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Personal Style


Teardrop Citrine Earrings
Summer Swelter
Silver Sylvan Wings
Ember Sylvan Wings
Marigold Flower Crown




21.05 m
20.05 m
7422.32 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 12, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



Trust is something that is earned, and no one knew that better than Malana. Those who wish to win her trust are looked upon with a discerning eye and careful consideration. Though there is always a deep kindness behind her gaze it lies behind wisdom; her favor is not easily given. Those who have won her trust will always have someone at their back through thick and thin. The dragons who learned to trust her found themselves greatly rewarded with her dedication, ingenuity, and creativity. Yet it was not always this way.

As a young dragon Malana trusted easily. When others had secrets to confide, they came to her first. When they needed help, it was clear who to go to; Malana always found a way to solve the problem, even if it took her all night. Unfortunately, when they needed someone for a prank, Malana was also first on their list.

“Gullible,” someone said, gathering a crowd around her as she smirked, and the idea took off. It started with small tricks. Then someone thought to make an excuse of a family emergency to get Malana to do their week’s shift of work. Still, Malana was not a fool. She saw the others laughing, knew that their smiles were not meant for her and their thank-yous were hollow, but still, there was more good than bad in the world, she was sure. It was not worth the chance that she turn away someone who truly needed a friend. It was only a matter of time before things went too far.

“Malana! Help! Someone just fell into the pond, they’re trapped beneath the ice!”

Before anyone could say another word, Malana dove, cracking the surface of the frozen lake beneath her. The cold water hit her like solid stone, driving the breath from her lungs, grabbing at her arms and legs and seizing her muscles. Still, she pressed on until she reached the bottom of the lake...and found no one. She had suspected...but now she knew, and before she could swim back to the surface, cold darkness took her, the silhouette of a young Imperial dragon, much like herself, shimmering briefly against the shape of the sun above.

As Malana recovered she took no visitors. She would hear no excuses nor apologies, and, for the first time in a long time, she found time for herself. So Malana read, and wrote, and drew. She had seen much of the world through the eyes of others in her few years. By listening she had learned their problems, by helping, she had learned their solutions. Now, she could take that, and use it to better her own life for a change. Or so she told herself. Still, something did not sit quite right. It was not her body that was injured as much as her pride, and her trust, and the scars it left were as cold and lonely as the bottom of the frozen lakebed.

The knocks at the door had grown less frequent, people had stopped bothering, but today her visitor persisted. “Go away!” Malana said. So the visitor did.

The next day, they were back. And the next. Until finally Malana asked what they wanted and, with great suspicion, cracked the front door open ever so slightly to peer out. Immediately she recognized the figure as the dragon that had saved her life.

Baxil had only intended to ensure that she had recovered well before he continued on his journeys, and to comment upon the kindness and selflessness of her action -- it was not just anyone that would so thoughtlessly risk their life to save another, (to which Malana replied that she could think of someone else, a twinkle in her eye as she looked at Baxil) -- but as they conversed he looked down upon her papers, filled with sketches and words, plans and stories, and saw that what he had witnessed that day at the lake was not a single act of kindness, but a life of dedication, brilliance, and wisdom that not only matched his own, but perhaps surpassed it. There were other things too however, sadness, a trust betrayed, and Baxil knew these feelings as well from when he had left his own village.

So they sat and talked. About his journeys and dreams, of the new clan he hoped to form. He sought her opinions and advice, listening intently to her wellspring of knowledge about people and life’s ups and downs until at last it was clear-- she should join him, and together they left the small town as trusted friends and remain so to this day.

But though Baxil had reminded Malana that perhaps there was some good in the world still, he could not open her heart to it. As they traveled the roads, she slept on her belongings so no one would steal them and watched other travelers on the road with a careful eye. When bandits attacked their small camp, Malana was ready. She knew what they would be after, and before they could make their move, she headed them off with tactical brilliance as Baxil took them out with astonishing strength. Her vigilance had saved them -- had they been asleep they both surely would have been killed -- but the darkness through which she saw the world only grew blacker still.

For the most part Malana kept to herself, meeting with Baxil in the evenings as he forged his new clan in the Starfall Isles. As some have said though, time heals all wounds, and as they days marched on, Malana began to find trust in her new home. One day she finally stepped outside her yard, and looked out upon the growing kingdom. It was clear to her eyes the trust that Baxil had placed in her. There upon that ridge was the watchtower she drew in her notes, and down in the valley were the houses, just as they had planned. What she thought had merely been late night meetings to chat and keep company while they mused about what could be, had been in truth Baxil seeking her trusted wisdom and advice. For the first time in a long time, Malana smiled. She sat there, watching until the sun set, until she noticed a detail that intrigued her.

Around the edges of the kingdom wrapped a wall, and by it, a great fortress. In many ways it looked much like the one she had planned with Baxil, but there were differences, very clever differences indeed. When Baxil came to visit that night, Malana asked who had come up with such brilliant modifications to their designs. The next day he introduced her to Helion.

Helion and Malana complimented each other. When one had an idea, the other thought of an improvement, or way to help. It was clear the day she met him that Helion had nothing but the best intentions for the clan, and in time she learned to trust his even head and sound logic as well. The two worked on countless projects together and in time earned one another's trust, challenging each other, growing together along the way. So it was with similar humility that he one day asked for her hand in marriage. She thought for a moment -- as nothing is owed, only given freely from the love in one’s own heart -- and said yes.


Art by Korppipoika

“Do you love me?”
“I do.”
“Do you trust me?”
Malana did not reply, save only to press herself to his side, running her face along the warm, smooth texture of his scales, up his neck, under his chin, resting there for a long moment.
“I do. With everything.”
He smiled, his breath dancing through her mane, and together they spread their wings, launching off the parapet as one, and took to the twilight sky.

The night was balmy above the Starfall Isles, and the two laughed, breathing easily as they flew higher together, caressing a feathered wingtip now and again, circling one another in playful loops and twirls, dips and dives until at last the air grew thin beneath their wings. The whole wide world seemed to spread out below them, from their isles to the sea, to the lands beyond, even the clouds small below. The sun and the moon hung, suspended at opposite ends of the sky, floating it felt, as the two of them did now. They hovered there, breaths coming in gasps of exertion, amazement, and laughter, looking at the world about them, then up to one another, their eyes meeting at the very same moment, their matching smiles filled with more than words could ever hold. It was time.

Then, they closed their eyes, and fell. The wind ripped past with incredible force, tearing at feathers, whipping at fur and in that instant there was fear. Helion, usually so strong and composed felt as though the world had been ripped from under him, a helplessness striking his very core, and Malana, for all her dedication and care felt her stomach clamp, her throat tighten just short of a scream as she thought of the ground below, and not her own, but his safety. Desperately they reached for one another, tearing at the sky, before her claws found his, and she wrapped her hands tightly around him, pulling him close into her arms until she could feel his heart beating against hers. He pressed his face into her neck, breathing heavily, and then, blissful weightlessness took them both.

The sky, the ground, gravity, had lost all meaning. The only reality was the world that was theirs and theirs alone, revolving around one another as if in orbit, floating in free fall the sky. His tail twisted around hers, her wing wrapped around his, and foreheads met, pressed tightly together beneath closed eyes. They did not need gravity to ground them, and they did not need sight to see one another, and here she learned and knew his every shape and contour, and he hers as they held one another, each’s life in the other’s arms. It was a trust so implicit, so powerful, and so strong, that not even the forces of the earth could dare break it apart. This, they knew, was love

Lore by Bladesfire


Art by Desnik
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