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Personal Style


Ornate Copper Necklace
Copper Steampunk Scarf
Copper Steampunk Gloves
Copper Steampunk Wings
Copper Steampunk Spats
Frog's Leg Armor
Frog's Arm Guards
Forest Green Wing Wraps
Frog's Tail Guard
Copper Steampunk Tail Bauble
Frog's Wing Fans
Mage's Thicket Bag




4.95 m
4.52 m
482.27 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 14, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Green Aviator Scarf
Copper Steampunk Wings
Frog's Leg Armor
Frog's Arm Guards
"Quick claws hide quicker wit."
Born in the middle of winter, Longfrill was trained for battle from her birth by her Plague clan. Both her parents and the other dragons in the clan had a long legacy of strength and adaptability, and they weren't about to let it stop with her. In fact, she was barely a day old when she got to participate in her first battle. During a day of boredom, she decided to explore a more secluded area and snuck to the forest with her sister. While they were playing near some bushes, a Strangler woke up from its yearlong nap and threatened to choke them to death.

Reacting quickly, she shoved her sister away and hit the Strangler in the face with her wing. Startled by what it thought was easy prey attacking back, the Strangler remained still long enough for her to take to the sky and draw it away from her sister. When she finally tired of fleeing, she began to fight with the Strangler. Luckily, it was also a young one and was tired out from the chase. Eventually, they came to have a mutual respect for each other in the tussle, and the Strangler decided to become her familiar.

When she returned, not only victorious but also with a new familiar, her talent for fighting was instantly recognized. She was quickly placed in training with a skilled teacher and developed some of the fastest reflexes in the clan and a love for high speed flying races. Her earlier fight with her familiar now seemed like literal child's play. Although her talent was satisfying, Longfrill felt that something was still missing. That something was friendship. Because of her skill, most of the dragons her age didn't talk to her, instead looking up to her as some sort of idol.

However, one dragon didn't care about the fact that she was an amazing fighter. Her name was Ransome and she was a quirky blue-winged Coatl. Though Ransome was being trained as a mage, Longfrill found that they actually had a lot in common, such as their love of flying and adventure. Over time, the two bonded and became very close. They shared everything with each other and nothing could come between their friendship, or at least that's what they thought.

A certain dragon in the clan whose name was [name] had caught Longfrill's eye and heart. He was a handsome [color] and his eyes were always kind and twinkling. Unbeknownst to Longfrill, the same dragon had also captured Ransome's interest. Blind to that fact, she revealed to Ransome her liking for [name]. Hiding her shock well, Ransome decided that she would keep her own feelings a secret for Longfrill's sake. After all, Ransome wasn't isolated from the rest of the hatchlings like Longfrill was.

Longfrill and [name] were just beginning to realize their feelings for each other when [name] suddenly fell ill with a deadly disease. The cure for such a disease could only be found in the Ashfall Waste. However, two Fire and Water clans were currently warring in the area, making it far too dangerous for the clan leader to allow any dragons to go, especially not two teenage dragons. The way the leader saw it, two lives were more important than one, not to mention the fact that they might not even find the cure. Longfrill couldn't bear to just watch [name] die, though, so she asked Ransome to sneak with her into the Ashfall Waste.

Of course, Ransome agreed and the two snuck away in the middle of the night. They had secretly packed supplies the night before so they were able to quickly escape clan territory. Though the journey was harrowing, Longfrill pushed on if only for the thought of [name]. After a week of narrowly avoiding disaster, they finally made it to their destination and located the precious medicine. But they had not prepared for the price of it. The gold and trinkets they had packed only covered half the cost, they would have to work for the rest.

While Ransome took on the job of lifting rocks into the forges with her magic, Longfrill found herself rather useless. She could not hunt well in the fiery and unfamiliar landscape since the leaping embers made flying dangerous. She knew nothing about forging and would likely only get herself burned if she attempted to help. Her main talent, fighting, was not needed anywhere except for the warring clans, and joining them was way too risky.

However, as the weeks wore on she found that the small income they earned wasn't nearly enough to buy the medicine in time. Unable to stand being idle any longer, she persuaded Ransome to become a mercenary with her. She went to each of the warring clans and joined the one that paid best, which happened to be a Fire clan. They managed to stay out of the most dangerous spots and they earned treasure at a far faster rate than they had before. While they traveled with the army, they befriended a Skydancer named Kale. He became a big brother figure of sorts for them, protecting them and entertaining them with stories.

Eventually, the duo and Kale had to enter a highly dangerous battle. Though Kale urged the commander not to bring the two young dragons, the commander insisted that he needed all the dragons he could get. While Longfrill was certain that she would win, Ransome was not so certain and pleaded with Longfrill to run away. But the prospect of the amount of money she would earn prompted Longfrill to stay and fight. Ever the loyal friend, Ransome stuck with her and the two braved the fight together with Kale by their side.

All was going well when the enemy began to launch a sudden counterattack. Finding herself being pushed back, Longfrill lost sight of Ransome and Kale in the chaos. After a long scuffle, she finally located Ransome and Kale again. Ransome was critically injured and unable to escape the hail of arrows aimed at her. However, Kale was being pushed back dangerously close to a flame geyser. Torn between the two, Longfrill knew that there was no time to lose in thinking. Unable to let down her best friend, Longfrill made a split second decision flew towards Ransome at top speed, ignoring the embers that singed her wings. She arrived just in time to shield Ransome with her body, blocking the arrows with her own wings.

When Longfrill stopped hearing the whoosh of arrows, she turned and looked for Kale. He was nearly touching the geyser now, and many more enemies were surrounding him. Crawling over to the group in an attempt to save Kale, she arrived a second too late. She watched him make a fatal mistake as the enemy stabbed him in the chest. Roaring in anger, Longfrill reached Kale's body and began blindly slashing at the enemies. Tired from their fight with Kale, they stood no chance against her fury. Soon there was only a pile of corpses surrounding her. Crying now, she crawled over dead bodies to Kale's side. Gazing sadly at her, Kale managed to choke out a few final words. "I had a mate... her name was Imoen. My last wish is that... if you ever see her... tell her I'll always love her and that I'll be waiting for her on the other side..." With that, Kale's eyes went blank and his heart stopped beating.

Not bothering to hold back her tears anymore, Longfrill staggered through the fields of bodies to Ransome's side. Their allies had managed to push the enemy back while Longfrill had been listening to Kale. She had not worn armor, preferring to dodge and speed away instead, a choice she now regretted. Her wings had been torn by the arrows and irreparably damaged. Though it pained her, she would gladly trade her flight to save her friend again. Ignoring the pain from her wings, Longfrill pulled a now unconscious Ransome over her shoulders and began to crawl to a medic tent. There, she watched over Ransome every day until the medics pried her from Ransome's room to tend to her own injuries.

"Maybe if I run fast enough I can escape this nightmare."

For a while, Ransome showed no signs of improvement, but then she slowly but surely recovered. But though her body was healed, Ransome's mind had not shared the same improvement. During the battle, she had suffered a blow to the head which had lasting effects. Her memories were blurry now and she didn't appear to be able to remember new events well. She had also lost some motor skills, requiring a partner to help her navigate difficult areas and oftentimes simply falling over.

Ironically, the duo's earnings from the battle and the extra bit awarded for having sustained injury allowed them to purchase the medicine. Longfrill only took it half-heartedly, though, as the true price she had to pay for it was hardly worth it. Still, she clung to the hope that she would be able to save her beloved [name]. She carried Ransome all the way back to their clan, even without the use of her wings. Though she pushed on vigilantly, she could only move so fast with an added burden. Their return journey took nearly double the time that their departure had.

When she finally arrived home, Longfrill received a chilly welcome. The clan leader had not been pleased with her direct disobedience of her rules. She had made it just in time to try and save [name] however, and the clan leader allowed her to stay and see if he recovered. After that, her sentence would be banishment along with Ransome. The healer warned that [name] was in the final stage of the disease and might not make it through, even with the medicine.

Longfrill spent every day she could beside [name], hoping that he would push through. However, he showed no signs of improvement. All the medicine had done was give him a few more days, as she had taken too long to bring it back. She was there to hear [name]'s last words, the promise that he would meet her again someday, even if it took an eternity. Heartbroken by everything that had happened to her, Longfrill left the clan that day with Ransome by her side. She hardly knew where to go, but by a stroke of luck, they managed to stumble into a friendly Arcane clan.

The clan welcomed them without question, and they even managed to heal Ransome with their powerful magic. But Longfrill was unable to take joy in this, instead withdrawing and falling silent. It had all been her fault after all. If she hadn't taken Ransome along with her, she would never have been injured. If she had pushed herself just a little bit harder then they might have made it back in time to save [name]. Then Ransome wouldn't have been injured for nothing. All of these things she repeated over and over in her head, torturing herself every day. The loss of her wings seemed like nothing in comparison.

She couldn't bring herself to speak to any of the clan, instead simply gazing desolately at them from afar. The part that hurt her most was the fact that Ransome had forgotten all the troubles that they had faced together. Ransome didn't even remember her and the friendship they once had. She told herself that it was the punishment she deserved and only beat herself up more over it. Caught in a vicious cycle, her constant silence isolated her and only led to her becoming more silent when confronted. The only contact she made with other dragons was leaving a note to Imoen with Kale's last words written on it.

One dragon had noticed this where no one else had, and he constantly confronted her until she gave in and spoke to him. Though it was rare for her to utter more than a few words, he slowly brought her out of her complete isolation. It was he who crafted the mechanical wings that allow her to fly again and lovingly pieced together armor for her so she would never get hurt again. Though he earned her friendship, he never quite earned a place in her heart, as she had long ago lost the ability to love.

She still remains silent to most of the clan, but will now spare a few words to those who pester her enough. She hasn't truly recovered, though, and a few light sleepers have noticed her wandering in the night when everyone else is sound asleep. Yet, like everything she does, she wanders silently and solemnly. Her duties as the clan's scout are never forgotten, as she brings any potential members in and occasionally scouts the area during her nighttime wanderings.

"Happiness never lasts..."

Miscellaneous Information:
- Needs a former mate whose name shall replace the various [name] boxes.
- Theme Song: Seasonal Feathers by Lucy (ft. ham)
- Needs an accent with holes in wings
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