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Personal Style


Archivist's Spellscroll
Murkmirth Tailcoat
Dusklight Alchemist Tools
Mage's Nightshade Gloves
Mage's Nightshade Hat
Mage's Nightshade Overcoat
Mage's Nightshade Socks
Mage's Nightshade Tunic


Accent: Softwings SD M


Scene: Enchanted Library


3.52 m
7.2 m
459.63 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 11, 2014
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 3 Skydancer
EXP: 419 / 1401



"It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped."


He came with the moon. Most of the clan didn’t believe he’d make it to the morning with the condition he was in. Most color had drained from him, leaving his coat a dull pink, and patches of blood marred much of his body. He was delirious but had somehow remembered the tales of their abode, hidden behind the brambles. He’d stumbled into the hall promising protection if they would fix him. please just fix him. Meila had taken pity on the poor thing and had instructed that he be healed. With nothing else to call him, she gave him a new name--one that, perhaps, was a bit hastily given but grew to fit him all the same.


He’d complained at first, said he had a perfectly good name of his own but Meila wasn’t having it. After a few days he quit his grumbling, allowing Drip to “do her damn job” as Meila had put it. She didn’t speak much as she worked, and when she did they were slow words and short sentences that gave Bazinga the distinct impression of water. Her name was quite fitting. She was the first he came to know in the days when she worked her magics on him.

“So tell me,” He began one morning as she swept into the room they’d been keeping him in, “How bad is it really?”

The Imperial didn’t respond for a few minutes, instead prepping some concoction he couldn’t quite see behind her large form. When she finally spoke he felt she’d chosen her words carefully. “The injuries were almost too severe.”

“So I almost died.”

Another long pause and then, “Yes.”

“You going to take any of these bandages off any time soon?”

“Your bandages will be removed when it is time to redress your wounds. I will assess their necessity when I do so.”

He sighed quite heavily and fell silent. He hated the feeling of the fabric on his body, could tell they were soaked heavy with blood and medicine. More medicine was applied from whatever concoction Drip had whipped up this time. He hissed at the contact but the sharp pain didn’t last long. A cooling numbness slowly spread through the injured parts of his body, and with that feeling a heavy drowsiness came over him. He succumbed to sleep easily and without complaint. Anything was better than laying here bored out of his mind.

In his sleep he did not dream, hadn’t done so in years. He was accustomed to the inky blackness awaiting him just beyond the veil of consciousness. What awaited him today was foreign in all ways he could think.

A brilliant court stood before him, the likes of which he had never seen. On all sides were dragons, an air of regality hanging about them like heavy drapes. They did not catch his attention. No, the beautiful Skydancer twirling about the room was all he could fixate on. The lights danced along the beautiful pink gems set in the silver jewelry adorning her body, her wings casting their own light show as she moved. He was transfixed, breathless and enamored.

He found himself unable to move from the spot, merely able to watch the beauty before him. When he awoke there existed such a gap in his soul that he knew, no matter what happened, he had to find the Skydancer in his dreams.

What he didn’t expect was how easy that would be.

“How is your eye?” Drip had been in for a few minutes now, fixing yet another batch of medicine. His wounds had mostly healed save for a few of the deeper ones and he had been presented the night before with the option of staying if he’d anything to offer the clan.

“It itches and I…” he frowned, “I still can’t see.”

“It troubles you?”

“I need to see to fight.”

“You do not.” She moved to his side and began administering his daily dose, “A good warrior adapts. You will find a way, I’m sure. Prove to yourself and to Meila you can still fight while half blind and I am certain you will be allowed to stay.” It was the most she’d ever said to him and for a brief moment he was surprised. He mulled over her words for a bit, waiting as she finished applying the medicinal paste to each of his wounds before speaking again.

“I haven’t met much of your clan.”

“The others tend to keep away from this area unless necessary. They’re curious but not that curious.” She laughed, a sound he had not heard yet from her.

“Might I ask an odd question, then?”

“Odd is my speciality.” A smile quirked the corners of her mouth as she cleaned her tools.

“Are there other Skydancers?”

“Oh, many.” She paused, “That’s not really what you want to ask.”

“How did you know?”

“Your voice.”

“The females…” he trailed off for a moment, considering his words carefully before deciding straightforward was the best course of action, “Is there a pink one? With beautiful lavender wings?”

Drip laughed again and Bazinga made a note to himself that he didn’t quite enjoy the sound> It felt too alien coming from her mouth for him. “Murmur. You’re asking me about Murmur.”

“I suppose I am.” He ventured, raising his head to look at the Imperial. She adjusted her silks and sat.

“She’s a mage in training with our Seer, Whine. She’s curious and brave. You have seen her?”

“In a manner.” He looked away, hoping she wouldn’t pry further. Whether she understood his intent or simply did not care, he wasn’t sure. All he knew is she didn’t ask questions.

“You’ll meet her tomorrow, then. I’ll be sure she observes you along with Meila. It’s likely Whine will be asked to join anyway.” She shrugged and started out of the room before pausing in the doorway and turning to look at him, “You know, Bazinga, those we see in our dreams are often connected to our destinies.”

“How did you--”

“You’ll come to learn, if you stay, that there are those of us here who know many things and are scarcely what we seem. Keep that in mind as you rest up. Tomorrow is a very, very big day for you.” That same quirk of a smile caught her features and she disappeared, the sound of her silks rustling down the corridor until they faded all together.

Bazinga frowned to himself in the silence. This clan was interesting, for sure, and perhaps dangerous. It intrigued him, at the very least. He would do his best to find a place here. He owed it to himself and, if Drip were right, to his destiny.

Whatever that meant.

"Your destiny is my destiny. Your happiness is my happiness."

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Made with pieces from Mibella and TheWindBloom

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