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Scene: Remembrance


1.49 m
1.54 m
40.42 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 03, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


The Immortal

Rank: Mage | Hunter
Personality: Distant | Cold | Lonely
Theme: Hope of Morning

qb4KjQH.gif Fallen had always been an ambitious hatchling. Other coatls would make fun of her for her pale plumage, and so she became bitter and resentful. She strived to win, and when she lost, she would be devastated for days on end. She was a budding young mage, but longed for more. She would dream about being the most gifted and talented mage in the Tangled Wood. Dragons would sing her praises, and bow down before her. She would be a god.

When she found a clearing, dotted with floating glowing orbs, in the woods one day, she knew it was the very thing she had been searching for. If you caught a wisp o’ willow, she had heard, you were said to gain infinite power and strength. She used her magic to create a net that nothing could escape from, not even spirits. She lay in wait for an orb to come close enough so she could grab it, and she threw the net over it. A great explosion of blinding light made her close her eyes for a moment, and when she looked back, there was nothing there but a few wisps of ectoplasm.

However, there was one clear, lingering effect- her belly had turned a glowing purple, the color of her magic. She felt a tingling sensation, and realized it was the sheer power of the magic coursing through her veins. She looked around, and everything seemed clearer, her vision had suddenly become as sharp as an Aviar’s. The world was more colorful and vivid, and she smiled, finally content for the first time in years.

However, as time passed, Fallen didn’t seem to age. At first, it was believed this was a side effect of the powerful magic- in some cases, large reserves of magic were known to extend life. This soon proved to be not the case, though. When Fallen’s birth clan was attacked by Beastclan, everyone was slaughtered, including Fallen- or so it seemed. After the Beastclan tribe had left with their spoils, Fallen seemed to wake up. She found dried blood on her chest, and had the memory of dying - but surely, she hadn’t. This wasn’t the afterlife, after all.

Fallen traveled across the land in search of the Beastclan tribe who had destroyed her home. Along her way, she came across an ancient legend about the wisp o’ willows. It spoke of the great power that the creatures granted, but also mentioned another effect- immortality. Fallen now knew what had happened- she had died, and come back to life.

At first, she was ecstatic about this discovery- to live forever! It was what most dragons only dreamed of. Although most lived only couple hundred years, some ancient dragons were known to live to five thousand- but immortality, that was unheard of. Every dragon died, eventually, but Fallen wouldn’t!

However, as the years passed and all she came to love had passed away, she began to see it as less of a gift then as a curse. Sometimes, she just wanted to end it all, but she knew that was impossible- she had tried. And so, every dragon she made friends with, fell in love with, or otherwise, eventually passed on, leaving her alone. Soon, she stopped caring altogether. If everyone she cared about would die, there was no point in caring.


A mysterious wildclaw dragon, with a shrouded face and an old grey cloak found Fallen in a glade one day, weeping. The dragon asked what was wrong, and Fallen, having no one else to turn to, told the dragon all about her sorrow and loneliness. The dragon introduced themself as Night, and told Fallen they had once suffered from the same fear- if everyone dies, what is the point in living? Night said they didn’t have the curse Fallen did, but that they were immortal as well. They told Fallen to focus on the joy in life, not the sorrow.
As the strange, immortal wildclaw was about to leave, Fallen reached out to them, begging them to come back and keep her company. They were in the same situation, she pleaded, and should help each other. In response, the dragon drew a small blue creature out from under their cloak. This was a dreameater, Night had explained. A dreameater is an immortal familiar which eats nightmares, and brings peaceful dreams. It would be a companion, a friend. The wildclaw handed it to Fallen, who took it gratefully. The dreameater looked up at Fallen, purple magic drifting around it. Fallen smiled, and looked up to thank Night, but the cloaked wildclaw had disappeared.


To this day, the dreameater, Quiet, is what keeps Fallen sane. Dreameaters are said to communicate through the mind, and although not all dreameaters have this power, Quiet does. Quiet is also as intelligent as a dragon, if not more so, and so can carry on a conversation- a way for Fallen to practice her limited telepathy.

She hasn't heard from or seen Night since the day they gave her Quiet. For all she knows, they were a hallucination her mind cooked up. However, for a hallucination, they were awfully real....

Fallen is fairly cold and distant around anyone but her familiar, as she knows from experience not to get too attached. She refuses to talk about her past with anyone. However, she is a valuable member of the clan, and she uses to magic to help hunt and fight, although strength-wise, she’s extremely lacking.

Human Appearance: Purple tattoos, grey clothes, thistle and grey colored long wavy hair. Feathered wings, purple magic. Eye scar and freckles. Small, young appearance. Sad eyes.



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