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Personal Style


Raven Woodguard
Lucky Sage Cover
Sanguine Rose Thorn Crown
Lucky Sage Shawl




17.07 m
20.57 m
6599.84 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 12, 2016
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245


Vengeful | Seductive | Stubborn

Shade Queen

Adan- Guard and Lover
Persephone-Old friend

Familiar Here

By me

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Extra Here

"To love someone is to trust them,
and that is the difference between you and I"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Her name is only uttered to scare hatchlings. Stay close. Don’t go out at night. Don’t speak to strangers or the Shade Queen will come for you. Or evil will take you away and fill you with the silence of darkness. Everyone knows the story of how Spathi the Shade Queen came to be at war with the ‘Blood Queen’ Rayie, that she leveled entire towns and sewed destruction where she went. No one knows more than that, or if they do they keep it to themselves.

She wasn’t always this way. Once, she was just a girl. A strange ******* daughter of none with disarming, pretty, blue eyes amid a sea of white and red. Her mother Volari wasn’t interested in mothering, she was interested in her status, and power, and for her daughter to get her more. She cared not for the girl’s father, he was obviously useless for her goals as he didn’t further her career. Instead she groomed her daughter to be what she needed to become better. She filled Spathi’s head with lies about how great she was and that one day she would take the throne when King Amodeus finally passed. That she would be good and just enough to be taken under the Council’s wing and ushered up to that gilded chair. And Spathi, young and impressionable that she was, believed her.

Amid the lies and delisions of grandeur there was room for other things. Things like friends, companionship, and love. Despite her mother’s lust Spathi had little desire for the throne. Her father had been a knight of the realm and she would watch from afar as they were trained and went to practice every day. She was envious of them, to have control of their destiny.

One day she went to see them and left the tutor her mother had prepared for her without a word and took to the training yard. There pages and squires trained under the watch of the knight trainer. It was that day that she first met Adan and Rayie. Adan was a serious sort, almost uncaring, and Rayie was as cold as her eyes, and furious as a blizzard. She attempted to make friends but Rayie wanted nothing to do with her. Adan was more amicable and allowed her to watch. She came back many days to watch and talk and eventually Adan let Spathi try out his blade. Spathi was both utterly delighted and clumsy with the sword. She vowed to learn how to use it despite knowing her mother would be furious if she knew Spathi took up a sword like a common, low-born, noble.

She returned as often as she could and the knight training the group allowed her to partake in the training despite not dedicating herself to it. Sometimes she thought she saw herself in him. Maybe he was the father she’d never known, the one her mother had decided wasn’t worthwhile enough to keep around. It certainly explained why he was so tolerant of her and never sent her away even as she struggled to keep up with the others of his class.

These were the happiest years for Spathi. There she made friends with Adan and through him the princess, Persephone. Despite her best intentions she could not make friends with Rayie and the other girl was always and violent toward Spathi and everyone else. This disturbed Spathi but so long as she had Adan she didn’t care. As they grew Adan eventually became a knight and was sent out to battle. That left Spathi back in the palace with Persephone and wait for him to return while having to endure her mother’s cruel intentions and demands that Spathi make something of herself.

As she grew into a woman Spathi became respected for her beauty. They said no one in the kingdom was as beautiful as her with her exotic blue eyes and kind smiles. Thanks to her mother’s ‘lessons’ she learned to play the court and could often be seen flirting with all manner of lords both young and old but she never gave herself to them which infuriated her mother. Her heart belonged to another and whenever Adan returned from battle she would spend as much time as she could with him. She did not tell Adan she loved him, out of fear her mother would hear and use her influence to have Adan sent away forever.

She didn’t need her mother for that. Adan was sent out to fight against some attacking Beastclan, and didn’t return. None of the knights who were sent out returned. Spathi waited and waited but Adan never returned to her and she was left alone. Heartbroken and riddled with grief Spathi locked herself away to mourn. While she was in seclusion King Amodeus fell ill and died. His one daughter, Persephone, was unfit to rule because she had taken a vow when she’d learned to raise the dead. So the Council would elect a new monarch.

Volari couldn’t have been more happy by the news. She pushed Spathi to go out and try and get the throne but she was still too burdened by her broken heart because of Adan. Her mother pushed and pushed and then one day she came upon Spathi in a fit of rage. Rayie had been made queen instead. That worthless Bloody Queen had become the real queen and not Spathi. She lashed out with both word and claws against Spathi, until she could take it no more.

She broke.

Spathi didn’t remember the act. She did remember the sight of her claws wrapped around her mother’s neck.

In a daze of fury, grief, and helplessness, Spathi went to see what had become of her throne. She found Rayie, the cold, horrible knight who had been so unkind to her and unwelcoming of her friendship, on it. It drove her to greater madness and she demanded the throne instead, that Rayie did not deserve the right to rule. Rayie the ruthless Bloody Queen did not tolerate such words and as the damning words of a duel left her mouth it was the first time Spathi saw Rayie smile.

She left the palace broken and half dead. Rayie had not been kind and lived up to her name as the Bloody Queen. She succumbed to her wounds outside of the city in a thick copse of pines. That night snow fell and covered her in gentle powder.

That would not be the end of her and it is there that the girl everyone who had known before died.

Days later Persephone was out in the woods looking for injured or dead animals to test her powers upon when she came upon Spathi covered in snow. Distraught by the sight of her friend she attempted to bring her back to life. It went well, up to the point it didn’t. The pine wood was ancient and old and forgotten things lived within it. Things that had use for someone like Spathi. An ancient evil, the Shade, found their way into Spathi, filling her body with shadow and ridding her of her scars and filling them with darkness.

Delighted that she’d brought her friend back Persephone didn’t even consider the danger until it was too late. Having a body that had not eaten in days and a mind that craved without thinking Spathi killed Persephone and feasted upon her corpse until sated, driven only by instinct to feed and survive. Fed she stumbled into the forest and headed north and deeper into the pine forest.

When she finally came to rationality the girl Spathi had been was gone. All that was left was a Shade who remembered her memories and wore her body like an intricately crafted costume. The Shade found Spathi much to their liking and decided to take upon her name and found her dark thirst for vengeance to be more than palpable. The Shade would destroy the one known as Rayie for ruining Spathi’s life and would devour her as it had Persephone to gain her tremendous power.

But first she would need to gain power to even take on such a foe and Spathi was weak. So she bided her time and stayed to the distant areas of the Icefields, growing her power. In her time she came upon other Shade or dragons who had become hosts for them and bent them to her will. Thus became Nikela, her loyal consort and champion who promised dark deeds done in her name and great power if she succeeded.

When she was finally powerful Spathi returned to the kingdom that had taken everything from her. Through whispers and corruption of a Seer she found the location of Rayie’s Charge, which was unknown even to the queen. She would hurt Rayie as Rayie had hurt her and Spathi sent her minions to destroy the town of Rayie’s Charge. Then she walked amid the rubble and the young boy was presented at her feet. With cruel intentions she carved her symbol into the boy’s chest and left him for Rayie to find. The queen would have her Charge but not without knowing Spathi had gotten to him first.

After that declaration of war Rayie returned to her name as the Bloody Queen. She went into a rage as she had as a younger girl and attacked Spathi’s army with everything she had. Spathi eagerly destroyed them and either killed those who came against her or devoured them for their strength in order to build her own. She became the evil nightmare mothers warned their children about to keep them close and protected and she smiles now when they speak her name in fear.

Then, upon a faithful day a knight came to Spathi’s keep deep in the ancient pine woods. He wished audience with the Shade Queen but he himself was not tainted. Intrigued she allowed an audience and all that was left of the girl in Spathi before the Shade had consumed her cried out in joy. It was Adan, he was alive! Spathi didn’t know why Adan would return now, of all times, but allowed him to say his piece. Perhaps he thought she could be saved if she had something to live for. He told her he loved her, and had for a long time. It brought Spathi only residual joy. The Shade did not care for love but she did see how to use this to bind a powerful knight like Adan, who had survived death, to her will. She asked him if Adan loved her would he obey her. To her delight he said yes. So Spathi put her mark upon her old love and kept him at her side. The Shade knew it was for business but the girl it consumed was satisfied with this for a moment.

For a time the warring ebbed with Adan at Spathi’s side, the girl’s desire to destroy Rayie placated by having Adan so near. Deep in the wood Spathi continued to plan and build herself greater and more dangerous, and more powerful to take Rayie out from Spathi’s rightful place on the throne. She’s started to dabble in her own making with Nikela and the creation of eggs in a Shade charged nest are interesting things to behold.
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