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Personal Style





3.11 m
2.66 m
108.29 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 20, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


The Perpetual Hatchling
Clan Role: Citizen | Mate: None | Children: None | Friends: Cheeto (adopted brother) | Enemies: None

Cheeto (adopted brother)

"Dante, be quiet, they'll hear!" Volt hissed at his younger by three seconds brother.
"But, I really don't think Mommy and Daddy would be okay with this!" Dante sat on the ground, looking worriedly at his brother.
Volt sighed. "Come on, Dante, they'll never know unless you tell! It'll be funny!"
"But what if we get Biron in trouble? He's supposed to be watching us."
"If Biron can't keep his eye on us, he can get into trouble."
"How is he supposed to keep his eye on us when you're putting sleeping stuff in his food?!"
"Um...uh...don't bother me with little things like fact and logic, Dante. It'll be fine."
Dante watched from behind a bush, as Volt snuck up on another hatchling. He was a spiral, like Volt, and their mother, and painfully orange. His name was Cheeto. Of all the names to tack onto a hatchling...Cheeto.
Cheeto screamed so loudly that Dante dropped to the ground and covered his face with his leathery wings, muttering disparagingly about how Volt was going to get everyone into trouble.
"Don't you say hi to me, Volt!" Cheeto marched toward Volt and got in his face, which shocked him. His pranks didn't normally backfire like this.
"I said don't! Just don't even bother." The orange hatchling paced the ground in front of Volt, muttering and growling. "You think you're all that, because your parents are Jacob and Katie. Everyone knows them. They're like...almost as well known as the Fighters and DarkFire. We all know that when DarkFire and Dusk step down from their role as leader, your parents will be taking over. Everyone in the stinking clan knows that, so you can just stop acting like you're better than everyone because of it!"
As if he'd been shoved, Volt fell back onto the ground and stared at the angry hatchling. "I..."
Dante shuffled out from behind the bush, "You told him not to say hi...what if he was going to apologize?"
"Don't you start too!"
"Is there a problem...boys?" The three hatchlings turned to see power. Power in the form of a large, muscular, angry looking guardian. Biron. The oldest son of Jacob and Katie. The brother charged with keeping Volt and Dante (mostly Volt) under control.
"N-no...." Volt stuttered.
Cheeto glowered at Volt and Dante, but said nothing.
"Dante?" Biron asked. He knew he could trust Dante to always tell the truth.
Dante looked at the ground.
Biron sighed and laid down. "What did you do this time, Volt?"
"Why do you always assume I did something?!" Volt screeched.
"Because, you usually did."
"Your brother," Cheeto began, in a very accusatory tone, "thought it would be funny to scare me. I have enough problems, I don't need him to add more!"
"You're a hatchling!" Volt cried, "How do you have problems?!"
"Are you me? No. So you don't know about my problems, you big jerk!"
"Now, now...." Biron sighed again. "Volt, father has spoken to you about this...."
"Well, yeah, but I thought he could just have fun! Cheeto never talks to anyone!"
"Maybe because dragons sneak up on me and scare me, then laugh about it!"
Dante whimpered. Conflict was not an area he was comfortable with.
"Volt, I believe you owe Cheeto an apology."
"For what?! Having fun?!"
"Do you want me to get dad?"
Volt was silent. Last time his father had been called, it did not end well. His father was a good, loving dragon...but hoo boy...Volt quickly learned that it was not acceptable to pluck a coatl's feathers....
"Answer me."
Volt shook his head.
"Then I suggest you apologize...without arguing now, or later."
"Like you mean it."
"But I can't, because I'm not really sorry!"
Biron closed his eyes, and Volt could hear him silently counting deities. "Flamecaller...Plaguebringer...Icewarden...Gladeskeeper...."
"How about you go cool off, Bubby?" He suggested rather unhelpfully.
Biron started over.
"I mean, seriously, you seem a little stressed."
Biron was silent. He wasn't even breathing.
"Oh no! The stress killed Biron! What will we do?!" Volt teased.
"If you weren't my brother. If I weren't who I am. And if you weren't my brother...I would eat you."
"Biron!" A shocked, motherly voice cried out.
"And now Mom's involved!" Biron growled.
"Hi, Momma!" Volt ran to her and hugged her.
"I didn't do anything, I swear! I was in the bush the whole time!"
She closed her eyes. "Boys, get out of here. All three of you."
"Yes ma'am...." They all hung their heads and began walking away.
"Are we gonna get in big trouble?" Dante asked.
Volt shrugged, "I'm sure it'll be worth it."
"Not if I get into trouble! You're the one causing all the problems!"
"But I love you! I'm trying to get you to live a lil!"
"Volt, we're hatchings. We don't need to live a lil!"
"Okay, I'm preparing for living a lil when we're grown up."
"Oh, come on, Dante."
"You're no fun."
"Thank you."

A few days later, Volt was alone, tying himself into knots out of boredom. He had been confined to one of the caves, and was not allowed to go outside. Dante had abandoned him for the outdoors! Oh the injustice!
Volt turned, and instantly his knots fell out. Cheeto? He ambled toward Volt, looking rather sheepish. "Sorry about the other day...."
"Eh, it's okay...apparently I get into trouble a lot. I'm good at that."
"Yeah, I think everyone knows. You're basically the clan troublemaker."
"Oh cool! I didn't know that. I don't really pay attention to what everyone else says. I didn't know what you said about my parents someday taking over the clan...."
"I shouldn't have said any of it...I was just having a really bad day."
"That's okay, I shouldn't have scared you. Also, never pull a coatl's feathers. She'll get upset and mad, and then she'll go to her daddy, and Mananace is much scarier than he looks."
"Silly, everyone knows that. It's just common courtesy."
"Oh. I'm not good at that."
"What, courtesy?"
"Yeah that."
"Yeah...we know...."
"So, what now? Wanna be my friend? You could tell my mom that I'm being good and should be allowed to go play."
"Uhh, no."
Volt lowered his head. Of course it wouldn't work. Cheeto was mad and would always be mad. His father called that holding a grudge and apparently you shouldn't do things like that, but sometimes dragons did anyway. "Oh, okay."
"No, I meant you still stay inside, your dad scares me and I think he's the one who said you were grounded anyway. I...I could be your friend...I guess."
"Really? That's great! Okay, so I have this great prank idea...."

(by HeartThief)
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