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7.25 m
8.5 m
711.84 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Apr 14, 2016
(8 years)



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Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245




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no title
Clan Role: Citizen | Mate: Gentleness | Children: None | Friends: ??? | Enemies: None | Loyalty: Neutral | "Cliques": Singers, Coatls



Ever since she was new and young to the clan, Frost had been “adopted” by Soaring and BloodIce. They loved her and took care of her as her own, because she was still a hatchling, and unsure how to behave, yet she didn’t want to be under the close supervision of the hatchling guards.
They taught her how to be a good dragon, but neither taught her how to sing. She was a coatl, but because of her “raising” by a guardian and an imperial, she didn’t know how to twist her vocal cords to make sweet melodies like other coatls could.
The coatl that she was in love with (but who didn’t know…yet) was not only a singer, but a writer, and a poet…he was the clan bard. Then the healer, even he could sing songs of healing, despite being a plague dragon. Then Crurry, yet another coatl, even he could sing. But not being able to sing never really bothered Frost, after all, she didn’t need to be like everyone else.
Her life was going well. She had a mate, Gentleness, the clan bard, and her friends. She didn’t need anything else. But then Auroralina showed up. Frost wanted to be friends with Auroralina so badly, but she ignored her…it was understandable, she was an ice dragon…but…Frost wanted to be friends with another female coatl.
“What was your life like before you joined us?” Frost asked kindly.
Auroralina leveled her with an icy stare and cooly said, “You best wish you never learn….” Then she turned to walk away.
“Oh, but, if you ever need anyone to talk to I—”
“Frost. I will never need to talk to anyone about my past.”
“But if—”
“Frost, go.”
Frost could have sworn she saw ice glaze the ground as Auroralina walked away, but it melted so quickly in the hot fire clan that she nearly thought she imagined it. And as the other coatl walked away, so did the hopes of having a new friend.
The days went by, and Frost and Gentleness struggled to lay a nest…but to no avail. BloodIce and Soaring continued to visit and talk with her, reminding her that although Auroralina rejected friendship, she still had a friend in them. Then a new dragon came. Another female coatl. Everyn.
Frost was happy and excited. At last a friend like her! But Everyn also rejected her friendship, in favor of friendship with Auroralina. No matter how friendly Frost was, or how often she reminded both Auroralina and Everyn that they could talk with her whenever they wanted or needed, they blew her off.
She cried nearly every night, not understanding the rejection. “Is…is it because I can’t sing?” She sobbed into Gentleness’ feathers.
“Oh, sweetheart, I don’t think that’s it.”
She sniffled. “But I can’t sing! What if…if…”
“Sweetheart, you are perfect. If they can’t see that, then it’s their loss.”
“But Gentleness, you don’t understand…I…I want…need…to fit in with them! They’re like me!”
“They are nothing like you!” He spat, with a bitterness that was extremely rare for the usually calm dragon. “They’re hard and cold…and you…you’re so soft and gentle, and loving…even when your love is rejected. Believe me…it’s their loss, and none of your own.”
“Then why does it hurt so bad?!”
He wrapped his feathers around his mate and held her close to him, so that she could hear his beating heart, beating with love for her. “Because rejection always hurts.”
Tears filled Frost’s eyes, and she cried without end…until she cried herself to sleep that night.
Weeks later, and after the fire clan had been drowned and turned into a water clan, Frost felt something calling to her. It was a hatchling. Small and black…and stuck in the muck and mire surrounding the clan. She struggled, but couldn’t pull the small one out. It was a female coatl…just like she was. Just like Auroralina and Everyn.
Against her better judgment, Frost went to the two who spurned her day after day and told them what she had found. To her surprise, they were willing to help. And after the hatchling babbled about her father for a moment, and how she had killed him, they both dismissed Frost, telling her that she wouldn’t understand.
Rage and sorrow overtook her, and she screamed to her mate about how she was being treated. She didn’t know what to do, but even the hatchling, that she had hoped would become her friend, now spurned her, under the guidance of Auroralina and Everyn. The hatchling was named Nixi. Nixi didn’t want to be friends with Frost either.
“Gentleness, I don’t understand why…help me to understand why! It hurts and stings. Sunshine talks to you…Crurry does…the dragons that are like you…well…they like you!”
After weeks of hearing Frost cry herself to sleep, Gentleness knew that this was a pain that his mate just wasn’t going to get over. He had to do something. He was, as his name implies, a gentle dragon. He didn’t want to cause pain to anyone…and he hated to see others suffer. Especially his mate. What he was about to do was going to cause him pain as well…but he hoped it would all turn out for the best.
Auroralina, ice so bright,
You hurt Frost with such great might.
Oh purpose or not, I do not know,
Perhaps some kindness you might show.

One poem down. Two remained.
Everyn strong, with voice so low,
Your unkind words strike like a blow.
If you please, would be so kind,
Be good to Frost, change your mind.

And then the last one…the hardest.
“Nixi sweet, Nixi young,
Frost found you sinking in the dung.
Ignore her not, instead be friends,
So that both tales have joyous ends.[/i]
Then he sighed, not knowing whether or not what he was about to do was a good idea or not. He signed each poem and left each one at the opening of the corresponding dragon.
“Where were you?” Asked Frost, gently rubbing her head against Gentleness.
“Running an errand,” he answered vaguely, pulling her into an embrace, and holding her. She didn’t cry herself to sleep that night, and he was glad.
The next day, there were three dragons standing in the doorway, staring inside, not knowing whether to knock or leave. Auroralina, Everyn, and Nixi.
Gentleness blocked the door with his body and said softly, “Frost had nothing to do with those poems…please, if you’re here to hurt her…leave, and I’ll know that my one attempt, one idea, failed. But if you’re here to be friends with her…you’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like.”
Auroralina sighed. “We had no idea we were hurting her so terribly.”
“We just…we thought she was being nosy and meddling…we didn’t realize that she actually desired friendship,” Everyn said sadly.
Nixi was silent, as a tear coursed down her cheek, “I just thought that since they knew her best, they were right….”
“We’d like to try to be friends again,” Auroralina told Gentleness. “If…if she would be willing.”
Gentleness smiled, “I’m sure she would be. Frost? You have company.”
Frost came to Gentleness and her eyes widened in shock. “Ah…um…hello….” She said shyly.
The Singers smiled.
“I’m sorry for treating you the way we have,” Auroralina told her.
“We didn’t realize you actually wanted friendship with us….” Everyn admitted.
“Thank you for saving me….” Nixi said shyly.
Frost smiled slightly. “This isn’t a joke? Not a trick?”
They all shook their heads.
“I thought you didn’t like me, because I couldn’t sing, and you all are just so good at singing.”
Again, they shook their heads.
“We just…we thought you were being nosy, trying to see into our pasts…and you wouldn’t understand our pasts, because you haven’t lived them.” Auroralina reluctantly admitted.
“Our pasts are all so similar…we just…understand each other better,” Everyn told her gently.
“We’ve all been hurt by the same dragon,” Nixi said softly, lowering her eyes to the ground in shame that she shouldn’t have felt. “You haven’t.”
“Oh.” Frost said quietly. “I just wanted to be friends…I don’t need to know all about your pasts to do that.”
“We understand that now.”
An awkward silence filled the room.
“What now?” Gentleness asked.
“Would…would you like to eat with us, Frost?”
Frost glanced to Gentlenesss. What did he think? Was it safe? Were they being serious? Was he okay with her not eating with him today?
He smiled and nodded. He thought it was a wonderful idea. Surely it was safe. He thought they were being serious. And as long as she had friends and wouldn’t be crying herself to sleep every night, it was perfectly fine with him for her to eat with someone else today.
Frost smiled back, then followed her new friends to lunch. She doubted that she would ever be best friends with them, but at least she was friends with them.
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