
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
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Nature Sprite
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Energy: 47/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Romantic Red Rose
Ornate Platinum Gorget
Ornate Platinum Pauldrons
Druidic Armband
Ornate Platinum Gauntlets
Ornate Platinum Tail Cuffs
Druidic Sash
Ornate Platinum Boots
Ornate Platinum Belt


Accent: Seedling Protector


Scene: Drakeharvest


7.27 m
5.93 m
654.69 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 16, 2014
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245


{ The Watchman }

Clan Guard | Mate to Ranaan | Strong, Silent Type

Sentinel is a dragon of very few words. His name even derives from his tendencies of standing watch silently, content to observe and protect rather than prattle on about one thing or another. As a young dragon, he was raised in a well established Nature Clan. With so many dragons about, it wasn't a far reach for the little Pearlcatcher to go unnoticed. So instead of fighting to make himself known, he preferred to spend his time in communion with the trees who were as silent as he was. They whispered to him when the winds graced their limbs, and sometimes he whispered back, though mostly he was more gratified just listening.

When the time came for he and the other hatchlings not chosen to stay in the lair to leave, he hated to admit that he felt more reluctant to leave the forest than the Clan. While he would certainly miss his mother and father, he would miss the trees he'd come to know more. But Sentinel was never one to rebel and accepted his new course with his familiar silent grace.

He and his fellow hatchlings traveled to many trade markets, his clan mates finding new homes of their own along the way. Their group grew in size in some places, and dwindled in others. Still, Sentinel was not accepted into any lair. That wasn't to say the dragons the trade caravan visited didn't want him, it would be more accurate to say that they hardly even noticed him. He always remained at the back of the group, seeking out plant life that looked in need of encouragement to grow or even to be guarded from the elements for a time.

Some years past and he never left the trade caravan. The merchant dragons gave him responsibilities within the group to ensure he carried his own weight, and often debated whether or not to find a home for him in some city where he could find work. One afternoon as the caravan was setting up camp out on the Zephyr Steppes for the night, Sentinel overheard one such conversation and were he not so quiet, he would've outright refused such a notion. To be trapped under some foreman's talon was not a life he could handle. And so, during the night, he left the encampment.

As world traveller, he knew how to make his way on his own. But he no longer had the protection of numbers and he also had no idea of where to go. He contemplated heading back to the Viridian Labyrinth. Perhaps his family would accept him back into the clan. Before he was even able to convince himself that his birth clan would actually want him back, he set off north. It was a long trek through the Windsinger's Province and an even longer, more dangerous one through the Scarred Wasteland. But he figured it would be an easier route that way rather than having to cross over the Sea of A Thousand Currents, through the Tangled Wood and finally over the turbulent strait that separated the mainland from the island of the GladKeeper's realm.

It was many months before he made his way out of the Plague lands and into Dragonhome. All the way there, he glanced between the gargantuan forms of the Behemoth and the Pillar on the horizon. The last time he'd been to the Earthshaker's domain was when he was leaving his home. While he'd aged, this land seemed timeless. it had looked ancient before and it looked just so now; Unchanging and resolute like the remnant of the Great Pillar at its center. Because the air on the Shattered Plain was so clear and dry, he could pick out more detail on the Gladekeeper's Tree than he could in the Plague lands. While he still longed to be back in the forest, he couldn't help but notice how generally barren the land in Dragonhome seemed. There were a few scraggly trees here and there, and he had heard that there were pine forests higher up in the mountains, but this place looked like it was in desperate need of vegetation. The Pearlcatcher rounded a bend and as if his own thoughts had materialized, a tree stood in his path. Its leaves were broad, soaking in the copious amounts of sunlight that bathed the landscape. The wide branches and thickly leaved canopy shaded a small, ground-fed spring below. The water provided sustenance for the tree, while the spring was protected from the sun. A perfect example of a symbiotic relationship if he'd ever seen one. Sentinel approached slowly, almost afraid to disturb such a balanced feature. But then again, it was quite hot out and his mouth was dry with thirst.

Just as he lowered his maw into the chilling liquid, something dangled just in front of his face. He leapt back in surprise, realizing it was a tail. A Pearlcatcher tail! His gaze followed the appendage up to where another of his kind lounged on a branch above. Her verdant hide patterned with stripes in such a way that blended perfectly with the surrounding foliage. It was no wonder that he hadn't seen her at first. Appearing to asleep, Sentinel thought it best to quietly be on his way so as not to disturb her.

Leaving so soon, a lilting voice inquired just as he turned.

I uh...I didn't mean to disturb your spring. I didn't know it was occupied, Sentinel stammered in his soft, unpracticed voice.

The female merely smiled, barely opening her eye as she stretched out along the branch. Oh nonsense...I encouraged the tree to grow, but it doesn't belong to me. Every living thing needs water, trees and Pearlcatchers alike, she mused with a light chuckle. Now go on, have a drink. You look parched.

Tentatively, Sentinel retraced his steps back to the spring-fed pool and dipped his muzzle into the revitalizing water. While he rested and had his fill of refreshment, Ranaan told him about her clan. How, despite being nestled in the jagged peaks of Greatwyrm Breach, she had been able to promote plant growth. The way she described it, her quarters within the lair sounded like a jungle in and of itself. As was his custom, he listened intently but offered little in the way of verbal response. This didn't seem to put Ranaan off in the slightest though, for she continued on talking late into the day. The sun sat firmly upon the horizon when the (one sided) conversation lulled and Sentinel was, for the first time in his life, torn between paths. He wouldn't dare invite himself into any dragon's home, especially one as established as this Elsewhere Clan. But as would become the norm for the pair, Ranaan seemed to pick up on his thoughts and voiced them on his behalf. look like you've been on your own for a while. Would you care to accompany me to my lair? I know the Clan would love to meet you and you could rest for a time before you headed on your way once more, Ranaan posed the idea with a curious tilt of her head.

I would like that very much, Sentinel admitted. The prospect of being around other dragons that didn't see him as just another purse of coin to be exchanged would indeed be nice. Thus Sentinel travelled with Ranaan back to the Clan homestead. Days turned to weeks which melded into months and so on, yet none of the Elsewhere dragons urged him to leave. In fact, many of them had already accepted him into their daily routine. One morning, as if it were an afterthought, the Clan Father himself addressed Sentinel as he sauntered down the hall.

Good morrow, Sentinel, the great Guardian rumbled. We shall have to assign a chamber for you, wouldn't you say? Or, if you prefer, I could inquire our stone mason, Samwell, to expand Ranaan's quarters to properly accommodate you as well, Melek stated, his eyes reflecting a knowing smile.

Sentinel was awestruck at the casual nature of the conversation and took a moment to compose himself. I...yes, sir. The latter would suffice, if Ranaan would not mind, that is.

Why, it was her idea. Melek chuckled to himself and dipped his maw as he turned to depart. Oh and Sentinel, my boy...I do expect you to keep a handle on all those vines she's so fond of spreading throughout the lair, he added with a wink before continuing on his way.

And so, just as the tree and spring where the two first met, Sentinel and Ranaan fell into an easy symbiotic relationship. Sentinel tempered Ranaan's wild side and Ranaan seemed able to encourage the quiet male to speak out. Sentinel would always be known as the silent type, but the dragons of the Elsewhere Clan learned that if he did have something to say, it was well worth listening to.

She is a lady of the forest and he is a knight, yet they both seek order, be it natural or worldly. Between the shadows of fluttering butterfly wings and metal gleam there's a mutual understanding too delicate for words.

Written by Aloice
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