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Personal Style


Teardrop Jade Ring
Warmwater Wanderers
Sunrise Hibiscus
Envious Eye Earrings
Macabre Musician



Scene: Tidelord's Domain


1.39 m
1.65 m
1.68 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 16, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Bogsneak
EXP: 0 / 245





Tropical Caiman


Teardrop Jade Ring
He is very fond of this item, and always has it on hand.

Warmwater Wanderers
These fish seem to enjoy his company perhaps because he evades threats so well.

Sunrise Hibiscus
Gotta have a pretty flower to entice the ladies!

Cisgender Male





Bought from @Kagura333 on 4/16/16.

Charismatic | Clever | Interactive | Dangerous

Lair Flirt;;

A dangerous flirt that loves causing chaos and disorder. He will flirt with anyone he desires, regardless of their relationship status or age. He will flirt with them right in front of their mate and will do so proudly--hoping to get a rise out of their mate. However, when a fight erupts, he will disappear ever so smoothly, then resurface on the opposite side of the territory, cackling to himself. A perfect escape-artist that never has to take the blame. Part of his obsession with this is his love to disrupt monogamous relationships, as he finds them silly. Causing monogamous dragons to feel jealous and grumpy is part of what he lives for in life.

Of course, he's also a really great and charismatic dragon that makes a fantastic friend and partner. He's strong-willed and very confident. He also knows how to pick up more than just fancy females. He can pick up moods very well. It should also be noted that he does not only attract or flirt with only females. He does not discriminate based on gender or sex. He just has noticed that more often its the females that have monogamous male mates that get upset over his flirting, and that's fun!


Cthulhu wasn't always a Bogsneak. In fact, his transformation into one is much like that of Baldwin's. Maleficent was gushing about a new potion she had made and he was so involved he didn't pay attention to where he was stepping and tripped over a drum full of an oozing liquid, causing it to splash up onto him. Maleficent's eyes widened and she immediately pushed him back up against a wall into the emergency eyewash and shower. She then proceeded to splash him with other apparently flushing liquids. He laughed and reassured her that he was fine. She didn't seem to believe him. A couple days passed and nothing happened. Then one night he walked into Maleficent's tent as usually did to hear about her day. As she started telling him about it, she paused.
"Cthulhu...where's your pearl?" She suddenly asked. He narrowed his eyes at her strangely. His pearl? What a dumb question. It should be hovering beside his left hip like it usually did...wait, where was it? He looked around his body for it but it was nowhere to be found. And yet...this didn't make him panic. Pearlcatchers are supposed to panic without their pearls but he hadn't even noticed its absence. So he just shrugged and said he must've lost it. Maleficent looked stunned but at his urging she kept telling him about her day.
More days passed, and Maleficent started to worry about him more and more. One night he came into her tent without any whiskers. She remarked on this and he responded the way he did about his pearl. Then one night it looked like his horns were melting. Another night he seemed really bloated. All the while, showing no care for these small changes. She urged him to seek medical help but he reassured her he wasn't in pain. If anything, he felt better than ever!
Then one night, she was very focused on the project she was working on but she heard his entrance. She knew it was him. She knew his scent, she knew what his footsteps sounded like, she knew what his breaths sounded like, she knew the sound of his voice. But when she finally turned to face him, she jumped back in shock. The creature she saw was not a Pearlcatcher at all--it was a Bogsneak! And yet it had the eyes, the voice, and the scent of her mate. She urged him to see a reflection of himself, worried that this transformation would upset him.
"Cthulhu, I'm so sorry. I think this is my fault. You losing your pearl, dropping your whiskers and losing your horns, everything. It's from those chemicals you got on yourself the other day. I warned you it was dangerous. I'm so so sorry! I should've kept them out of the way!" But Cthulhu shook his head. Upon looking at himself in the mirror, after a bit of surprise, he looked very pleased.
"It's okay. Really. I'm okay with this. Truly okay. Better. Better than ever!" She looked uncertain, but he went on to explain, "I never felt right as a Pearlcatcher. It was too elegant a form. Too high-maintenance. And that pearl! Having to lug that around everywhere with me was just inconvenient. It's good to be rid of it. To be this. Just like Baldwin, haha. I'm content, Maleficent. I'm glad this happened." Maleficent could hear the warmth and honesty in his voice and relaxed. She immediately went to him and embraced him. Finally, he looked a bit worried. "But...what do you think? Do you still like me like this? Are you...?" Maleficent laughed, shaking her head.
"Cthulhu, I've never been interested in you because of your looks. You could've turned into the Arcanist and I'd still like your presence. I don't look at you much anyway. I just like your company." He laughed with her.

And that's how he became what he is. As a Bogsneak, he became even more confident and bold.


Since he joined Vixen's Clan, Cthulhu took an immediate interest in Maleficent, an Arcane Skydancer that was born within the clan. Cthulhu had always been poly but prior to joining this clan, he had never met others with a lifestyle like his. Although Maleficent doesn't identify as polyamorous, she does acknowledge that she is non-monogamous. She made it clear that she truly didn't mind that he flirted and even mated with other dragons so long as he still made time to interact with her. And of course he would! How could he not? She's so passionate and talented with all her potions and projects. She always had such fantastic stories to tell him at the end of the day. She was someone he could feel proud of but also feel safe with. It didn't take long after spending so many nights with her that he started to acknowledge her as his primary. Together, they make a dangerous pair and although they are both often distracted by their own lives, they will protect and defend each other fiercely.

He also is very fond of Kaleido in the lair. When he first met this Ice Pearlcatcher, he was attracted to her by her fantastically bright and bubbly looks and personality. A social butterfly that treats everyone with love and respect, of course he was immediately interested in her. He loved flirting with her and loved that she was also polyamorous which mean that she was absolutely cool with his poly-ness and her partners in the lair welcomed him as well. It was a new experience to flirt with someone who already had mate/s and yet not make anyone jealous. Kaleido was also just someone special to him. She always lifted his spirits and gave him energy. At first, she was just his main flirt interest: someone he always went to when he needed to feel better about himself and on top of his game. But after time, and especially after he became more steadily comfortable with Maleficent, he realized he also had true feelings for Kaleido. Maleficent was supportive of his feelings for Kaleido and was actually the one that brought his attention to it. He's thankful of her for that. So in the day, he spends a lot of time still flirting with strangers and friends alike, but still devotes much of the daylight to be in Kaleido's company. At night, he returns to Maleficent to be with her. Kaleido is happy with this since she also truly enjoys his daily company but also likes to sleep at night with her other partners. Maleficent is happy with this because all she wants is to see Cthulhu at the end of the day, when she's not busy with her projects. Kaleido was also very accepting of his change into a Bogsneak. After initial surprise, much like Maleficent, she immediately saw his overflowing confidence and happiness to be what he had become, and welcomed his new appearance with open arms, readily embracing this new version of him.

Cthulhu also became very fond of his familiar, especially after he saw Maleficent's bond with her familiar work out so well. On one of his daily adventures, scouring for a new dragon to become friendly with, he met this Tropical Caiman sneaking through the tidepools. He watched as it flirted with its own species then disappeared when mates appeared, much like he did. He intended to introduce himself to this creature, but then spotted a gorgeous dragon in the distance and continued with his original plan of flirtatious pursuit. After rubbing noses with this youthful Skydancer and disappearing as a grand Imperial came towards her protectively, he realized the caiman was smirking at him. In eye contact with each other it was as though they shared that connection. They were the same, on two waves of life. From then on, the two have entertained each other's company. They're not together all the time but they quite enjoy when they are.

Form Journeys:
Scrolled into a Bogsneak, from a Pearlcatcher.
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