
Level 5 Pearlcatcher
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Searing Emblem
Crimson Rogue Wing Guard
Crimson Rogue Mask
Crimson Rogue Bracers
Crimson Rogue Gloves
Crimson Rogue Footpads
Crimson Rogue Tail Binding
Crimson Rogue Trousers
Viper's Breastplate




4.08 m
7.38 m
698.68 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 18, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 1734 / 5545




  • none







tumblr_nti067xMTN1repldoo4_250.png Kai Ninja and Blacksmith

|No Mate | Master of Fire|

"A ninja never admits defeat, a ninja always picks himself up when he's down."
Kai's got a fiery temper to match the special elemental power he carries within him. He tends to naturally give off a bit of heat, but when he's angry he radiates it so strongly that some dragons don't like touching him.

But anger isn't all that there is to Kai. He's got a good heart, and he would do anything for his friends and fellow ninja. He'll really throw himself into anything he tries as long as it catches his interest properly, and once he starts something he doesn't quit. He's not a perfectionist, exactly, but he does get frustrated when he can't do something properly or can't figure out a problem.

One of the most important dragons in Kai's life is Karai. He doesn't tell her half of what he thinks about her, but he considers her the light of his life, and she's the first dragon he's ever stayed with for more than a short period of time. Their relationship has had a lot of rough spots, but Kai and Karai have always pulled through in the end.

adoptable by Averret


Kai's egg was laid and hatched earlier than expected, while his parents, proud members of the Fire flight, were travelling through the Plague flight's territory in search of new materials to use in the creation of weapons for the dragons of Sornieth. As such, Kai was born with the blood-red eyes of a Plague dragon. His parents worried that he would have no connection to the Fire flight when they returned, and might not see it as his home, but on the contrary, Kai showed a near immediate affinity for the flames and lava of the Ashfall Waste. And a few years later, Kai realized that he had powers over the element of Fire despite his birthplace - powers that were more impressive and extreme even than those of an experienced Fire-flight mage. His parents were supportive and caring as Kai at first struggled with his powers, though his younger sister, Nya, worried about them. Kai turned to the forge and helped his parents with their blacksmith's shop, Four Weapons, as a way to distract and calm himself so his powers didn't cause any trouble. After about a year, Kai had learned a fair amount of control, and mostly ignored his powers, thinking of them as something strange, but not necessarily unusual. Surely someone else must have similar powers, after all.

Several years later, Kai's parents instructed him to look after Nya for a a while, as they had received some sort of important message asking them to travel to another territory. They said that they would be back soon, but months passed, and then years, and they did not return. Kai continued to care for Nya, and started up Four Weapons again on his own, trying to keep earning enough money to support himself and his sister.

And then, when Kai was fourteen, a mysterious white Imperial dragon came to the shop, speaking of weapons that didn't work for a ninja. Kai somewhat awkwardly attempted to show him around and see if he was looking to buy anything, but the elderly dragon shrugged off his attempts at this and disappeared - quite literally, in the blink of an eye. Frustrated, Kai spent the rest of the day making more weapons at the forge and thinking over the strange visitor.

But that night, the shop and Kai and his sister's small lair were attacked for reasons that Kai couldn't understand by strange, disturbing dragons - dragons made of bones, with glowing red eyes. Kai attempted to defend himself and Nya, and the white Imperial appeared out of nowhere to assist them, but despite all their attempts, and a strange display of some unique fighting art of the part of the Imperial, Nya was grabbed by the skeletal dragons and taken away, and Kai was left lying on the ground. He was determined to save his sister, but had no idea of where the skeletons could have taken her. The Imperial told Kai a story that seemed unrelated to the event and Kai paid little attention to - something about how Ninjago was created by the First Spinjitsu Master, and the this man had two sons, who swore to protect the golden weapons used in Ninjago's creation. But one of the brothers turned evil and wanted the weapons' power for himself, so the younger brother defeated him and hid the weapons. He then drew a map to the weapons, and had given it to Kai's father to hide. THe part that caught Kai's attention was when the Imperial revealed that he is the younger brother, and it was Spinjitsu he had used in the battle against the skeletons. He named himself as Sensei Wu, and offered to train Kai in the art of the ninja to help him find and save his sister. Kai accepted the offer.

That night, after a long day of training, Kai was attacked by a group of three ninja. He did his best to fight back against them, using the training course that had exhausted him earlier in the day to his advantage. Sensei Wu then interrupted the battle and explained that the three ninja were his other students - and to Kai's shock, he then explained that each of them had a unique, especially strong elemental power - Jay, a Spiral dragon, was the master of Lightning; Cole, a Bogsneak, master of Earth; Zane, a Wildclaw, master of Ice. Kai was distrustful of them at first, and didn't like that he was instructed to become part of a team with the three other ninja, but accepted the fact anyway in the hopes of saving Nya. Sensei Wu then shocked Kai further by explaining that he was tasking them with claiming the golden weapons. And so the four ninja and Sensei Wu set out on an incredible journey through Ninjago to reclaim the weapons and defeat the skeletons. The ninja became a close-knit team, and stayed together even after they completed their mission and along the way recovered Kai's sister.

For many years after this, Kai continued to fight together with the other ninja, becoming very close to them. Before long they weren't just fighting together; they were friends. The team slowly grew as they found more dragons with strong elemental powers, such as a young male with powers over air, and rediscovering Cole's long-lost sister only to find that she was the master of water. Last was Karai, a Pearlcatcher living alone and fending for herself, who had powers over sand that she didn't even know of until the ninja and Sensei Wu explained them to her and taught her. Kai became especially close to Karai, and realized before long that he had a huge crush on her. He was too scared to tell her, but before long he and Karai found out the other's feelings for each other, and they became more than just friends, though more than their fair share of difficulties have caused a lot of bumps in their relationship and they are not yet mates.

Discovering his bond with Karai only led to more great things, and Kai continues to fight with the other ninja to protect Sornieth. His story is truly far too large to be encompassed here in a small bio, and contains too many epic events to describe in detail. But rest assured - as long as there is a need for a ninja, Kai will be there.

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Exalting Kai to the service of the Flamecaller will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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