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Personal Style


Peridot Flourish Tail Drape
Peridot Flourish Eye Piece
Wind Tome
Copper Steampunk Wings
Copper Steampunk Tail Bauble
Whirlwind Emblem
Peridot Flourish Belt




3.16 m
3.31 m
505.06 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 02, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Magic (noun): the ability to perform and cast whimsy at will. This gift was once an uncommon talent among Dragons, so much so, that instead of being praised, they were feared for their outstanding abilities.

Power (noun): the ability to control and change things as the user wishes. This skill was used by those who tore Linnae's family apart. Not all clans thought kindly of dragons who had more power than them.

Though most fantasy tales begin with "once upon a time," Linnae feels that is too soft. She prefers to begin with a storm, neither good nor bad in its essence, a storm that appeared by its own volition. Eternal and chaotic, this storm is known by the name "The Twisting Crescendo," a vortex that made its home on the western shore of the Nature-Elemental Plain. While no one knew of its true intentions, one thing was clear: it was angry. In this tempest of fury, Linnae took her first breath, her first flight, and cast her first spell.

Spell casting wasn’t a rare thing in her family, in fact, both of her parents boasted this talent as well. However, their magic was quite a bit different than her own. They both had the ability to control the wind and overpower the eternal storm, a gift that gave Linnae and her siblings a reason to grow up where they did. Unlike her parents own, Linnae's magic took another form, one that battled the noise itself: song.

Growing up, Linnae was always known as the pretty child, a fact that she resented but eventually came to accept. To have her identity so rooted in her looks scared her. She always thought beauty was something that faded. She constantly wondered if that was all people saw in her and the only reason they liked her. Something so temporary caused her to believe that their acceptance would fade with time. Sadly, she wasn’t wrong. However, unbeknownst to most, beauty wasn’t the only thing she possessed. She was a mage whose skill was with song. She honed her enchanting serenades to perfection, finding worth in something other than her beauty.

To say everything was fine until the attack would ignore Linnae’s very best attempts to fit in with her peers. She was teased to the point of tears by dragons who were jealous of her ability and grace. Jealousy was a cruel thing in her life. It held the power to persuade her species to do the most savage things. One night after being teased and harassed to shambles, Linnae came home to no one. They were gone, forcibly taken from their homes in the silent, depths of the night. Tears were shed anew, the likes as to which had never been seen, heard, or sobbed before. That night she cried herself to sleep, alone.

By morning, it had dawned on her that her clan did not offer a life she wanted for herself, and she left. Wandering wide and far, she finally found a place to settle, a place that accepted those gifted with magic like her: the Singing Sky Clan. Its founder, Rhiannon, was a master in all forms of magic and challenged her to grow and accept the abilities that were once curbed by the spite of others. Eventually, she perfected her natural born charm, allowing her to create everything from ballads that sprouted illusions, to talking to birds through song.

Nowadays, she finds herself spending time alone in some of the local springs and oases by the water that comforts her. It isn’t that she dislikes the other dragons; in fact, she loves them. But despite her training, she’s introverted and self-conscious about her voice and looks. When talking to others, if she can help it, she will try to remain out of sight or will create an illusion that will cloak her true appearance. When no other dragons are around, however, she has a different outlook on the world. She can often be found swimming and tending to the local flora and fauna. While others might see her as an outcast, she is content in her own little, make-shift world.

Linnae's ability is to change the world through song.

Imagine if she used it to its full potential.

{Written by sweetpealovey, #203333}

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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