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Personal Style


Aqua Deepsea Bulb
Aqua Birdskull Armband
Marshwisp Colony
Aqua Birdskull Legband
Cyan Flair Scarf
Gloomwillow Guide
Aqua Birdskull Wingpiece
Cobalt Deepsea Bulb
Aqua Birdskull Necklace


Accent: Blue Alien SNF


Scene: Shadowbinder's Domain


5.18 m
2.17 m
5116.7 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 21, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Snapper
EXP: 0 / 245


Snapper Squad Co-head
Snapper Squad co-leader, literal light in the darkness, the shiniest snop. Mysteriously smells like blueberries and leaves trails of glitter in her wake.

Definitely not an alien.
Daughter to Centurie, a well-known and obnoxiously popular Fae and Lastborn, a relatively unknown Nocturne, Sparklight’s life started dismally small as a tiny Fae. But her dreams were bigger than that

After praying day and night to the other Shadowbinder, her gift of greatness was bestowed. Greeted on evening outside the lair by a flock of Gloomwillow Guides, she was led a few miles from home-so far that she couldn't see the lights anymore, just the glow of her leaders. In a small clearing they stopped. She looked around curiously. A tree stump nearby was overgrown with icky mushrooms, but it was so dark she couldn't tell what kind. The grass was tall around the edge, but her path ahead was a carpet of lucky star clovers.

A noise in the sky startled her. She looked up, but saw nothing but stars winking in and out of existence. Then something moved. The whole sky moved, shimmering like a mirage-and suddenly went blank, not a start to be seen. She looked around but realized she was alone-the gloomwillows had vanished. OR had she? She couldn't feel the clovers or see even her wings in front of her eyes.A sudden feeling of weightlessness swept over her. She started to panic, tossing back and forth in mid air, but to no avail, She felt tingly and scared. Soon she felt heavy; heavier than she'd ever felt. Her feet felt weird, clumsy, and she couldn't do anything to relieve the sensation. Panic was intensifying, and she didn't know what to do. Time stood still-or did it speed up? She couldn't tell. She eventually closed her eyes and prayed, and this time-unlike every time before-she thought that someone was listening. The thought that she wasn't alone was very comforting. She prayed for hours-or minutes-just talking to...who knows. She talked about how she knew that she was more than her little Fae self-and how she wanted to bring love and happiness to all that surrounded her. Soon she could feel...something moving. Was it her? It was! She felt ground beneath her-lots of ground. More than she ever felt before.

She was so heavy-as if she had grown a ton while she was gone. She opened her eyes and saw everything. The stump, the clovers, but she was looking from a new angle. She was taller. She felt wider. She cautiously looked down. She realized she was no longer a Fae-but now she was a huge Snapper! Her dreams had come true! She looked up at the still dark sky and screamed Thank you! at the top of her huge Snapper lungs. The sky cleared and the stars reappeared. She sat in silence, and soon was surrounded by Gloomwillows again. They lead her home, though at a slower pace than before, just getting home as dawn arrived. The gloomwillows all flew off, except for one that curled up under her tiny Snapper wing. They slept for a few hours, but were awoken by the other dragons waking for the day. When Prowl noticed her transformation, he growled and said "Good look." She was curious, and went to the river to get a drink and see. The last night's happenings felt like dream-until she moved. She realized she really WAS a snapper now! She ran as fast as she could, and stared at her reflection-in total disbelief-for a long time. After coming to the realization that she had gotten her wish, she decided she needed a light-she remembered being so scared when it was so dark.

She went to the market and got herself a glowbulb-she never wanted to be that scared again. She got a few other feathery things to show off on her new body. Everywhere she went, everybody was happier-more upbeat than before. And there was glitter everywhere she walked. Her footprints were full of it, and she had no idea where it came from, After a few days of trying to make up the sleep from the night she transformed, she eventually went back to the river to drink and gaze at her new reflection. This time, she noticed new things that hadn't been there before! She had little glowing stars on her wings and cheeks, and now antennae! Those were DEFINITELY new! Her gloomwillow flittered around humming to itself. She asked it what happened and the gloomwillow shook its head. No matter how much she begged and pleaded it wouldn't budge. Eventually she gave up and the gloomwillow went back to humming. She fell asleep by the river, and awoke near dusk. as the light vanished from her surroundings, she realized the area around her was still bright blue. Looking in the river, she saw her new markings glowing brightly. Unsure of what was happening, and unable to get any answers out of the gloomwillow, she headed home.

On her way, Drift and Nightshade passed her on their way to the river with their hatchlings. Drift asker where she'd found blueberries-but she hadn't eaten any, Puzzled, he followed Nightshade and the babies. she proceeded home and looked for somewhere to sleep. She definitely needed a new place. Sleeping outside of her old Fae lair wasn't very comfortable. She went to the other side of the huge lair tho where the other Snappers slept. Blaze and Scrapper were digging a new hole when she walked up. Blaze greeted her, saying "Hello, we were wondering when you would come over! We started digging you a hole!" She blushed and replied "Th-thank you! I'm not sure what to do with myself!" Scrapper stood and said happily "You can try out your new bed!" and moved out of the hole. Settling into the new hole was one of the most satisfying feelings Sparklight had ever felt. She looked up and said "Thank you so much, ladies. How can I ever repay you?" Blaze started to reply "it was noth-" before Scrapper interrupted, saying "Where are the blueberries-we can start there!" Sparklight looked puzzled-she didn't understand. Scrapper must have seen her confusion, because she said "It's smelled like blueberries since you got here!"

As Blaze and Scrapper left, she looked around her new surroundings. A new dragon came over and introduced himself as Jazz. He was big for a Mirror, and intimidating to boot. He said he had never been to this part of the lair-not having ever trained with a Snapper, he had never had a reason to. But the last few days, he had an indescribable urge to visit, to meet he newly transformed clan member. The way hew spoke commanded respect-and she dare not speak to him without being prompted, he got up to leave and said "Sparklight, that's your name, right? You are a miracle in this clan, do not forget your importance. I may come back to visit, and I'd like to see you've grown from this transformation. I don't usually train with anyone but my current contingent, but I may be willing to train you.." and he walked off. She lay there overwhelmed. In three days, she had changed into a Snapper, grown new markings, had a pet gloomwillow, made new tracks covered in shiny glitter, and mysteriously smelled like blueberries. Not to mention been approached by the clan leader and maybe offered a chance to train with him! She was stuck in a whirlwind and didn't know what to do-except sleep. And sleep she did, for the best night of sleep in days.

(Lore by Xotik)

(Art by Beroan)

(Art by Omalleycat)
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