slid down her feathered neck. Kardelyne didn't want to leave them behind, even though she had made arrangements for who would look after them. Every one held so many memories, so many pieces of the Coatls heart. She turned away, towards the exit of her cave. It looked so forlorn, so empty. Kardelyne swallowed and lifted her head to the sky. She lifted off, upwards into the clouds. It was the last time she would ever be in the Arcane Lands, the last time she would ever see her birthclan. Kardelyne felt the emotions within her, fighting to be released in one flood of grief. She kept them hidden, refused to show her sadness to the world. Her feathered wings were light in the air, the pack was like a sack of bricks. She didn't care, it gave her something else to think about in the the long flight to a new clan. That was when she saw the fault to her plans. What clan would she join? The Coatl thought about it for a while in silence. For her first clan, she decided she would rather stay within the Arcane Flight. At least then she could use the knowledge she had already accumulated. Kardelyne dwelled on this thought for a few hours, picturing the glorious dragon she was soon going to meet.

Kardelyne flew for an entire day, fueled solely by excitement. She didn't want to stop, she wanted to carry on, wanted to find herself a clan quickly. Fatigue pulled at the Coatls wings, causing her to descent at a steepening pace. She shook herself awake and tilted her wings to descend slowly. As she cleared the trees coating the centre islands and touched down, the Coatl dropped into a deep sleep. Hours later, she awoke. The sun shone brightly on her, heating up her feathers with its soothing rays. Kardelyne stood and looked about herself. She felt the pack between her wings, felt the reassuring weight of her belongings. She took a deep breath as she stretched, and then began to focus more on her surroundings. She heard voices in the distance, a clan just out of sight. She moved towards it, the things she had read about joining new clans swirling around in her brain. Would they really help? Everyone in the stories she had read seemed sure of their decision, without a doubt about what they were doing. Kardelyne was terrified. She felt her heart beating fearfully, sensed the tenseness in her muscles. She kept going until she was walking into their midst. She received some smiles, a few hellos which put her more at ease immediately. She walked towards the most authoritative looking dragon there, the Matriarch, she supposed. They were very imposing, yet carried a sense of fair leadership around them. Kardelyne decided that the best way to approach the Matriarch was straight on. She walked up to them, looking up into the (now a Skydancer) Mirror's face. She told him her name and where she had come from, the reasons she wanted to join the clan. The Matriarch, Lycan, nodded as she spoke, and welcomed her to the clan. The Coatl had felt her feathers lift with joy and had to compose herself to thank him and walk away. The rest of that day was spent learning the different areas of the clan and finding her cave. The other members proved helpful and kind. As soon as she had placed the contents of her pack into her new cave, Kardelyne began looking for an occupation. She wanted to be a scholar, a Librarian perhaps, but she hadn't noticed any books on her tour. When she asked the Matriarch about this position, he showed her to a large cave near the edges of the clan territory. It had once been a glorious building, with a gold plated floor and spiraling staircases leading up to new floors. That was not the best part. All around her were hundreds of near empty shelves. Each one was made of a shining wood, carved with intricate symbols in a language that she couldn't read. There were even a few books scattered around the cavern, they looked to be in pristine condition, despite the thick layer of dust coating their spines. Kardelyne absorbed all of this in silence, over awed by the beautiful place. The Matriarch explained that it had once been a library that had fallen into disrepair a while ago. He showed her the desk and cave that the old librarian had stayed in. Kardelyne didn't need to be asked, she knew that this was where she wanted to stay. The smell of mildew soaked the air around her, a smell that brought pleasant memories to her mind. Her feathers quivered as she thought of her old clan, but the feeling quickly passed. She thanked the Matriarch, listened in silence as he left. Her mind felt numb with awe. Kardelyne had never seen a library before. And now, it was all hers. She walked forwards, inspecting the designs on each shelf, the intricate golden plates adorning the floor. She pictured it bursting with books, each shelf sagging under the weight of glowing volumes she had collected. The Coatl spread her wings, soaring through the library. Already, she felt at home.


After Kardelyne had spent a few months in the clan, she had spoken to every member at least once. There was one Coatl however, that always seemed to want her attention. He was the clan entertainer and visited the now flourishing library on a daily basis. De was charmed by him, even if his constant jokes were slightly annoying. He was always able to make her smile, to make her laugh when that was the last thing she wanted to do. There were times though, when she despised him. Aaron would often come into the library and mess up Kardelyne's perfectly organised collection of books. He would shift some volumes to different shelves, hiding others in different places. He knew that this would make Kardelyne angry at him, and sometimes she wouldn't speak to him for days, yet something about his antics prevented her from completely ignoring him. She wasn't sure what it was, she didn't have much experience with males and her books never quite seemed to capture her feelings appropriately. Yet, she felt something for him, something that grew as time went by. Kardelyne was always busy, always polishing the many shelves or sorting her beloved collection into new patterns, so sometimes she would go days without leaving the confines of her library. There was no where else she would rather be. When Aaron visited, he would take her places, take her on long walks through the islands, or flights above the clouds. Mundane things such as the sunset were special when she spent them with him, as if they were imbued with their own type of magic. Kardelyne was a very serious dragon, which clashed almost viciously with Aaron's joking nature. She would often argue with him, become increasing angered by his humorous replies. She could never get him angry, and somehow that was attractive to her. After brutal arguments over books he had swapped about, he would always simply change the subject onto something to lift her spirits rather than become annoyed back. During long days in the Library, she would think about him. She would picture his smiling face, his handsome features and playful stature. She would sometimes even await eagerly for him to show up, for him to whisk her away into the world of fun and make believe. Kardelyne couldn't find these feeling in her books. She couldn't locate words to describe the joy and excitement she felt at his presence. The Coatl didn't really understand what attracted her to Aaron. It had something to do with the way she always felt happier with him around, the way that despite his many annoying joke a she couldn't find it in herself to ignore him. He never left her or stayed away for too long, which was just another of the many things she admired.

A Change Of Loyalties

The plans to move territories from Arcane to Plague came as a shock to Kardelyne. It was something that had been spoken about a lot, something that she should have paid more attention to, although she never thought it would actually happen. The change was announced sudden,y, with the date set to move in a week. Immediately, the Coatl panicked. She had accumulated a vast amount of books now, possible just little enough to carry. Kardelyne had to think fast. She couldn't leave her books, not again. Her conscience wouldn't allow it. She thought about it for a while, even consulting Aaron, even though he didn't prove much help. She set to building. A huge wooden hammock like structure that could be carried by two dragons and would be able to support all of her beloved books. The wood required to build such a structure was plentiful, and easily shaped into what she needed with a few tweaks. By the time the deadline rolled around, Kardelyne had placed her collection inside and was ready to go. The Matriarch described their course in Greta detail, even though if was only a short journey away. As they finally lifted into the air as a group, the rope handles Kardelyne had fashioned on the hammock tightened with her heart. She was hesitant about leaving, she didn't like wing away from the Arcane lands, even if they would only be a short flight across the border. Yet, that wasn't what frightened her the most. The Plaguelands. A place riddled with disease and malicious creatures, a place devoid of greenery and magic, a place that could wipe out a clan within days. She shuddered at the thought and diverted her thoughts to other subjects. She found herself looking back, towards the library she had known as home, the place she had grown to love more than anything. Then she looked at her mate. Aaron, holding the other rope just behind her, his wings muscles flexing in time with his breaths. Kardelyne turned back to the front. She saw the Matriarch ahead, saw his determined gaze staring resolutely at his desired territory. She lowered her neck to his crease her speed, creating a more efficient travel. When the clan came to the border, Kardelyne realized just how stark the contrast was. What was once the glowing blue seas and crystals of the Arcanist was now the deep red fissures and gruesome, isolated landscapes of the PlagueBringer. As a whole, the clan sucked I'm a breath. Something major had changed. Kardelyne felt as if something had been torn from her, something that was a normal part of her life. Then, she realized. The magic was gone. The constant humming and fizzing power that had been around her all of her life, was gone. It simply stopped, right at the border, as if it was afraid to cross. A sudden nausea swamped Kardelyne. The others seemed unaffected by it, they kept flying normally, but suddenly her limbs shook. Her sight became unsteady, as if the Coatl was flying through a spinning tube. They were descending near the large sharpened bone like structures at the centre of the PlagueLands. As soon as her feet touched the earth, Kardelyne collapsed, and all went black.

She awoke too the concerned faces of the medics Chouko and Kobari. They were dabbing her boiling scales with ice like water. She felt drugged, drowsy. Aaron was beside her, looking worried. She felt sluggish, as if there was tar over her, preventing fast movement, then everything blurred and she went unconscious again. This time, Kardelyne awoke in a large, spacious cave. Ahead of her stretched shelves, books scattered along them. She stood shakily and walked out of the small, spherical room she had been placed in. She was inside another library, ten times larger than the last. Someone had placed her books along the shelves, in a very neat, organised order, but even all of them left loads of gaping shelves just waiting to be given their load. She looked up to the top of the library and saw Aaron placing the very last of the books on a high shelf. He seemed to have mimicked the order from the old library and had even left her first book, The Journey, on a square podium next to a receptionist style desk. Kardelyne flew up to greet him, marveling at the marble columns that stretched up between each shelf. These shelves seemed to be made of the same rich wood as the last ones were, and the carvings seemed similar, although slightly loopier than the others. She helped her mate arrange the last few volumes, ensuring he understood and followed her patterns as well as he already had seemed to. After the sorting, Kardelyne took her excited mate on a short flight over their new territory, searching for the beauties that the PlagueLands must hold. They discovered the same strange symbols on scattered trinkets and bones, even bringing back a few mementos. They searched through abandoned camps for anything of interest and collected materials to help their clan. On the return flight, Kardelyne looked upon the PlagueLands with new eyes. It really was beautiful, even though it was barren and lonely at first sight. She breathed in the stale smelling air, a sense of contentment filling her. This was it, this was her new home.

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